WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1928. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A . Bullder from lidhood to Old Age TO LET RIDEAU rooms, electric light. month. ALFRED STREET --- Furnished, ' October 1st to May 1st. Brick, rooms. All conveniences, per month. INSURANCE of all kinds. able companies only represented. 6.00 $16.0 VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones dat ne Mreck St. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. work. Estimates given on new inid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our mew Goer cl chine, Wah Long Gono Has moved from 1556 Wellington | Street to 112 BROCK STREET. Phone 818F. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. STREET -- Frame, 17 per 34 $56.00 Rell- Phone 987. See us for all kinds of Carpentry floors | CRIPPLED wo RHEUNATISM Bagan to Improve After Taking "Fruif-a-tives" The Medicine Made From Fruit You can get rid of Rheumatism. You can be free of pain--of swollen hands and feet--of aching arms, legs and back. " Fruit-a-tives'* will drive the cause of Rheumatism out of the system and give ou permanent relief. or over three years, I was confined to bed with Rheumatism, Finally T decided to try "Fruit-a- tives'. Before using half a box, I noticed improvement. I continued taking " Fruit-a-tives" improving all the time. I can now walk about two milesand dochoresaround the place', ALEX. MUNRO, Lorne, Ont. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. | | | Dominion | Meat Store PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Buteher, 327 Pine Street. PHONE 184. Op. YMCA. Phones 1876-1877 Tomorrow's Specials Pickled Pork Pork Sausages .... Red Salmon (large) DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 368 | For Moving of uU ANOS. OARTAGE and PIANOS, VERY DESCRIPTIO Kingston Transfer Co. 77. Kvenings 2231. 155 WELLINGTON STREET. Belleville Creamery . .40c, Boiling Beef Hamburg Steak Leg of Pork Shoulder Pork Side Pork | | | 8c 10c. . 2c 18c. 20c. 20c PHONE 1876-1877 Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 130 Wellington St, Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. at Smith's Grocery | | | at ry Ih; A select quality Black Tea . | Thistle Baking Powder | Laundry Soap ..21 bars 99e, Potatoes, dry, good size Carrots, new, per peck WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1187. Turnips, "Purple Top" Red Onions, large 3 Red Onions, small pickling .. VEGETABLES Supplied to Hotels and Boarding Houses | direct from Prince Edward County. Get in touch with'us and we will eall regu- lar. SATURDAY MORNING, TOMATOES For Catsup at Phone 1317. SMITH'S, Barrie and Colborne Streets AAA st csi ---------- --eme .10c. qt COME FOR TEA | Liptons im package. Special 35¢. 14 1b. | Dont let the price stop you, "it's good." 30c¢. peek .60¢c. peek | 8ames will be played during the $1.00 bushel KINGSTON anp VICINITY At Curling Meeting. T. M. Asselstine is in Toronto at- Ontario Curling Association. Appointed Fruit Inspector. been appointed government fruit in- | ward. Accepted Other Charges. Fifteen of the applicants as can- didates to preach for a call to the United Church, Lanark, have been accepted by other flelds. An Anti-T.B. Tag Day. Tho Anti-tuberculosis Association of Kingston will hold a tag day on Saturday, Oct. 27th. A strong com- mittee has been formed with Mrs. John Wright at the head. Utilities New Office. The work on the new office build- ing for the utilities commission is jos rushed to completion and it is | hoped to have the work well in hand | by the time colder weather arrives. |: | | For Fall and Winter Wear. See our range of Boys' and Mens' | Ready to Wear Sults and Overcoats all the latest styles, also everything in Men's Furnishings at a great re- duction in price. Prevost, Brock street. Were Awarded Degrees. | G. 8. Pixley, Harrowsmith, has | successfully passed the Medical Council of Canada and is entitled | to the title of L.M.C.C. J. H. Cut- | ly, Pembroke, and F. J. Nickle, Malora, also took similar honors. To Build a New Dam, It will be a week or ten days be- | fore the new concrete dam at Marb- le Rock will be completed. meantime the factories in spector for the county of Prince Ed- | | iam McPherson. tending the annual meeting of the being Ellen I. Rorison, a daughter of the late John Rorison, and a sfs- | ter of John Rorison who died a week | ago. Mrs. Knox was sixty-five years | of age Her husband predeceased her | In the | Gana- | noque are dependent on either steam ' --_-- or electric power for operation. A ee eee | Leaving For California. Miss Barber, sister of Rev. FF. L Barber, Gananoque, expects to leave late in October for her home in San Francisco. She will visit Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hawley at New West- minister, B.C., on her way west. Girls Play Basketball, "| Trenton, Napanee, Belleville and Picton High Schools have formed a girls' basketball league. A. serieg of | fall and winter. The winners of the junior and senior series will receive suitable awards. Elected President. Herbert 8. Wood, Vancouver, B. C., son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street, has been elected president of the Vancouver City. Liberal Association. The Van- DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 BARRIE STREET Phone 1150J. couver World prints an excellent picture of the new head of the west- ern Liberals. Had Shrapnel Removed. Laurie La Chappelle returned to Tweed from Kingston Military Hos- pital on Friday last after undergoing = . LE pr eels: SEE] Spocthodl Days/ THERE ARE TRICKS IN ALL TRADES We have one. It is this: We try to give our customers bet- ter coal and better service than they can get anywhere else, for the same money. What do you think of it? BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards < Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. ¥67-275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 837. / W. H. Godwin & Son INSURANCE First class companies repre- sented. Lowest possible rates. . 89 BROCK STREET Phone 424. an operation for the removal or shrapnel! from his back, just below the shoulder blade. Mr. La Chapelle will now carry in his pocket the l1t- tle souvenier he has. been carrying in his back.since the battle of the Somme. Married In Picton. On Oct. 3rd, at the Methodist par- sonage, Picton, the marriage was solemnized of Miss Grace Storms, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Storms, Cressy, Minaker of Bongard's, a prosperous young farmer. After the ceremony they returned to the home of the bride's parents where the guests were entertained at a wedding sup- per. Returning To Their Homes. Mrs, Balance, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. M. Leper, Picton, for several months, returns to her home at Banff this week. Mrs. Pym, who also has been with Mrs. Leper for some time past, leaves during the latter part of October for Detroit where she will remain for a time with friends, before going on to vis- it her relatives in England and lat- er to her home in Australia. Prince Edward Teachers. Prince Edward County Teachers' Institute elected the following of- ficers: President, Mrs. Goodwin: vice-president, Miss E. Dunkley; sec- retary, Miss M. Dunkley; treasurer, Stanley Van Dusen. Executive Com- mittee, Mrs, Simpson, Miss Huycke, Ronald Burr. Delegates to O. E. A., Miss G. Smith, Miss Maneely. Audi- tors, Miss Church and Miss Thomp- son. hs Taree 's Theological College, a Aerie: Alumni con- ference will be held at the college from Oct. 29th to Nov, 2nd and are open to the public. Profs, J. F. Mae- donald, M. B. Baker, James Miller, McClement, Melvin, Reed, all of Queen's, will take part. The chief outside lecturers will be Rev. 8S. G. Bland, D.D., and Dr. Lorne Pierce, vicinity will lead in papers and: dis- A Friends Tor is bation than a fool's smile. I Yo. and Ernest | Toronto, Many clergymen in this} by only nine months. She is surviv- Durward B. Cole, Green Point, has | ed by one son, Willard R., by three brothers--James, David and Will-| iam---and by one sister, Mrs. Will- Canadian Pacific. 180 Wellington street report the following arrivals of their steam- ships: Montcalm, ed Montreal, Montclare, from Montreal, Liverpool, Oct. 19th Montrose, from. Liverpool, Quebec, Oct. 19th Melita, from Montreal, bourg and Southampton, and Antwerp, Oct, 20th. Minnedosa, from Antwerp, South- ampton and Cherbourg, due Que- bec, Oct. 20th. Marburn, from Belfast, Oct. 18th Oct. 19th. Marloch, from Glasgow -and Bel- fast, arrived Quebec, Oct. 14th. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, due Hong Kong, Oct. 31st. Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, due Hong Kong, Oct 22nd. Empress of Russia, from Hong Kong, due Vancouver, Oct. 22nd. from Liverpool, arriv- Oct. 14th. due due due Cher- Oet. 19th Montreal, due and Glasgow, To Be Military Secretary. Major T. W. Macdowell, V.C., D.S.0,, Maitland, Ont., is understood to be slated for the post of military secretary to Hon. E. Macdonald, Minister of Nats onal Defence. a0€. Major sher rrveeon SALT Purifies the Blood A NI A + SII INNS INGINS.. T MUST BE FUNNY TO AN OLD TIMER Macdowell served in the 41st Reg!- | ment, and was present at the ae«t tions at Ypres, Messines, the Sofame | and Vimy Ridge. He won the D.S. | O. for bravery at the Somme, while | the V.C. was awarded in recognition | for courage displayed in the.battle of Vimy Ridge. Major Macdowell | was wounded in both actidns { Died at Sharbot Lake. | Death visited the village of Shar-| bot Lake on Oct. 8th, and took a highly esteemed resident in the per- | son of Robert Blakely. The deceas- ed had been ill for a period of about two years, and for three weeks | previous to his death was confined | to bed. He was a Presbyterian in | religion and fifty-seven years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, | one daughter and four sons: Mrs. | Alfred Lewis, Sudbury, Norman, Camden East; Wellington, Gilbert | and Leonard at home, and one sis- | ter Mrs. Pappa, Sharbot Lake. The | funeral was conducted 'by the Rev. C. D.. Baldwin, D.D. on Oct 11th, at | the family residence. The bearers | were the four sons and two nephews, William Hawley and Roy Thomii- | son. The floral offerings were: one wreath from faniily; one sheaf, from grandchildren, and many beautiful | bouquets, which show the high es- | teem in which he was held. The re- | mains were interred in Oconto cem- | etery. Mr. .Blakely was a loving husband and father, and will , be greatly missed by all who knew him! A ------------ A Thing That Barely Falls. Madge--Then you believe in mar- rying for money? Marie--OQh, I wouldn't say that exactly, but when you marry a man it's just as well to know for sure !that there's something about him that you will always like.--Boston Transcript, ¥.nowledge com2s, but lirgers. wisdom LUMBER -- Large assorted stock of Hemlock, Pine, Spruce, British Columbia Fir and Cedar, Cypress, Redwood, Yellow Pine, etc. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. SPECIAL VALUE Men's Brown Goodyear Welt Boots, solid leather, $6.00 value, all sizes. SALE PRICE $4.59 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street our 1 your pi 9 pipe cuT PLUG Victory Bond Interest When your interest coupons become due, or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a Sav- ings Account in the Bank of Montreal. The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you. BACK IN OUR NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND 78 BROCK ST. GOURDIER'S Announcement The Lowndes Company, Limited, Makers of the FAMOUS 20th CENTURY CLOTHING will have their representative, Mr. Joseph Hall, at our Store on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, October 18th and 10th, to show samples of their entire range of Suitings and Overcoatings. .One which is hardly _ possible for any retail store to carry, and to take measures for immediate or later deliv- ery. The prices of Suits and Overcoats are very reasonable for the finest and best" grade of Tailoring. TWEDDELL"S