Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Oct 1923, p. 15

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¢ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1929. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ---- eee rr . - ---- - ee ---------- ee ------------ We ---- Of Course You Would Have Sold It Long Ago If You Had Advertised It Here Announcement = = Instruction Merchandise [ Real Estate For Sale, ET - - | Che British Whig | fSenounooment | ; = |= = h KINGSTON. ONT. Lost and Found Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44] Wanted---To Buy 00 | Farms and Land for Sale. 83 COLUMBIA BICYCLE-- Lost, from a DAISY JOHNSON--A. T. C. M., teacher OLD GOLD--llver, or False Teeth, for| 187 ACRES--Bulldings in good condi- G W " ING | t CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS 7 JeWAaY Tues- of Violin and Piano. Pupil ared | lar Wellington Street driveway, on A . nn - upiis prep { cash or exchange. . Lyons, , 80 acres under cultivation, comn~ Indexed, standardized and popu ay. indly return same to A. G. for Toronto Conservatory examina- hi nt to schoo / Say A { e -- e ass! e tions. Stadio: 307 Collingwood St.,| 244 Princess street. Kingston. ell watered 8 infin fron wc hotorx, ized according to Willlame, 171 Wellington Street. Joh Phone 2329 4 mete | YHA. 171 Wellington" Strest. -- | { (near Johnson). one w. half mile from vinelal All sada ar Festiinted 0 Ye the | CRANK Found, for can on Queen St rr - - - Rooms For Rent. Will sell cheap. ori. ofr: proper classifica . Owner may have same at the Whig| What is th lati ha i b . h " OLIVE M. WOODMAN -- Teacher of Westbrooke, Ont. e relation that exists between them? singing and theory. Studio 185 Earl| 5 Rooms With Board 67 . 200 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from Alex- regular Daily Whig style of type. Office 7 . o ---------------- | y Street. Phone 857m. Fall term be-| IED RATES - m-- . Bi Well, the clock me res d the classified 8 Ss { CLASSIFIE EAR-RING--Found, long blue, Thurs- | k measuzgs time and t a4 Z2ns Sept. Joh. | BOARD AND ROOMS--Large, double! Sndria a wit ja.4 NM ithouaker, Can | front room, with fireplac Single ought with without stock, on Daily rate yer line or consesuLIve day morning. Apply 138 Division St.| save time. ro \ : hone 1870m. erchandise. | room; H. W. heating; reasonable rates. y terms. Declining years is own. Minimum charge, 25 cents. GLOVES Fon in Bank of Mont Also, the clock is indexed to make possible the mea- --=| Apply 298 University Avenue, near| le hE Apply Charley 5 suring of time, and the A-B-C Classified Section is in- Articles For Sale 51) Brock Street. F. B. Mc! Ames. Mo ATteL Na Lally rates per line Charge Citsh real, Brown Chamoisette, Owner may | 6 . see have same at Whig Office. ! dexed--both alphabetically and numerically--to make | Kingston, Ont. possible the ns of il Both are dort 80 you ANTIQUES--A carload of old Antique Kooms Without Board 68 = 2 . 2 3 3 y y 1 tio Feonure, arrives, Your Jnspection] ROOMS--Two, comfortable, furnished. louses For Sale 84 A H ge GLASBEB--Lost, tortolse-rimmed, in . s district, Strand Theatre. | p os SF : business district, or 1d . may find out instantly what you want to know when - Invited. Sistas Antique | Suey, 507 | every convenience. Apply 218 Uni- « versity Avenue. Phone 1216J. BRICK HOUSE--7 Yooms, 4 bedrooms, t Births, Engagements, Marriages, Please return to 144 Ontario Street. | i . you consult them. AWNINGS -- Tents, Autqmeblle Renta BED SITTING ROOM--Comfortable, In electric lights, &88, 3 plece bath, furs 50; ca .00. Rew ais and Memoriam eward. ying | nace, well decorated, Uni | warm, modern house. Board at $6 near Universit 4.700. on Street, Notioes----Charged. $1.60; casa, $1.00 HAND-AXE--Lost. surveyors, mall, And both the clock and the classified ads have become Beterbarough Canoes, Life Ba user . el, th spring edge gu ' - : y ags, arpaulins. . . N Advertising prdered for irregular ey 1 fl 4pring edse guard, In for | absolute necessities to the high speed of this modern age. Soke 319 Bogor Sur ae nearby. Young man of good stand- takes the - - 5 : | in okin or EO ome r : c Sons ta ad. taken for less thas yetusn to Please Hotel | Consult both your clock and the A-B-C Classified BABY CARRIAGE -- White English | TE will TED Cy or Wel RE cHousn---s rooms, 3 bedrooms, basis of four jiziea, words to the' | BNITTING BAG--Lost, containing red Section and you will be on time whenever opportunity style, lined with white kid, in perfect! Ing to Box T-2, Whig Office. nace, porch, ae. jee bazs, Ju nt sl e sweater, almost completed. "inder | . condition; hardly used Apply 168] oto "ov 1 red ads. will be received. by please return same BL Jreadgoids) calls. Lower Bagot Street, near Charles St.| ROOMS--Two nicely furnished, in a 300, ¥oom overhead, Frontenac--3d,» Cha A porting Goods Co., Princess Street, | nice part of the city; every conveni- telephone and if paid a Sa Brite tpg, eet ere eaten a bn THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS BRICK--Harq and soft, any quantity.| ence. For further particulars apply| THREE BUNGALOWS--$2100 ish Whig Office within Js fate | LADY'S HANDBAG Found, on corner | : a . Apply E. E- Walthem, corner Birch| Box Q-1, Whig Office. $3000. Good buyin $2300, th rat ay of nservion, cas of Wellington and Jarrack Streets. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE and Collingwood Streess. Phone 618 or 8. w e 363 Bre Street. | ra a a Aas. ordered los more 0 oad Suk. 20D 19352 Drak Buon ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY dou Rooms For Housekeeping 69 M. B. TRUMPOUR and stoppe efore e. ONE PURSE---Found, two umbrellas, 1 & BARGAINS--In men's sweater coats, | MS 7 Ba, 4 Only be charged for the number Of | To" Gloves in Sydenham Street | all wool, $2.75; army khaki pants. | Nee DS ae. furnished. for 337 Bagot Screet. times the ad. appeared and Adjus church. Owners may have same by | shirts, whipcord riding breeches, blan-| ogy gop cooking, electric lights, good, Phones 704 or 1542F. [ent made at the rate earned. f applying to the Sexton. | Bets, blue coats, leather vests, sheep- | locality. Apply Box L-28 Whig Of- a Jer lize for We 8 = ---- -- rs | skin coats, etc, at A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- | % : ' ? | ELMTREE HOUSE Prof, D. H. Mar. e . URS -Lost, containing sum of money | cess St. i ---- | Shall] ofters for le h Special r for yearly advertising on Monday or Tuesday. Finder please _-- Wanted--Rooms oF ard 78 8rounds Full ori fesidence abd Plblisners ore the right to edit return to Whig Office, | @ i Pr "Ser i 0, | Seen ist m------ Street and Slwiege. corner of Union ers r | 2-leaf table, organ, walnut sideboard, | y | Street and Alwingto y or Jejuct all classified advertising SCOTCH [COLLIE Lost, mostly black, SA Bus ness S rvices a2} aii Employment | one heater, three ring gas burner. | RAY: yigney foam un uka? to purchase invitede fochue Ofters . with a little white an rown. Any- |= err Bol ee --------------=---- | Cheap to. quick purchaser. For infor-| P 3 ¥ 5 | ---- p-- Tefipnone 243, ask for & want ad. body found harboring same after this Cleaning, Dyeirg, Renovating 20 Help Wanted--Female 32| mation ae 1252. Avly any time. | housekeeping. . lease state terms.| HOUSE--One of the best POI Pons R y nC 1 le « , | 9 iv o Ave ply 0. 3, C | pe ~ wad wi 31, be prose el chasse notily | CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle; 102 Livingston Avenue. = Crore m= | improveminte T&e lot. Lg s Announcements | yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We COOK-GENERAL--Good wages. Apply | DINING SUITE--Solid oak, at reason- | Apartments and Flats 74| 357 Johhson Street. y, a3 TARPAULIN---Lost, on Tuesday morn- | guarantee a good Job. Furniture re-| Mrs. G. Ww Gibbard, Napanee, Ont. able price. For appointment phone Personals U| ing betwesn Westhiook and' Odessa] PMFing o- uli kinds Mujlera Bioydle 946J. | APARTMENT --Furnished, 3 rooms, on| __ Finder advise Geo. Robertson and Son, | Works, »73 King Street. Phone w. nr : tn ground floor. fireplace, hot water heat- SEE---Bateman's large Rea: Estate ade ps ot mited. ! | a --ieneral, no washing. Apply! DINGHIES--Two A. class, 14 ft. sail-| Ing, electric ght, gas for cooking sement, page 3, column MATRIMONY Heugsbize ney er : | Ladics' Hair Paetfor. 2ta| Miss Lyman, 127 King at West, Ing dinghies; used two season's; con-| Apply 168 Division Street. Lh means, would marry, if suited. TENNIS RACKET--Found, on Brock | | Phone $6w d " CNNTS TF y e . ition" perfect; very fast; cheap for Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohlo. 8t. Owner may have same at 86 HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to quick sale. Apply Hil\ Phone 660 or| APARTMENTS--Fully modern unfur-| 5 . SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles,| Frontenac Street. | order. Also SBhampooing and Massag- 651. | nlshed housekeeping apartments on | $3500--Barrie Street, brick, 7 rooms. Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, ? ing. Children's hair cutting. Mrs.| COOK--Apply to Mrs. W. H. Macnee, | south side. Apply J. F. Leatherland, §ia0010 rooms, solid brick, large lot. Sears, Pits, etc, removed pérmanent-|. or , Charles Cunningham, 66 Bay Street,| 115 Lower Union Street. DRY WOOD--40 cords of body maple,| 41 Brock Street. Phone 585J. $3000 --Btore, Division Street. Rental i tiara fitted and | VANITY CASE--Found, lady's. -Owner| Kingston. ' 20 cords of soft. Can be shipped at - #43 per month on § year lease. z have failed. | Way have same at Jackson-Metivier's, once. Apply to J. A. Hunter, Tam- ARARTMENT-. Four rooma; all gon- Sis, room semi-bungalow all X : nsur Ye Ta : worth, Ont venlences; hot water heating. 08 ; OHSS Sites, anicnout Spereciyn _ 58 Se Co fneals references. required. semlon September 15 Apply Whites) $1300 Bago Street, trame. Ye, Tar, Nose. Throat, Skin, - 268 y prem FIRE Automobile and Casualty Insur.| ~77'7 Mré Hemming, 47 George st. ELECTRIC PLATE--New, {two burner. | Insurance Agency. Sore sinter Rideau. Jouble. Frame, S Beeras Ph . ' | Y 3 #0 three burner gag plate. Apply AY aL Store us Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1138. | Utomo 03 ana. B. 3 Crumley, 430 Ear] Street. | ooo | 275 Division Street. 8. PPh APARTMENTS -- Double parlors with] Stock, fixtures and goodwill, ioeas; Fa | partition, fireplace, kitchenette, gas,| lOcated. | 5 { 1s | v rn tn | rent een tet et tt ---- i Lost and Found 10 | Automobiles For Sale 11 KITCHEN HELP--Apply Belmont Din-| FURNITURE Den sett. kitchen cabi-| electricity, permanent, 'ladies prefer. | Several Buhgalows on easy terms on ee | COUCH-- (Full size), 4 kitchen chairs, | INSURANCE--Only the most rellable| ing Room, 65 Brock street. | "net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand| red, near University.- Apply 44 Q'Kill| South side| Come in and see our listings. No fn- formation given over phone. LSON, REALTOR, A | ; ra Te : + BLACK SILK HOSE--Found, on Satur-| CHEVROLET --- . Roadster, cheap for| Companie, represcnte: Strange &| } desk Apply J. The rig Hone Phony Iain e > tion. P Strange, established In 1860. Office: 95 | --eroo === esks . pply J. ompson, rin- . he day, on Princess Street. Owner may | cash: good running condition. Phone Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. | TaDime 'Have an opportunity to ert cess street, phone 1800W. | | FLAT--6 rooms, gas and electric light. | have same at 343 Division Street. 2223 w. from Ten to Thirty "bull a! 3 H. 4 1 -- | 3 RY tars weekly | STOVE-- G , | Rent reasonable. Apply $0 Prin | 316 Barrie Street. INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident from now until Christmas with our HaLL S rave xia, bass) Street, next to Bank of fos as) i Phone 1088. Division Street. | 3 ee Streets | insurance at low rat Phone E.| or spare time. Sampl y - Ray | Garage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets, | Williams, 2 Couper Str mples free. Write { Real Estate For Rent 0ts For Sale BS | 2 | | Cr NK] nd, ww Chev t ear, . CRANK---Found, for~ Ci role Blue| policy will protect your salary. Fire! line of Personal Greeting Cards; whole | -- > | = A : | for information. D-122, Carlton Pub-| HANGING LAMP-- Baby Carriage in| | lishing Company, Toronto, Ont. | near the Outer Station. Owner may | USED CARS-- Several Apply have game at 773 Montreal Street. Tru [oir first class condition. Apply to 10 Rus-| | LOT--Valuable b Moving, cking, Storage, 23 | MAR HORET A HOE fi7ss Flass pply | Business Places For Reat 78 | "her of Centre ind Om Jot on the cor. Home of Used Cars X : [2A E--§15 to $60 ; | Tor he na ets. Room O ABHE leaned out of celiars and | ke weekly for your spare time writ- LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street| ( ok: Phe \ houses. Apply J. B, yards, clean job done. A. Jacdregor, | ng show cards for us. No With ssing. | HALL HEATER -- Brilliant Tavorite,| '--formerly occupied by the LO.O.F.| 505m Olen: Mes. 342w.." Oftles | . = = | Ford Coupe, late model. RUS 99x 1 1 24 ssell Street. Phone 2255. We instruct and supply you with v . { NEW GERMAN CABINET Studebaker Cqvered Truck. Be Ea vr yo West-Angus Snow Card err Tk gheap. good on ity navy] Apply to Cunningham & Smith. i | $ , >ACE--For ure, clean > orn . $ ig arly yi one | a rr ji; SHEMlY Uden patie. fon sr E. E. Wathem, 144] - Sronts | baby erib. Apply 95 Division Street. | Houses For Rent iti | PALMER AUTO SALVAGE | | i ly | Neilson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. -| PUPIL NURSES--Diploma 2 years; uni- . Corner Bagot and Queen Streets. | GronaAGE For furniture, clean, dry,| [SIM Doard, room. laundry and. cash | KITCHEN RANGE Soryerir To good | HOUSE--5 rooms, all improvements C | J Soa: ! lock | 2llowance provided. Chicago Hospl-| conditions rice reasonable. Appl and gas. Apply 4 Pine Street ~orrect | airy rooms and spuces; your own lock _tal, 811 49th, Chicago, TE p $onaitions Brice so . Apply 620 | E pply ne eet. -------- The Appointment of a Civilian and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- | th ' Cas an | Dictator Is Now Phone 526. Res. 989w. | (See Illustration on rage 14.) Talked Of. FLAT RATE GARAGE -- THE ONLY 305 Queen St. 1 S20 38 Help Wanted--iMale 88 | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Ukuleles, | HOUSES--Several to rent from $15.00 to| When it | | Mandolin, "Banjo, Violin, .Guitars,| $27.00 per month; Cherry Street: two 8é necessary for a work- = mm TN " . I | ain pert Decorating 26 | > ONE IN THIS PART OF ONTARIO. | Painting, Pa ng, atl | BARN--85.00 to $25.00 weekly, the| Mouthorgans, Jews Harps, all strings| apartments on Sixth Street, ali im-| er to stand when performing his TTT "| 'Diskuant Hume Werk way making| for stringed instruments. A. provements; seven roomed house on [regular duties in an office, he should Berlin, Oct. 4.--The German cab- --- GET A PRICE FOR REPAIRING OR socks on the f ical w : Sider Sixth Street, all in : | inet, unable to agree resigned last SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear| 700ks on the fast, easily learned Auto| Musical we have it.--Eider's. , reat, provements and) iW re J > : nitter. Experience un dis furnace; one seven roomed house on| be provided with gh night. President Ebert asked Chan- | OVERHAULING YOUR CAR BEFORE|-276 Bagot street. tance immaterfal; positively no can: | PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you | Sharies Street. Apply H. F. Norman, | enough so that he a, Sat 4 hl go : i y . a yassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept.| & new plano for six months, and in| atric treet. . aye to ceflor Stresemann to form another | GOING ELSEWHERE. PRICES AND vn 28D, | _73C, Auto Knitter Col, Toronts. P| the event uf a purchase at ime ooo of | rr bend over very far. A table the Arc ara once. new, seven rooms |wpopg height will 'make the worker ot: this period we will alloy all the | cabin WORK GUARANTEED, BLUE GAR- MEN--A, PA Arg LILY h large lot There is talk -of the appointment ARCHITECTSPower, Son and Drever rn from: Foptional opportunity to| Money paid to apply thereon. C. W.|. rge lot and barn on North Al- of a civilian dictator, supponted by | AGES, LTD, CORNER BAGOT AND| Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of farp Jrom Tes to one dollars week- Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess 8t. net. Apply ToPil yd, Eastview |lire more quickly ang reduce Y ' Brock and Wellington. "|, oF spire thn i stmas In whole PRICES--Call and get ° efficiency, martial" law, to take charge of af-| QUEEN STREETS. PHONE 587. rE { A e With our line of Per- and get ours, on Cream : = hal Greeting Cards. Samples free,| Separators, Gas Engines, Extension| HOUSE--Hot water heated, electric and eee, fairs following the retirement of Chiropractic 28c. | Weekl pay. D-1%3, Carlton Publish-| ladders, Pumps; (wq good second-| B48, sleeping poroh, garage, 305 Al- BUSINESS SARVICR Chancellor Stresemann's cabinet. MARCELIS--Wm., A., D.C, Ph. C.. ear. |.."& Company, Toronto, Ont. band, Haive Plows. Frost & Wood fred Stree [opposite Victoria Park. | : A 4 - -» A., D.C, Cy } 2 Ontario Street. | me e possession. v. 3p -- Any attempt to glue the tottering mer Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd| TWO MEN_For fall ploughing. in ine W. T. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. | Ww . : . floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, vicinity of Kingston, G RANGE--One Famous Active, wood or coalition together after the tempor sed ( ars Ont." Consultation free. Telephone| Apply to Employment a ages, coal, new hot water front, 'including | PRINCESS STREET--5 rooms, brick. Bank of Gommeros Bulla y an ng Streets. Phone ary compromise on cardinal points 822). Hours ¥ to 12 am, 1 to é p.m. Clarence Street. Stove pipes; All in first class condi-| as and electric. Apply M. E. Ward, ' Smee ------ 2 tion. Will sell ¢ | Canada Stores. of divergence would have resulted In i Drs. G. F. ang Jennle A., Chiro- arpiy 270 Correia? Jor quick le. » Radio Stores Phone 12074 Writ aL hsarane dublous makeshifts, in the opinion of 2 eialisty and phitElsteren Lo y ia | SMALL SHOP -- On Princess Street, | | dent, Sickness, Plate Glass rglary the Reichst leaders, as expressed : : reet. hone 943w. | P a IAS GREET. | SOUVENIR RANGE--With hot water| 8bove Barrie; ene 6 room apartment | | "tc. Representing only rellab, how afte ug failure. of Spro ' DODGE COUPE 1923 urs; 9-12 a.m., 1 to 8. And § to 7.30| $55 ING CARDS: SApTMAS GREET. | attachment land coal and wood grates| With modern conveniences heated, | panies. ie coms ow after e ure nN efl- » Sun dy and other hours by ap- Bon i'w . ree; | in good condition; will sell right; call] one 3 room dwelling over Anderson's, EE ---------------------- intment. Consultation free and women already making $5 u 3 2 forts. Almost new, vith spare tire ana| Pointment. h free. daily, In spare time. Garret 9 up a3 Frontenac, near Princess, dur- 282 Princess. Immediate Pp o mms ' . €tson Com-| ing day or evening. Apply I. Cohen & Company. MERUHANDISE fo Up to noon to«day Chancellor | tube, front bumper, rear vision mirror, Dental 28d, | _PAny, Brantford, Ont. Nind ahisld wiper and other convenient A == | STOVE--Tandora range with water| 180 EARL STREET--Brick, hot water Stresemann had not made the slight- | accessories PT Tr yr - : RKS & SPARKS -- Dentist 169 a citors, Canvassers, Agents, 85 | front. cheap to quick buyer. Appl heating, § bedrooms, bathroom - ' est revelation of the plans he has in| If you intend purchasing a car it| SEA t 498 Joh 8 : 1510777] lor, dining n, PAE will be to your advantage to infpect| ppongiq? Street corner of Brocic BALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- By aay nous Nem, resonable; Abbly 186 Bases' Strent | FURNITURE g of An Descriptions at Reasond oe ces kl for carrying on. . nd carrying these cars. sented distritts. Good pay, free equip- | STOVE--Cook stove, hot water front.| Phone 1884 To KNAPP--Dr. A. B, Dentist. Office: 2568 pent We are the largest growers of| Price $15.00. Also Lindsay Player Princess Street. Phone 653w. rule and ornamentd] trees in-Canada. Plano. Apply 32 Plum Street. 104 BAGOT STREET -- Comfortable by appoint ell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. brick house, rear City Park. Apply Well repaired. at a rgiht ores : . ' EMPIRE ETT EM evening : 3 LEMENT Boyd S Garage ET you will be successful. Write: Pelham | STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer| King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Stoe: Kingston, Ont, * CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers DISCUSS : Legal Nursery Co. Toronto. Square Quebec Stoves a . WILL BE ED 135 Broth stree Phone 201W & -- aiare 48d) Mixed 8.004 Heators, A NE AE : > : ; Situations Wanied--Female 96 | nishes = 357 Princess Street. Phone | $40.00 Johnson Street, 7 rooms. bath. . urk s Econom Co ren cessories s and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, - At lo nfe 08 and Auto Ac rie Tire Parts 13 Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; 339w., opposite Orange Hall. Sr oiic Hants. gas and furnace. HON. ; - -00---Bay Street (furnished - PHONE 70 Will Develop Difference Cyril M. Smith. WOMAN--Desires housework 'by the|SET TOLEDO SCALES Forty gallon| INE, 7 rooms. } dwell 5. Pp OILS--Ours are the cheapest, because day. Apply 30 Plum Street. oil tank,' several show cases and See Mullin for houses to rent. Phone 1 of Opinion they are the best. Come and let us DAY AND REVELLE--Barristerg and counters; all good order. Apply 31| B3%9w, Johnson and Division Streets - prove it. [Eastern Canada Maxotire| "solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- == mm = " | Livingston Ave. Phone PeTw. Rm eS ape | UO Ca Co, Queen and Ontario Sts. Phone| gion. A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle. Financial - London, Oct. 4.--Hon. George | 2080. Money fo loan. Phone 208. Ere STE = BALCO on ha, oul Klass, slid- Farms and Land for Sale. 83 | D - Business Opportunities 8s ' u | i Nc y resented Canada to-day | SPARE PARTS--For most makes and BA x Bid. Bi ture. Also other fixtures. Must be Fd toham, rep y SHEA---~Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and sold to make room. Jack Elder. 269 FARM 20 acres, on the Middle Road: oy o modals of cars. Your old broken and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of Ki * AC 5 at the Empire Boonomic conference, worn parts replaced. Write or wire and. Brock, over Royal Bank. Money FAL TORY COSTING. Ma ke your sal-! Princess Street. shed A53me Jiouse and Dara. wood | "\ Premier King being engaged in oth- | us describing what you want. © We| to loan. Phone 1999. ry worth having by learning our sys- - Eaton, R. 1, Ki d PPly Geo. | er work. Trade development Within carry the largest and most complete | lem. Practical man offers you this| WOOD--Mixed, $2.25 quarter cord; new ---- naston, . . stock in Canada of AHghtly used and Osteopathy 28g. chance at small outlay. Particulars| and second hand lumber, matched lum-| FARM--100 acres of good workland on For all kinds of the empire was the big subject of | new parts and automobile equipment. free. Andrews System. 278..8herman| ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, 7th Ci 0 Ave. ; A , $2. Concession, three mil machine repairs discusion. Empire settlement will be | i0\ 50k, 3.00 Soha: tn hui ids; | OSTROPATHY_A I Sill graduates | are. South. Hamikon, Gut Cy Comorian airoe Maes | LES Arst Clase En Aonly | | Momptiand to" automobile' 'ripaing taken up shortly, and will develop motto. Shaws Auto Salvage Part Ring Robert ang Saua Atncron, 2 Money w Loan 40 | Division, Phone 2303w. artin O'Brien, R.R. 3, Wolfe Island, py " Supply, 3-031 ufferin Street, To- " P - = Zant ; considerable difference of opinions fuppt One t, ment. . : : FRONTENAC--Loan 'and Investment| WINDOW BACKGROUNI We Tore wo Ek MAN who bas ambition encugh | st End, Wellington Street. among delegates from the various = =z Society, Incorporated 1861. President,| 2 Window Backgrounds in excellent tion Wanted" ad de-| dominions. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 Ropairing 20) w. FP. Nickle, K.C.; «president, A. Sondition ang Boat pattern. Price ez very lo 0 ule. u yD . - | The Imperial economic conference | FURNITURE FINISHING-Of 811 Kinds. :* muniorpar ay say, Limited. ® Jer. CE Wi Lind and see - Driscoll, 2 ohn fnorigages pur or sale; Sat today for a couple of hours. It | GARAGE--For rent, close to business ur- y P district. Apply Box M-§, Whig Office.| Street. Phone 39¢F. hased; investment bonds de- | WOOD AND COKE--New yard at 390 y officially announced afterwards Osits received and interest allowed. 1 co O 1 P ET The CORfOrence. With 'a view UPHOLSTERING New or uted furni. ke Coftmrignt. manager, 37 Clarence | 1 Giwoud, sawed, yphi and pid enuine roca ontas 3 x or dro ' ey > , $3.50; x : the foveiopment of mutual Made, Business Service card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. Fr Hard Coal Coke from city gay worvs Lis given prel ary cousideration |=, : i J n as somethin $10.00 ton up to September. Ci . Sm k to: Mutual on in respect Bus fees OR 13 UPHOLSTARING And general repair. he doesn't want and wants somethins $1.00. Load Riinkers soc. Ww. Cnfers | 0 ec €SS oa bi A & ye ordyr Or drop a card|, doesn't have. The class! ads ton. Phone 2440w. 3 . to commercial 8 COMPTISINgG | , yor ONEER-~For courtesy and hon.| °F: W- Harold',104 Clergy Street. straighten out aifficulties. FOOD--Don' Large Nut si cltion or the extended 0 by the | Strescs Phone sit or (Hint. X"¥| SHOE REPAIRING AN Ward Work | "YOUR FRABNDA. aed. rrionas or 'hou drs Mites iss (SAE (Aaa ge Nut size . .....$14.00 per ton. o r eo exten nse by ° . .:, Fr heels a specialty; efficient ser- your friends, have profited by readin and $4 per load.' Yard corner York | 3 > 1 R - a B | Dominions, India and the col of Taal arto aitinskl. cotter Mopt-1 Jolt ed Sde--and wo have friends of | end Division Streets. For Stove or Furnace. the British 'commercial, diplomatic | WELL DRILLING -- ALS ne Ser] ey yeur friends' fends . and consular services and vice versa. | sanitary well drillers Frontenac) BRING -- COUNT; that day lost . whose low |, CLASSIFIED ads gets right down to m S f & i : 3 With the arrival of Premier 8. M. | and "Leanox and *Xaseton. "The Pobbivomih o day as ordered: -Upholater- Sescending sun sess. you neglecting | Fiche un. to our shgectouniness come ames dSwilt O., Limite Bruce of Australia, tonight, the mem- i ing at reasonal rices. E. J. Good- e classified columns. HOW MANY girls working in off} $ i yh ua lia, Jouighi ol be] Fer full information write to F. J. ridge; 244 University Avenue, Phone! (ASK ABOUT, the abectal price dis, to-day @of sheir jobs the classified ad F oot of Johnson Street . completed and the delegates will . be able to go ahead with e long | programme of business. bi 23 Fx © Grain Co y Fort William, Oct. 4. -- In a ses- sien, which lasted from © o'clock In the afternoon until past midnight z yosterday, the boand of grain cows missioners disposcd of a host of roz- tine matters which had been awalt- ing Totura of Chief Commission- Al froni the east, and then be- an ¢he task of delving into the fg. ures and statistics which wad 'Leads pn by the staff boaring upoa . the grain movement of the season. The. Welsh Choir are playing to crowded houses in. this tour. Te- morrow night, Grant Hall. Tickets at Jack MoGall's Cigar Shop, R. C. Wright, aged seventy-five, "died at Napanee Thursday. Mr. Wright for years, and was formerly r of the hardware firm of Wright.

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