Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1923, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY OCTOBER 9. Ya a -- -- : WEEKLY : ; : MAKE CANADA BUY CANADIAN hls SAND SUCCEED wm: KINGSTON % cay ip LIFE'S SUCCESSES BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING THESE MERCHANTS HAVE Often we're discontented with the progress that we make | - It's always good, In climbing to the goal of sweet success; DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CO-OPERATIVE BUYING Disheartened and discouraged at the time it seems to take The best of food. To gather coin sufficient for a rest; | | CTORS -| W ; ippi ith nothi io stow] y . 3 CONTRA {Omaha Man Gets All Advan-| We see the years go slipping by with no hing much to oo] £ fs ) Doyle's Milk Maid Bread | " RAST aR ge | es of Chain Store System For energy and labor that we're given, JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. Tages ut O Diana The fires of life's ambition then: burn with a duller glow, Phone 1369 ; fe 0 ALBERT STREET r ; iar 'ey er PHONES 2267F--928W. 400 ALB E We fail to strive as once we would have striven. Should you walk into the Omaha A ' i : SE ---- Chamber of Commerce any Monday | But can it be we've overlooked the fact that there are Hiings j= POWER ANE rae " -- FRESH SEEDS / evening in the year, you would find More precious of attainment than mere gold ? : AND LIGHTING rLANTS INSTALLED oP . : 'en to fourteen men sitting at a| To lead a life of usefulness earns brighter crowns than kings', | H.W. NEWMAN El ECTRICAL CO FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS<LLOWEST MARKET [dinner table in one of the, privat And brings no vain regrets when we grow old. ' RICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. |rooms. AlN have every appearan Ni build ill it : 1i f toi ELECTRICAL JOBBERS AND CONTRACTORS P fo re Yee 0 build one home and fill it, by the medium of toil, BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC 1rgrm mg McFARLANE & WOOD. PHONE 444. ||°! Drosperkty -- and happiness. With sweet contentment, happiness and peace, PHONE 441. PRINCESS 5 | They're telling stories, relating busi- Will win ter glory ii ault o'erfilled itl il { ; TREET., x 7 \ ness experiences, chafing each other ] of pr a grea or 810ry a a \vau ith, uh diy ley ¥ Spo) / ood-naturedly. Th m to be ecious stones an oney withou ase. ' " -- | HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP NEW YORK 304 free oy swe Perfumery, || JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY CYLINDERS HAT CLEANING CO. These fourteen men actually are| The daily grind may tire with its dull monotony; Toilet Preparations HURD & son Ground on a Heald SHOE SHINE PARLOR good friends; more than that they Our wage may seem unworthy of our work; Dr. Bell GENERAL CONTRA R. M. CAMPBELL 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395. ||are A with Sack thar it The worldly gain of other folk may stir our jealousy WONDER MEDICINE CO. PHONE pi a 5 Cross Eh wel $4 Phone 12120. PETER LAMPROS, a business plan that brings them And dim our sight to joys that round us lurk. | 110 Clarence Street. Phones 314-304 | SE +38 TEPHEN oe \ -- |profit, But life's successes by no means, are those who fortunes build -- » 3 ' ' fia ------------ 7 BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND 3 art 2g een qorved. Claus To stations of authority have grown; 7 \ | \ Full line of Kitchenware GENERAL CARTD begins to arrange a pile of papers| It is they who with all credit their homely niche have filled, [| GEO, A. BATEMAN R. ARTHEY C. N. VEALE Theatrical Transfer Co. iva beside his plate. The chair And laid the sure foundations of a home. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST « IN. R. Buckley, Prop. | han looks at hie watch ------ EOI To or ori ratte errno aay REAL ESTATE AND OPTICIA Plumbing and Heating Cor. York and Oherry Streets. "igh lock. tog . So save: taking a tremendous loss on surp.us | things, its danger lies In tho In | A? AN ST/RE~374 Princess St. Phone 308F Phones 201 and 2214J. "ght o'clock, fellows, oy * | stocks, You know that in October, | that many persons will use it un- Phone 396w. 150 Wellington, 148 Princess St. Phone 2108, RAS--184 York Street. Phone 805M | (| Z f2nd the Fathering Dotomies a uel] 7o30, "whith War wie: or orTganiz- | wisely, Again, like electricity itg |\ 2 rien fe ET I TR, Bess ike on pegs Wen, ed, the slump came--atter a war benefits depend soley upon whether |./7~ ---- o -- cetylene Welding, ) Burning, Acetyleme Welding 8 gat, e £1a)rman i t boom that everyone thought would YOu use it or abuse ijt. F. H. HAMILTON TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL Electric and Acety €8, "we are to buy our supplies o last for at least another year. 1077 ming nud emi, G. K. KRAUSE BAKER Re dv 227 ONTARIO ST. i AN Ae i x A en i di, i Brass and Iron Casting ie Cars we It, spices, beans, rice. brooms and -- iemeral Machinery Repairs salt, spices, 8, ¢ "Every one of our members naa The $ N he ti h i Gene R. C. CLARKE flour. The secretary wiil please see y be Bijou, Boston, was. the first Now Is the time to have it tuned n ha n ' P. TRE ov Q. BISHOP COR. ENG at PIENC & "1 | oni Hoppin eee [J and certain lines on which he theatre to be lighted electrically . We will examine your Furnace || USE A PERFEOT BREAD wh HOS. AND QUEEN STREETS PHONE 2357F. TRE ove Wag 'long; and it seemed certain | The residence of the late J. Pfer- |] and estimate the Cost of needeéd FRONT ST. PHONE 1153, £OR, XING AND QUEE IN | kick-in' blank, round | that With the market breaking as|pont Morgan, New York City, is be- [{ FePairs. Phone 1420w. 131 Alfred st \ -- Printed Spy Je Passed « ound, lit was, wo must take a heavy loss |lieved to have been the first home / 8! CE ( STRAW HAT SEASON i) ihe Shia Plush sart, "My: |OR these long stocks, unless some. Hghted by electricity. BRITISH AMERICAN SAVOY RESTAURANT )|| w.reiiscieeroy ormms,, |v Tl Ae 2 Ask ron | = 2, Iemo arse has inquir. | W9IEKLY, to avert it. Women who never use anything MASOUD'S SPECIAL 40c. KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS Mr. Karsch, it seems, 5 ine "I called a special meeting of | else but an electric iron and yet ICE CREAM 1] "Pei Sunanx Pinner | Toeed from DINNER AND SUPPER 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. ed about the prices of salt. He our members, aski h bring | have disliked the w 1 Lu. Toe. tromage solicited. Phone 1488. what he has {learned 'oraning each to bring have sod the way the cord often ALWAYS THE SAME M. BOHAN, Propriet 210 Princess Street ~- Phone 1078 announces HE bart the with him an exact inventory of the |twists itself into curlicues wii be [| 238 Princess Street. ¥lione boo, 'KINGSTON, ONT, L J He ras inquire: 10, ow and | three or four items on which ue [Interested in the invention of an | "em J | \ -- \ \ prices of beans, Toes Wi an-| "28 overstocked. 'When we had pui iron cordholder which fills a long- | 7 \ i : STAIR PADS flour; and these prices, too, the cards on the table, we found | felt need and which is inexpensive. SEE a ) Electric Home Needs a. x Hen; Mv. SyosE. Knows that I, for Instance, was 'long' on It keeps the cord out of your way ESTIMATES SUBMITTED v . » Mr. ' sugar, whi v L. i I ' or Something new in BUHL the Brices'el Sa ans ' g while another member had while Ironing, Saves wear ana rear E. MAR N THOS. ANDRE Moffatt Ranges, protected : 3 P x ut a few sacks--not enough to last jand prevents the wires from break- CONTRACTOR open clements, Heaters, Grates, color. You will like |[|too. tells what he knows. for even a week. But 'he, in turn, Ing at the contact plug. FOR REAL ESTATE A Washing Machines, Vacuum . There follows a brief jutorvel Ji was 'long' on something els that -- 1113 BROCK ST. 36 Sixth Street. Phone 1400, Cleaners. Ask for our special them better than the ah ad SrA hy tu ie Is I needed, A survey of activity in the pro- /(N -- a. Rn "The answer was simple. For [motion of electrical home demon- |#" rT. terms. . a grey. $3.00 per doz. "kick-in" blank; and when ail have something like eight weeks, in the |strationg shows that during 1922 a HOTEL RANDOLPH ) Public Utilities Get them at Cnished the slips of paper SOS i midst of that 'silent 'panic' we |tota] of sixty such homes were ux. || The Leading Commercial House Soward K Coal H Shop the as iw, Wusilduies bought goods from each other. We [hibited in as many cities, with un Specially 2dapied 2 Tourists and wa ops ydro nform n ns traded stocks, advertised co-operat- attendence ranging from 6,500 wo R i avellers, 268 PRINCESS STREET MARSHALL'S MAROWARE one for Mr. Karsch 4 She gg ively, and turned those goods nto [37,000 persons per each home de- ng a in every room. | Coal Keeps Soward Telephone 844. . : } {snyge. Guided by he Win buy |°88h--and did it quickly. monstrated, or an average of 20. ~ 1 WELCH, Manager, " PHONE 155 ' : Mr. Kura ws J: yee w e) the| One of our members had seven. 000 persons. This * undeniably \ goods for the i ty-five boxes of apple butter. ' That [proves the interest taken by the p msn TELGMANN BELMONT DINING ROOM | Bus-Rite and Sei-Rite Association | J" boxes of app He haat» [ordinary human fn electrical equip. || O*Snin bat of Baring. Things i, MUSIC or. a ts 32 xe. |[° mal a a bs ua Jeary in food mes, He had paid out of the home to obtain greater COLLIERS Branch Office: SCHOOL of A. TIERNEY, ique in the business world. It pos- : 3 Louilytor Wan a Ting joan, aveutatcs: und ony. MoGall's Cigar Store q market. Bight. or ten of us were -- PHONE 811 »" 881J. Proprie 484 Brock St. Phone 2217J J Padey *°" | [sesses, so its member point out, vir- able to take it off his hands at what| Picture a line of 400,000 tuy Dyer "Ny Valet Cleaner > / |tually every advantage that chain he paid, although the market at |ging, straining horses stretching [{ 214 Princess Street. Phone 430. | stores enjoy -- and none of the th ; fs A ; ¢ at time was only $2.15, and going (from New York to Chicago. The | "463 MONTREAL STREET ) GEORGE HUNTER handicaps. | Every member 1s free down every day. We advertised |total power exertes would still 'talt |{ \. | i Ws ig at CARPENTER CONTRACTOR te udu ns Ws Wusincgs 'D bis the Jetiay a special at six Jars Reany 20 per cent. below the elec- ~----WE. NEVER CLOSE--- ; Jo peciaity | Plans and estimates of all kinds ' or $1.20 and ¢leaned it up, one [tric power which will be generated William Holder Submitiog. Sally. At tlh game time be en-| 7 * 20 an ot Of profit, of course at the new station to be erected by THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED "FOR BUILDING HOMES" jore practicality every Briviese > but we saved one of our members |the Public Service Corporation in " the chain-store manager, w 0 Phone 045w. 75 Pembroke Street. from a loss. New Jersey. Suppose. these 400- B: k '\ ~/ (strictions imposed on him by a 80-1 "In those elghts weeks We ex- (600 horses could be bought for $250 rock and Montreal Streets. Phone 600. \ [eral manager in some distant city changed goods to the amount of each: the total cost would be $100,- STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS © mter and Builder. Batinates submitted. : Who dictates the policies of the busi- $20,000 to $25,000 and got the 000,000, or two and one-half times TIRES GASOLINE REPAIRS EXPERT SERVICE ON ness, the rate of turnover, salaries, cash for them. What was the re-|the cost of the New Jersey electric TUBES on.s ACCESSORIES ALL CARS ~~ ||rate of profit and the-like. Sult? On January ist, 1921, every plant. It ie said that this new Ernest Buffett, the association's|one of us had clean stocks the job- |electric station will be one of the ' who thought he plan | bers were anxious to sell us, and we lergest, if not the largest, in the|{ 2 of i £0) OPEN ay AND PoSaidens, who 3 at it idk Re were able to buy at the new, flow country. It will be situated on a Distilled tion, is a grocer with some tweniy-|market prices, advertise rather ex- [100 acre Plot at Kearney, N_ J., and PICKLING VINEGAR McGinnis & O'Connor W. . " ' ||S¢ven years' experience. Ana at|temsively, and turn our goods, and | will take care of a demand for elec- Queen and Bagot Streets ashing done at night, that he is considerably on the sun-|Mmoney quickly."--Charles &. Duf- [tric power which has more than Best for pickling. Highway Engineers ana Contractors Phone 567, ] hy side of fifty years. His store in [le in "Business." tripled in the past twelve years, Factory: Bagot Street, Kingston Dundee, a suburb of Omaha, is one --- BLUE GARAGE, LTD. 7 Re Js of the finest examples of what a Miners and operators of the Kan- | > \ 7 - f: Y R. H. TOYE & COMPANY ||| PEERLESS HIGH TEST Gaso.)|modern grocers meorr o be, Latest Electrics i Soul Wintue Operas, HOTEL P, LAZA si SUIMIZTED . M- LINE, OILS, TIRES, Tug "In 1920 I was president of the seeking to negotiate a new wage Com 8 RTON WHOLESALE FRUIT AND CO ! » ES Omaha Retail G pre Association," scale, are discussing the substitution ot lots a 30 Ques Sts. PAINTER HOI DECORATOR Distributors ATWOOD AND DINE Mr. Buffett explains, "Of course, I| Coue's theory 8 autosuggestion fs |of electrical blasting machinery Where romtort and environment Phone 1891w, MOIR'S CHOCOLATES and ACES IN VULCAN . ble t lectrict in thats [which will do awa with the old [| and excellent eu © meet demand ST 1SCUITS bad watched with interest the |comparable to elec city ' y pins, 205 ED STREET. SAR Ee mn }|{ Phone 902m. 277 pogo Street. ||growth of the chain stores of the |though it can do many wonderful [dangerous method of blasting. \2f Hi discriminating guests. ALLER > J " 'country; and every day I wondered ' - e-Freight || row sm. 0%, mn oie 4 vou | AMERICAN PROSPERITY TODAY ] t t a ry rica oy [5 ened 5%! DEPENDS ON INDIVIDUAL THRIFT | ® . eo | H. kL. BRYANT tages that the chaln enjoys. and D ; T xtil Co Phone 1753J at the same time avoid the handi- By S. W. Straus; President American Society for Thrift i ominion e e mpany \ : caps that must necessarily be impos- $ od on store managers of the chain.| Contact with conditions in Practice thrift, preach thrift, (Limited) | TRY THE Naw ENGLAND roar)| "I had occasion to go to Atlanta,; Europe emphas teach thrift and youn will be doing NEW ENGLAND to a convention, and on that trip I i abilizi : > MANUFACTURERS took the opportunity to study. the BAKERY chain store plans and ideas as close. i i ili jon. i - [1 OTTO 99 rb 297 COLLINGWOOD sTREET 'y 8a possible. Later I went to New ir mi P RUE C N , PHONE 618. York City and spent demandi \ ; -/ |time looking into When I got back home I thought §| *Oluti - MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG y : k hat the difficul I} : : , /AUTO PAINTING, J. Y. Parkhill & Co. (ji, Tox the dileuity vas eo rar : 4 ; PHONE 567 DISTRIBUTORS concerned. - Shop on Third Floor Blue Garages. DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER . mi » ! in council there has been much work BAGOT and QUEEN STREETS PHONES 96 ana 112, t ) : ALDERMAN done along this ine in Frontenac Somethi ent that's 250. Pen DOZEN. gil / ward. There have also been many HAS BUSY SEASON streot lights installed and the new trunk sewer from Montreal street to ---- Cataraqui Bay is taking care of sew- orward 924 as an ge problems. Now, with Stephen Looks F : to 1 street being paved and Cowdy street Even Better Year--His being opened from Pine to Rusecel] streets, this leaves a great mary In an interview with a Whig man building lots available where thers .{ this week Alderman William Holder, | will be sewer, water and fire protec. the well-known carpentering contrsc- | tion. J tor and builder, sald that building "A numbor of butlding lots in that operations have been good this sum- section of the city have changed, mer in Kingston. hands already and citizens are dally "There have been many new build- dnguiring ahout more. For this rea ings erected," says Mr. Holder, "and | son 1 believe that mext year will see great deal of repair work done, but Kingston advancing in a northeasters have reason to believe that 1924 | is direction at a great rate--aad ff / year for building in | we cannot bring our rallway Junction end in to the city, then we can build oup ¢ity out to the railway junetion " Mr. Holder has done a great deal of bullding work during the past summer and he has mada a close study of the existing conditions and the trend of future events. His pro- phecy concerning next yeas mig a Faas, i $2 r i FOR PURE MILK OUR AIM 18 SERVICE aD CREAM Kingston, Portsmouth and i ; iti i jh i thr : i i i ih Hag! ih et

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