MONDAY, OOTOBER 8, 1923, -- Fall Colds QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. HICKEY"S TREATMENT Dr. Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses. . Dr. Hickey's Cold Capsules dry up the head cold over night. Dr. Hickey's Chest Rub quickly removes the congestion and draws out the pain. This combination is the best obtainable. 25¢ each L. T. Best Druggist There can be wo more appropri- ate gift than a Tea Service. | Throughout the | years to come it | will be cherished as an heirloom Farms For Sale 200 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 13 miles from Kingston; frame house, good condition; 2 large barns, newly shingled with or without implemd@®is--would exchange for city property. 190 ACRES--$ miles from Kingston-- 315 acres under cultivation--50 acres ood bush; good, stone house, large pl and drive shed; well watered, running stream; well adapted for mar- ket gardening; 1 mile from church, school and factory. 136 ACRES--100 acres good soll; bal- ance good pasture; good, frame house; 3 Daraa; falling spring. 12 miles from city, 86 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; double brick house; all conveniences. close to city. 86 ACRES -- [25 acres good garden land; frame house; barn end cow 'by future genera- gions. Our stock is at | all times well as- | sorted and rea- church; 12 miles from Kingston; on '| since, it has been an important center | sonably priced. easy terms or exchange. Crop on eas terms for quick sale. y Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. | house; close to factory, school and | STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. | Eggs, fresh, dozen, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES have given satisfaction to the house- wife. They are still giving the same satisfaction and have the same good qualities. Buy one for your wife to- . day. You will enjoy the comfort. McKelvey & Birch, Limited Walls and Gates of Rome. Rome is one of the world's oldest cities. It was settled more than twenty- five hundréd years ago. Almost ever of history-making. No doubt you have heard the story of Romulus and Remus, and what they had to do with starting Rome. That is a good story, but we can be pretty sure it is only a story. You may not have read the part of of the legend telling how Rome's first walls were built. Here is a paragraph: "On April 21, the founder, Romulus, wore a white robe, He yoked a bull and a heifer to a plow and drove around he bi I. The furrow marked the place ffthe wall. Where gates were wished, Re lifted the plow." This is said to account for one of our English words. Perhaps you have heard doorways or gates called "por- tals." That word comes from a Ro- man word which means "to carry." So a portal was a place where the plow had been carried! The Romans were so sure their city had been started on April 21 that they held a feast on that date, and people marched around the ancient wall. Each year a priest drove a nail in a temple, a fairly good way of keeping track o the years. | Not long after the highest hill of Rome was settled, other people began | to dwell on a nearby hill. There were disputes between the people of the two | hills, and sometimes fights. By and by | they decided to quit fighting and join together. The space between the two hills was made sacred to a god called Janus. This god, the \Romans said, had two faces. He was supposed to guard over | both hills. Citizens often met in the re- | gion set apart for Janus. Part of it lat- er became the famous Roman Forum. People living on a third hill were soon added to the city, The Roman! word for one-third was "tribus." Our| word "tribe" comes from that. i This picture shows an ancient Ro-! man plow, drawn by oxen. Next--Rome Gets Tired of Kings. * --_--y 1 PRODUCE MARKETS. { Napanee, Oct. 8th, Gladio!i, cut tiowers, doz. ....50-60 | Honey, comb, Ib. ! Honey, 5 1b. pail Green Apples, pk. Lettuce, leaf, 3 bunches, Celery, bunch, Cababge head, Green Onions, bunch, Onions, domestic, pk. Cucumbers, Musk Melons, each Potatoes, pk: Tomatoes, pk. ...... Water Melons, each from ...... Grapes, blue, 6 qt. Grapes, Red, 6 pt, Peaches, large bas. Butter, dairy, 1b. . Butter, creamery, 8. Cheese, Cheese, new, lb. oid, Ib. Lard, 1b. Oieomargarine, Ib. Shorts, ew. ...ocvvvvas cosas Straw, baled, cwt. Straw, loose, ton, Wheat. local, bus, Bran, ton Buckwheat, bus. Corn, feed. cwt. Corn, car lots, cwt. Hay, baled cwt, Hay, loose, ton Oats, western, bus. Oats. local, bus. ... Young pigs, pair, ... Beef: Steak, porterhouse, Ib. Steak, round, Ib. Boiling cuts 1b. Stewing cuts, Ib. .......... 8-124 Beef, western, ¢wt. ........10-14 Beef,hinds, ewt. ...oe0vvvee. 10-10 Deef, local, 1b. Veal, 1b. Pork: L0lh roasts, 1b. .eveveveiavin,. 25 Fowl, 1b Chickens, 1b. Chickens, dfessed, each, «+ 70-$1.25 Hides, etec.: Deacon skins, each, Horse hides, . 1b. skins fresh , Skins, Ib. washed, unwashed, Ib. ..) - } REV. T. ALBERT MOORE A prominent Me! - divine, who is to one of the speakers at the con- gress of the Brotherhood of the World in Toronto, the Association which has Drought Hon. Lloyd George to this con- nent. i Cornwell's Brightest Girl. Cornwall, Oct, 8.--Miss Mildred, fourteen-year-old daughter of Dr. | W. C. McGuire has created a recora | ic public school annals in Cornwan by winning three prizes out of four awarded. She won the Saretta War-| rington memorial gold medal or | the highest standing in arithmetic aL the entrance examination, the Public School Board's sterling silver | Shoulder roasts, Ib, 20; Hogs, live weight, cwt. ...... $8.50] Chops, 1b. 20-25 | Hogs, dressed, cwt. $10-314 Bacon, breakfast, Ib, 30-50 Roast pork, sliced, . 60 Ham, ' cooked, Ib. Ham, smoked, 1b. ...... wer 35-40 Picnic Ham, 1b. 20-25 Binds, 1b, i." vies. ceases 232-25 Pork Sausages, 1b, ..eeeesese.. 25 Tamb: Carcass, yearlings, 1b. Carcass, spring 1b. ..... Hinds yearlings, 1b. | Hinds, yearlings, 1b. Quarter, spring, 1b. 30-36 { Lamb chops 35-38! Mutton, chops, 1b. .......... 20-25] Mutton carcass, Ib. ........12-15! Poultry: . { Broflers, 1b. seseensdd Sausage meat ..............12% |g medal 'for the first scholar of the! senjor class, and a $5 gold piece | awarded by Herbert Holdbrook of Ottawa for the best standing in grammar and literature in the au- tumn examination. CPPEPPRIPILIPICRLIOTIISTSY * + BIG DIVORCE CROP +» IN THE OLD LAND % London, Oct. 8.--There are 632 undefended divorce cases entered for the probate and di- vorce division of the law courts at the forthcoming sittings, and % 151 divorce cases which will be + defended. The total list of cases + to come before the probate and $+ #+ divorce division is 815. + * * POPPI PO PP C2409 00000 020000 - FURNITURE SPECIALS one finished in Walnut and one Mahogany. DRESSER, BED, CHIFFONIER Regular price $135.00. Special .... . $92.50 * Regular price $133.00. Special ..... $90.00 A FOR THE WEEK ONLY--HURRY IF YOU WANT A SNAP. * PROBS: --Tuesday, easterly winds, fair. = | New House Let us co-operate with you in making your home beauti- ful. We can offer you every assistance in our spacious House Furnishing department, where we have gathered together a most attractive selection of :-- CRETONNES 2,000 yards new ART SATEENS FLOOR SILKOLINES OILCLOTHS REPPS 5 Be TAPESTRIES sq. yard Congoleum RUGS WINDOW SHADES PILLOWS and CUSHIONS NOVELTY CUSHIONS CURTAIN RODS NETS MADRAS McLintock's Down Filled Comforters $12.50 to $35.00 White and Grey Flanmelette Blankets $2.89 a pair CURTAINS SCRIMS New Floor Rugs A splendid selection of Rugs awaits your inspection here. Priced well within the means of all householders. All sizes in a magnificent range of colorings-- WILTONS--AXMINISTERS--PERSIAN-- SAROUCK--ERNSCLIFFE « The Irresistible Lure of Velvet The clinging graceful effect of Chif- fon Velvet accounts for its unbounded popularity, as its soft, silky sheen can- not be excelled in beauty. Some of the gorgeous colors-- Paon--Mandarin--Black-- are portrayed among the new arrivals--all 36 inches wide and very specially priced. New and Delightful Crepes Canton Crepe--Crepe Meteor-----Georgette Crepe -- Silk and excellent in point of view of quality and serviceability. dr, Your inspection invited. - ; These new Silks show elaborate brocaded effects and are