Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1923, p. 12

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co ---- SATURDAY OCTORER 6, 19s | EER NNEENREENNNEEERERRRRN MacKEY'S WHOLE WHEAT BREAD § From the Wheat Fields to You . MacKey's Whole Wheat Bread is the real bone and muscle building, rich in all the qualities that growing children need. A thick slice with plenty of good butter is a mpal in itself. For grown people, too, it makes digestion wait on appetite _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS | HOME AND SCHOOL CIVB. ---- ) Of Central School Holds a Very In. ms . i : : teresting Meeting. Very Simple in Design; They Fall Straight From | The first meeting of the Home and . 1 School Club of Central school was The Shoulders - { held in the school, Tuesday, Oct. Bayle, nid 2nd, at 8 pm. The president. Rev. Dr. Lennon, mede a few opening re- ag rr marks, in which he told of the good work accomplished by this club in previous years, and hoped that this vear would be as successful. The new business for the coming year . was then discussed, As Dr. Len- on 'was not able to assume the of- fice of presideft again, owing to oth- er duties, Capt. H. Law was elected president. Dr. Lennon taking the 'LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | Editor of Women's Page, Tele | Mr. Mrs. C. H. phone 248. Private 'phone 857w. Stuayt street. . . ®.0 Mr. and Mrs. James C Prof. M. B, and Mrs. Baker, Wil- | sublet their home furnished to fam street, are visiting in Montreal | Major Turner, of the Royal Military for a few days. | College, and will apend the winter Several little impromptu socal | with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, 59 events were given at Wellington, In| Gore street 'honor of Mrs. J. Wellington Grier | oe before she left, her many friends re; Miss Helene Sherlock left for her home in Canton, Ohio, on Satur- | day. She will leave on a motoring Ppitality while at Lakeview Inn. Mrs, 'trip to California end spend the - i gretting her departure and trying ty compensate for her generous hos- Grier has gone to Athens for a | winter there. month before going to the Queen---- Mr. and Mrs. James Dunlop, Jr. City where she intends spending the | have returned from visiting for the Winter months. | Past month in Buffalo and Detroit. . . | Mrs..F. E. Bowes, Buffalo, 1s Miss Helen W. | visiting Hugh Douglas and family. Charlesworth, B. M C ce Nesbitt, . A., has left to attend the Toronto | 8s Constance Nesbitt Kingston University and also to continue her! studies in vocal and instrumental | ¢ o, music at the Conservatory of Mus-| Lord Renfrew is due to arrive in de. | Montreal on Tuesd v 3 ay. Followi his Hiram Stewart, Carleton Place, is visit to the Governor-General . ot- #he guest of Mrs. Alfred Dulmage, tawa, Lord Renfrew will continue Kingston. : | his Journey to Montreal and will re Miss Bertha Nugent, Aberdeen { main there until the morning of Sat- Street, has returned to the city {ter | yrday, Ootober 13th. | & delightful visit of two months im Miss Lela Loucks, Kingston, is Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary and | spen Ying holidays with her mother Ban at Newburgh. bitt, Lindsay, : . \ Mrs. W. McCartney has returned | fome after attending the Barnard- Eliott wedding, having been the Jun of her brother, Rev. 0. C, EI- dott and Mrs. Eliott, 29 Browning &venue, Toronto, The marriage of Mies Norah Iso- bel Staples, youngest daughter of the late L. E. Staples, M.A., Wood- stock, and Mrs. Staples, Ingersoll, to Elis Wickham Clark, barrister, "es {eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. | Clark, Toronto, took place dn Inger- : . » . Pol - ar pd re umes A Polen Ie wall, Wednesday afternoon, October ture Lote Bromaville, N.Y. wn oe or Mrs. W. W. Walker, Mrs. J. A. Craig,hes returned to Perth, motored to Kingston to-day nto, after visiting friends In and went on to Ivy Lea, where they oro and Trenton. will enjoy a day or so at their cot- Mrs. E. PA. Bayle has left for | 'a8 her home in Worchesteér, N.B., ac- companied by her son and his wife, New Method Of Reducing Fat| A news ftem from abroad informe us that the American method of producing & slim, trim figure is meeting with as- hishing success. This system, which . - Dus De he hopreasion| Mrs A. Francis, 23 University fat.| avenue, announces the engagement n-| Of ber eldest daughter, Mildred Lil- Man, to George Wilbert Read, B.Sc., second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. » Ont. The marriage the middle of Oct- *- °° eo Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Spooner, Division street, announce the en- &agement of their daughter Mary El- len (Nellie) to John Charles Mec- Cartney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will- fam McCartney, Eanl Street. The marriage will take place very quiet- ly the latter part of October, ». » mportant and Raa if end economical Jie" a 8 say economical because nola Prescription Tablets (made in, nce with the famous Marmola' eriptfon) can be obtained of any' Bist the world over or from the mola Company, 4612 Woodward + Detroit, Mich., for one dollar a)money. Which is a decidedly economical Lots i oonsiderin r of tabl Case contains. They are harmless lalty of sowing wild oats. greases is to take place be Cooke's Church Ladies' Aid tea and sale, Wednesday, December 5th. ------ . : -- Il MERCHANTS HOUSEHOLDERS ATTENTION! Let us improve your lighting, Desk Lamps, Adjustable Lamps, Nitro- gen and Tungsten Lamps at lowest prices. Repairs done quickly. Housewiring our specialty. is the guest of her brother, Dr. Nes- place .of vice-president. It was de- cided to hold a tea and sale in the school towards the last of Octobet. Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson of Cooke's church then addressed the gathering He spoke on "Education" and"in a humorous strain told of how the ment of his childish ideas. pointed out the need of parents and teachers having sympathy with the child. He emphasized the value of music in the schools; and also spoke of the great value of the playgrounds. Solos were sung by Miss Margaret Phillips, teacher in training in the Model School, and H. Hill, supervisor of music in the public schools. Mr. Hill also acted as accompanist for the sing-song conducted by the model students, ' W. M. Campbell, chairman, of the hoard of education, then addressed the meeting. In hig interesting way he spoke of how the Kingston Roard appreciated the work of the Home and School Clubs, and how they tried to co-operate with the petitions of clubs as far as possible. Refresh- ments were served by the social com- mitiee, of which 'Mrs. Ryan is con- venor. MARRIED AT CATARAQUIL The Cadotte-Robson Nuptials on Spending one's vacation offers a grand opportunity for spending one's of city farmers make a spec- 4th of October. At Cataraqui, on Oct. 4th, Rev. Canon Smith united in marriage Margaret Elizabeth, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robson, and George Leo, only son of Mr, and Mrs. George Cadotte, Westbrook. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue tricotine and carried a bouquet of ophella roses. They were unat- tended. After the ceremony dinmer was served at the home of the bride's parents, where a few immediate re- latives of the bride and groom were present. The happy couple left on the steamer Waubic with their mo- tor car, for Rochester and other points in the United States. On their return they will reside at Westbrook, where the groom is a prominent farmer. ------ Peaches Grown In Kingston. Dr. R. E. Sparks, Johnson street, left at the Whig one of three peaches grown in his garden from a seedling that grew from a stone thrown into the soil some years ago. The peach is well-developed and has the taste of a peach, but without the luscious flavor of those grown elsewhere. Dr. Sparks has been watching the growth of the peach since early spring when the twig blossomed. Three peaches were grown. -------- Russian Caps. Newest boudoir caps show a Rus. sian influence, with an upstanding fram of tiny ruffles of Valenciennes lace. S-------- White Sauce, : When making white sauce if tha sauce becomes lumpy a little cold water and a little more energy In stirring it will remedy all defects. Though it be honest, it. is never good to bring bad news. Il tidings tell themselves--Shakespeare. chil retained in his mind the treat- | He also | By Annette Bradshaw. Coats follow the straight, perfectly simple line. Gone is the barrel model of last season. The correct way of wearing a wrap is no 'more the way of drawing it in tight to the figure so that it shows every curve, It is al- lowed to fall straight and sheer from the shoulders. These two models stress the utter simplicity of wraps both for day and evening. The day coat, at the left, is made of a beautiful novelty imported mater- ial in lacquer red with flecks or arange through «it. The lynx collar blends perfectly with the colors of the coat. The velvet wrap for evening is straight, too, with folds of the mater. } HELP THE JAPANESE To-day the Kingston branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society is mak. ing. another special appeal to the citizens of Kingston to help along | the Japanese fund. The call is urgent, and it is hoped that a good- ly sum will be realized. The follow- ing is a list of the subscribers up to date. Kingston Branch, Red Cross Society vena: Sodality of Children of Mary Pr. CO. C..Nash ,... .... Nurses' Alumnae Hotel Dieu George Robertson & Sou. . "In. As Mush" ... .. A-Friend. .... ... Miss Macfarland ... George A. Bateman .. Mre. Jeremy Taylor .. Boy Scouts, Queen street Methodist church .. Rev. Dr. W.'S. Lennon .. .. A Friend RR Box Oollection at Kingston Flr aoe... .. $200.00 25.00 §.00 10.00 100.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 .e 5.00 2.00 25 4.40 LASTDAY-SATURDAY TO GET A $1.00 ial making the deep collar. They fold upward, the flesh crepe de Chine, which lines each fold, casting 'a be. coming glow over the wearer's face. and health on both. Why not try it to-day? MacKEY'S BREAD Ltd. PHONE 834, KINGSTON, ONT, DA.CovENTAYS InvALID WinE WIR ET Heel) AT YOUR DR (4717 FH UNTARIO WINE C NIW TORONTO. Ont. Covvinen The wrap itself is lined in flesh crepe de Chine, an interlining furnishing sufficient warmth for Winter evenings. Linings, this season furnish some of the variety that coat silhouettes fail to give. When the wraps are so utterly simple, linings have a way of intro- ducing shirring and puffs and con. trasting bands of color by way of a little variety, Lynx Collars This Coat of Lacquer Red and e. | tempered unless it it carefully train- TO-MORROW'S HOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE -------------- An electrical code machine that can |5end and receive radio messages in a secret code susceptible to '11,8%1,- 876 changes, now located in Wash- ington, will be tried out during the proposed manoeuvers of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets in the ' Panama Zone, SUNDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 7.8. Sunday's horoscope points to a rather commonplace day with mat- ters running in customary grooves. This Black Velvet Evening Wrap Forms Its Own Collar. 5.00 500 2.00 2.00 3.00 10.00 iD. K. Mrs, Duff .. ~.... A K. Miss Comer .. Anonymous .. .. Between wrangling and disputing, truth is lost. RTT. Renewing Complexions At Home By Absorption It is .suggested' that the family's heaith be made a matter of consid- eration. It inay be a good day for attending to personal correspond- ence, literary pursuits or reading. Those whose birthday it is look for a quiet year, with affairs pro- ceeding along routine lines. me careful of the family health. A ¢hild born on this day may make its If your complexion is marred by sal- lowness, muddiness, or such blemishes as liver spots, moth patches, pimples, freckles, it's useless to putter with powders and paints, jellies, creams and 5.00 5.00 5.00 Mrs. Wm. Anderson Rev. Dr. Torrance .. . M R. G. things, if you really want to get rid of the condition. The rational way is to take off the best success in the employment of others or in Hterary pursuits, 25.00 50.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 15.00 2.00 72.38 Mrs. H. Kirkpatrick., ... Victoria Chapter... ... .e A Friend. . A Friend..;. .... .. A Friend. , Dr Austin. ....... is. D.C..50 0, Style Show col GOOD MANNERS ARE A VALUABLE ASSET Your Morals Are Your Own, But Your Manners Belong to the Public. A very wise man once said your morals are your own, but your man. ners belong to the public. And be- cause of this good manners are an asset of untold value. { Few peoflle are consciously vulgar ror unkind, but so often an impression of crudity and rudeness is given sim- ply because they are in ignorance of the right thing to do or say. | There are certain expressions and words which while not always ungram- matical quickly reveal an uncultivated person. One of the most common 'is the use of yeh instead of yes; another which unfortunately is heard many times a day is don't for does not. One never_says . "she don't" but always "she does not." {Between "you and 1" is often heard and is used frequently by people of good education. This, howevet, does, not mean that it is correct. Instead one should say between "you and me". "She is a very handsome lady" or "he is a nice looRing gentleman" quickly ae Seba on ane . oe PANE Wee a an .e Somplaxion itself, with all its offensive marks. Just get an ounce of pure mer- colized wax at the druggist's and use at night same as cold cream. Remove next morning with water and Soap. The mercoligzed wax actually abgorbs the affected scarf skin, so gradually no one Sueasas you are treating your face ;~unless it be by the result, which is truly wonderful." There's nothing like it for restoring a natural, healthy and beautiful complexion, GALLAGHER'S service 960 DAY AND NIGHT Monday's planetary chart pre- Sages many Interesting events in business as well as in the dome:tic and affectional realms. These should not be menaced by mash or tumultuous conduct or by hasty change or litigation. Attend calm- ly to business and do not let smal worries interfere. Those whose birthday it is have the forecast of an interesting year, in which success and happiness may be jeopardized by indulgence In quarrels and hasty acts. A chiid born on this day may be quick- Aerts Benen C.W.LINDSAY, Limited - CANADA'S PREMIER PIANO HOUSE Tm THE PLAYER PIANO WITH HUMAN EXPRESSION THE PIANO The joy of playing a Heintzman & Co. " tal in creating that apprecia- tion of inspiration for which the masters composed. EASY TERMS.

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