THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LATEST | LocAL | / MIPANEE GETS BC FEATURE 10-MORROW Brockville and Peterboro to Play Off for Eastern Inter=- mediate Title. Napanee will have a big attraction tomorrow when the. Brockville and Peterboro teams will play their final game for tlie eastern title in the in- termediate O.B.A.A., both these | teams having eliminated all oppon- | ents In their path. Peterboro and | Brockville tied in their home and home games and Napanee was decid- ed upon as the place of the playoff. Under the energetic management Of Jack Adams, the grounds at the Napanee park have been put into fine | shape and a stand erected for the oo- | casion. - The grounds there form a good place for a playoff and the + erowds are always handied well. The umpires for the game will be | Howard, of Ottawa, and Skitch, of | Cobourg, two men who should give | Complete satisfaction. .Skitch offici-| ated in the Picton-Kingston playoff | with Jake Solomon, of Peterboro, | and was very satisfactory. { Napanee is very fortunate in se-! it will awaken greater. interest in Napanee in baseball and help things along there generally and Kingston organizations as a whole are pleased that the smaller centre will get the benefits of the match. Both Peterboro and Brockville carry fast teams and it should eer- tainly be a game worth watching. PAGE J. ¥. MACDONALD. Most of Us Fail to Get Ottawa Scribes Drift Here. Here is an effusion from one of the Ottawa papers. We understand the first part perfectly, but the second goes away over our heads. Oh, them similes, and them metaphors: Argonauts, one of the most famous rugby clubs in Canadian football his- tory, and one that has stood in the forefront for the past four years, is facing the rebuilding process. With new half backs trying to fill the big shoes left by Conacher, and a smart half in Munroe, they face extinction in the Big Four race almost before they start. That tie by Tigers has shaken the Argo confidence. They face their next game against the maddened Ottawas, who will throw everything but the goalposts at them in the next game. This Ottawa team curing this playoff, though it is in } will be as mad as a flock of bulls im- Some ways rather difficult to see why Kingston did not get it. However, "Auctioneer! Aucitoneer! SERVICE AND SATISFACTION We conduct sales in Kingston and Frontense County, E. W. Jackson& Son 408 Clergy Street. Phone 2073) 4 Shave Un MENNEN paled on a barb wire entanglement. They are ready to eat Argonauts en- tire. Argos will be ready to bite back pretty savagely, so the whole affair should be the premier sporting at- traction of the seagon. The rush to get a glance of this attraction should be one of the biggest crushes of the autumn. In the past the shores of opportun- ity have been lined with the wrecks of Ottawa's rugby aspirations, and on Saturday it looked as though another boat freighted with a cargo of dreams was going to ride an aimless hulk into the harbor of vanished hopes. The atmosphere has changed, how- ever, and there is a settled convic- tion stealing among the players that they will have to whip the Argos. They have no ilfusions, they know that the City op Oriava expects them to win. The Rubicon is ahead! The bridge is narrow, and only one team can cross the gap that leads to a place in the race. The swollen cur- rent is the place for the Argos. FOOTBALL RETURNS OF THE * Queen's vs. Running Score at Billiar Room--New Tables and renovated throughout. ORPHEUM BILLIARD ROOM Upstairs. Telephone 1477. for table reservations. CIGAR STAND IN CONNECTION. McGill Game Kingston's Finest ~ SPORTING PERNOCK GREAT HELP TO YANKS (His Work Has Made Flag Winning Easy for New York. Left handers with control are put to no more trouble finding a place on a major league staff than a $%0 bill has of locating a pair of hands. Last winter when Herb Pennock was sold by the Red Sox to New York, no repetition of Armistice day in Gotham followed. In fact, some of the world-paint- ers there expressed doubt how Herb was going to help the Yankees, after they painted out his skinny victory bag with the tailenders in 1922. One of the first to burst out and say that something better than a jar of pickles had been sent from Boston to Baltimore was a tall gentleman bearing the entitlements of C. Me- GiHieuddy. "That's a wonderful stroke of the Yanks, and the A's have lost the pennant already. Pennock, with the Yanks, will be the best southpaw in the American league. No southpaw still above the sod has better control, and he knows as much about Ameri- can league hitters as the K.K.K, does about white goods. Why should we go to Montgomery now?" Mr. Mack was right, Pennock has been one of Huggin's most depend- able winners this season. He was just the added kick the Yank staff needed to win the pennant without any headaches in the closing days. Pennock, with a record of 16 vio- tories, is the pitchar who made the 1923 pennant campaign a pushover for Miller Huggins. There are southpaws clogging Pullman aisles and weakening the arms of hotel waiters today who have more speed, more stuff than Pennock, but their names are not found on as many winning score sheets mailed to B. B. Johnson in Chicago. They haven't Herb's con- trol, brains, confidence and knowl- edge of hitters. The control's the thing, as W. Shakspeare did not dictate between shows to his stenographer. Take Fennock last Labor day. Went through nine innings and gave only one pass. Stuck the ball wherever he wanted. Had the Macks roped and tied all day. That was pitch- ing. Plank had control, and he was a winner. So had Nap. Rucker, of Brooklyn. Rube Waddell was an- other. Pittsburgh today has a south- paw in Cooper who is as steady as the keeper of a lighthouse. The same description applies to Art Nehf. Give Wallberg, now with the Macks, control and he will be more dangerous than a swig of hooch. Ovengros, of the White Sox, a wee fellow, is skittish, but once acquir- ing control he wil win games for Willie Gleason, the boy manager. Big league owners spend thous- ands all the time looking for that comic. hit. "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read It, you sing it. Try It on your plane, Watoh nightly for this big PLAY THIS PLAYFULLY GENERAL REVIEWS expects to enjoy the prestige during away off celor last night. . . . looked. better than he did last night. conditioned him and handled something he has done very little of from home. Queen's University this morning. guy in Toronto ls "Duke" somebody. harried business men will not want during the afternoon. Old Jack Johnson is still in the must take a mighty spirit to come through a second-rate barnstorming been worse champions than Johnson. v - Toronto Globe: "Duke" McGarry, of Parkdale C.C., will leave for Gee, says the small boy, every second With Toronto planning a baseball park in the city for next summer the coming season that he has in| former years, he will have to change his method of training, for he was | Giving Young Mack all the credit that is due him for his progress, there is no getting away from the fact' he is not in Eber's class and was lucky to get a draw last night, bad as Eber | There is talk of Eber meting Tremaine in the near future, but he had better steer shy of Jimmy Dunn's whirlwind if he does not do And, incidentally, he might do well to reconsider his decision to part company with Walter Obernesser, who him in all his important bouts. He was never better than when under Walter's care and he did plenty of road work, lately." There's a little good advice | to send office boys out on errands | ring and still smiling. After all, it; down from a world's title and go tour with a smile. There have | has Couple of Montreal Journals ahe having a little fun at the expense | of another over misplaced names under two enough in Ontario, but the scribes up this way think little sociable if they lived in Montreal. ~ lllustrations. That's bad that they'd be a left-hander with control or will have it in a season or two, and he is al- ways worth the money when found. CLOUDS GATHER OVER SELECTION OF U.S. HORSE Row Arises Between Admirers of Zev and My Own. Byes of the Jockey Club, a com- mittee of which has to select the American three year old that will carry the national colors against Papyrus, the English Derby winner in the international race at Belmon: Park, began to see something that looked like storm clouds in the sky. The row between the admirers of Zev, the Sinclair colt and My Own, the dashing youngster owned. by Admiral Grayson, has crept beyond the bounds of the racing fraternity and is becoming almost a national issue. A letter of or engral Mit- chéll, head of the' : Air Service, to August Belmont, presi- dent of the Jockey Club and sponsor of the race, demanding; in effect, a square deal for My Own, showed the extent to which the race has becoms of general and national interest. In- making a seleétion of the Am- erican entry the Jockey Club is in a position "they will be darned if they do and just as darned if they don't." General Mitchell voiced the senti- ment of all the partisans of My Own. when he suggested that if the owners of Zev refused to consent to a match race with My Own, that the Grayson colt be selected to carry the Ameri- can standard against the British thoroughbred. Zev, according to Sam Hildreth, his trainer, threw frog in his last start and for that reason he was said to be unable to run in. the match race which was proposed as a means of deciding which was the better of the two leaders of the year. Zev won every one of his starts this season with the exception of the Preakness and Hildreth claims that he is the ch n of his class on that record a! Admirers of My Own maintain that Zev does not rate the honor mérely because he showed such fine form In the early season. Officials of the Jockey Club do things without announcing reasons and when Hildreth refused to accept several offers for a match race, on the grounds that he could not get Zev ready for an earlier test and have him retain his form for the big in- ternational rece, the selection com- mittee said that it would have'to do the best it could, under the circum- stances. I ----------. Vancouver Buys Bostrom. Helgy Bostrom, substitute defence man of the Edmonton Eskimo Hoc- key Club, has been sold -to Frank Patrick's Vancouver Millionaires, ac- cording to an announcement made by' Manager Kenny McKenzie. The pur- JACK JOHNSON HAD - HIS POCKET PICKED And He Also Toyed With Bat- tling 8iki In Exhibition at Quebec. At Quebec on Monday evening Jack Johnson and "Battling" Biki, former world's champions in the heavyweight and light heavyweight divisions, made their Canadian debut by giving a six round exhibition at the Arena before a crowd of some three thousand people. The exhibition was a pretty one to watch. Johnson's skill and clever- ness being an outstanding feature. Time and time again he would tie 8iki up after the Senegalese had tried to bombard him with rights and lefts, and would then smile upon the crowd, while when he jabbed his left into his opponent's face, even though there was no steam behind the blow, Biki recolled a couple of feet. Siki appeared to be on the verge of losing his temper on at least one occasion in every round when hs would dance round like a dervish and let loose everything in his re- pertoire for about a minute in each round. Johnson let him hit with all his power ,but would not take any of the blows on his face. fie took tha majority of them on his arms or gloves, and those that he didn't take he let glide harmlessly by. The men went through six rounds that were fast, and there was a great deal of hard punching done, all by 8iki, for Johnson did not once swing at his man with any steam behind it. Had he done so, he would have lift- ed Siki out of the ring. Johnson complained after the ex- hibition that his pockets had been picked and the sum of $600 taken. Yankees Favorites, The New York Ysnkees, despite their defeats at the hands of the Giants in the last two world's series, have been established as slight fav- orites in financial circles for the 1923 diamond classic. Several wagers were recorded in Wall Street at odds of to 5 and 11 to 10 on the Ameri- can Leegue champions. ------ Skunks Overrnn Pembroke. Pembroke, Oot!" 4.--This town is having a plague of skunks. In all parts of the town the little striped animals that no one wants to meet may be seen leisurely winding their way at dusk to the different poultry yards. The market place itself is re- dolent with their presence. Tell the "Lord your frafities, but keep them from men, lest advantage is taken of you. As a general thing the self satis fied individual is not satisfied with mankind in general. You can take it for granted that you never have to dun the man who chase price was not made publis. Gey Reet owes you a grudge, tg ob MPI AMeg q 'NEWS FROM THE OUTSIDE--LOOKING IN. | ! Says the Hamilton Spectator: "H our fellow-townsman, Robert Eber, | THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928. TIMELY COMMEN1S * 'HEADQUARTERS We have been appointed distributors for Kodak supplies for Kingston and district. Kodak As You Go | © Fresh stock of Films, Film Packs, Paper Developing outfits and Albums: Your Films developed and printed. SERVICE--SERVICE. ; Treadgold Sporting Goods Co- 88 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 529. Get the Habit: "For Records Try Treadgold's First." WHEN VISITING OUR CITY Try Kingston's Leading Restaurant for Your Meals. Where you get the best possible service and just what you want, prepared as you like it. GRAND CAFE, PETER LEE, Prop. 222 PRINCESS ST. TWO DOORS FROM OPERA HOUSE, DOOMED TO DIE-- GLOOM! | =(T5 IN OUR i DON'T KILL TT -- math 3 ww RES waft The world-famed comedians "Mr. Gallagher & Mr. Shean who will open fire in : The Daily British Whig OU all have heard, or heard of, these cele-' brated sing-song rhymesters. Most of you os their place among the greatest of all "big time? "Mr. GALLAGHER & Mr. SHEAN" have been re-created in cartoon form by Jo Swerling, and they're guaranteed--under iron clad contract --to shoot "Gloom" full of holes!