SATURDAY OCTOBER 6, 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "FRUIT-A-TIVES" ~~ SAVED HER LIFE Operation not Necessary After Taking This Famous Fruit Medicine 8928 Usiox Sr., Vaxcovvsez, B.C. "I suffered with all the symptoms , of Female trouble, with chronic Consti- ~ pation and constant Headaches. 1 had pains low down in the babk and sides of the body. A doctor advised me to have an operation, : : Ista taking "Fruit-a-tives"' and this medicine has com desely rel me of all my misery and suffering. I am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation, and what saved me is the fruit medicine, " tives." Fruita ives." os MJ. GORSE, "Fruit-a-tives" are made from ices of apples, oranges, figs and _-- 158 Jigen uf one ron are absolutely free of calomel, senna and other 3 RIC Ht Remiten tives' wi , ct rugs which irritate the bowels. Fruit-a tives" will always correc Pati and Biliousness. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent post paid on receipt of price. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA, ONT. London, Eng. Ogdensburg, N.Y. Christchurch, N. Z, AAA ny EA -------------- sk of the 300000 a Thought Pigsers > Their homes have been brightened and their labors lightened by Happy Thought Ranges. They are satisfied. You will be. Baking, broiling, frying, reserving -- no matter what--the Happy Thought Range is always dependable. For forty years Canadisn women have been using Happy 'Thought Ranges because 'of the satisfactory results they give. The large aven, with its even heat--the large cook- ing surface --easy regulation--small fuel consumption--excellent appear. ance--and all the little attachments that save labor have made this range their Choice, Ask the woman who owns one. She will say: "I like my Happy Poti because it's such a) good ® Every corner of the home heated by a Happy Thought Pipeless' Furn- aceis a place of comfort. The stove-heated home oe have no better stove than a Happy Thought Heater, Buia by McKELVEY & BIRCH, LIMITED 75-71 Brock Street, Kingston To Queen Victoria By Royal Warrant Lovel h to grace a Royal tabl Zz is Brown's Pure Trish Liner on ps versally recognized for a century and a half as supreme amongst beautiful . Brown's Linen has been granted the of eel : IV. Continuous use in has owed it On the oe. Your dealer can show you this celebrated line. BR | | | | | | | { | | | THE KINGSTON FAIR PRIZE LIST POULTRY. Asiatic Breeds--Brahmas, cock, Carl Goldman; hen, Carl Goldman; cockerel, Carl Goldman; puliet, Carl Goldman. Langshans, €OCXK, first and second, Jas. Holland, Mrs. Lapointe, Tincap; hen, first, second and third, Jas. Holland; cockerel, firet, second and third, Jas. Hol- land; pullet, first, second and third, Jas. Holland. Cochins, cock, Mrs. Lapointe; hen, first and second, Mrs. Lapointe; cockerel, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, Mrs. | La-~ pointe, American Breeds-- Plymouth Rocks, Barred, cock, W. J. Arniel, first and third, Mrs. Lapointe, sec- ond; hep, Mrs. Lapointe, W. J. rodel, Jas. Laturney; cockerel, rst and second, W. J. Arniel; pul- let, first and second, W. J. Ar- niel. Plymouth Rocks, white: cock Mrs. Lapointe; hen, Mrs, Lapointe; cockerel, Geo. F. Holland, first, seconld and third; pullett, Geo. F. Holland, first, second and third. Plymouth Rocks A.0.V.--Cock, Mrs. Lapointe; hen, Mrs. Lapointe, H. L. Kiel, Mrs. Lapointe; cockerel, H., L. Kiell, second and third, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, H. L. Kiell, second and third, Mrs. La. pointe. Wyandottes Golden-- Hen Mrs. Lapointe. Wyandottes Silver--Cock, , first, second and third, B. Whitney; hen, first, second angd third, B. Whitney; cockerel, first, second and third, B. Whitney; pullet, first and sec- ond, B. Whitney, third, Mrs. La- pointe. Wyandottes, white--Cock, Jos- eph White, 1st, 2nd, 3rd; hen, Jos- eph' White, 1st, 2nd, 3rd; cockerel, Joseph White, 1st, 2nd, 3rd; puliet, "Joseph White, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Wyandottes, Partridge--Cock, J. G. Paiterson, 1st and 2nd; hen, J. G. Patterson; cockerel, J. G. rat- terson, H. Walsh; pullet, H. Walsh. Wyandottes A.O.V.--Hen, M. H. Stover. Wyandottes, black, cocx, Clugston Bros.; hen, 1st and 2nd, J. P. Frost, Clugston Bres., 3rd; cockerel, 1st, J. P. Frost, 2nd and 3rd, Clugston Bros.; pullet, 1st and 3rd, Clugston Bros. 2nd J. P. Frost. Rhode Island Reds, 8.C.--Cock, Benson Coulter, Mrs.» Lapointe, M. H. Stover; hen, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe, | M. H. Stover, 2nd and 3rd; cock- erel, M. H. Stover, 1st and 2nd; pullet, M. H. Stover. Rhode Island Reds, R.C.--Cock, Geo. L, Bliss 1st and 2nd; hen, Geo. L.' Bliss, 1at and 2nd. Mediterranean Breeds--Cock, H. Walsh, Geo. L. Bliss, John Livesey, Belleville; hen, 1st, Geo. L. Bliss, 2nd and 3rd, R. Sinclair; cockerel, J. D. Lachapelle, St. Paul JL. Ar- miti; R. Sinclair, C. W. Holland; pullet, 1st and 3rd, J. Jones, 2na, R. Sinclair. Leghorns, brown, single comb, cock, Earl Rutan, tanley Campbell, Fred Hebert; en, G. H. Collins, Stanley Camp. ell, G. H. Collins; cockerel, G. H. Collins, Earl Ruttan; pullet, Q. H. Collins, 2nd and 3rd, Frea Hebert. Leghorns, brown, rose comb: cock, H. S. Graham, Earl Rutten, H. Walsh; hen, R. 8. Gra- bam, 1st and 2nd. Leghorns Buff--Cock, Jas. Har- ris, Mrs. Lapointe; hem, Mrs, La- pointe, 2nd and 3rd, Jas Harris; pullet, Mrs. Lapointe. Leghorns, Black---Cock, 1st and 2nd, H. Walsh, 3rd Mrs. Lapointe; hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh: cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh; pullet 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh. Leghorns - A.0.V.--Cock, Earl Ruttan, lst, 2nd and 3ra; hen, Barl Ruttan, 1st and 2nd; cockerel, Earl Ruttan, 1st and 2nd; pullet, Earl Ruttan, 1st and 2nd. Minorcas--Cock, C. E. Maxam, C. E. Reynolds; hen, 1st and 3ra, C. E. Reynolds, 2nd C. E. Max- am; cockerel, Mrs, Lapointe; pul- let, Mrs, Lapointe. Anconas, rose comb--Cock, J. Colclough, 1st, 2nd and third; hem, J. Colclough, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Anconas Single Comb; cock, C. R. Mackintosh, Mrs. Lapointe, H. L| Keill; hen, Mrs. Lapointe, H. Walsh, C. R. Mackintosh; cockerel, J. Col clough, 2nd and third, C. R. Mac. kintosh; pullet, J. Colclough, C. R. Mackintosh, Mrs. Lapointe. Cam- pines: Cock, Ear! Ruttan. Anda. lusians: Cock, A. MacGregor, Mrs. Lapointe; hen, Ist and 2nd, Mrs, Lapointe, 3rd A. MacGregor, Mediterranean Breeds A.0.V. -- Cock, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapos.~ 3rd J. D! Lachapelle; hen, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd J. D. ; : English Breeds -- Orpingtons, Buff, Cock, Mrs. Lapolate; hen, 1st "H. Caldback, W. M. Norman. ey Mrs. Lapointe; hen, Mrs, Lapointe, | ~ | Ovide Lafleche, St.Joseph du La, 3rd. Ee ot et ee ee -- | French Breeds--Houdans: Cock, | 1st Mrs. Lapointe, R. J. McGil- | livray, 2nd and 3rd; hen, 1st Clugsfon Bros, 3rd R. J. McGis Mvray; cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, R. J. McGillivray; pullet, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, R. J. McGillivray, Hamburgs, black--Hen, 1st and 2nd Mrs. Lapointe; cockerel, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe. Hamburgs, silver spangled--- Cook, J. W. Lake, 2nd Mrs. La- pointe; hen, 1st and 2nd, Mrs, La. Frank Joyce; pullet, Frank Joyce, 1st and 2nd. Polands, white crested black-- Cock, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; hen, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; cockerel, Mrs. Lapointe; pallet, Mrs. Lapointe. Polands, Golden or Hen, Mrs. Lapointe. Any other standard breed: cock, Mrs. La- pointe; han, Mrs. Lapointe. Old English Game (Pit) --Game Cock 1st H. L. Keill, 2nd E. s. Steen and Watson: hen, H. L. Keill 2nd W. N. Davy 3rd. E. 8. Steen and Watson; cockerel, E. 8. Steen and Watson, H. L. Keill; pul- let, H. L. Keill, E. 8. Steen and Watson, ' Game, Black Red--Cock, H. L. Keill, Ear! Ruttan, W. N. Davy; hen, H. L. Keill, Earl Ruttan, W, N. Davy; cockerel, 1st and 2nd, W. N. Davy; pullet, 1st and 2nd, W, N. Davy, Joe. White. Bantams-- Black, Reds: Cock, N. Munsie; hen, N, Munsie, Jas. Har- ris; cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, N. Munsie; pullet, N. Munsie, 1st 2nd and 3rd. Duck Wing, cockerel, N. Munsie. Ornamental Bantams -- Black Cochins: Cock, J. A. Casterton, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, C. R. Mackintosh; hén, Jas. B. Holland, 1st, 2nd ang dnd C. R. Mackintosh; cockerel, Stver-- pointe, 3rd, J. W. Lake: cockerel, {per mines are timbered with i wood, and mahogany is ordinarily J. A. Casterton, 1st and 2nd, 3rd J. B. Holland; pulet, J. A. Caster. | ton, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, land White Cochins~--Cock, Joseph Whit\; hen, 1st and 2nd, Joseph White; cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Joseph White; pullet, 1st, 2nd ana 3rd, Joseph White, Buff Cochins--Cock, Ges. L. Bliss, 2nd B. Whitney; cockerel, J. P. Frost; pullet, J, P. Frost. Sea- brights Golden or Silver, cock, 1st and 2nd, Geo, L. Bliss. Black or White Rose Comb: cock, Clugston Bros., Standley Campbell; hen, Stanley Campbell, A.0.V., cock, B. Whitney; hen, B. Whitney. Selling Class -- Cock, Joseph White, J. G. Patterson, 'Geo. L. Bliss; hen, Joseph White, J. G. Patterson, Geo. L. Bliss; cockerel, H. Walsh, R. Sinclair, Joseph White; pullet, Joseph White, Geo, L. Bliss, Exhibit Breeding Pens--Heavy Breeds, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Joseph White. Light Breeds, R. Sinclair, John Livesey. Geese, pair, Emden --Old, Mrs. Lapointe, John Coop- er. Toulouse, old, Mrs. Lapointe. Toulouse, 1923, Mrs. Lapointe. Geese A.0.V. old, Mrs. Lapointe 1st and 2nd, Melville Patterson 3rd. A.0.V. 1923, Melville Patterson' 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe 3rd. Ducks, Pekin, old, 1st John Coop- er, 2nd Geo. Leatherland. Pekin, 1923, Geo. Leatherland, Mrs. La- pointe, John Cooper. Ducks, pair Indian Runner, old, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe. Indian Runner, 1923 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe, Ducks, A.0.V,, 1923, Mrs. Lapointe. J. B. Hol- Pigeons, Fantails A.C., 1st Melville Pat- terson, 2nd Harry Caldback, Jaco- bins AC, 1st L. Cleary, Magpies, Black, 1st and 2nd, J. A. Cabter- fon, 3rd L. Cleary. Magpies A.O. C., 1st, 2nd and 3rd, J. A. Caster- ton. Owls A.V., 1st J. A. Caster- ton, 2nd W. N. Davy. Pigmy Pont- ers Blue or Silver, 1st, 2nd and 3ra William Norman. Cleanley Tumb- lers, 1st W. N. Davy, 2nd and 3rd, J. A. Casterton. Bald Head Tumb- lers, A.C., 1st W. N. Davy, 2nd and 3rd, M. Patterson. Muffed Tumb- lers, black or white, iat. J. A Casterton, 2nd and 3rd, Ww. Nn. Davy. Muffed Tumblers, A.0.C., 15 2nd and 3rd, J. A, Casterton. Turbits, A.C., 1st L. Cleary, 2na MelviNe Patterson. Nuns A.C. 1s¢ 2nd and 3rd, J. A. Casterton. Ice pigeons, Swallows or P- 's A.C, 1st and 3rd, J. A. Casterton, 2na L. Cleary. Exhibition Homers or Diagrams, W. N. Davy. Flying Homers A 1st H. Cold- back, 2nd W. M. Norman, 3rd A. Hughes. Flylng Homers 1923 A.C, Util Chuntecler: cock, 1st and 2nd Ovide Lafleche, 3rd J. J. Bros- seau; hen, 1st and 3rd, Ovide La- fleche, 2nd J. J. Brosseau; cock- erel, 1st and 2nd, Ovide Lafleche, 3rd J. J. Brosseau; pullet, 1s Two Mountains, Que., 2nd and 3rd J. J. Brosseau, Bainville, Que. Rabbits-- Belgian Hares, males young, Mrs. J. Lowry. Females, young, Mrs. J. Lowry. Any other breed or variety: Males, old 1st 2nd and 3rd, J. Colclough. Females, old, 1st and 2nd, J. Colelough. Males, young, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, J. Colclough. Females, young, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, J. Colclough. Rosewood" and mahogany Ware so plentiful in Mexico that many cop- rosfe- used for locomotive fuel. The Thames at Charing Cross con- tains a proportion of ralt water for ge a At At an. at at and refining, The "Gin ye wad keep th' cauld fra yer bones come winter, ell wear ' Veluoknit underwear." Two-piece and combination garments for men and boys in heavy weight pure wool and medium weight botany qualities. Velvoknit "Red Label" pure wool heavy weight worker underwear is the ideal for the out-doors ¥ No. 90 line, botany quality for the inside man. * And the new Syrup comes to you in a new container--A glass jar that purity of the contents. you can look through and see the 5 A full Imperial quart self-sealing container that you can use after. wards for your own preserving. Benson's Golden Syrup Manufactured by The Canada Starch Co. Limited, Jes CA Not Merely a Handsome Front quality goes right into , vital parts of the ie that bear hea and corrosive gases--the of your range--are wonderfu constructed. That's. why the Kootenay bakes so for an indefinite term of nd and stro and smoke box are Iron, protected at enamel beau iy les resisting every vital point by ary's dealer to remove you the interior of 109 veral hours at each high tide. Y it today, and give your palate a new treat. When you get that new flavour in Benson's Golden Syrup you will wonder what it is--that new sweetness that you have never known-- the surprise result of a new process in blending ire REMOVAL NOTICE L. C. Hemsley WATCHMAKER Has moved to 109 BROCK STREET and now open for business un- der the name of HEMSLEY & SON ~ 109 BROCK STREET If you caw't sleep turn om the light, And make the brightest day of night, An adjustable lamp that can be used on the table or Attached to the wall or bed is a" great night time convenience that eests very little money. Whatever fix- tures you need can be supplied by us--we want you to allow us to show you around the place. Rae nuntinit aR NR SRT ILIA PHONE: 423. 74 PRINCESS St "Enmities which are unspoken and hidden are more to be feared than those which are outspoken and op- en. / He who repeats the #1 he hears | of another is the true slanderer, Kootenay the hidden The parts t It is sou the lids and show the Kootena mt nn OVEN, WHITE NICKELED The interior of rmeo - iron attacks of rust heart well "inside." t of rust-