THE DAILY BRITISH WH I CG FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1923. & mee) (CROWDS AT THE GRAND ones common | -- ~ | urs| 1 FOR FASHION DISPLAY vo me aan rel ARN TIRE SALE Steacy's Limited and Lockett's | and 12th. Arranged a Performance | : : i i That Pleased. | At a meeting of the teachers and | Pt FORD TIRES--30x3%. [officers of Sydenham street Metho- | i 1 1 { | | ' 1} A Si ses da | ; ! i "ore tonsa oy The Grand Opera House was fill- [ diet church held on Thursday even- | S ft | {ed to the doors last night for the | DE the sum of $25 was voted to- | 1 : N ; | first extensive fashion show present-{ wards the expenses of the senvent 3 bf , led in Kingston for a long time. The | ton of Eastern Canada Chinese | Si i {display was arranged under the aus- | workers which will be held in the 3 i} | [pices of Steacy's Limited and Lock- | Purch building on November 10th, Aki 1 Fr ® or $ ) ) . ® 3 | 11th and 12th. It is expected .that' z\ id. ett's Shoe Store. | 3 Eq e Slall | Chairman of the evening was V | about one hundred and twenty-five Al al : i ; , | Chinese workers will attend the con- X | E. Taplin, president of the company | . | j ¥ 4 . . Hor | vention. R. H. Ward, superintend. | I I] Every other size in stock reduced. We are clear- | which makes the Taplin shoe, tof | ot | : : ing every Tire, "large and small," "Cords and Fab. { which Lockett's have the sole agency | on ut the -Chinese Setareniet oo | for this district, and one of the most | a Street Saunch, = Bb A ) renowned authorities on foot troubles | seo 4a MaZNg errangemonts / re foot wear in on vo or for the gathering | rics. BUY HERE--YOU SAVE MONEY. | Taplin's talks were not only inter- ortamut Ive of the Yejeguies will be SW OF : esting from the standpoint of their th TONS ile the remain wil ate! (gstructive and informative material, v ES Who are interested a the rei {| Vut also very entertaining and he NElus Siucaion of the ' one. | key. his audience's attention for e delegates will come from Fon i | | Willi Ny -1 every second. His manner of William on the west and Newfound ! | ar- The wonderful sheen and speaking was not particularly loud | land on the east. It has been ar } land forceful, but remarkably crear | ranged that a banquet will take place | the luxurious richness of {and well toned and thus much more | 92 _SHYday evening, | November | ror f P . L b skins |suitable for the subject in hand, ; i 5 ne rersian Lam ? [During is talk he pointed out the ppp an aes EET || Reversible Hearth Rugs--size 27 x 54. Special ...... . . $2.50 errors that many people make in has earned for this peltry a [the selection of shoes and empha- | FOR GAME AT MONTREAL | 3 sized particularily the care that : place of supremacy. It 18 {should be taken in fitting children. | Students Dacided That Cele=| ® : : * Ag he stated, a child, when brought | again bécoming a leader in home a new pair of shoes, will say| brated Mascot Must Go | 1 oat e or atur d Fur fashions. The prices | that they are suitable whether they | to the Match. ! are or not, in order to have the | | N are most reasonable. Pleasure of wearing them as soon| Queen Boo-Hoo, the pet bear mas-| $30.00 COATS FOR $18.50. No. 406 |as possibile. Thus the fitting of | cot of Queen's senior football team, | . \ {many children is left to chance and | will be at the game in Montreal, on They consist bf our newest and best sellers. Very pretty styles, beautiful |[[/oren shows vo sted even more and cc Furs se Susi [| some tie Fronts; others with all around belts, buttons and fancy 8 V { 4 il. KE C Ce d . " . . - We are showing some very eautifu [carefully than adults. Mr. Taplin |season opened, Boo-Hoo has been onl stitching, full lined, large Fur Collars of Beaverine, Pretty shades mn | wil be at Lockett's toay and to- | her toes with excitement, and the stu- | Brown, Fawn and fancy mixtures. Coats in all self Fur and also trimmed with | morrow and will gladly give his ad- | dents are just as enthusiastic over her | BURBERRY COATS, $18.50 1 F If f | vice to those wishing it. {as last year and at a meeting held on | contrasting ur. You prefer you may | Stedcy's part of the big program- | Thursday night, it was decided to take | ; 7 , . % lect vie. 'the ski d silk lini [me was exceptionally good and car- |along Xoalise ponies} Jur thef Burberry ¥be Lone in beautiful, imported materials: made in . . ; |game. As a result, "Billy ughes the - ' . . Select Your style, the suns anc silk Lining, a bee Mare ay ete an Br eee rnes weill 'the tailored styles with inverted pleat in back, all around belt, half and have the Coat made to special measure [Jf seared on the stage showing fis made a special trip out to the Boa lined, pretty mixtures to choose from. All sizes. Special .... $18.50 {very latest coats, frocks, and gowns | 1208 ¢ y ome atn | for ou. [trom Panis deSfgners, which Steacy's | K0ad and brought the bear to the col-| i y |Led. have just imported for fall ys te foster a So} CHILDREN'S SKIRTS, $2.98 | CHILDREN'S SKIRTS, $4.95 : > 3 very way. | . ' . ' . . jiiear rads, ladies were Indeed {A special box was turned out at Ang-| Children 3 Navy Blue Serge Children 8 Plaid and Striped McKAY FURS are guaranteed to be charming--but without detracting |" * Mil! for Boo-Hoo. | Pleated Skirts--made on White | Skirts made on White Cotton Dr Me aX LAWYER TAKEN ILL [J] Cotton Waist. Sizes 6 to 14 years | Waists. Sizes 6 to 16 years. exactly as represented, [hove togked wondartul in those! pny Had To Tetum vo Chicags onlf] Priced $2.98 and $3.50 | Price... ...u.iveed ot $595 | bea ul wraps . | Thursday. | | display was given with the supesu- Ambrose. S "i is. tive in grace and finish and tho M0. | iomee so she em an, Comm ._. , CORSETS $1.35 | dience was Jeigtet, sa srclesiv |Fiisign concluded the hearing of cvi- Broken lines in Corsets--low, medium and high bust. Sizes 20 lin attendance w 8 | dence : Jolie nn Thursdav) p . - {in | dence at olfe Island on Thursday | to 30 in the lot. Regular priced at $2. Saturday, Sale Price $1.35 pr. feature. |afternoon, and the lawyers represent- It might be interesting to.note|ing the plaintiff and defendant left on that one of the young ladies. in this | Friday for Chicago. Among the wit- LADIES' VESTS, 75c¢. | .CASHMERETTE HOSE, 50c. trio is "Miss Toronto," who repre- nesses heard was ex-Shefiff Dawson, . , [sented the Queen City in the beauty [who is one of the oldest living resi- Women's Fall weight Vests with Women's fine Cashmerette Hose John McKay Limited pageant at Atlantic City this season. [dents of Wolfe Island. : : KINGSTON, CANADA The firms under whose auspices) J. Coburn,, who is half or no sleeves. n Black or Brown. All sizes. this fashion show was staged are to | associated wit . Trainor, counsel for 1 ae ae aah ae ¥ Speci 50c¢ I be congratulated on their enterprise | Mrs. Ena Wich" was fakefi suddenly 4 Special ht > ' +. 75¢ ial . ... tetas ey « pair and on the fact that it attained the [ill at Wolfe Island and conSulfed Dr, William Spankie, who found him suf- success it merited, wil | fering from pleura-pneumonial He Flay and Str | eo [nee Newman & Shaw day : | Sum of $82.38 Collected For Belleville Creamery 3Pc. The steamer Buenavista cioared | Japanese at Opera House THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE for Pi n Thu y afternoon to : ; Belleville Whey Butter ..335c. or Picton o rada | At the lecture given in the Grand load apples for Montreal. New Pack Rolled Oats 6 Ibs 25¢ | Opera House on Thursday evening, by The steamer Clinton passed down | V: E. Taplin on "Foot and Shoe Prob. Pastry Flour (7 Ib. bag) . .29c. on Thursday night from Port Col- |, =, *P : 08 SL | Now BOMe 30 Mattes ems," a collection was taken up in aid f | I N Dates . A d . of the Japanese sufferers, and it was Pric | M in' Es | Magic Baking Powder, The steamer Brantford will clear announced that the sum of $82.36 had Compare Our es 0 1). ullin 8 Real tate News , (16 ozs.) on Friday for Oswego to 108d c08l [peer donated to this most worthy Milliner before buying -- Lr. Patrick Street, ~--Alfred Street. brick Large, juicy Prunes 2 Ibs. 20c for Kingston. ) cause, The collection was taken up by y $11 detached f bunga $40 dwel : ' . The steamer Dardanella is load- nurses in uniform ~pe h | low, 4 ovis ict me nee bath, el tri os, 19 Lo, Ginger and Sugar Cakes, ing freight for the Rideau 'cana!| The Kingston branch of the Cana- Parisian Sho : A nace, Sora ln Eits, Eas, Tore | 2-1bs. . : - Sore ats 3 iE | 25¢ and will clear on Friday. dian Red Cross Society is very grateful 322 BROCK STREET $2500 Victoria § , | | --Victoria St., double $4300, Cle Street, semi- *® . Pn Nr Aim, FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY White Rose Potatoes, pk. 85c. The steamer Maplebrook arrived [to the citizens who have helped along | T=------------Co----------o0--=-- |) © aw " Machine Sliced Bacon . . .85c. from the Welland canal and clear- | ihe fund. The subscription list is still] Willlamsburg, Winchester Springs | toe Jwdling, Sach 7 rvoms, | detached brick dwaell- ed with freight for Montreal. open, and the Whig will be pleased to|and Colquhoun Presbyterian church- | ath, electric lights. Ing, 7 rooms, bath, electric | --Queen Street, de- lights, gas ASSORTED CENTRES Fancy Blue Rose Rice 3 lbs 23¢ rived from Montreal on Thursday win Smith, M,A., F.R.S.A., Oshawa, | tached frame dwelling, $4500, Montreat St., double Try a pound of fresh Shelled afternoon and cleared for Toronto| See Tweddell's $30 overcoats. accompanied by a guarantee of stip- | : aos bata, Siectrie lights, lights, Swelling. bath a s . { . electric lights, gas. MAHOOD | Walnuts { ay) Ib. .87c. and Hamilton. Aer an illness of four months, |end of $2,000, free manse, a month's The steamer Britannic arrived up [the death occurred at Brockville on | holidays and a free telephone in the | R ents collected. Government! bonds bought and sold. ape? from Montreal with passengers and | Wednesday, of Miss Susanne Mc- | manse. This call was sustained ana | Moncy Drug Co. Ltd. i Cullen w freight on Friday. Grath, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Thom- | Mr. Smith by letter accepred ana (Jj °"¢Y to logn. Phone 539w. Johnson and Division Streets. ) - The steamer Maplehill arrived |as J. McGrath. D. od. w , Oct 16th. Corner Princess and Ba Ses. Ji 4 . eceased was horn | will be inducted on . got { CASH AND CARRY from Port Dalhousie on Thursday (at Fairfield East fifteen years ago, See Tweddell's $28 overcoats. and cleared for Montreal. nn Jack Frost Busy Again; T { Two Degrees Above Freezing > NEW HA S "THE HATS WITH STYLE ARE THE HATS Our old triend Jack Frost ison the |] {5 i ; : : . job again. While he did not reach Z » hoose To-morrow WORTH WHILE Kingston during Thureday night, € his work was felt, as the official re. yl. y " " cord at Queen's university shdwed 6 We Hat Everybody { | | 34 de 8, just t degrees pie | $ grees, ju wo vi . . Teen Men, Ladies and Children It is reported that there was frost y : Those who appreciate good styles and at ° 5 at several places throughout the A superior values choose their Hats in our big | | ; ! Excellent flavor Black Tea 55c. The steamer City of Ottawa ar-|acknowledge all donations. es have giyen a call in favor of Ed-| $280 courty. Many citizens put flowers : stock. We sell "Hats for Ev . 3 . erybody," and under cover Thursday night as they "the Hats we do not make. we buy direct from feared that there would be a severe -- the world's best makers in large quantities for our wholesaleMand Ours are styled : frost. At this low price Women are offered sty to please tho trade. pi carefully made Black and Brown Oxfords, on a real English Brogue last. | eye, and priced to please your The y v hos Stole, Qos ard Lot HATS FOR LADIES vamp, heavy sewn leather solee, low Ast neater UTP brome sense of economy. ey old In Its Place : Genuine BORSALINO and other leading makes in wide One vi nant like Splendid Fall Shoes for, the School Girls or for Ladies who range of shapes and colors |v A runabout was stolen from Clark's becomes more popular. Our Hat styles are new KY 5 Black and Brown. All sizes 2% wT............ 98.45 garage at the corner of Princess and and distinctive, and our variety is large in all King streets on Thursday night. The kinds, Trimmed or Tailored. Our prices are } . party who took the car left in its place continually pronounced moderate, and t b S. J MARTIN 3 ® a much used touring car. Mr. Clark is . of the opinion that it is a 'stolen car|[ Sirable in a lady's Hat. "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION® and he reported the occurrence to the police, ! In Critical Condition. ' The Girls and Boys can all be easily suited ord wag received in the city on here. We have Hats, Caps, Tams, efc.. in all the f Friday morning to the effect that : 9 ay Torsing 40. the effect vhat wanted matertals and newest styles. And-they Queen's Students Save Money on Text Books at Kingston Mills, who has been ill 00 are at extremely moderate prices. in for some time, was in a . very critical condition. Sincere re- EE : gret 'was expr by hig wide oir 25% or more discount on all Text Books in stock for essed -- a} e 'Arts, Science and Medicine. Get printed list of titles dnd prices. CAMPBELL BROS. - ll vn ad Il ..~he College Book Store - ; a Tweddel's $30 overconts. , i | Ea ---- >