Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1923, p. 7

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928, THE DAILY B New Fall Clothing FOR MEN Scotch Tweed Suits, very newest, all prices. FALL TOP COATS that are service- able and have the correct style too. For your Winter Overcoat see our com- plete stocks. Prices to please all. oA George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. English Stainless Steel Cutlery * --often hange on sharpness of vision. This is a fast age, danger § lurks everywhere, walking jj. across the street, driving in a car, corrected eyesight saves many people dally from death or injury. If your eyes give the slightest trouble comsult an Op- tometrist--one who has made a study of the correction of de- feots in vision. Years of study and many satisfied customers constitute, guarantee of good service. W. D. GRAHAM, R.0. Successor to These goods are the finest Eng- lish Stainless Steel with White Handles. Why use ordinary Steel Knives when the stainless, rust- proof can be had at nearly the same price. Dessert Knives . ...811 to $15 Table Knives $18.50 to $16.50 Sets, 14 domen each, Dessert and Table Knives $12.50 up. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON I Registered Optometrist | l|140 Wellington St Opp. Post Office) DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. + Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS ~-- CHATEAU Phone S00 WE NEVER CLOSE at a Sy How easy it Is to credit self with success, and blame others for fail- 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. 'T0 TAKE ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE IN ACTION 'Brought by Leeds Woman to Prove That 8he Was Married. It was announced, on Friday, that further evidence will be taken in the case of Mrs. Rosey Knowlton, plain- tiff, vs. J. N. Knowiton, defendant, | of the township of Leeds, which was | heard before Justice Orde at the | court house on Thursday, September | 20th. | Who are the heirs of the late John | Nelson Knowlton, who died recent. ly in the township of Leeds and who | left a large estate, is the question to | be settled. The brothers and sisters | claim to be the rightful heirs, not- | withstanding that the deceased left {a wife and three children. The | clam of the brothers and the sisters was that no marriage took place, | but the mother of the children | claimed that she was married to Knowlton at the Kingston General Hospital, in April, 1883, and that the ceremony was performed by a | Baptist minister. It was further | claimed that the marriage ocertifi- | cate was destroyed in a fire. { The judge has granted an order [for the plaintiff, Mrs. Knowlton, to | cross examine Dr. Preston and call | Dr. R. J. Gardiner, Kingston, and {also W. A. Singleton, who drew up | the will. Mrs. Stout, sister of the | deceased, will be allowed to call { Mrs. White and Mrs. Patterson. A. | B. Cunningham, K.C., conducted | the case for the plaintiff, while J. | A. Hutchison, Brockville, acted fo | the defendant. : WESTERN PROBLEMS ARE PROBLEMS FOR CANADA The School Is a Real Factor in Helping the Chinese to Live. 8t. Andrew's church W.M.S. auxil- fary held its annual thanks offering meeting on Wednesday afternoon. M. V. Horne, Toronto, vice-president of the general board, gave a very in- teresting account of a trip he had made to the west last March, attend- Ing the provincial conventions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta ani British Columbia, also visiting the Chinese and Indian missions as far north as Adousac. Mr. Horne is a clear forceful speaker with a saving sense of humor. Several important points made by Mr. Horne were that the problems of the Chinese in the prov- ince of British Columbm were the problems of the whole of Canada, al- though the former province is the gateway by which they enter, that the school homes are real houses es shown by the facts, first, that tha children contribute voluntarily from || their-omn pockets money, and second, that the graduates go back to their homes and take part in the social and ---- A NAPANEE CITIZEN DEAD The Late R. G. Wright' Was Prominent in Business and the Church. Napanee, Oct. 5.--One of Nap- enee's oldest and most highly re- spected citizens in the person of Reuben G. Wright, passed away on Wednesday night, aged eighty-two years. Many years ago he was a member of the firm of Boyle & Wright, hardware merchants, which business is now being carried on by Boyle & Son. He was also a partner in the Napanee Mills Paper Com- pany for some years, later he was with the Gibbard Furniture Co. For a considerable period he was a val- uable representative of the Gurney Stove Co. He was a member of the Church of England and for years has been a lay delegate to Synod from the Church of St. Mary Mag- dalene, Napanee. : The family have the sympathy of the people of Napanee in their ber- eavement. Mr. Wright's son, who Itves at Vancouver, B.C., was not1- fied when his father's illness took a serious turn and is now en route for Napanee. The date of the funeral will be announced on his arrival at the old home. Miss Constance Boulton, Toronto, is in town to assist in organization work for C. W. Hembly, Conserva- tive candidate, In the election which takes place here on the 22nd instant. Mrs. Myers, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. F. Ruttan, Bridge street. Mies Mary Daly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Daly, left town yes- terday for Montreal, and will sail on Saturday from that port on the SS. Audania, for London, Eng. Miss Daly: expects to remain a year in England with her aunt, Lady Twin. ing. | From Whig Fyles OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. October 5th, 1918. The fleld sports of the Royal Mil- itary College are held. The locomotive works presents a cheque for $3,000, to widow of late Melville Knapp, latally injured re- cently, Two cars of the Grand Trunk attempt to wreck the train. Additional degrees in arts are an- nounced by Queen's University, October 5th, 1908. Complaints are made by many oit- izens that local merchants are buy- ing up the best of the produce on the market in early houre. The grain movement from the head of the lakes to Kingston is -e- ponted much slower than usual. The Board of Works decide to in- stall a new lighting system in the city hall. The combined sports of fhe R. M. C. and Queen's are held with great success, | RITISH WHIG -- GANANOQUE Oct. 5.--Mrs. Ward Valleau and two children are visiting in Ottawa. | W. T. Halliday has disposed of his butcher business at the west end of the bridge to P. M. Kavanagh, Corn. wall. Mr. Halliday will shortly leave for Toronto to accept a position in that city. C. 8. MacKenzie leaves tonight to see the MoGill-Queen's rugby match in Montreal on Saturday. There was another large euchre at the Lyceum on Wednesday evening. Following were the prize winners: 1st ladies' prize, Miss A. Lashay, hid- | den, Mrs. Beaubieu, Gananoque East; 1st gentlemen's, Henry Amo; hidden, A. Lucey. Miss Alle Sullivan returned to Watertown, N.Y., yesterday. Mrs. James McMillan who has | been the guest of her father, Neil | McCarney, for the past few days, | returned to Ottawa, to-day. Several Gananoqueans wil go | down to New York for the world's | series, Several menibers of Dickson's lodge, including Messrs. C. K. | Wright, George K. Taylor and A. W. | Taylor will go down there for al few days' outing at the week-cnd. Mrs. T. O. Middleton has purch- | ased the residence of Mrs. J. A. Webster, Brock street. a -- HAD A FINE OUTING Kingston Members of L. O. B. A. En- tertained at Napanee On Tuesday evening, Oct. 2nd, | eighteen of the ladies of the L_O. B. A. Hope of Derry Lodge, No. 404, mo- tored fo Napanee where they were greeted by the sisters and brothers of the, Eastern Star Lodge, L. O. B. A, No. 245 and the L. O. B. A. from Bel- leville. After the business duties were over an entertainment was put on by the following. Mrs. James Thompson and Arnold, song; The Captain and Lieutenant of the Salvation Army | club swinging; Mrs, James Thompson, mouth organ; W..M. Sister Hussey, S. Hepburn and S. Bourk played the 8azoos. Much credit is due to the Ladies of the Eastern Star for the dainty refreshmerits. The Ladies of the Hope of Derry arrived home about 12.30 o'clock. -- ROTARY CLUB LUNCHEON Fire Chief and Members of Fire Com- mittee Guests. October 7th, to 13th is being ob- served as "Fire Prevention Week," and the members of the Kingston Ro- tary Club, at their weekly luncheon held in the British-American hotel on Friday noon had as their special speaker, J. Grove Smith, Ottawa, who spoke on "Fire Prevention." Fire Chief Armstrong, Ald. F. J. O'Connor and members of the fire and | light committee were the guests of the club. The Kingston Rotary Club has en- tered into the attendance competition with the Brockville club, arranged by District Governor Edwin Weeks, and an interesting contest is being looked forward to, ---------- Heavy Soled Brown Brogue 'Oxfords are the favorite Shoe for young men who want smart styles and well-dressed feet. We have the real English Brogue -- really made in England at ....... ...... $10.00 Also a few other reliable Canadian- made Brogues at .....iiuioniii .. $8.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store a ---------------------- wr Kingston's Largest Home F urnisher, PHONE 147 For Repairing and Uphoistering is the spirit of the times. values in assorted Mohair, Taupe shades, YOUNG COUPLES will find Reid's a good place to deal We have some wonderful Velours and plain - JAMES REID The Leading Urldertaker Gifts for a Bride. . About forty young people enjoyed a very delightful evening, when they gathered at the home of Mrs. D. H. Andrews, Napanee, and presented her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth BEdge- combe, with many beautiful and use- ful presents in the line of silver, cat glass, table linen and many other articles. A religious life. Tea was served at the close of the meeting and t auxiliary members had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Horne. A number of ladies from || Cooke's were warmly welcomed. Canadian Pacific. 180 Wellington street report the following arrivals of their steam- ships: Empress of Britain, from Quebec, due Cherbourg and Southampton Oct." 6th. Empress of France, from South- ampton, due Quebec, Oct. 10th, Montclare, from Liverpool, due Quebec, Oct. 5th. IT'S IN THE WINDOW White and Gold 97 PIECE Served Time In the "Pen" The London Free Press has the fol- lowing: "Pleas that he was healthy and strong and desired to make his own way in the world rather than be a charge on his parents in Meaford secured for Harry McAllister, accused of vagrancy, another chance to go along the straight and narrow path in police court. McAllister has been in jail here on remand for the past week. He was argested near a barber shop which had been entered the same night. Inquiries made by the police" in the meantime elicited the information that McAllister, according to his finger- prints, has a police record both in Owen Sound and Bracebridge. For housebreaking and theft in the latter two he was sentenced to serve two years in penitentiary." ASSEMBLE WITNESSES IN LONDON MURDER CASE ------ DINNER SET Made by Alfred Meakin, Limited. Selling at the low price of $23.00 If you don't want a full set you can just what you do want. It's OPEN §T8CK New CONSOLE SETS, assorted colors, selling for $3.00 Special prices on Cut Glass Sugars and Daa ue ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. See cese sea T. J. Rigney, K.0., to Conduct Prosecution Against Sidney Murrell. T. J. Rigney, K.C., who has been chosen to act for the crown in the case of Sidney Murrell, charged with the murder of Rassell Campbell, in London, in 1921, will go to London in the course of a few days, to as- who were well acquainted Campbell, the victim of escapade, ---------- Their Diamond Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. James Mattice, Novar Ont., have just celebrated the sixti- oth anniversary of their marriage, and are hale and hearty. They were married at Chesterfield in Septem- ber, 1863, and have spent the last forty-five years in Muskoka. Montrose, from Liverpool, Oct. 5th. Melita from Antwerp, Southamp- ton and Cherbourg, due Quebec, Oct. bth. Minnedosa from Montreal, arriv- ed Cherbourg and Southampton, Oct. 4th, and due Antwerp, Oct. 5th. Metagama, from Montreal, due Belfast and Glasgow, Oct. 6th. Mearburn, from Glasgow and Bal- fast, due Quebec, Oct. 6th. Empress of Canada, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Van- couver, Oct. Sth, Montreal, due Wesley Storms, Near Verona, Loses His Season's Crop. A large barn owned by Wesley about four miles northeast » EF i 11 ifs ATH SRR EE ------ mind E. LUCKIN Central Meat Market (opposite Allen's Theatre) Phone 694. Special Week-End Prices WESTERN STEER BEEF Stews from - Pot Roasts Oven Roasts Boiling Beef . 6¢ lb. ~ 10c Ib. 11c Ib. 7c bb. Pork Roasts Pork Sausage ~ 18c Ib. 20c Ib. POTATOES ....... WHEY BUTTER .... 35c. Ib. OUR TEA ......... .5%.Ib. 32¢. peck HAMBURG STEAK 3 Ibs 25¢. MINCE STEAK ....2 Ibs. 25c. PORK LIVER.......... 7c. Ib.

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