THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a -- SEE US FIRST | WEEKLY POULTRY LESSON If you have a leaky boller don't] worry about having to buy a new one Under the Authoritative Direction of . until you have seen us. We are cap- | able of welding any broken parts by Prof. F. C. Elford a sure-fire process that always ac- Dominion Poultry Husbandmen complishes the highest welding rol sults. Consult us before doing any- . --- : aa thing else. Our prices make it eco- With Specialized Information | nomy to see us first. | Contributed by G. W. Miller { RB; 1 Author of Coldbelt Poultry Course. Bishop Machine Shop te rng Leet in sccorimey' with the Copyriaht det JACK FROST is not far away. Are YOU prepared to meet him? KING AND QUEEN STREETS | MATURING THE PULLETS. given below at the different periods | Tt Tr i ee [mame ll Weare showing the kind of OVERCOATS that will keep you Warm and Comfy this Winter. October and Novembe'. | Weeks * - . lay in | Building Blocks, Bricks and Sand iss oii "acm = | MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE. [000 speck care that Many of au) 4 Ting ili} ALL THE BEST STYLES THE REAL COATS FOR 3 AND MAKES : OUTDOOR USE and ABUSE MENT BRICK LINTELS, SILLS, BASE COURSE IES ICKS, ! ? dition for laying so early. Much| 20 PIER CAPS, ETC. ¥ : Boni 3 ' 5 : . y yet be done, however, to hasten DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING [J ™3y ve s ' SAND, AND GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. along the maturity of the growing puliets, - s "le . ! One of the first things to remem- By observing these weights month | = OO V d G t O Pri R. J. McCLELLAND ber in growing pullets is that they |by month. a poultryman may know | ee ur arie an e ur ces - : . . a |should not be allowed to lay unti:|whether his pullets while growing | CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS : |they have attained full bodily devel are putting on normal weight for | it will commence laying before its should be kept in sepprate flocks for | b/ o SPECIAL! ' {best results. This gives all an equa | en S uits MEN'S FINE weight. Now that eggs of tne nigh- lous, 150 pairs of Men's | care should be taken in growini| 1. Why is it desirable for a pul- $29.95 Every garment has pairs King St. 4 Telephone 762. [gins to swell and the head and face |time, respectively of bodily and sex- line-- genuine Eng- isfaction as to cut, |ovaries, such as mush, etc., should |ration of developing pullets? an d fine English money refunded. opment. A bird may be so fed that [their age. Pullets of different sizes - ' body has reached normal size and ' | weight. When this is so the first chance in the battle of life, and the » E eggs will be quite small an@ ah smaller birds are not trodden under 500 MEN S FIN ) |through the bird's life will be under- [foot by the larger and more vigor- Fine English Take it easy this Summer. Have your Dinner with us. Good est legal grade must weigh" at least Wo i SHIRTS things well served. Prices reasonable. two ounces, it is very important that |Questions for this Week's Lesson, rsted Su ts pullets to not impair their systems |let to reach bodily maturity before 2 : THE VICTORIA CAFE /#0 as to Interfere with the size of starting to lay? This 1s a real wonde our guarantee of sat- extra fine Boots, In JEWLY LEE, Mgr. | their eggs. If a pullet's comb be- 2. Can a poultryman regulate the r Black or Tan {lo redden before it has reached mo:- ual maturity? : : : mal size, all feed that exdftes the| 3. What affect has milk m tae lish Botany Serge make and finish or ON SALE }' be cut-down or entirely withdrawn 4. If you found your pullets at a : : : : from its rations. . There is not likely | certain period were underweight for Worsted Suits, thor- Im rted En li h 3° . e192 to be much necessity for this this |their age, what should you do to oughly tailored --- 1n Po ghs e ntis 18 UDIIS ing > t so [1jzalls bowever. Sorront Thiel od Navy Blue, Brown ~Zephyrs | ' Forcing Pullets to Maturity. Answers to Last Week's Questions. and Iron Grey shades Fancy Corded ® has a Department specially equipped to | Rather, special efforts will bave| 1. Animal andi green feeds are --models for Young Madras to be made to get the pullets up| necessary in the poultry ration 'to execute all classes of /both in size and laying condition.|supply the nutrient elements which Men, Standards and Finest Quality Sizes 6-1 1. They should be allowed to range at|are lacking in the grain feed. We . J YOR at Big Men. Sizes 35 to Soisette P r [ will, and both grain and mash get certain should be kept In hoppers before only from animal sources, and grow- : . OB RIN IN them all the time. The hoppers | ing vegetation furnishes vitemines 44. Suits that are Printed Cord ' ' easily worth $45.00 ~ Percales Men's and Boys ARERR gman may be placed out of doors if they | which are helpful in assimilating mye are so made as to protect the feed [the food and also furnishes mineral First-class sefvice and fair prices i week 7s romani Ee diese tapers (ff 0-day, Sizes 1416.16]. '| SWEATERS and phiges. : OUR SPECIAL ONE PRICE PULLOVERS this purpose: -- supplemented by giving preparec 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. Two 'parts wheat bran by-products from the meat packing : ; ; : One part wheat shorts establishments, by giving milk or In a variety of shades One part whole ground corn | milk products, or by utilizing tne! whe | One part ground oats or oat flour | carcasses of animals that are acci- and styles, from | One part meat meal. {dently killed. * With this the birds should have! 3. Supplementary sources oo. | - l all the buttermilk or sour skim growing vegetation are ping ® » | . 0 er milk they will drink. If milk in | mangels, beets and sprouted oats, 4. Farm flocks often lay poorly | * ® one of these forms cannot be had. . eCl I'ices on buy condensed buttermilk and dil-|in winter because they do not get a {ute it down by adding water, . |supply of animal and succulent green The dry mash should be supple-|food. ® 'mented with the following whole ' . i |graln mixture:-- a Sigh . attan urniture | Iva jasts wheat: MARTI Ng i 3 One part cracked corn : ' 4 One part culied oats Was rl ite dunstown ¥ | This may be fed in hoppers also, Junetown, Oct. '2. -- The pupils | but if the birds. cease foraging for of the school are delighted with the "MEN"S AND BOYS' COMPLETE OUTFITTER" {bugs and other range feed, it is bet- results of th : . + the annual school (fair Rattan Chairs in {ter to dispense with the hoppers and held last Tues at M 2 | { withhold all grain until late in the Strong ay A aionyt ows. 336 Princess St. : Phone 1454w Fumed, Old Ivory, jafternoon. Then scatter near their | the different/sehools present. and the . : houses, giving them all they willl numerous exiiibite were much above | Frosted Brown, Sil- eat, the average. The silver cup, donat- | a WB If the pullets are being properly |ed by the Mallorytown Women's In- i v A Se aa Po I fed they will be sent to roost with titute for" damage was -done.- The ¢heese fac-| ° ol ES stitute for stock judging, was won a $ io ver Grey, upholst bulging crops. by Junetown pupils for the second |lOTY is receiving the mmx sroun 'oh consecutive year. They were also |three routes belonging to Ban Gili A ---|#econd in the parade. The successful | cheese factory which was burned a We dey By hy ation | Stock' judging team was Willie Fer- [few weeks ago. Tomatoes are be: ' ratio guson and Donald Turner. 'Tha prize | Ing deliverad to 'the canning factory limited to wheat, corn, and oats will i 'not develo they should. Th money amounied to $17.30. Be- [quite freely during the past week, al- jos Se slop or oy pr A Se sides the above, a numuer of points | though rot is reducing the yield. .. ! oo - i . S¥pP umey » ID ad- | ops won In the relay. running and | Misses Helen Talcott and Marjorie (8 on 0 21v nes eas 8 in ground | super races. Much. credit is due the |Purtelle have resumed_their studies los, y Ha an green Jone '0 | teacher, Miss Beatrice Aver¢, also [et Queen's University, Kingstgn, A 3 {have the c ks grow normally and | yng parents who encouraged the pu- (E. Knapp and wile visited friemgs Chesterfields, Di- [Sevelop, into. healthy, vigorous stock. | pi1g 'in their work. in Kingston recently, Work-h eine il ui She 8PPE- | William - Purvis, Brockville, spent [commenced on the mew Methodist vanettes, Daven- a A 1 log = Bo ap e a ve oh the week-end with his parents here. |[church. ~ Rally service on Sunday I d : [» a om pd ae Be Foil Cedric Scott. Ogdensburg, N. Y., }was well attended. Several cars 3 x ; "| spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. of 'rock were unloaded for the pro- * ports," upholster ' Foot ter mife, A healthy Apyetise Mays and Mrs. H. Seott. - Miss Gertrude |vincial highway. | : . ' kc OM Vigor and reserve energy. © "eed- | Scott, Lansdowne, was also home| Mrs. Abram Rundle is on the sfck ember to Kk fo mn Tapestry, Ve- ey " fr ing of milk In either of these rms | for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. (list with' pneumonia. Only one 4 , as I 1 Mohai d NP ade Is a successful method of stimulat-| Henry Mulvaugh, Lansdowne, visited [evaporator out of the three located ours, ohairs an 3 ing egg production at the beginning funday at Robert Mulvaugh's. Sev- here will be run this fall. Stephen Edd S$ when u L : . ' of the season. It has the effect of | era! from hers attended the Wilson [White, an old resident of this place Yo 0 Ir Imitation Leather. % \ x getting the birds down to laying | Burnham saic at Melntosh Mills, on died on Saturday. He is survived when they seem to be a little un-| Monday. Mr.and Mrs. W. H. Frank. by his wife, one son, Leslie White, match certain, Fo lin, also Mrs. E. Franklin, visited | Toronte, ang two daughters, Mrs. eS | ---- Mr. and Mrs. O. Shaver, Brockville, Vancleaf and Mrs. Stanley Gibson, 5 S Monthly Weight and Age at Matur. |°7 Friday Mr. and Mrs. Willam [who reside here. Interment wae | : | y he Hall spent Thursday last in Brook- ON SALE EVER made in Wellington cemetery, Tiber ngnt | ville. a IN CANADA } q Sve The Leghorns ang : breeds should begin to lay In 5% SN ------------ r A Holes Out Wrong Ball; Disqualified. Ro t. J. Reid months, Wyandottes, and Reds in HANDLING MILK. Tn ial ined. 3e mouths Ma Famowh Rocke : | son, of Greenwich, one of the leading ~ Director of Funeral Servive, Ambulance Phone 577. Sa iy oe id uy A orced (Of Three Routes Sent to a Factory plavers in the Metropolitan district, -- ! 0 ry Ti eaplier, t ul . always Recently Burneq, : | was disqualified by reason of a queer | ing it out of the cup Mscovered by its | she had reached the turn in 43, and 8 8 expense > aT the eggs. Bloomfield, Oct. 3.--Warm weath- happening on the tenth hole of the | markings that it was not the ball hwae almost certain to ba among the If a longer period is en nothing er during the last week changed | qualifying round in the women's na- | with which she had started from the | qualifiers. \ . . ~~" Is gained and the cost of production |to cooler weather. A thunderstorm tional golf championship. Playing | tee. Under the rules, therefore, she | on Forty Years | In Servien. © ic : rum wil vanish before is eon erates. Growing accompanied by 38004 Lat fall, pas- | what she considered her own ball, | was autcmatically disqualified. It! You may make yourself agd family 4 » y \ pullets Tr e wel Sed over here on Friday, but ne 1 wi . - 1 wi i " Morris, Pembroke, completed "forty : ey ay she holed out with it, but upon lift-! was particalarly unfortunate in that | miserable by being too frugal. A NE I NN tang) 4 he eli f g IRentrew county, as a government or | = THE GREAT CLEAN UP ~ county official, having during that : : . period Secapied the positions of Be. ; R : 3 ROG] 3 t rift. t fr ay = 8, Ne oR ROE Bren | RRA RO or Ore cl BY HOW BOUT THE oun) Meu 19 J UP MBN YOUR VOTE I5B0UND) UP POLITICS -- DISHES, MRS. S A lot of times a handsome face il , fle > ONE KE THE ATIC CLENUP CVRYIING, TN doesn't have much backing so far id 16 2 aes | &s brains are concerned.