Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1923, p. 5

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'MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH ss " ree -- TO LET | WHIG " RIDEAU STREET .-- Frame. 7 f. | rooms, electric light. $16.00 per v I FIBRE BOARD month. i ALFRED STREET -- Furnished, | : October 1st to May 1st. Brick, § il is a firm board of great strength. It makes rooms, All conveniences. $55.00] | f hoi J per month. ; | ------ | ne ceilings and wall panellings. INSURANCE of all kinds. Reli-| Sale of a Farm. | fight the case. Mrs. Holdridge's par- | reduction in production. Since then The factory where it is manufactured, able companies only represented. | © Captain Slade, who owned a farm | ents live in Gananoque and they are | there has been an actual increase in ! has been d d by fire, b f VICTORY BONDS bought and sold on the Napanee road, within New- | keeping the couple's son, Fennimore, | the output of the factories and the | as been estroye y hire, but we are fortu- Oug ud | burgh corporation, has sold it to Mr. | aged eight years. Mrs. Holdridge is | trade finds a surplus over the anti- | nate in having on hand, a sufficient stock i { The simpl. y d B 5 to take an apartment in' Syracuse {ei vated demands. | i e simplest way to end a corn , Burgess. 3 use, | cipa 8 R. H. Waddell | Stops the pain in- i------------------ N.Y. Speaking of the case, the dis- for present needs. is Blue-jay. Phones 32-500. S86 Brock Bt. i stantly. Then the corn loosens To Hear Lloyd George. tressed wife says: "I am afraid of "THOMAS COPLEY | | Bivmiu ien diy | | coment ions, ,,| Sod is fom, am rio : | S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED THOMAS CO f iquid and in thin plasters. The | Strand theatre, went!to Montrea! on Lring myself to go back and live with | I NET o A CO. 1 ti is the same, : . 5 action is same. | saturday to hear Rt 'Hon. Lloyd him.» if y Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Carpenter. Phone 987. At your druggist j Ss0ree speak in that city. ee : / Z i iif | Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. - Adding to Equipment. ! 5%: TIT) SR NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. ® ---------- 11 kinds of Carpemtry nose us Jos al Wings of cn floors | | Exchange of Property. The T. and N. O. R.R. has order- aid. Haye your hardwood floors clean- = { T. EB. Whattam has purchased W. (aq three more locomotives with floor cleaning .ma- | 4 i om our 'mew flow H. Norton's farm in Sophiasburgh. | «poster equipment from the Loco- -- | Mr. Norton gets Mr. Whattam's | motive Works at $75,000 each. as . . | residence in Picton in the exchange | supplementary to their present equip-| | NES COE ! ng un erican Briquettes a Sd | ment. The new engines are the| i i: (VEZ 4 Ml hn : | Am } Transferred to Cobden. Mikado type, and are to be delivered ho ZN N ; Has moved from 155 slngton { J. F. Warren, who has been CP. ! before Christmas. Asked whether XE hh 1, © 4 i : on your Street to 112 BROCK STREET. | "Every one" a heating unit-- [ff | + n Pl to - rw i 1 Phone 818F. | no cinders or stone. R. agent a: Carleton Pisce ? Sev~{ hay were intended 10 Yepiace'any of BATISFACTION GUARANTEED. | HRRTN ES : eral years, leaves for Cobden 10 | the engines at present in the service, i Ith de a 3: . et = == CHESTNUT COAL {which station he has asked to be| Superintendent Lee stated that the | A we [-f wa ome SLABS and HARDWOOD | assigned. riew locomotives would represent wt | purely additional equipment, and PIANO TUNING Cut 12" long, stove lengths. Ji! : w W ded i \ NEE 4 i | For Fall and Winter Wear. wera being prov in anticipa- JAN 1 Piano Tusing. Revainng 30g { . | See our range of Boys' and Mens' | tion of extraordinary heavy winter Ww \ . buyaboxof Player Piano Adju 5 > n Ww. A itchell & Co. | Ready to Wear Suits and Overcoats | traffic this year. \ H. Butcher, 37 Pine Street. | all the latest styles, also everything | | ® * PHONE 134. : 18 Rom in Men's Furnishings at a great re- Cheese Market Drops Further. . tduction in price. Prevost, Brock E. W. Jackson, Gananoque Road, a f : -------- 1 Street. who is the auctioneer of the Brock- y R. AW WINNEI | { b | meee ---- ville cheese board, was in Kingston . { Passed Away in West. on Saturday and he says that he cid HE Miss Anne Artlrar, Sonsecond, pass- | not get a bid from the export deal- of Lo ay LL AM LARD. tot The 0CO S oo7 ed away at the home of her sister, | ers last week althcugh he offered for Brotieons og of ry Presidnt a1 the "PEEVISH Mrs. David Scott, Moose Jaw, with | sale 2,30C boxes of cheese. Ona Am- | vited David Lloyd Sentue to visit this e will address : Whom she had spent the past year.|erican buyer was present and offered | fu pineht, and which hildre: 1 { The remains arrived in Consecon for | 21 cents but it was not acceptable. | burial, This is the first time in the history SAINT, eT UVieaiet MiG -------- of the Brockville board that cheese BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM THEY CONTAIN NO NARCOTICS. Cheese Board Sales. could not be sold. The reason given Napanee, 1,020 boarded, no sales. | is the dull markst in Britain whera wv 9? a | | eYy's (Chapped Hands, : ) | Picton, 964 offered, no sales, the bulk of Ontario cheese is soli, b - Use Use It Perth, 943 offered. no sales. but it is a well known fact that the SALT Always All Ways, Iroquois, 100 at 21e. exporters bought during July and WORM POW DERS Listowel, 1,850 offered, 20 1-4 bid | August at high prices when the in- | | no sales. | dications pointed to a considerable Regulates the Liver tet | Danville, Que, 1,418 at 19 9-16¢c. SAAS A AAALAC AAA, PAA AIA AAA A PAA AAA ata ving Fer Moviag of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | | A - . EVERY DESCRIPTION { WwW ON | Authority on Lobsters, , : i ° H.HALL &S | Dr. A. P. Knight, of Kingston, will 5 sto Transfer Co PRINCESS and CLERGY STS. li 1c tho speaker at the Rotary Club . High Class Groceries and | luncheon on Friday next. Dr. Knight IN THE OLD STAND Fr Aone BIT, a Et | Provisions | will speak on the lobster industry | and on this subject he is regarded as - Hersley Blend Tea | an authority. The members of the ; Belleville Butter ........ club are assured of a most interest- 78 BROCK ST Dental Surgeon Kemptville Batter .......42¢ ing and instructive address. y =), * DR. J. C. W. BROOM Sections New Honey ------------ L.D.S., D.D.S. f As eae Hotel Changes Hands. Wellington and Brock Streets. PROMPT DELIVERIES | Daniel Miller has disposed ofl the at ent, J ! Phone 645. | | Queen's hotel property, Carleton | i jy : 9 FHONE 619. | Place, which he has so greatly im- y A ES 3 : RANE | proved since taking it over, to F. 4 $ i l 3 b od TNE gi rr | Chadwick, Ottawa, who will take it 4 . Sh Aa © RY over the end of the month. The ng : P ( LAWSON purchase price, we 'understand, was WA l I'S » . | $15,000. Mr. Chadwick has had ; + LA i : KINGSTON'S | qonsiderable experience in the hotel w Hg HY mee nn 9 | business. X y | ~-- i a People's LEADING Sr i . Kingston Presbytery Meets, : ) i We . ci = { Florist FLORIST A special meeting of the Kingston - 3 * . 3 > 8 | Funeral designing and Wed- Fresbytery was held in Chalmers 3 fo pi 1 5 i 3 G 9 177 Wellington ding work our specialty. church at 2 o'clock this afternoon, to bY ad p 2 ~ p - Fresh Poyers and Plants daily. | | }} Corner of Brock and Welling- I} | deal with the resignation of Rev. Dr. 0&7 IT i > Fu al Sesigua, od wedding on Streets. | R. J. Wilson, who is retiring as pas- ey aH FU fu a 1187. TELEPHONE 770. tor of Chalmers Presbyterian éhurch, w ; % to take over the position or secretary "Aro ----~"| of the bureaa of literature and in- formation, in connection with church Hardwood |" Wreck on Picton Highway. 8ee our New Fall Overcoats and Eng- $20 and ABSOLUTELY DRY Two motorists were seriously hurt Ts ' on Thursday night on the Belleville- lish Gabardine Coats -.. ... ... ... $22 00 --Alsn-- Pioton-highway near the Massassaga er very ea . school house when the motor drove f T s 9 OFT WOOD AND SLABS into two telegraph poles. Mrs. Ar- Men's and Young Men's Blue Serge 25 50 * thurs and James D. Hart were so in- | Sold b KENNY & F jured that they had to be taken to and Chevoit Suits -.. ... ... ... ..... Y Picton by motor, where they en- PHONE 637. | tered the hospital for treatment. , {| + 187-141 CLERGY STREET The cause of the accident is un- Extra Trouser Suits, In three shades 28 0 | Known. » 0 of Fine Tweed. Special Price -.. ... W. R McRae & Co. COME F a Suen Seer aati, wath All the goodness, | 3 Smith dire, passed 'say at Wo home a flavor and quality i opm vou meee. (af SIM'S Grocery TWEDDELL'S || ht A select wuality Black Ten ..at 65. | had not been. fn. pond meaer for s that goes Into AA ------------ Liptoha in nickage. Special 3c. % I0.| vous or two and 2 Stroy. hastened WRIGLEY'S at the Clothing House f - Thistle Baking Powder Ae Don't let the price atop you, "it's good." the end. He is survived by his . widow, before her marriage, Eliza- PT ey RaUtacy Saw otc ; beth Cavalier, and by three sons, 3 factory iS KE IN Edward, Sudbury; Joseph and Br , Talk Doesn't Make Good arse Toy gos. peck) Trenton, and two daughters, -- F iT FOR YOU. COAL | Red Onions, small pickling ... oo 8. Dugielse Soithie pug Mrs. J Yr : { VEGETABLES Boor ihhu : The sealed pack- but good coal makes fa, Al | Supplicd to Hotels and Boarding Houses Ringstonian's Success ; r 8 8. ready and wilng" 10 el You || i soecs ve en err en et| Bugone Beaupre a nitiv of age does that--You or ond Gar os roan ¥ In Kingston, is making rapid strides in 1 break the seal [a ® : SATURDAY MORNING, TOMATOES the business world. For some years : BOOTH & CO, |= comes, 700 0 sha i Beason va advan an | J one . i 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards SMITH'S, Barrie and Colborne Streets es ma F of the T. on _Ce., ) WRIGLEY'S is pure | | | | | i | -As the season now calls for warmer in Toronto, and at the presen: time he is sales manager of James Me- - chicle and other ingre- . . . Cree & Co, lar d rt . Creers & Co. 3 Jaks department dients of the highest we wish to say our stock is complete in all Also nstrustor at the New York quality obtainable. styles and qualities. hool of Retailing, being in charge ' » 3.0 5 of the course in advertising and mar- | Made under modern Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Com- | | | | | Hot Water Furnaces, Meat Store ar prasiupra's. ide. sircle » 1 sanitary conditions, binations and separate garments. Fiobed and Quebec Op. YMCA. Phones 1876-1877 [f| ©d 10 learn of his success. : HA WRIGLEY'S aids appe- For high grade wool garments for ladies eaters for sale. Removed to Hospital, Ly tite. keeps teeth white and the KNIT-TO-FIT is unexcelled for quality. Charles Bentley, the Napanee 1 | % IL Cohen & C Jouth. who wes taken in dharee on \ belps digestion. This make of Underwear we carry a very 87-278 ONTARIO STREET | | sable Roy Clarke, on a charge of ; nn | Try Wrigley's Doublemint large range, including all styles in Combi- Ya OF Salinas SO OVER Cau. 1H a a like nations, separate garments and. Bloomers. Felice cells to, Rockwoad hospital, 10 HHT GS Silk and Wool is also carried in the same vin sd Bente va came ora |LLQUARII BRIS SARGPNS RYles. These garments ave mads of Eng: doctor. It appears that for some| > t lish yarns, and are nicely finished. Made W. H. Godwin & Son | I a: "El BS ff BGECN [Hl in opera styles, no sleeves, short sleeves and | | ; 5 13 ; long sleeves. Combinations in knee length | INSURANCE = several complaints about him. - Hef 4 Gu : A yy \ = Zs : or ankle length. was given protection at the police iret class companies repre- * '_|}| station two nights during last week. \ SVE > (I' 4 : s : I ks "> : Mee. Suing tor Separation. 4 o 4 : or W. N. Linton & Co. BE Phone Y., i to sue her husband for sep. w , \ Vi, : Phone 191. The Waldron Store. Frances, aged seven. Holdridge will

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