. WHURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | NEW NOTIONS IN OLD JERUSALEM The International Sunday School Lesson for October 14th Is: Sisrael, a Missionary Nation."--Ex. 19:1-6; Isa. 43:9-11; 45:20-22. Sy William T. Kills. Strange and upsetting facts confront one in old Jerusalem these days. The beautiful dream of Zionism loses most of its bloom upon close approach. A visiting investigator ,who is trying to "see both sides and get all the facts," is in for some startling experiences. One of the most significant is the dis- covery that the orthodox Jews in Pal- estine are mostly bitter opponents of the present Zionist project, Of the forty thousand Jews in-Jerusalem to- day, the majority are arrayed in op- position to political Zionism. They are the old residents, the devout child- ren of Israel who repaired to Jeru- salem for purely spiritual motives. A brilliant Dutch lawyer, a Jew from Amsterdam, who has been made to suffer many indignities, including the loss of his position as a University professor in Jerusalem, because of his outspoken anti-Zionist views, set forth for me, in succinct and picturesque English, the familiar argument that it is 'impossible to restore Israel to her historic and spiritual mission among the nations by means of what he char- acterized as *'a lot of infidel Bolshe- viks, these Jewish colonists from Rus- sia." Although it is the most pertinent il- lustration of the"present Lesson, this is not the place to set forth the Zion- ist story as one finds it in actuality in Palestine; except to say that the many devout Christians in Western Europe and United States who believe that present-day Zionism fulfills the pro- phecies "concerning Israel as a mis- sionary nation, and the return of the Jews to the Land of Promise, can find no support for their views from the Christians in Jerusalem. I failed to dis- cover a single Christian Briton or Am- erican in_Palestine who does not dis- approve of the existing Zionist enter- prise. One of the foremost in de- nouncing Zidnism to me was a British missionary to the Jews, who never- theless believes that some day Israel will return to the Land of Promise. More Important Than Zionism. Whether this particular enterprise of Zionism is a success or a failure, a good or a bad thing for the world, may be a relatively small matter, but whether the human race, in this hour of emergent need, is to be served by "some people who sincerely feel them- selves to be God's chosen instrument of holiness. This is the one central point of the day's Lesson, If literal Israel has failed of hes opportuni then some spiritual successor must be- come God's missionary to the nations, to testify to the real nature of Jehovah and to set forth the divine will for hu- man relationqip. Tragedy after tragedy has overtak- en the nations of the earth in the past - five years. Leader after leader has fal- len or failed. Plan after plan has prov- ed futile. Both reactionary and radical experiments have been vainly tried to the limit. Still conditions in the world grow worse and worse. Although statesmen continue to talk in the sor- did terms of the money-market, at {ast there are signs that men are be- ginning to perceive that it is moral and spirtival leadership that mankind awaits. Things will never' be right among the nations until people get right with God and His clear laws. It is a spiritual Israel, calling men to penitence and obedience to the King of Kings, that is the days internation- al need. This is the sort of Zionism-- a return to the true worship of Jevo- vah--that holds hope for humanity. Some Nation's Opportunity. It was a big idea that old Israel em- plan for today but vindicates the anc- ient revelation. 'The children of Pro- mise were chosen as the medium {through whom the One True God should 'reveal himself to an idolatrous world, Not for themselves.alone was the supreme revelation given to the Jews of the unity of God; they were to be His missionaries to all mankind. The crown of Israel's blessing was that it should become a blessing. Some thing more than salvation for the Jews was involved; theirs was a call to highest service. They became'a great nation because of the unifying and in- spiring truth of their mission as God's {peculiar people. With a sense of awe, we recognize the tremendous truth that today some existing nation--and probably the iree Christian people of this 'Western world--has "an opportunity to dupli- cate Israel's mission, on a far larger scale, without making Israel's supreme mistake. Leadership of the whole world awaits that land which has the vision to fulfill its Christian destiny. It any people have a sufficient: sense of the times' desperate need, and of the simple qualification necessary for this incomparable task, to undertake to illustrate and to proclaim the truth that the way of obedience to God is the only 'way out of the juggle in which this generation finds itself, that people will inherit all the blessings ever promised to ancient Israel. 'This . truth lies on the surface of things. A child may understand it. Yet it means more than anything that all the secret conferences of statesmen have debated since the war. Any one nation that will accept as its solemn and supreme obligation the task of be- ing God's loyal ambassador to the world can at once solve its own dom- estic problems and deliver humanity from the present international tangle. It is leadership in righteousness that our times demand. The ancient task of old Israel, forfeited by failure and disobedience, is today the opportunity of some Christian nation. Clearly, such a missionary program- me carries with it all the individual benefits promised of old to the Chosen eople. By it, domestic politics would be purified, A new order of public men, who felt themselves to be called of God to light, hard service, would be produced. Private morals and public standards would immediately feel the ennobling effect of such a national con ception of a call to be God's represen- tative. A Story From Beersheba. : Just as a man must havé a purpose, in order to save his life from frittering away, sO a nation mission if it is to fulfill a distinctive destiny Such a spi- rit depends on leadership among the people, even as the World waits for leadership by some nation which knows itself to be called and set apart. In stressing this plain point of leader- ship, I am not going one jot beyond the foremost teaching of the day's Les- son. The whole mission of Israel hing- ed upon God's recognition of this truth. > Down in Beersheba Palestine, some time ago, an incident occurred that fairly pictures the case, especially as applied to individual possibilities, There had been Arab risings and re- bellion in and about Beersheba. This Is a pastoral region, and the British au- | thorities decided to punish the people bodied ; and that it is the most needed |" tsi _ ; "J appearances. NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS years longer than other womens MADE IN CANADA A woman's complexion should be very nearly per- | fect. It must be smooth, supple and transparently fresh and it must never betray fatigue or the effects of weather." QU This, if it were written, would be the society woman's code. A As proof of it, there is scarcely a woman of prominent social position whose age you can guess by lines or any dullness of skin. dl. That does not mean she does not motor or take part in whatever sports are in season. She is a zealous sportswoman by day and appears in the evening with delicate skin unmarred. How do they accomplish. it-- Two essentials of skin loveliness HERE are two fundamental needs of the skin that the society woman knows cannot be negleéted without disaster--regular cleansing in the particular way that can- not possibly tighten or coarsen the skin--and careful protection and freshening for a# day-time and cvening Long before even the society woman considered sports seriously, Pofld's knew these two essentials, and to meet them, perfected two entirely different creams, which used together form the modern care for woman's skin. Pond's Cold Cream of a special lightness and fineness, not only cleanses but restores the skin's essential supple- ness--Pond's Vanishing Cream, not only gives unfailing protedtion, but in addition beautifies the skin instantly, making it marvelously fresh and smooth. With this method 'your 'complexion need ever be roughened or reddened, by exposure, nor lined or coars- ened through negle&. Begin today to use Pods Two Creams regularly to give your skin that well -cared-for look and smooth loveliness that disitnguish the women who must be beautiful in spite of their adlive social life. Buy both creams today, in jars or tubes ac 50 cents cach, atdrug or departmental stores. The Ponds Extraét Company CY --- [he SOCIETY WOMAN contrives it Her skin smooth - supple - young HER FACE, SHOWS NEITHER AGE NOR FATIGUE WHAT IS HER SECRET? Try this method --yourself Deo this tonight. With the finger tips, or a bit of moistened cotton, apply Ponds Cold Cream freely. Its fine oil is able _to penetrate every pore. Let it stay on 2 minute -- now wipe it off with a soft cloth. The black that comes off shows you how carefully this cream cleanses. Do this twice. Yous skin looks fresh and is beautifully supple again. / Then in the morning, smooth on Pond's Vanishing Cream very evenly--just enough for your face to absorb. How velvety your face feels. The powder is even and smooth over this flawless base. Nothing can coarsen its fine texture. Na The Pond's Extract y : 124-C Brock Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Name EVERY SKIN NEEDS THESE TWO CREAMS-POND'S TWO CREAMS USED BY THE WOMEN WHO TAX THEIR SKIN MOST AND KEEP THEIR FACES LOVELIEST i ---- ee ------ T 3 Jen Statin )is enclosed for your Sr City Pp, & Sh ed amidst the heterogeneous mass of fear.smitten animals. All seemed con. fusion and hopeless tangle, until each shepherd began to call his own sheep by name and then to walk fdrth in front of them. At once order succeed- ed chaos. The sheep knew their shep- herd's voice and followed him. What authority and force and formidable measures of coercion had failed to do/ was accomplished by each shepherd's caring for his own flock. Isn't that a picture of the world and its. t plight? It is to be delivef- | dby leadership; by each man each who know his voice. The inci- dent is a parable for pastors; and none the less for patriots and all publicists, | The Great Shepherd has given the It of leadership to those who dare ; in obedience to Him. And some Shepherd Nation may nowadays be come a new Israel to lead the panicky, - fulfilling the shepherd role to}: Punished and perishing world back to} £™- The Late Capt. Joseph Ashie. The death occurred om Saturday morning of Captain Joseph Ashie. 1eceased was a well-known resident George Ashie, Mr. afid Mrs. J. '0. |at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club at the | Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ashie, Mr. | Cinner tendered hm by the Govern- W. J. McNeil and family. i {ment of Canada, and presided over hy the Acting Premier and veteran Ottawa gave Lloyd George a great | Finance Minister, Right Hon. Mr. welcome Tuesday evening. He spoke | ¥lelding. GENEROUS TUBES-- MAIL COUPON WITH 10¢. TODAY The Prince of Wales, who was fs Ottawa for a few days as guest of Lord -'Byng, left Wednesday morn- ing for Montreal on his special train. Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule. \ NE BET eggs, 7