pe THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Profited By Reading This Page. It's Your Turn To-day Merchandise _ Articles For Sale 51 VIOLIN CASES Canvas, with leather ed ING CARD Sample book free;| fittings; real value; from 33,00 up. Get epresentatives making ten dollars] your Strings her Elder's. daily. Experience.or capital unneces-| ---- -------- -- = "sary, Bradley Company, Brantford, WASHING MACHINE -- Water pomer| Ont. { and Brown Cloth Coat, size §6 will Employment Help--Male or Female 34 | CHRISTMAS GREET- { The British Whig | Farms and Land for Sale. KINGSTON, ONT. * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. { Indexed, standardized and popular- ized according to | | ---- | XY dy of MATRIMONY --- Handsdme lady means, would marry, if suited. Write, Violet Ray, Dennison, Qhjo. BLEMISHE Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, ' 8kin Cancers, | 300 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles m Alexs andria Bay. Itis a moner-mener Cad. be bought with or without stock, oa easy terms. Declining years is owns er's reason for selling. Apply Charje; { Kavanaugh, Alexandria y, N.Y, 8 F. B. McNamee, 346 Alfred Street, Kingston, Ont. m= PRIVATE Convenience Is Service! Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent-| What a difference theré is between an old-fashioned mmm sell cheap for quick At 300 ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and box trunk and an up-to-date wardrobe trunk! Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 Queen Street furnished after others have Z | Goltre cured without © Everything is jammed at random in the old box--but | SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepr pears xperiencs, pt. the modern wardrobe trunk is entirely different. It has sehted Qistricts, Te Ap pay. free quip. Sye, Ear. Nose, TOBt, hangers for garments, drawers for linen, pockets for ment, e are the largest growers o > 301w. House 1135J. y . Minimum charge, 25 cents. Shot Street Phone Bo Hu shoes, a corner for an umbrella and a compartment for Ei Aue olamiontal Kees in Cals Lally rates per line. Charge can Lost and Found hats. It almost packs and unpacks itself. | You will be successful, Write: Pelham i : You live in the great. modern age of System and | 6 days ... sesshnnes Nursery Co., Toronto." | Ee ren Convenience. You want a place for everything and de- Situations Wanted--female S6 mand that everything be in its place. That is why you will appreciate the modern, sys- tematic A-B-C Classified Section. It has a separate "compartment" for each group of opportunities--and they are all alphabetically indexed and numerically classified for your convenience in quick finding. You'll pack all your troubles in your old kit bag-- when you unpack all the opportunities in the A-B-C "compartments" : whose labels interest you. I THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS . ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Se All ads. are restricted to thelr | SKIN proper classificativn, and to t regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: TIN a , sale. WOOD----Mixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ter cord; mixed slabs, $3.25. W. H Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near Division. Phone 330:w. WOOD AND COKE---New yard at 290 Wellington, cormer Ordnance, dry mixed cordwood, sawed, sp'it #hd de- livered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, fuu se Houses For Sale BRICK HOUSE--7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, eleetric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, furs' nace, well decorated, Union Street, ' near University --3§4,700, ; BRICK HOUSE--§ rooms, 3 bedroo ¥ electric lights, gms, 2 piece bath, 1 store Foom orm, Shr ars r over! R Sto; Frontenac--¥8,» BROOCH--Found, lady's small. Owner| i day .. may have same at 187 Clergy Street. Deaths One insertion, Births, Engagements, Ls; cash, $1.00. serd of Thanks and Notices--Charged, $1.50; charged, Marriages, Memoriam casa, $1.00 | LADY---Desires position as bookkeeper | and stenographer. Have had years of! experience and can supply the best of | references. Apply to Box B-11, Whig| Ofrice, | Financial Business Opportunities | BUSINESS-- Electrical and hardware | business, well established at busy | transfer corner; low rent on lease. Write Gynn, 449 Dovercourt Rd, To- ronto. Hard Coal Coke from city gas fvorks $10.00 ton up to October §nders $1.00. oad Clinkers Sve. W. Cl bru- ton. - Phone 2440w. . Wanted---To Buy 00 OLD GOLD--Silver, or False Teeth, for cash or . G. W. lyons, 244 Princess a 'Rooms For Rent. = Roome With Board BOARD AND ROOMS---Large, double, front room, with fireplace. Bingle room, H. W. heating; reasonable rates. Apply 298 University Avenue, hear Brock Street. Rooms Without Board : ROOMS~--Two, nice, furnished, all con- veniences; hot water heating; suit able for students or business men, downtown; nice house and locality; quiet, refined conple only in house, Apply Box A-10, Whig Office. ie -- | COON NECKPIECE--Lost, on Monday | morning, on train or between Junction] each insertion ng, id Staon| ular and Charles Street. Finder pl { flvertising rdere I tie rages leave at 238 Princess Street or phone n rate; no ad. taken for less thas 980. Reward. ig of Jour lines. CURTAINS --Found, left centre for| Syat six average Wie Ford car on Kingston and Sunbury | Kae. Road. Owner may have same at John telephone and if paid at - Bs Robb's, Battersea. : ish Whig Oftice within ¢ days from ----- p-------------- = a FOUNTAIN PEN--Found, and automo Shy drat day of Inservion, cash rate TAIN EN Fung, a0), acim. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number or times the ad. appesred and adjur'- ment made At the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. i tacles. Finder Special rate for yearly advertising Whig Office. upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit i . 1 or tejet all classified advertising HAT--Found, Lady's Tweed Sport Hat. Apply Newman & Shaw's, Princess St. copy. Telvphone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. $2300, THREE BUNGALOWS--$310 $3000. Good buying. im, HOUSE--On Mack Street. M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15425. words to 1 be received by .. dads. will be 0 67 Picked up GLOVE--Found, lady's silk. 110 Lower on Montreal St. Apply Bagot Street. GLASBES--Lost, 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money, issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds tor sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. R. C Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kihgstion. Instruction Musical, Dancing Dramatic Money to Loan SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ade vertisement, page i, columa 1. spec- | to the rimmed return shell please $3500--Barrie Street, brick, 7 rooms. §8600--10 rooms, solid brick, large lot. $0--Siurs, Division Screet. Rental income Per montn on 5 year leash. 3600--81x room semi-bungalow, all ro ments, Ue--Bagot est, frame. $3600--Lower Ridehu, Soole Frame. $1000-- Established Store busin Stock, fixtures and goodwill located. Several Bungalows on easy terms OA Auth side. ome In and see our listin Ni - formation given over so 48 H. B. WILSON; REALTOR, - "~~. 316 Barrle Street, Phone 1008, wots For Hale 1 LOT---Valuable Building lot on the yer of Centre and Union Streets..Rog or three large hotisas. A , Coke. Phones: Res. up % iw. Business Services | hy joi = Business Services Offered 18 a Business Service Kepalving 20 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all k 3 Call and see W. Driscoll, " Jags Phone 206F, | VPHOLSTERING--New or used furnl- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. LARGE DOQR-4&R¥---Found, on Tues- day afternoon, on corner of Princess and Alfred Streets. Owner may have REV A F BROWN DIES same by applying at 162 Nelson Street. » . . {| RETURN TICKET--Found, from Nap- AFTER A SHORT ILLNESS anee to Toronto Owner may have same by applying to Willlam Drury, Wellington Street. © Pastor of Calvary Congrega- tional Church Passed Away | Thursday Morning. 'Rev. A. F, Brown, pastor of Cal- vary Congregational church, died on Thursday morning from a complica- tion -of diseases. He had been ill | for a fortnight. Mr. Brown was an Englishman by birth, but had been in Canada for a good number of years. He was a man of fine attain- ments; a good pastor and preacher end of marked executive ability. In the years he has been filling the pas- torate of Calvary Congregational church he accomplished much in | bringing it to a fine state of effi- clency. He was in the midst of a building project when stricken. Mr. Brown leaves a splendid record of spiritual activities, a congregation AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King| Street. Phone 820J or 1785w. | street. 44 DAISY JOHNSON--A. T. C. M., teacher of Violin and Piano. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examina. tions. Studio: 307 Collingwood St. (near/Johnson). Phone 232%w. Live Stock \ Poss, Cats, Pets HOUND -- months, bl ROOM----Nice, 2 King Street West. comfortable. Phone 1577m. 69 WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water mia ------ Rooms Yor Housekeeping ---- wa dren ee tor | UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repair- owe Saviors cuuipment Alario | 1555, BF Haroia To bir Arg, Ay ard For full information write to F. J.| 2 ' ergy Street. ; Garrison Co, Oolebrook, Ont. | SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand work. \ Cleaning, Dyer, Renovating 20 Vion AGe Rab onansY| siiclent ser- real and Queen Streets. CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle] - o yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We | UPHOLSTERING -- Covered : buttons guarantee a good job. Furniture re-| made same day as dfd@ered. Upholater- airing of ull kinds. Muller's Bicycle| Ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Goed- Works, .73 King Street. Phone 1961w. | ridge, 244 Univerpty Avenue. Phone | KEYS -- on a dics' Hair Parlor, 21a clasp, on Bethel church lawn. Owner Ladi, - BR | may have same at 238 Johnson Street. HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to order. Also Shampooing and Massag- ing. Children's hair cutting. Mrs: Charles Cunningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingston. SUNBURST OF PEARLS--Lost, on Oct. 1st, between Frontenac Street and Sydenham Street. Return to 167 Fron- tenac street and receive reward or phone 1387). TIRE TESTER -- Found, Schrader on Wellington Street, between, Princess and Queen. Owner may have same by proving property at Cana- dian National Ireight Office. TWO SMALL "Found, ROOMS--Three, bright, comfortable rooms, furnished for tight housekeep- ing for two. Apply 236 Barrie Street. ROOMS-- Four, bright, unfurnished; suitable for light housekeeping: gas for cooking; electricity; hot water heating. Apply 55 Lower William, between 6 and 10 p.m. TWO ROOMS--For light housekeeping, or two bedrooms; also large front bed- room fur one or two. Free use of par- lor, phone and laundry Apply 213 Jour ar, nk Your of rm Sty Street. _ | shcusands of edd jobs to be done Seth 47 'ox and Deer, male, 13 k and tan, bred 'from best strain money can buy. One fox shot ahead of him. Steady tonguer, true trailer, stayer to the finish. Winner of silver cup. Purchaser will receive red ticket. Price $35.00. E. J. Salter, RF Malle own, Ont. 'Whether It {8 someone to whitewash hou ta XK ~ Employment Help Wanted--Female 32 Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, Wanted--Live Stock 50 73 | ® house at this time of year, you 74 | an | someone dependable through whig ants, To get e full benefit from your Slassitied ad, iny name and eiaslone num r ou ar, uumber is ae, Tr T unless 4 Apartments and Flats 5 POULTRY---We want your poultry, live or dressed. Write for price lists. Wal- , Spadina Ave. Toronto Merchandise. Articles For Sale con= Apply APARTMENT --Four rooms, all veniences; hot water heating. W. J. B. White. APARTMENT---Furnished, 3 rooms, on ground floor, fireplace, hot water heat-| v ing, eleetric light, gas for cooking. ~ Also three Foot on Bathroom Noon To-Day's Blunder Corrected Apply 168 Division Street. (See Illustration on Page 14.) Wihien a great deal of = work Is done with index cards and Ming, 1 COOK--Apply to Mrs. W. H. Macnee, |- 115 Lower Union Street. 23 | FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 178M. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented Strange & | Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident Mey will protect your salary. Fire nsurance at low rates. Phone BE. Insurance USED CARS--- Several.' Apply Blue Garage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. 51 ANTIQUES--A carload of old Antique Furniture arrived. Your inspection invited. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone 1045w, COOK GENERAL--Apply to Mrs. A. W. Winnett, 109 Bagot Street, evenings. McLAUGHLIN-- D44 Special fonder] Cheap for cash. Kendrick's Garage EXPERIENCED NURSE -- References required. For baby of 3 years. Apply Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, 95 King Street. | APARTMENTS --Two six roomed, with lights, gas, three plece bath. Large house on Cherry Street, suitable for two families. Seven roomed house on Elm Street. Also a stable, accommo- datiorts for four horses on Stanley St. H. F. Norman, 6% Patrick St. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. . GIRL--For general housework. 202 Queen Street. Apply Phone 436. the drawers warmly attached to him and now thrown into bereavement of a very regrettable character. The head of their activities hag beem taken. from them. Rev. Mr. Brown, was known to the citizens as 'a zealous, earnest; Christian man. Kindly and sweet in life, devotedly attached to his work, constantly caring for his flock and proving himséM' a sterling shepherd of the souls of men, The late Mr. Brown was ordained in the Baptist ministry, and prior to coming to Kingston, had occupied various Baptist pulpits in the mari- time provinces, and latterly in New Brunswick. He accepted the call to Calvary Congregational church four years ago. ' In addition to his interest in all activities of his own pastorate, Mr. Brown was one of the most promin- ent workers in the Kingston Minis- terial Association. He was also trea- surer of Court Frontenac, No. 59 Independent Order of Foresters. Besides his widow, the deceased is survived by three daughters, Miss Sadie and Miss Ina, Torento, and Miss Beatrice, at home; and one son, Adolphus, Montreal. Rev. Mr. Brown preached his last sermon in Calvary church on Sunday, Sept. 2nd. Wedded at Moscow. On Saturday, Oct. 6th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Darling, Fairview Farm, Moscow, was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding when at one o'clock, their eldest daughter, Mary Claire, became the bride of Wilfred C. Potter, .eldest Used Cars DODGE COUPE, 1923 Almost new, with spare tire and tube, front bumper, rear vision mirror, wind shield wiper and other convenient accessories. Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street. Phone 201w Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 RUBBER GOODS--We are sure to please you for all kinds of rubber gouds. Also Oils and Gas. In fact, everything you need for your car, at the corner of Queen and Ontarlo Fhone 2050. Streets. SPARE PARTS--For most makes and models of cars. Your old broken and worn parts replaced. Write or wire us describing what you want We carry the largest and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used and new parts and automobile equipment. We ship CO.D. anywhere in Canada. Satisfaction or refund in full our motto. Shaw's Auto Salvage Part Supply, 923-231 Dufferin Street, To- ronto, Ont. "Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxl 14 GARAGE-~For rent, close to business district. Apply Box M-§, Whig Office. Finds No Bill. Brockville, Oat. 11.--Andrew Har: uev, the Crosby young man and for- mer ward of St. George's Home, Ot- tawa, held for manslaughter in con- nection with the death on August 13th last of a fellow-laborer on high- way construction, John Sherwood, whom he had struck ia the course of an altercaticn ovbr possession of a shovel, was released at the Supreme Court Assizes after the grand jury Williams, 2 Couper Street. Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 ASHES-~Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. ror; 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. MOVING -- TRUCKING, LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. R. HENRY, PHONE 1263W. SERVICE GUARAN- TEED. > STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean and. Ary. App E. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. hone 1391J .or 618. STORAGE--For furniture. clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 209- 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. SEER = | Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 SIGN PAINTING-J. S. Rebinson, rear 275 Bagot street. Architects 28b. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner o Brock and Wellington. Chiropractio 28c¢. MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C., cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie Bt. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822). Hours Sto 12am, 1 to 6 p.m. LUCY~--Drs: G. F. ana Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w, Hours: 9-12 a.m, 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Denti Wellington street, corner of Phone 346. KNAPP-Dr. A. B, Dentist. Prin Street. Phone 653w, evenings by appointment. 28d. 159 rock. Office: 258 Open GRADUATE NURSES--For supervisors in University hospital. State school apd date of graduation, experience, and salary expected is first letter. Ad- "dregs Director, School of Nursing, Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Syra- cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. GENERAL MAID--To go to €amp Bor- den, near Toronto, for seven months, Rallway fare both ways paid. Must have references. Phone 1135J. LADIES--Have ap opportunity to earn from Ten to Thirty Dollars weekly from now until Christmas with our line of Personal Greeting Cards; whole or spare time. Samples free. Write for information. D-122, Carlton Pub- lishing Cémpany, Toronto, Ont. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--§15 to paid weekly for your spare time writ- ing show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld, Toronto. $60 WOMAN--To do laundry work in' her own home. Box Y-10, Whig Office. WIOMAN---For general housework one who can sleep at home prefer- red Apply Mrs. Johnson, corner Union and Alwington Ave. Phone 476. ~Holp- Wanted--Male BREAD AND BUN BAKER -- First class, at once., Apply Lackie's Balk- ery, 802 King Street, Kingston, Ont. EARN---$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immatertal; positively no can- Yassing. Particulars Jc. stamp, Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co, Toronto. MEN---Several first class radial aril hands, slotter hands and tool-makers. Apply Canadian General Electric Co, Peterborough, Ont. / MEN---An exceptional opportunity to earn from Ten to Fifty dollars week- ly from now until Christmas in whole or Spare Hue wi Due line of Per« sonal Greeting Cards. mples free. Weekly pay. D-123, Carlton. Publish: 1 'ompany, Teronto, Ont. Cooke, 219 Bagot Streot. BABY CARRIAGE--Cream, wicker, In good condition, Price $10.00, Apply Phone 1476. BRICK---Hara and soft, .any quantity, Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch and Loliingwoed Streeis. Phone 618 or 1381 «> BARGAINS--In men's sweater coats, all wool, $2.76; army khaki pants, shirts, whipcird riding breeches, blan- gets, blue coats, leather vests, sheep- skin coats, etc, at A, Shapiro, 46 Prin- cess St. EDISON DIAMOND DISC LABORATORY MODEL PHONOGRAPH Period design, Willlam and Mary; solid walnut; antique finish: abso- lutely new; with 50 exclusive re- Bargain Apply BOX 108, WHIG OFFICE. cords, price, FURNITURE--~Den sett, kitchen cabi- net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- cess street, phone 1600W, QUEBEC HEATERS--Three, two large and one small; also No. 6% Dalsy Hot Water furnace; prices very reason. able. Apply Boyd's Garage, Brock St. PARLOR SET---8Smal Quebec heater, refrigerator, mechanics' tools. Apply 56 Lansdowne Street. PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you a new piano for six months, and in the event of a purchase at the end of this period we will allow you all the money paid to apply thereon. C, W. Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess St. PRICES-Call and get ours, on Cream Separators, Gas Engines, Extension Ladders, Pumps; two good second- hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood 286 Ontario Street. RECORDS---New Edison Disc, regular Real Estate For Rent Apply LL LODGE ROOMS-- Rooms on King street --formerly occupied by the IO.0O.F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith, Houses For Rent kh HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, with large lot and barn on North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park." Phone 1102 R¢. HOUSE -- Unfurnished," North Street, near Bagot, sfx roomed house, in first class condition; electric fixtures, gas, and two piece bath. Apply 58 Bagot Street. Business Places For Rent OUSE--Furnished, 7 furnace, modern Rent reasonable. Whig Office. rooms, hot air and comfortable. Apply Box X-8, HOUSE--large brick, hot air furnace, electric light, gag for cooking, 8&- pitce bath, good cellar, barn, large ot; ossession immediately. Appl 15 Colborne Street. y PP HOUSE--Hot water heated, electric and gas, sleeping porch, garage, 305 Al- Jred Street Opposite Victoria Park. mmediate possession. "Apply Rev. Dr. W. T. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. 104 BAGOT STREET PRINCESS STREETS rooms, brick, & and electric. Apply M. E. Wa Canada Radio Stores. Phone 12070 SMALL SHOP -- On Princess above Barrie; one 6 room apartment with Inodern "conveniences, heated; one 3 room dwelling over Anderson's, 282 Princess. Immediate possession. Apply 1. Cohen & Company. Street, ---------- ~ Comfortable brick house, near City. Park, Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. § on rt -------------------------------- $26.00-- : 4 Lawrence Street, 7 rooms, electric lights, gas, furna e, $85.00--William Street, 7 rooms, plece bath, electric lights, gas, nace, all newly decorated. Bee Mullin's for houses to rent. Phone 539w. Johnson and Division Streets, fur- This elevation will make it {Tor the worker to see the notations on, the cards and will not necessi- tate such a cramped position of arms, -- three | should be elevaied enough at the farthest end so that they will slant toward the worker, _ table. easier instead of lying flat on a 'the BUSINESS SKRVIOM W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Buildin Broek} and King Streets. nt Te Cher fo Sm durtiz Jrriting:--Automobile dent, Bi iSiness, Plate vtec. Representing only panies. MERUHANDISM FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason. able Le i STOV Well repaired, at a rgiht aries J. Turk's PHONE 705. 'DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. For all kinds of machine repairs. We . attend to automobile repairs promptly. East End, Wellington Street. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Potter, Moscow. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. W. Down In the presence of Immediate friends and relatives. The bride wore a dress of ivory canton crepe and vell with touchés of heligtrope and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and a maid- en hair fern, She entered leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March. She was attended by her sister, Miss Eloise Darling, who wore sand crepe de chiné and gold lace. The bride- groom was supported by his brother, Acel Potter. After the ceremony, & dainty luncheon was served by Mile had found no bill. Justice Lennox read a lecture to ilarney on his future conduct, saying that the fact that he had been in- strumental in causing the death of a fellow-being should serve him a lesson for all the r ining days of bis life. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Barristers 1.50 each, in lot 10, $1. i Solicitors, 70 Clarence Street, 3 ch, in lots of 10, $1.00 each. Send, for list. A. Andrews, R. R. No. 1, Brockville, Ont. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer uare Quebec Stoves and Heaters, E¢onomy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 fucess Street. Phone 430w., opposite Orange Hall SET TOLEDO SCALES--Forty gallon oil tank, several show cases and counters; all good order. Apply 31 Livingston Ave. Phone 2047w. Genuine 'Pocahontas Smokeless Coal Large Nut size . . . ...$14.00 per ton. For Stove or Furnace. Swift & Co., Limit Foot of Johnson Street PHOTOGRAPHER --Ole that has had experience in Home Portraiture, Per- fect, steady work and good ay. -A car would be a big help. See Mr. Luckey, tors, 89 Clarence Street ing- Plaza' Hotel, after § p.m. A BE Day, Adrian 1 Reveille, one 208. § e305 SMART BOY--With bicyole, wanted for all day. Apply to College Book Store. ingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; yril M. Smith. PAX AND REVELLE--Barristerg and solic! ston. Money to loan. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1995. Osteopathy 28g. OSTEOPATHY---A. T. Still graduates. Drs, Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 Street. Phone 447 for appoint- SALESMEN---We pay weekly and offer steady employment selling our com- plete and exclusive es of whole- root fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants. Best stock and sérvice. We teach and equip you free. A money- RINE oppurtun ty: ; Luke Brothers, n Direct ship t to C da of cot- ton grown in regulated areas in the United States under the federal pink boll worm quarantine, will be per- mitted after Oct. 15th. ™ PRIVATE SALE---Of Furniture, at 229 Princess Street, over Harrison's. ~ James ee THE MAN he has ambition enough I u : a od - basin ESE BRINGING UP FATHER for their honeymoon, the bride tra- - velling in a cuit of brown I. aaa