Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Oct 1923, p. 4

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UA ewe TPR ye S THE Home made wine, Rodney Chili saucé, Rodney Pyke, T. Greenwood. Tomato 'catsup, FR. Grimshaw, Rodney Pyke. Pickles, Rodney Pyke, D. Keill. Jelly, one quart, E. Grimshaw, R. Kyle. land. Pyke. LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS At the Wolfe Island Agricul- tural Fair Held Last Week. Poultry. Pair Rhode Island Reds, Frank Fawcett; pair Rhode Island Reds, 1923, Frank Fawcett; pair White | Leghorns 1923, Leonard McDonald; | pair White Leghorns, Leonard Me- Donald; pair White he Rod- Horses. ~ Heavy draft horses -- Team, George McDonald, Frank Fawcett. Mare, foal at her side, Leonard Mc- Donald. Colt yearling, Martin O'Bri- en, Fred Staley. Coit, 1923, Leonard McDonald. General purpose horses -- Team, Wilam MacAdor, Rodney McKenna, KINGSTON, BELLEVILLE, PETERBORO, BROCKVILLE ney McKenna, first sg second ; pair Bantams, Harry yd, George Kenny; pair Bantams; 4923, Georgs | | i Bann ns sn | , Martel's Female Pills | nds | Lastily to "eed rey . and | last century. ! y 1 i There is nothing else just as good. | PILES | Quickly Relieved | New Treatment Brings Relief in Five: : Minutes Or Money Back. | a ---- | The maddening itching and burning | ~-and sting---the throb--the pain--are quickly relieved and should _soon | pear after using Geero orm- | wood Balm, | 'his pleasant healing and pain re-| Meving Wormwood Compound soothes | €00lg the minute you put it on = ngs sure and lasting comfort simply | e it quickly reduces inflamma- | n and allays the congestion or blood | ure which causes the pain. | For best results cover the parts with | thot steaming towel for about five] utes. Then apply Geero Wormwood | Im as directed on the package. Any | druggist can supply you. Be) and get the genuine. IRON IN & oi FORT "ihe electric iron is the emancipator of the housewife. Appears. The slec- tric Iron can be kept at the right tem ture and easily used and controlled at all times. Would you iron In comfort at alight expense? Then pay us a call LECTRICAL SUPPLIES & SERVICE NNE:423, 74 PNISS% BYE or ceil * 4 On the other hand, money can speak with the greatest of common. sense. -§ What kind of conversation r purse contribute to William Mosier. Mare, foal at her side, Oscar Fawcett. Colt, | years old, David Watts, Leonard Me- Donald, Frank Fawcett. McKenna. Colt, yearling, Fred Staley, Oscar Fawcett, Oscar Faw- cett. Colt, 1923, Oscar Fawcett. Carrfage borses -- Mare, foal at her side, Edward White. Colt, 1923, Frank Fawcett, Edward White. Colt, three years old, Rodney McKenna. Colt, two years old, Craig Russell, | jodney McKenna, George McDonald. | Carriage team, fifteen hands | over, John Hall, George McDonald, and William MacAdor. Carriage team under fifteen hands, Edward White Buggy horse, fifteen hands \and over, Reg. Hall, Bdward Briceland. Buggy horse, under fifteen hands, John Joh » T. Greenwood, J. Green- wood. Holstein registered, bull, two years old and over, William Mae- Adoo, Edward White. Cow, milch, William MacAdoo, William Mac- Adoo. Heifer, two years ol, Wil- liam MacAdoo. Heifer yearling, Wil- liam MacAdoo. Heifer calf, 1923, William MacAdoo, first and second. | Bull calf, 192%, William MacAdoo. Durham registered, --Bull yearling, Oscar Fawcett. Cow, milch, Oscar Fawcett. Heifer, two years old, Os- car Fawcett, first and second. Grade Ayrshire -- Cow, milch, T. Green- wood. Helfer yearling, Frank Faw- cett, John Greenwood. Heifer calf, 1023, Edward White. Grade Hol- stein, --Cow, miich, T. Greenwood, William MacAdoo, J. Greenwood. Calf, 1923, Willlam MacAdoo, T. Greenwood. Heifer yearling, Wil- liam MacAdoo. Grade Jerseys -- Cow, milch, J. D. Cosgrove, Allen Davis. Heifer calf, 1928, Leonard McDonald. Grade Durham -- Cow milch, Edward White, T. Greenwood, Edward White. Heifer, two years old, Oscar Fawcett, Frank Fawcett. Heifer calf, 1928, Oscar Fawcett. ------ Sheep. Sheep longwool, ewe, having 'lambs, 1923, Harry Boyd. Sheep, short wool, ewe having lambs, 1923, Harry Boyd, Harry Boyd, T. Con- 'nelly. Ewe, shearling, Harry Boyd, Harry Boyd. Ewe lamb, 1923, Harry Boyd, T. Connelly, T. Connelly, ---- Hogs. Swine, Yorkshire, brood sow one year old and over, Edgar Seville. 'Best brood sow. pigs at her side, Ed. gar Seville. Best litter of pigs not over two months old, Edgar Seville. Sow, 1923, Frank Fawcett. Bwine, Berkshire, Brood sow one year old and over, Edward White, Swine, Chester White, Brood sow one year old and over, Harry Boyd. Sow, 1923, Frank Faweett. Agricultural Department. Goose wheat, Robert Home, Harry Boyd. Spring wheat, Fife, Willlam Mosier, Edward Briceland. Spring wheat, Globe, Willlam Mosier, George Friend. Beans, small, Frank Faw- cett, David Watts. Beans, large, Edward Briceland. Oats, white, Ed- gar Seville, Frank Fawcett, Harry Boyd. Barley, Harry Boyd, David Watts, Edward Briceland. Corn in ear, yellow, William Allum, William Allum, Edgar Seville. Grain in sheaf, John Keyes, George Friend, Joseph Murphy. Corn in ear, sweet, Wiliam Allum, Robert Horne, Wil- liam MacAdoo. Best potatoes, white, Harry Boyd, Edward Briceland, Ro- bert Horne. Carrots, table, red, Wil- liam Allum, William MacAdoo, Rod- ney Pyke. Carrots, fleld, Allen Devs, Turnips, Swedes, Robert Horne. Grase seed, David Watts, James Hul- ton, Sugar beets, Allen Davis, Joha Keyes. Blood beets turnip, John Keyes, William Allum, Rodney Pyke. Blood beets, long, A. Cranshaw. Man- golds, Robert Horne, R. Kyle. (Cab- bage, William MacAdoo, 'E. Grim- shaw, George Friend. Onions, Rod- ney Pyke, William Alum, Willlam Mosler. Collection of vegetables, Rodney Pyke, Robert Horne. Cauli- flower, William MacAdoo, William MacAdoo, E. Grimshaw. Parsnips, Allen Davis, George Friend, Robert Horne. CHAS Fruit. Coll of apples, three each, Edward Briceland, George McDonald. Five apples, best single variety, Edward .| Briceland, George MeDonald. Crab apples, best display, Willlam Mac- Adoo, Edward Briceland. "Rogers. Quilt, Kenny; pair Plymouth Rocks barr- three | 4, Willlam Mosler, BE, Grimshaw; | pair Plymouth Rocks barred, 1923, Colt two | A: Cranshaw, William Mosier; pair years old, Frank Fawcett, Rodney | White Wyandottes, Edgar Seville, J. ID. Cosgrove; pair White Wyan- | dottes, 1923, J. D. Cosgrove, Geo. | Friend; pair Guinea Fowl, Robert Horne, William MacAdoo; pair pigeons, John Greenwood; pair pigeons, 1923, James Hulton: pair turkeys bronze, William Mosier, John Greenwood: pair turkeys bronze, 1922, John Greenwood, James Hulton; pair turkeys white, John Greenwood; pair geese, Ro- bert Horne, Frank Fawcett; pair geese, 1923, Robert Horne, Frank Fawcett; pair ducks, Edgar Seville, Frank Fawcett; pair ducks, 1923, Edgar Seville, Frank Fawcett: pair rabbits, William Mosier, William Mosler, Ladies' Useful Work. Rag mat, hooked, Mrs. McCready, first and second; Rag mat, crochet- od, MrssMceCready, first and sec- ond; Rag mat, any kind, Mrs. Me- Cready, Mrs. George Friend; Home made mitts, ladies, Mrs. McCready, inst and second; Home 'made mitts, gents, A. Cranshaw; Gent's socks knitted, G. Rogers, Mrs. McCready; skirt knitted, Mrs. McCready, first andsseoond; skirt crocheted, Rod- ney Pyke; shaw! knitted, Mrs, Mec- Cready, first and second: shaw] crocheted, Mrs. McCready, first and second; ladies' or Misses jacket knitted, E. Grimshaw, Mrs, Mec- Cready; drawing, Rodney Pyke, Mm. McCready; plain hand sewing, Mrs. McCready, first and second ; Gent's white ghirt, machine made, E. Grimshaw. Gent's flannel shint, machine made, E. Grimshaw. Quilt crochet, Mrs. McCready, R. Kyle. Quilt, knitted, Mrs, McCready. Quilt cotton patchwork, Mrs. McCready, Rodney Pyke. Quilt, woollen: patch- work, Mrs. MoCready. Quilt, silk patchwork, R. Kyle. Quilt, Tufte, Mrs, McCready. Quilt, outline, T. embroidered, Mrs. McCready, first and second. Work apron, Rodney Pyke, Mrs. McFad- den. Sansa. Fancy Work and Fine Art. Braid crochet work Mrs, MeCready first and second. Richelieu em- broidéry, Mrs. McCready, first and second. Punchwork, Mrs, McCready | first and second. Sofa cushion cot- ton, Mrs. McCready. Sofa cushion, any kind, Mrs. McCready, A. Cran- shaw. Pincushion cotton, R. Kyle. Mrs, McCready. Pinoushion, any kind, Mrs. McCready, R. Kyle. Ber- lin 'wool work, plain, Mrs, McCready, J. Weir. Tatting, any kind, Mrs. MoCready, Mrs, MdFadden, Ber- Hn wool work, raised, Mrs. Me- Cready, first and second. Dmner mats, crocheted, Mrs. McCready, Miss Smith, Dinner mats, any kind, RE. Grimshaw. Pr. slippers, hand made Mrs, McCregdy, Rodney Pyke. Crows stitch embroidery, Mrs. McCready, K. Kyle. Collection qf doilies, Mrs. McCready, A, Cranshaw. Towels, emb., Mrs. MoCready, first ang sec- ond, Collection of towels, Mrs. Mec- "It has been a year now since Tanlac helped me back to good health and I have never had a sick day since," is the high tribute paid the famous treatment, recently, by Mrs. Corine Leblanc, highly esteem- ed resident of 126 Stirling Ave., Ot- tawa, Ont. "My stomach had troubled me for four years and I seemed to be right on the verge of a nervous break- down. I scarcely ate enough to keep soul and body together, and I would not want' to go through what I suf- Mrs. Leblanc Wouldn ¢ ; Take $50,000 For It fered from pain, shortness of breath and nervousness again for fifty thou- sand dollars. "Since taking Tanlac I eat more heartily than I ever did, get eight and nine hours' peaceful sleep every night and am enjoying wonderful health. I give Tanlac all the credit for my .recovery." Tanlac is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. Cready, first and second. Pillow cases, embroidery, Mrs. McCready, first and second. Mount Mellick embroidery, Mrs. McCready, nrst ana second. English eyelet embroidery, Mrs. McCready, first and second. French eyelet embroidery, Mrs. Me- Cready, Mrs. McFadden, Hardang- er embroidery, Mrs. McCready, first and second. Wallachain embroidery Mrs. McCready, first and second. Shadow embroidery, Mrs. McCreaay, Rodney Pyke. Stencil work, Mrs. McCready, Worsted Work, Mrs. McCready. Pr. pillow shams, E. Grimshaw. Five o'clock tea cloth, crocheted, Mme. MoCrady, Rodney Pyke. Tray cloth, R. Kyle, Mrs. McCready. Irish@erochet, Mrs, Mc- Fadden, Battenburg, Mrs, Mec- Cready, first and second. Drawn- work, Mrs, McCready, first and sec- ond. Half dozen buton holes, E. Grimshaw, Rodney Pyke. SHpper case, Mrs. McCready, Rodney Pyke, Whisk holder, Mrs, McCready, Rod- ney Pyke. Three handkerchiefs, hand. made, Mrs. McCready, Mrs. McFadden. Fancy apron, Mrs. Me- Cready. Toilet set, Mrs. McCready, first and second. Braiding on cot- ton, Mrs. McCready, Edging, knit- ted, one yard, Mrs, McCready, first and second. Lace crochet, one yard, Mrs. McCready, first 'and secone. Tea cosy, Rodney Pyke. Point lace, Mrs. McCready, Rodney Pyke. Plain crochet, Mrs. McCready, first and sec- ond. Crayon drawing, Mrs. Mec- Cready, first and second. Free hand drawing, Rodney Pyke, first and "Last winter I was taken with an attack of La Grippe," says Mr. P. A. Snider, a prominent farmer of Odes- sa, Ont. I neglected it at first but it finally got so bad that I had to go to bed, where I remained for several weeks. When I recovered, it left me with neuritis in my shoulder and arms, * I would get terrible sharp pains right from my shoulder down to my hand, so intense that I could hardly keep on my feet. I tell you I put in an awful Spring and Sum- mer. It began to get on my nerves. I could not get around to do my work and I was rapidly losing my strength. In fact, I was getting to the point where I was very nearly distracted, when one day I read of 'Dreco. : "This was only a little more than Plums, a month ago and although I have only taken five bottles of Dreco dur- ing the intervening time, a am feel. Dreoco Is being specially | 's Drug Store. Qo the Dreco expert, HAD TERRIBLE SHARP PAINS Odbssa Farmer Gains Fifteen Pounds and Feels Fine, Thanks to Dreco, the Great Body Builder. ing like a new man. T can, of course, still get a little soreness in my arms, but the real pain is all gone, and I am able to get around my work with comfort. I sleep soundly at nights too. "I can truthfully say that my whole general health has been built up by Dreco and I feel that I owe my present improved condition to its remarkable healing powers. "I have gained 15 pounds in weight. Six weeks ago I weighed only 143 pounds; to-day I am back at my normal weight, 168 pounds. In my opinion, Dreco is a wonderful medicine and I am glad to recom- mend it." + Dreco stimulates and strengthens the kidneys, bowels, stomach and liver, and purifies the blood. ~It 1s safe and reliable, because it is made pure extracts of Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to | men second. Painting on silk and satin, T. Greenwood, G. Connelly, Painting in water colours, amateur, (Mrs, Mc- Cready, first and second, Painting McCready, first and second. Flowers House plants, best collection, Rod- ney Pyke, Geo. Friend. Foliage, best collecion, Geo. Rattray, J. Weir. Fuchsias, A. Cranshaw. Geran- fums, best collection, J. Weir, Geo, Friend. Asters, best collection, Mrs, McFadden, Geo. Friend. Fern, sword, Mrs, Mullin. Whitmant fern, Mrs. Mullin. Asparagus fern, Mrs, Mullen, A. Cramshaw. Carna- tions, Aleln Davis. Dahlias, Mrs, McFadden. Cosmos, E, Grimshaw, R: Kyle. Gladiolias, G. Friend, E. Grimshaw. Fire ball, Ialavier, J. Wer, Geo. Friend. Cut fiowers, best collection, E. Grimshaw, R. Kyle. Begonias, Mrs. Mullin, Geo. Rattray. Portulacas, Allen Davis, Every day bloomer, J. Weir, Allen Davis. ney Pyke: Geo, A. Rattray, Secretary. FARMER LOSES HIS ARM Picton, Oct. 4.--Charles Leavitt. aged 35 years, a farmer in the town- ship of Hallowell, while filling the silo at his farm had his right arm cut off just below the elbow as he was adjusting the grease cup on the blower near where the knives re- volve. His arm was drawn into the knives and severed completely. He was rushed to hospital and is doing. as well as possible. Mr. Leavitt has been the victim of several misfor- tunes of late. Four years ago he lost an only som, five years of age. Two years ago his wife spent some time at Rochester, Minn., under the care of the Mayo Brothers for a criti- cal operation. Last year his barns and the season's crops were destroy- ed by fire. SINGER FEARS A NEW WAR in water colours professional, Mrs. Star pant, Allen Davis, Rod- WHILE FILLING SILO Chilly Autumn Days DEMAND. WARM Comfortable Coats Our superb collection of warm, comfortable, styl- ish Coats will be found to please the most careful shopper, both in prices and qualities -- Burberry style Coats for the Miss and College Girl. Fur trim- med Coats for the Misses and Matron, who desire a dressier Coat. Burberry style Coats with Fur Collars. Marvella Cloth Coats, large plaid Camel's Hair Cloth Coats, Velours, Bolivias, Nor- mandys, Cut Cloth Suedine, and real genuine English plaid back Coats, ranging in price from $14.95 to $135.00 Sizes to fit 16 to 46. Coat Frocks FASCINATING IN STYLE, MATERIAL AND PRICE $19.95 Models of severest simplicity to those that dis- play stitching and embroidery that is most elaborate. In some instances braid and stitch- ing of bright colors give a sprightliness that is altogether delightful. The predominating col- ors are Navy, Black and Brown. * Values are représnted here that cannot be equalled. All sizes. ® AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or.returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged for. For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. BRING into your home all of the electri- cal happiness that should be your por- tion. We can tell you Show much it will cost you if you ask us and figure out the price of the fixtures for you. It may not cost nearly as mych as you think. v - P.S.GRAHAM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIXTURES 8 APPLIANCES LILES ¥ 1 PHONE 1944 'honor, smitten with eternal barren- There is but one thing without cerity, unbelief. TIUTITE "a DAILY oer * EQUIPMENT Coaches, Dining Car; Tourist and Standard Sleepers, CANADIAN PACIFIC Winnipeg for Saskatoon and Edmonton, a es" OB a = T5 % ness, inability to do or to be--insin-

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