. Bateman's % THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928, THE DAI LY BRITISH WHIG Spams. Fall Colds QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. HICKEY'S TREATMENT Dr, Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses.. Dr, Hickey's Cold Capsules dry up the head cold over night, Dr. Hickey's Chest Raub, quickly removes the congestioh | and draws out the pain. This combination is the best "23 each L.T. Best Druggist Farms For Sale 200 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 13 miles from Hingston; frame house, good condition; 3 large barns, newly shingled --with or without implem @is--would exchange for city property. 100 ARES--8 miles from Kingston-- 116 acres under cultivation--§0 acres ood bush; Sooq, stone house, large gor drive shed; well watered, running stream; well adapted for mar- ket rdening;: 1 mile from church, school and factory. 135 ACRES---100 acres good soil; bal- ance good pasture; good frame house; 2 barns; never-faillng spring. 13 miles from city. 86 ACRE! rden and truck farm; double brick house; all conveniences; close to city. 56 ACRES -- 25 acres good garden land; frame house; barn and cow house; close to factory, school and church; 12 miles from Kingston; on easy terms or exchange. Crop on easy termg for quick sale. Real Estate 136 Welington St There can be 0 more ate gift than a Tea Service. Throughout the years to egme it | will be cherished | as an heirloom by future genera- tions. Our stock is at | all times well as- | sorted and sonably priced. appropri- | rea- | SOWARDS STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. NOW IS THE TIME to buy your Heaters for the coming Winter. We have the Happy Thought Quebec Heat- ers at attractive prices. No. 2300 at . $18.00] No. 2500 at . $24.00 No. 2400 at .$21.00/ No. 2600 at $30.00 These Heaters are lined with extra heavy Bricks and give a wonderful heat. Order one to-day. ELECTRIC HEATERS GAS HEATERS PERFECTION OIL HEATERS Buy them to-day and enjoy the comfort, McKelvey & Birch, Limited Jobbars of Plumbers' and Ges-Fitters' Supplies, House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, Tis Werk; Electric work; Painting and Paper Hanging. Fitters and Plumbers, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy Best Supplies. Sheet Metal Special The Slaves of Rome. It was dangerous.for people to walk along country roads in Italy during early Romen times. Thers was no telling when a band of slave. traders might swoop down and cap- ture wayfarers. Thousands of men, women and children were taken as slaves in this way. Sometimes pir- ate ships would land near a city and carry off whomever. they could catch. Rich Romans complained. "Sometimes these pirates take children of the best families and sell them as slaves." It often happened that a poor cit- izen fell into debt. Hard as he tried, Then he was 201d as a slave. In some wars the Romans got tens of thousands of prisoners who be- came slaves. All the rich families in the city had large numbers of slav- This picture shows slaves at work is receiving a beating. JUSTICE WAKES UP AND PRISONER DIES French Criminal Lies In Death- House, Forgotten, For Eighteen Months. Paris, Oct. 11.--Felix Gaeydan, "the forgotten criminal," who for 18§ months lay in the death-house of the prison at Aix-en-Provence, while a Justice forgot to order his execution, was guillotined yesterday morning at daybreak. His cellmate, who shar- ed the same suspense during the same period, had his semtence com- muted to Mfe imprisonment. Gueydan, who was twice sentenced to death for murder, was quite for- gotten by the French public, when suddenly a month ago he returned to the limelight when he addressed to the Procurer-General a letter from his cell, stating that he did not care hether he died or not, but did want o know what his fate was to be. The criminal met death calmly yes- terday morning, refusing all aid an walked firmly onto the platform, here he knelt ard laid his head be- neath the knife. iri. FAILED IN SCORING. But Collegiate Boys of Picton Had Good Time. Ploton, Oct, 10.--On Monday the Picton Collegiate track team went to Napanee for the Napanee C. I. field' day. The following went: R. Church, J. Redmond, R. Knox, C. Thompson, J. Reynolds, D. Beamish, and Mr. Phelp, their instructor. The only places Picton secured in the events were two thirds, in the hundred-yard dash, and the half-mile. They had a very pleasant voyage in Mr. Red- wond's motorboat. A nasty accident happened on Mon* day afternoon when Roland Herring- ton, aged thirteen, Picton, while watching a juniore bill game, was hit with a foul ball which cut his lip, necéssitating two stitches. On Saturday, Bobbie Young, had his arm broken when a car, driven by H. Dayton, struck him. C. B. Beamish, on Tuesday, returned from Toronto, where he had been on busi- ness. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Nick Gilbert and Miss Spafford en- tertained at bridge. \ he could not pay the money he owW.' HUMAN RACE <By Mincle Ray es. The master could put them to money. Beatings, however, were common. There were several slave markets in Rome. The unhappy persons who had been captured were sold at auc- tion. They were trotted around as if they were animals for sale. The us- ual price was between $50 and §1,- 000. (I am speaking in terms of Am. erican money. Of course the Romans used different coins.) Probably the hardest life was led by the slaves who worked on farms. From sunrise to sunset--or even longer--they toiled, picking grapes or olives, caring for herds, and tak- ing care of growing crops. The whip of the overseer was often on their backs. Next--Out in the Country. on a Roman farm. To the left a slave BURGLARS AT TAMWORTH, Two Stores Were Entered on Tues day Night. Tamworth, Oct. 11.--Mies Cox, En- | terprise, and Mr, Dart, Montreal, were married at Christ church ,En-| terprisé, on Wednesday, Oct. 10th, at | 5 p.m., by Rev. Mr. Posten, Tam- worth. Mr. Drew's store and the Tamworth drug store were broken into on Tuesday night. Boots, over- alls, tobacco and cigarettes and other articles were taken. There is no clue to the guilty parties. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, Montreal, is visiting his father-in-law, William Brown. David Rogers and his wife, Toronto, were in town over Sunday. William Huff and wife, James Huff and wife and |, Mrs. Lemmon of Wilton, visited Mr. and Mrs, Floyd on Sunday last. Per- ry Thornton and wife, Toronto, visit- ed his father and sister, on Sunday last. ; ---- GLASGOW WOMAN HANGED. First In Seventy Years--Killed Ele- ven-Year-Old Boy. ' London, Oct. 11.--Susan Newell, the first woman to go to the gal- lows in Glasgow in the past seventy years, was executed in the Duke street prison, Glasgow yesterday morning for murdering a school boy at Coatbridge. Attempts were made to obtain a reprieve for the woman and when these proved unsuccessful she was informed of her fate by the Lord Provost and town clerk. The Lord Provost was visibly moved and ex- pressed profound regret that he was obliged to be the bearer of the mes- sage that the Secretary for Scotland had not seen his way to grant. a reprieve. Cadroni Not Guilty. Brampton, Oct. 11.--At'4 p.m. yesterday a verdict of '"Not guilty™ was returned by the jury sitting in the case of Joseph Cadroni, who was charged with the killing of Leonard Burrell, May 21st, when Cadronf's car fatally injured Burrell, Niagara churches support Attor- ney-General Nickle in stand against race-track gambling. Absence makes the picture post- cards accumulate." : death if he wanted to, but he seldom | did so because slaves were worth | PROBS:--Friday, increasing southeast to south- west winds; showers at night. Ja ==E iq i ARE HOMEMAKING DAYS at STEACY'S Kingston is a city of Homes. house-holders. (TI) JF NTO LI SE RC Bs An A rato [OFAN FEA THIWTU WFR SWOT BION MNO AN; nS Home Furmshings -| And because Kingstonians are interested in making their homes more beautiful and com- fortable, we feel justified in devoting ourselves to a Two Day Sale in which attention is centred on furnishings at attractive pricings. Complete stocks, the largest in our history--makes this great Two Day Sale event of the utmost importance to all Flannelette Blankets Rugs Our entire stock of 300 pairs, extra large handsome, new, Floor Squares are|Reg. $3.50 a pair. drastically reduced Flannelette Blankets & Comforters Bed Comforters Sale Price $2.89 Pair | Sale Price $2.98 ea. 60 heavy, double-bed size Grey|eiied Novelty and White Blankets. forters; full sized -- regular $3.75 each. Cotton+ for this Two Day Sale. Drapery --Wiltons. in light and dark shad --rb LI . ter 40c. a yard. --Velvets. Chintz Sale Price 29¢. 1,200 yds. of new patterned Floral Chintz ® Regular 35c¢, to --Brussels. --Sarouck. --Tapestries. LACE CURTAINS Sale Price $1.49 pair 60 pairs only, Not- tingham Lace Cur- tains--2} yds. long--- Ina complete as "co rt paic sortment of sizes, MARQUISETTE CURTAINS Sale Price $2.98 pr. 48 pairs only, Ivory Marquisette Curtains in four patterns -- regular value $4.50 a pair. \ designs and color- ings. 200 to choose and colorings. Sizes 2x4 ft. Reg. $2.00. Sale Price ... $1.39 Size 2}x4} ft. Reg. $2.25. Sale Price ... $1.69 from Jap Floor Mats 200 new Bedroom Mats--all new designs. Size 21x5 ft. Reg. $2.75 Sale Price ... $2.29 Size 3x6 ft. A * Reg. $3.95 ~ Sale Price . ... $3.39 Every Rugis sharks Sale price less COLORED "MADRAS Sale Price ..69¢. yd. 150 yds. English Ma- dras in colors Brown, full 36 inches wide. WINDOW SHADES Sale Price 79¢. each 150 Oil 'Shades in colors White, Cream Rose and Green --|and Green-- regular 95¢. values. 20%