Real Estate & Insurance TO LET RIDEAU STREET -- rooms, electric light. $16.00 month. Possession October 1st GENERAL INSURANCE. GUARANTEE BONDS. VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-596. MM Brock Bt. per "THOMAS COPLEY | Carpenter. Phone 987. i try re: us for all kinds of Carpen wor Estimates given on mew floors jaid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma- chine. Wah Long Landry Has moved from 155 Wellington Street to 112 EROCK STREET. Phone 818F. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun Streets Phone 363 ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Uhapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. Frame, 7 | } For Lasting Fragrance bash § Talcum There is nothing better than Cuticura Talcum for powder- ing and perfuming the skin. It appeals to the most fastidious | | because of its fine, smooth tex- | ture and delicate ce. Seep fe. 25 and Soe. Talcam 24s. Sold throughout the ion. (eR [~x 'Winter Coats made to |order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON LADIES' TAILOR { Phone 993. . #7 Wellington Street. | nn Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie PHONE 2494J. Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to @ Pom. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. Street. RI For Me of ANH, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF i ARTA an PIANOS, oa RI : Kingston Transfer Co. 155 WELLINGTON STREET. Cou Cotion Roof Componnd. 0. 2, 83; No. 8, $3 per box. 8 2 1d aN or sent goed ia fo op TORONTO, ™E COOK MEDICINE co, Windarl rn THE DAILY BRITISH W KINGSTON and VICINITY Archbishop at Ballycanoe. . Archbishop Spratt will administer the sacrament of confirmation in St. James' church, Ballycanoe, on Sun- day next, Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Steward, Mcllraith, Lanark, announce the engagement of their daughter, Stella S., to R. Drys- | dale, Chicago. The marriage is to | take place early in October. For Fall and Winter Wear. | See our range of Boys' and Mens' | Ready, to Wear Suits and Overcoats all the latest styles, also everything { ia Men's Furnishings at a great re- | duction in price. Prevost, Brock street. ; John A. Kerr's Post. | The Ontario cabinet has appointed "John A. Kerr to be deputy clerk of clerk, and surrogate registrar for the county of Hastings. He succeeds John Williams, deceased. | elo crown and pleas, county cour: Were Tendered Gifts, Rev. John Lyons and wife, Lyn who have left there for Picton, were remembered by their late congrega- tion. A pair of silver candlesticks from the Women's Auxillary .and w reading lamp by the A.Y.P.A. were presented. "TY" Drive at Belleville. A membership drive to obtain 200 new Y.M.C.A. members is In progress In Belleville and ten teams are en- gaged in the work. Over one hun- dred new members have thus far been secured and the objective it is confidently expected will be reached. - Marriage at Twasd. The. marriage of Miss Rose Isabel Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, Tweed, to John' Ar- thur Rupert, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rupert, Hillfer, Ont., was sol- emnized at the Rectory, Tweed, on Sept. 20th. b Made the Jump but Badly Hurt. Challenging a chum to jump from | hits being scored. Athens for burial. He was born there twenty-four years ago. De- ceased taught school for one year in Alberta, prior to two years in Brookfield, Manitoba. Since July last he conducted the garage busi- ness on Elgin street with his broth: er, Roy. 4 ---------------- Struck by Lightning. Lightning wrought considerable damage in Perth locality during a severe storm Friday morning, threa Martin's board- ing house at Port Elmsley and Wil- liam Stanley's house on the Lanark Road were struck, but no great da- mage is reported, while a stable was struck and three cows killed on what is called the Allan homestead af Bal- derson. Foster-Mackay Wedding. A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Andrew's manse, Carleton Place, when Miss May Mackay, of BraesiJe, was united in marriage to Willian John Foster, Lanark. The event took place on Sept. 22nd. Mrs. M. R. Stead, sister of the bridegroom accompanied the bride, while H. Stead acted as best man fo: the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Foster will make their home in Lanark. Hur{ in Motor Mishap. Little Vida Lemoine, five years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Le- moine, Pembroke, was alimitted to the hospital on Saturday suffering from a broken leg as the result of having been accidentally hit by a motor. While playing aboui in a side lane the child ran out on to the Main road and did not notice an approaching motor car. The driv- er in trying to avoid an accident, | 4th and Antwerp, Oct. Bth. 'put on the breaks and turned the | car on to the sidewalk, but the little | girl fell on the curb and one wheel passed over her leg. A Veteran School Teacher. William Eckert, who taught school in Middlesex county for seventy years, with marked success, died In London on Monday, having passed his ninetieth birthday. He was born in Prince Edward county in 1833, a son of Danish and U. E. Loyalist ' descent. He commenced teaching school when he was fifteen years of age in Prince Edward county and | attended Normal schoo! in Toronto | in 1852. After leaving Normal | school he went to Middlesex county | and resided there ever since. Canadian Pacific. 180 Wellington street report the following arrivals of their steam- ships: Empress of Britain, from Quebec, due Cherbourg and Southampton, Oct. 6th. Montlaurfer, from Liverpool, Greenock and Belfast, arrived Que- bec, Oct. 1st. Montclare, from Quebec, Oct. 5th. Montrose, from Montreal, due Liv- erpool, Oct. 5th. Melita, from Antwerp, Cherbourg and Southampton, due Quebec, Oct. oth. Minnedosa, from Montreal, aue Cherbourg, and Southampton, Oct. | Liverpool, due Metagama, from Montreal, due | Belfast and Glasgow, Oct. 6th. Marburn, from Glasgow, and Be!l- fast, due Quebec, Oct. 6th. Empress of Canada, from Hong Kong, due Vancouver, Oct. Sth. ---- «I Had Bilious Attacks and Stomach Weakness" "I suffered from stomach and FIBRE BOARD is a firm board of great strength. It makes fine ceilings and wall panellings. The factory where it is manufactured, has been destroyed by fire, but we are fortu- nate in having on hand, a sufficient stock for present needs. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. ne BACK IN OUR NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND 78 BROCK ST. GOURDIER"S liver trouble, and used to 'have bilious attacks so bad that I could ns do nothing for weeks at a time. M/S My stomach would be so weak | that not even a drink of water would stay on it. On my sister's I began to use Dr. Kidney-Liver Pills, and the bridge across the little river on Gore street, Perth, to the bank of the river below, a distance of about fifteen feet, the young son of James Richardson made the jump and broke his collar bone. Dry Mixed Slab Wood Best quality Summer fuel. Also Dry Body Hard Maple; cut to suit your stove. Prompt attention given to all orders. Dental Surgeon DR. J. CO. W, BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. ik Entrance, 158° Wellington: se PHONE 679. Avoids Ome Car Hit By Another. J. R. Metcalfe, one of Pembroke's oldest barristers, was the victim of advice, Chase's WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Talk Doesn't Make Good COAL but good coal makes talk. All our customers will be found ready and willing to tell you bow good our coal always is. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. 67-275 ONTARIO STREET - PHONES 836 and 837, W. H. Godwin & Son FIRE INSURANCE a : xe © STREET La. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 52e. 209-305 QUEEN STREET. ORIENT INCENSE Fragrant Incense and quaint, alluring Burners just received direct from Japan. Also extra packages of Incense Candles in different odors and various prices f M. R. McColl | OT ets.» Cor. Princess and Cl Sts. Phone 82 P.8.~Kodaks, Films and Supplies FOR SALE $4000 += 10; rooms, 5 bed- rooms, 3 P.B., verandah, electric and gas, hot alr, 3 fireplaces, 2-car garage, garden. Frame, 9 rooms, 5 bed- $405 rooms, 3 P.B., verandah. electric and gas, hot air, stable for 3 horses, drive house. A wn $48000°-: frame, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 P.B., porch, electric and gas, garden, $4800 =~ veneer, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 3 P.B., veran- dah, electric and gas. hot air, imme- diate possession. Brick, 7 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 3 P.B., verandah, and sun porch, electric and gas, hot air. hardwood floors, good garden. Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bed- SARtater sensuranvaas FaasaNat sictanenvians . Phous 434. : a painful accident when struck by an automobile as he was crossing Pembroke street. He was taken to the Cottage hospital, where he is suffering from a dislocated shoulder and shock. ------ Tourist Traffic. The return of warmer weather has brought an appreciable increase in the tourist trafic from Cape Vin- cent to Kingston, according to offi- clals of the ferry company. If con- ditions remain favorable, the traffic will continue for many weeks yet. Many people reserve their holidays for the late fall. New Business Block. At Alexandria Bay, N. Y., plans have beem completed for the erection of a new business block in the heart of the business section. M. J. Lan- tier and Maurice Lantier have let the contract for a substantial up-to- date brick building to be placed on the corner of James and Market streets. -------- Extending Northwest. The business section of the city is gradually being extended in a northwesterly direction, judging fram the opening of stores on upper | Princess street. If the growth of | other cities may be taken as a stan- {| dard, the market square and lower li Princess street will eventually be cccupled by baWking, financial and wholesale firms. Knights of Columbus. The following appointments fer the coming year have been made by Frontenac council, No. 728, Knights of Columbus: Chaplain, Rev. Father A. J. Han- ley; lecturer, W. J. O'Brien; chair- man of the house commitee, Charles Corrigan; chairman of the directory | committee, F. Pilley; financial secre- tary, W. G. Bailey. L ------ Looking After Adolescents. Major Cowles, the provincial at- tendance officer, was in Kingston re- cently and went over the work of the Board of Education in regard to adolescents and their attendance at schools. He was complimentary to the inspector and the attendance officer for the care shown in grant- ing permits. He was satisfied that part time classes were not needed Lere. There are not a dozen adol- escents lawfully out of school. . -- Thousand Island Sun Sold. At Alexandria Bay, N.Y., pegotia- tions have been cdmpl for the Phen © Coon Satta us 4 # , Philadelphia, N. Y., and Curtis T. Martin, Alexandria Bay. The transfer is to take place on Nov. 3rd. The present 1 Mrs. B. M. Martin H § (i must say that they have made me The J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK STREET. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Phones 68. Res. 2240m. KING STREET EAST--Brick, all conveniences .......... ELLERBECK STREET--Brick veneered, modern, easy terms, UNION ST. WEST--Brick, all conveniences. Terms .... BAGQT ST.~Store and dwelling. BARRIE ST.--Brick, 8 rooins, opposite Park D We have also an apartment house paying 18% on the investment after paying all expenses. .$5150 $4100 Terms . RINCESS PHARMA QUICK, CAREFUL, COMPLETE DRUG STORE SERVICE Phone 2018--ANY TIME. WE DELIVER. H gs 8ee our New Fall Overcoats and Eng- $20 and lish Gabardine Coats --. ... ... ... $22.00 aE $2550 a i Tens. Spare 908,00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House. CLEARING SALE OF 'Women's Sweaters Over 200 of the newest Pullovers, Tuxedos, Jacquettes and Cardigans in All Wool and Silk and Wool in this season's popular colors, at--