Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1923, p. 23

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ESATURDAY OcTonEx «, 1028 i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG This Page Features F avorable Offerings Of Reliable Firms And Individuals ie Pt in Automobiles | ( Instruction Rooms For Rent The British Whig |= Automobiles For Sale 11 Live Stock |T Rooms Without Board 68 Houses For Sale oe KINGSTON, ONT. Poultry and Supplies 49 : 7 DVERTISING. | BED SITTING ROOM--Comfortable, in ¥ CLASSIFIED A 5 warm, modern house. Board at $5| BRICK HOUSE---7 rooms, 4 bedroo ular- | FLAT RATE GARAGE -- THE ONLY . > r---- = = d Indexed: fred Wooordiog to ONE IN THIS PART OF ONTARIO. --And The (Classified Ads EE are wu soy and fy om De ai hE an of Rood stand. are Jus, Kas. 3 plece bath, furs NE IN THIS P: N14 h | oo : ng looking for good home for win- , W orated. Unio: for [common pidgeons. Apply 328 ter will recelve prompt rely on writ-| near University--g$4,700. Street, ized aceordiog to | ' ah e Jueen Street or phone 1487w. i ing to Bx T-2, Whig Office. | thelr the an uid il GET A PRICE FOR REPAIRING OR ! 1 BRICK HOUSE--s n y 4 | : I ue JSE--§ roo ms, rexular Daily Whig style of type OVERHAULING YOUR CAR BEFORE What is the relation that exists between them? | Wanted--Live Stock 50 | ROOMS--Two, comfortable, furnfshed.| electric lahir was. 2 pisce bath pn | every convenience. Apply 215 Uni-| Race, porch, garage for 3 cars wi h | { | H) | " ~ B | | CLASSIFIED RATES | GOING ELSEWHERE. PRICES AND | Well, the clock measures time and the classified ads { POULTRY--We want your poultry, live | versity Avenue. Phone 12167. store room overhead, Frontenac--g,e | i | | Dally rate per line or, consecutive Save time, or Aieaed. Worn hou poultry, live | 3 insertions: WORK GUARANTEED. BLUE GAR-| 100 ths. of ler's, Spadina Ave. Toronto. --) HM--Ni fortabl THREE BUNGALO 80, the clock is inde 8ibl a- ROC Nice, comfortable. 25 King ALOWS--. ¥ A ndexed to make possible the me: M I ry | 'Street Week. "Praaatable $3000. Good buying $2100, | 32300, 1 wii | suring of time, and the A-B-C Classified Section is in- M QUEEN STREETS. PHONE 567. dexed--both alphabeticall pe Se | y B. TRUMPOUR | ; Phabetically and numerically--to make Articles For Sale B1 | ROOMS_Two nicely Toruithed, fa o { | Minimum charge, 25 cents. . Dally rates per line. Charge Cash 6 days Cameras ve sen 4 : v duys .... § 3 | AGES, LTD. CORNER BAGOT AND} Possible the saving of time. Both are indexed so you { nice part-of the city; every convenie 337 Bagot Street. may find out instantly what you want to know when AES a ae > Heavy Cunkes | Box Q-1, Whis Ofc articulars apply | Phones 704 or 15428 3 | . . To be had for drawing. Apply | HOUSE--One of the bes King and | Rooms For Housekeeping 60 in the city. Large lot. pa - - absolute necessities to the high speed of this modern age > | NICE ROOMS--Three, furnished for| 3b Johinaon Street" " dad . ANTIQUES--A ocarload of old Anti ue | light housekeeping, bathroom flat Y sevsesess 'e aths-- One insertion, charged, Poains Engagements, Marriages, a nie and Memoriam lA FEW USED CARS Notlices--<Charged, $1.60; casa, $1.00 I Ford Roadster. you consult them. | And both the clock and the classified ads have become i. Annoves Foundry, each insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the one-time lnser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less thas . li | i . | . basis of four lines. Light de very, 191 7 | Section and you will be on time whenever opportunity Princess Street. Phone 1045w. j ioe EE Taemaus large Rea tat Consult t 0 " BR. : Furniture arrived. Your inspection | as for cooking, electric lights, { --_-- both your clock and the A-B-C Classified Priited. Gienses Antlaue Shop. $07| focailty. "Apply' Box L-28, "Whig OF | SEE--DBateman's large Real Estate ade 1391) Apply 168 Division Street. Several Bungalows on e ta | ----s south side. aay lermgon { BARGAINS--In men's sweater coats, | APARTMENTS --Two six roomed, with Come In ang See our listings. No in' | | | | | ine. Charged nds. will be received by WNT - borough Canoes, life Saving | ih and if paid at The Brit THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. $3500--Barrie Street, brick, 7 oomk ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE | Me or i oing: 3 BABY CARRIAGE -- White English| Aousekeeping. pase State terms.| "income $43 per mont and stopped before expiration wiil ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY style, Jined with white kid, in perfect |_APPlY Box U-3, Whig Office. $3600--81X room eemiBungatow, "un nly be Charged for the number of | 2 Chevrolet 490 Tour- times the ad. appeared an - . et, | jive 8 EE aide Jo Tale cerned. Ings, 1921. . ot : | BRICK---Hard and soft, any quartity.| APARTMENT--Furnished, 3 rooms. on ¥1000-- Established gclouble ne Well Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. {- -can be purchased on the easy pay- Ee CC Rec a ER | | Count six average words to the | | Ford Touring 191 7. calls. pr Re Tot a. re a i : ay oh serie, cad ie | Ford Tg 1901, | Cooke, 219 Bagot Streot. Sone ae Rem, Om with HEAT $5500--40 rooms. aolia brick. large lot Ads. ordered for more than one day . | | Lower Bagot Street, near A S| Apartments and Flas 74 Tt et. frame. BE eats A SStath Taber. | - Toees caes ave 290s vatus a af ColngwodaSitects Filia &1Sr) Fie vieeirc Sent gan tor Suoklog | Suasicy tures and "goodwill or Teject ail classified Sdvertisiag | ment plan. Business Service Employment shirts, whipeord riding breeches, blan-| house on Cherry Street, suitable for H. B. WILSON LE. gets, blue coats, leather vests, sheep-| two families. Seven roomed house on | $16 Barrie Street, ' REal708. 1008 skin coats, etc, at A. Shapiro, 45 Prin-| Elm Street. Also a stable, accommo- cess St. dations for four horsés on Stanley St. | === all wool, $2.75; army khaki Poian- | ligi'ts, gas, three plece bath. Large formation given over phone. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. | VAN LUVEN BROS. Fr Architects 28b. Help Wanted--Male 83 | Ford Sales and Service Princess St. ARCHITECTS --Power, Son and Drexer, A BUSINBESS--Of Your own in your Merchants Bank Chambers, corner o own home. We start you Lo - = e - 5 ok after | --------ooo__________* | ALuly H. F Norman, 69 Patrick St. 40ts For Sale Brock and Wellington. the business we send vou. "Whoje or) DINGHIES Two A. class 31 To amr For a | Spare time, distance "no hindrance. | ing dinghies; used twa season's; con-| APARTMENTS--Fully modern unfur- TV | Chiropractio 28c¢. Swe thousand yearly ang upwards. | dition perfect; very fast; cheap for| nished housekeeping apartments on on ok Cit bullding Jot ou the Sars) Send stamped addressed envelope for! quick sale. Apply Hill. Phone 660 or| south side. Apply J. F. Leatherland,| for three large Rowden a Room, SE ars oE : al | Announcements | =r = | | MATRIMONY--Marry me, wealthy, but] oh so lonesome. Girlie, Box 55, Ox- | ford, Fla, | | MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, Ph. C,, cor-| full information. The Co-0) | 41 Brock Street. Ph > | ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd| Brokerage Co, Orilila, Ont ©. ouve| Feet, Phove S85); Sook. Phones: "Res. 84iw.; | floor, Barrie St. entrance, ngston, DRY WOOD--40 cords of body maple, | APARTMENT --Four rooms; all oon- z Consultation free. Telephone FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN--Begin-| 20 cords of soft. Can be shipped at| veniences; hot water 'heating. Pos- } MATRIMONY --Western widow, ranc | i | Ont. Y Pam: 1t08 4 ners 3150-3250 mont 3 2 . T-Box * DODGE COUPE 1923] 8$22J. Hours 9 to . 0 6 p.m ton) Write Rawal (which posi-| once. Apply to J. A. Hunter, Tam-| session September 1st. Apply White's = le arry. owner, 28, would marry Box D-2, Whig| worth, Ont. Insurance Agency, FARM--Wanted to hear from owner 18ague, Toledo, Ohio, © LUCY_--Drs. G. E ata Jennie A. Chiro. % wn althy, pretty" affec- Almost pew, with spa ti al ctic pecia. Ln egistere ELECTRIC PLATE--New, two burner. FLAT--6 rooms, gas and electric light. aving farm or unimproved la Nantes Eirh oon marry, Write, en- tube, front bun - or pe. Te 1 and] Riffue. 139 Bagot Street. Phone 343w. MANAGER--For Kingston and district| Also three burmer gas plate. Apply| Rent reasonable. Apply $0 ff sale. John J. Black, Chippewa Palin! losing envelope. Doris Dawn, South | » mper, rear vision mirroy.| pours: 9-13 a.m., 1 to b, and § to 7.80 by an old established Life Insurance| 275 Division Street. Street, next to Bank of Nova Scotia. nein. Shoals Save 3 - wind shield\giper and other convenioht | p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- Company. A permanent position for | uelid, . oy accessories. = | pointment. Consultation free. 0 al ty aalesman, Apply, | FURNITURE--Den sett, kitchen eabi. | FLAT ~Unfurnished, two large bright 'NIAL --- Hundreds seeking | | | , particulars to Mr. Boulton, net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand| rooms with electric light and gas for t. * MATRIMU Dental 28d. | Confederation Life Asgoclation, Pet-| desks. Apply J. Thompson; 333 Prin- Soaking Close to car line. a ied l'o-Day 8 Blunder | WV. m. | f sincere enclose stamp. Fi LE 2928 Broadway, chr | Bo d's ara e FT = erboro, Ont. cess street, phone 1600W. 0 % is. y C g SPARKS & SP -- Dentists, 159 -- ee Co. ed Sg. Diino Wellington street, corner of Brock. MAN--To take charge of ang work | HALL STOVE-- Gurney Oxford, base | Real Estate For Rent i rrect MARTIMONY--3darry If lonely; for| 129 Brock Street Phone 201w| Phone 346. farm near city, by month or year. No| burner, in good condition. Apply 342) vot us | results, try me; best and most suc-| milking. Free house, garden, fuel| Division Street. Business Pi eC (See Illust-ation on Page 18.) I eS, aner?; hundreds rich |= emo ries--Tires-- Parts 18 A a ata Benim Moe; 353 ALDL Svanings to Roll vad Luven,| ING LAMP-- Bal 1 n ue ham Z| "Mo diguat 10 operator, the tele-| n; strictly c<onfi- uto Accessories-- Princess Street. one h en » Portsmouth. NGING LAMP-- Baby Carriage in| - ' dea ear ren | f ADply to 10 Rus- | LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street | VhOne hook chould be moved up and! dential; most reliable; years of ex evenings by appointment. | | rst class condition. former] ied hy is OOF | a rience; descriptions free. "The Buc-| SPARE PARTS For most makes and | =------------------ CI PPortunity to| sell Street. te] ¥ _occupie y .O.F. | down slow] : Seustul Club, rs. Nash, Hox 556. models of cars Your, old broken and | Legal 28e. | y dollars week- | KITCHEN RANGE--Souvenir in -- | Apply" ta Euimingham & Smith. When Je ok a met fasted. | 3 a worn parts replaced. rite or w v _ A ai (DOL V . b. Jakland, fa forn | us describing what you want. We CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers| OF SPL ith our line of Per-| condition, price reasonable. Apply §20 Houses For Rent 77 | signal light shows cn fhe board and SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, carry the largest and most complete and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Weekly pay. Dre far umples free. Princess Street. HOUSE --A the operaiur can sce whic, line! hoch I AL I eT Row parts nd 8 atom Yaad Emon ith B. Cusningham, RC; ing Company, Toronto, ont Sbiizh- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Ukuleles,| with latge lot ana barn on Nort ar: wants her attention Whe: rf ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and We ship C.O.D. anywhere in Canada| --. - - ls ESMEN Mandolin, Banjo. Violin, Guitars,| fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview hook 1s 1 y nue Lusiished alter others Bae i! | act ws und in Jun rol] DAY AND REVELLE--Barristen and SALES: BN Ws pay arhekly And offer Mouthorgans. Jews Harps, all strings Park. Phone 1102 Rd. Sook ase ed, Tapdly the light Goltre cured without operation. 3 Auto 8 © rt| solicitors, rence Street, - com- 5 5 a ow, or. of : years' experience. Dr. Eimer I. Lake | Subply, 313-231 Dufferin Street, To-| ston. A. E Day, Zarisp L Revelle. | plete frebhe du ee ot Whole. | jursiea] We nave it Euler's HE ot water heated, electric and too short a time ho She awed By! Sar, ) , Throat, n, 5 onto, Ont. ne 206. 3) . xe 8 and| h n oreh, . - i Bagot HIER House 1135J. j Money to loan. Pho plants. stock and service. We | PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you| Fred Street opposite Retin hk locate the 1fne. : armas | TUBES--Just & few of those large| SHEA--AMDIose. B.A, Barrister and] Uip you free. A moncy-! & new plano for six months, and in Immediate possession. Apply Rev. Dr. Lost and Found 10 | tubes left. A big bargain if we have| Solicitor. Law Office, cormer of King | Montraai PPortunity. Luke Brothers,| the event uf a purchase at the end of| W. T. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. -- i Your size. Eastern Canada Magar] and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money : tis period, we ws Hiow you all the BUSINESS SCRVICH BLACK SILK HOSE--Found, on Satur- p Queen and Ontario Sts, phone| to loan. Phone 1999. Help--Male or Fema ----53 | Pr yypaid to apply Jusreen. sv Tas and Shesti Tay om: Sick, day, on Princess Street. Owner may | B i " tte t-------- v go i Spada hmcan | | Canada Radio Stores. P fay. on Trincess Street Owner Sere Osteopathy 28g C= PRIVATE CHR Sree PRICES--Call and get ours, on Cream re hone 1207J. Ww. K : M arages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 $s ISTMAS GREET- | - rns ee NG C. . | Beparators, Gas Engines, Extension | PREMISES--No. 22 y CRANK--Found, for Chevrolet car, OSTEOPATHY---A. T. Still graduates. Ps) ING Anna: Sample book free; Ladders, Pumps: (wo goed second- present occupied > Ror Aion Bt. a he Sug Breese pioauding. ek Wi nly rg near the Outer Station. Owner may | Drs. Robert and Edna Aghcroft, 204 n making $5 up| 1ana® riding Blow a aS oui Dation. Owner | GARAGE-~For rent. glose to business br Street. Phone 447 for a int-| daily, in spare time. rretsos Copy and riding ows, Frost. & Wood| suitable for machine or automobile re- Son 5 E-- Lo f district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office. ment. g oh pany, Brantford, Ont 2 Som F36 Outarie Street, ings to H. Harkness, No. #31 COLUMBIA BICYCLE-- Lost, from a BOUVENIR RANGE--With hot w . kness, Plate . h p-- ater welln Eon Stpest driveway, on AE Busin Servi Repairing 20 Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 Altachment And peal and rood grates | SMALL Suop ~ On Princess Street, bey = i ge y 8 . 088 Ces v n good condition; ell right; call : : Willams, 171, Wellington Street. | Se FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. AGENTS-1¢ you want & good, stesdy| at 307 Frontenac, near rine Fig Ahoy are; arom IReEtment ---------- CRANK--Found, for car, on Queen St.! Business Services Off 1 Su 299, dee er risconl, 18 Joun) wpe whowing ron. 359 weekly Ing day or evening. | one 3 room dwelling over id ree; -- a : A h street. one | h ee On our rubs | vei 3 Owner may have same at the Whig | | JET\fhecialties. Steady demand. B. & | STOVE Cook stove. hot water front | ay hosts © Comiste possession. MERCHANDISE Office. | AUCTIONEER For gourtesy and hon- Vr ROLALERING Rew oF used Janta ". Mig. Co. Dept. .4, London. Ont. Price $15.00. Also Lindsay Player | - pany Sa OU hE ra ian iret a pepeponioemtimems. | LE dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 Kin ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a Plano. Apply 32 Plum St y s SET Pole core Noten" Appts Wate tne | Stret Phone sibs or (How. + 8| LUIS' "KSEE Caller $908 | AOENT AR tangent a or ee Poly A eal Tear ati tot "ase STOR WINDOWS, MADE 10 e cover holder. Apply Whig Office. | contrave! and appoint agents. Stars Gawrenson's for Good Cheer| lor- dining-room amd iiio0m. par- ORDER 'GLOVES--Found, in Bank of Mont. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair-| Ct, guaranteei Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, reasonable. Apply 188 Ba, aon Get our money saving price st 9 3 "Ch iD nik 0 may | WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water| ing. Leave orders at or drop a card » ($21 weekly average): com. Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var. Phone 1864, i ot Street. | showing cost of storm windows real, Brown hamolaetie. Owner may | wells, the oldest, the largest, the only| to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. Mission esides. Winston Co, Dept.| nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone . 8 complete, any size, If you have same at Whig Office, { sanithry well drillers in Frontenay = | _W.U., Toronto. 339w., opposite Orange Hall. 104 BAGOT STREET -- ou Je| | #r¢ building or repairi ask "for . Pi | and Lennox and Addington. The| SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand work, | Tr -- - brick house, near Cit potortable our free catalogue of bu, ng ma GLOVE--Found, lady's silk. Picked up| 20 Lennox equipment in America.| Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser-| AGENTS--If you are seeking a genu-| SET TOLEDO SCALES Forty gallon| King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence PP | | terials. on Montreal St. Apply 110 Lower | For full information write to F. J.| vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont.| ine selling proposition from now on| oil tan *several show | Kingston i . 4 Arence Street, The : Bagot Street. l. Garrison Co., Colebrook real and Queen Streets. till Christmas, try our Christmas| counters; ail good order. 0 > Halliday Co. Ltd, . A reo mmr Pp in boxes, assorted, to sell | Livingston Ave. 0.00-- 7 H Ro wae pont, Surveyors, small |= Geng. Dycirs, Renovating 20 | UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons Rrdl00 and 3305 per box. C0 CARE Soi arc | Yalectric hawen street T rooms, bath, ANILTON. ONTARIO ith pr § edge au 3 made same day as ordered. Upholster- i merican ang Canadian | TOBACCO CASE--Solid oak, glass, shid-| $25.00--Bay Street 6 roomt 1 . clnity of Place D'Armes. ewa or CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle| \nN& at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- a akes of cards. Men or women can| Ing doors, mi ror, etc., beautiful fix-| lights. ' 8, electric return to Plaza Hotel yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We Hida, 244 University Avenue. hore pat teulare rice "yeommissions. For ture. Also- her fixtures. (ust be | See Mullin's for hduses to rent. Phone . Ei guarantee & good job. Furniture re- : 5 . Berea UPPly | 800 2 Make room. Jack Elder, 269) 53%w. Johnson and Diy 3 . Lip A aEAG nd, on sornar pairing o* all kinds. Muller's Bloycle i t Co., § St. Alexander St. Montreal. Princess Street. z an Division Streets.' oF FURNITURE » y to 363 Brock Street. orks, »73 King Street. Phone 1961w. Employmen SALES AGENT --Rellable. for unrepre.| WOOD--Mixed, $2.25 quarter cord; new Real Estate For Sale. able Prices > NYX EARRING Lost, long black, on Ladics' Hair Parlor, 2ta Help Wanted--Female 83) mancd districts. Good pay. free equip. | and second hand lumber, Cad Iu | Trl STOVES onday afternoon, anil On, Syden- - bor: dar cy abs, $2.50 quar. P and Land for Sale. 83 Well tepaired. at & reine rica. . Finder will be rewarded on| HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to Sell 1 Talbot. 'Yard: Concession street, near FAR Phone 2303w. M--20 acres, on the Middle Road; k' . I UurK s rhing same to this offfee. order. Also Shampooing and Massag-| COOK--Apply to Mrs. W. H. Macnee, fu Division. w. 7 ----"7| Ing. Children's hair cutting. ' Mrs.| 115 Lower Union Street. goo » frame house and barn, wood ONE PURSE--Found, two umbrellas, 1| Charles Cunningham, 56 Bar Steer VOOR AND COKE--~New yard at 290] Raton Rd (drive shed. Apply 'Geo pair Gloves, In Sydenham Street! Kingston. Financial Wellington, corner Ordnance, . dry on. R. 1 Kingston, PHONE 708. church. Owners may have same by === > Y HELP--Apply Belmont Di Ehud mixed cordwood, sawed, sp'it and de- -- applying to the Sexton. | Insurance 23 RC HE Brock Street 44 n= "Business Opportunities 88 Lvaied, 32.50; 1-3 Sord, Jui measure | ' . ard Coal Coke from city gas works SCOTCH COLLIE--Lost, mostly black, 0 - $10.00 ton up to September. CI With a little FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur BUSINESS-- Electrical and hardward| $1.00. Load Clinkers soe. W. oF or. white and brown. Any- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. . found harbor! ft hi re 19823 * EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the| business, well estabil hed own ae 'ound NE same after this| phon, 1783M. pleasant Home rk way making transfer corner: Tow rent = 1Bey fon. Fuvue Jiow. ----e gh. A DAVIS DRY e will be prosecuted. Please notify - H. Townsend, 28] Victoria Street. INSURANGE~--Only the most reliable a asurned Auto Site Gynn, 449 Dovercourt Rd, To- Roop. Dont forget Swain has the T 8 RACKET---Found, on Brock| SoMmPénles represented. Strange & positively no can- 8 rid m xed aod n the city at $2 ks t. Owner may have same at s¢| Strange, establisheddn 1860. Office: 95 vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept. 34. per oa L ord corner York Frontenac Street. Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. 78C, Auto Knitter Co, Toronto. sion Streets. For Sale DOCK CO . . INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident G t this Wanted--To Buy - bh op Ta amy nd. bronge. BR iey will p roleet Jour salary. Fife ARAL DERVANT Wate Tha, tan ews Oe 278 priculars 5s ELMTREE HOUSE--Prof, a For all kinds of hi 1: a; - nsurance at low rates. hone . hy , erman iver, = D.. H. or of machine repair fae sme esha ihe Sn | Weitme 1"Gonper Bins age pine month. Anply Box| Ave" seth Hamilton fn Sit" Tene Tor hall Gere Tor sie RI, we addenda" Slmonle' "UR an rat CheProving property | aig = ' . Money to a rr 244 Princess street. Kingston. iven at his h corner Ped ILL promptly, . 2 OV! orage reet a ROR No. © Seats LADIES --Have an opportunity to earn OLD POSTAGE STAMPS--Wanted for| to Purchase inington Phonae. Offers East End, Wellington Street. anford Ralph, Cn BEY. =~ ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars om a A unalars weekly | ONT ENACT om Soa I h: pref 1532. 3 11 Christ Gvestment| cash. preferably stamps on original ; yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor om Now ant] unas with eur ocisty, okt' dd ABeL President, ShYelopes Selore 1880. E. W. Johnson, VANITY CASE--Found, ladys Owner | 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. gr spare time. ( | ples free Write] B.'Cunningham. Monae Posaident, i 343 East 140 St. New York City. ay have same at Jackson-Metivier's, STORAGE SPACE. or Jutnitire, sean lishing Company. 'oronto, ont. at ada debentures; ol and Rooms For Rent. an ¥e em, ; ortgage Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. chased; investment bonds for ; de- LADIES--To Jo plain and light sowing Rc rivigh: ma interest ri Rooms With Board 67 Genuine Pocahontas WINNER BICYCLE-- Lost, from Ri-| STORAGE For furniture, clean, dry,| at home, whole or spare time, t, manager, 37 Clarence chardsen Stadium, Thursday evening.! airy rooms and Spices; your own lock pay, work sent any distance, cha le BEDROOM--Nicely furnished, in pri- Please return to 73 Ordnance St. and key. Frost's City Storage, 299-| pal Send stamp for particulars. Na- vate home, may be used double or 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w.| tional Manufacturing Co. Montreal. BE ror i Te -- single. Table board if desired. Phons mo e €SS 269 Automobiles Fainting, Papering, Decorating. 28 = Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 im. . ee "apering, ' -- 8 . Automobiles for Sale, 11 MAKE MONEY AT] HOME--315 to $60 DAISY JOHNSON... TA. TCM. teacher| BOARD AND ROOMS Large, double, Large Nut size ...... $14.00 per ton. ald weekly for y e writ. ds for for Toronto: C Pils prepared | front room, with fireplace. Single > SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear| ing show car 8 us. No Canvassing. examina-| room, H. W. heating; reasonable rates. ga ® Sal om : We Instruct 8! ly you with wor fons. St % usm. GARS-- Several. "Apply. Blue 276 Bagot street. h Li udlo: 307 C ood Bt. Avoly an Caibersiey Avenue, near ; F or Stove or F urnace, -/ West-Angus Show Serv 17} (mear John . Pho! Ltd. Bagot and Queen Streets. Colborne Bld. Toronto. > ou ne 2329w. X COUNT that day lost whose low . EVERY fudividuat 3 > Ja es S ift . . descending sun sees you neglecting . has YOUR FRIENDS, ard friends of m | d REO TOURING--§ nger, extra FUPIL NURSES--Diploma 2 years; uni-| ye doesn't want and wants your friends, have profited by reading O., mite equipment, for quick | the classified columns, form, board, room, laundry and cash ) be doesn't have. The nd ha USE A classified ad to rent that spare |- allowance provided. Chicago H classified classified ads--and ao have friends of Foot of Johnson Street cash, sale. mainder in easy ments. Apply phone 1986J. BAI Men ¥oom for th: summer. tal, 811 E. 49th, Chicago, yeur friends' f° LIN-- F Roadster, in our : = hains, Nicol motor meter wind: | BRINGING UP FATHER Figen : Y . per, rear sight mirror, slip . i ds od 4 . 2 tire and to) bargain for in A "Apply §7 Lower Alfred TS RE 3 . re ; : : ) : ! NO-NO! THAT WONT ] © | 00: YoU DONT 13 11 of Brock: bbe of Pres-

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