THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, ami SPLENDID VALUES IN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG BRITAIN'S STRIKING POWER IN THE MEDITERRANEAN = Vulcanite Roofing Shingle. Vulcanite Doubletite Shingles build a double tight roof. We can also supply the Vulcanite Four- in-One Slab Shingle and Asphalt Roll Roof- ing. ALLAN LUMBER (CO. 'Phone 1042. Let us show you the new Doubletite | VICTOKIA STREET. | { | 'We Believe The Britain is placing more and more of her naval power in the Mediterranean, and the an- |souncensent of the transfer of the famous Iron Duke from the North Sea to the Mediterranean {is in line with the new naval policy. Admiral Sir Osmond Brock will have the Iron Duke HUPMOBILE {as his flagship. Some of the greatest and best of British fighting ships will be under his} 2 . command. 'to be the best car of its class in the world. ; BLUEGARAGES, Limited Phone 567. Cor WEEKLY POULTRY LESSON Under the Authoritative Direction of Prof. F. C. Elford Kingston Battery Service W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING MO- TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED Registered in accordance POULTRY Miu... . vue cacieanacs The egg is this most important product in the poultry industry. it is a distinct and unsupplantaoe ar- ticle for which there is no substi- tute among the entire field of food products, Poulkry meat, however, in the form of dressed fowis, broil- ers, wasters and capons, is reach- ing the market in fmmense quanti- ties and furnishing an ever ncreasing proportion of the flesh food of the country, There are several things that the producer may well do to insure the HAVE DINNER DOWNTOWN Take it easy this Summer. Have your Dinner with us. Good things well served. Prices reasonable. THE VICTORIA CAFE JEWLY LEE, Mgr. meat without hampering heavy pro- duction. One of these is to maintain standard weight typical of the breed. These weights 'have been carefully worked out and are based on long experience. When thus bred, the King St. Telephone 763. . edible proportion will be greater and Experiments Are Costly the offal less than if materially larg. er or amaller than 'that pre:cribea.: In any line of business experiments|And a bind of standard weight will are always costly. Why dabble in|aiso lay more eggs of good size than work that you have not been proper-| of abnormal size, This size can be ly trained for? It takes skill and Obtained and maintained by breed- experience to produce efficient me- us only from birds of standard chanical results. Don't pay experi-|5!26, . mental bills. Pay us for expert ma- Fattening is another item that Is chine shop results. well worth consideration. Farmers - ! and other producers lose large sums Bishop Machine Shop of money annually because they do KING AND QUEEN STREETS not finish their fowls properly before 'Building Blocks, Bricks and Sand sending them to market. By keep- ing the birds in darkened coops or except at feeding time, or crates, for MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE- MENT DRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE COURSE, PIER CAPS, ETC. ten days or two weeks, and giving milk to the consistency of thin g:uel. , DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING two or three times a day will con- siderably increase their weight and greatly improve the quality of their fiesh. This applies particularly to young stock. There are four genera] classes of poultry meat, z 1. Broflers--These are young cockerels that weigh from % to 2% pounds. Up to 1% pounds these nena | are called squab broflers and except | The British Whig Publishing Co, Ld mand for them In Canada. There are a few clubs and restaurants that has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of | JOB PRINTING market can be obtained they are « First-class service and fair prices.' them only a mash of equal parts of SAND, AN) GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. R. J. McCLELLAND dlings, reduced with skim or butter- CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS | quite profitable. For the heavier broilers, particularly at the 2 pound weight, there is a heavy demand, and it they can be got to size by the middle of September the prices ob- tained are exceedingly good. July broilers readily bring 65c¢ to 75¢c a pound on the Toronto market, go- ing down to 40c as the ad- vances. The selling off of the cock- erels in this way leaves more room for the growing pullets and also pre- vents them being annoyed and tneir growth retarded by the attention of the males, 2. Roasters--There are young males weighing from 23% pounds upg -- ~~ | Many farmers are too busy with ~ harvesting operations to get their surplus males to market while in the broiler class. When this is so it pays to raise them to 4 to 5 pounds weight. The price obtained for these, however, it little if any higher . 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. pn farms where feed that otherwise go to waste, the producer is thus out the cost of feeding AlN Ah 5 , most profitable return from poultry !second year. Dominion Poultry Husbandmen With Specialized Information Contributed by G. W. Miller Author of Coldbelt Poultry Course. with the Copyright Ach wawes also rurnish winter broilers. However, this is rather artificial practice and can never have a gen- eral development. 4, Fowl--These are hens whose productive possibilities no longer warrant their being kept in compe- tion with younger birds. They are classed by the market as fowl. The average age of these birds is 2 years, On well managed farms the poor producers are culled out as soon as their inferiority is apparent, whieh may be early in the first laying year, or from time to time thereafter. .Only the best producers are kept the These cull fowl make a very desirable type of poultry meat, and if care is taken that the carcass is plump and in good condi- tion when offered on the market the revenue from this source may be considerable, iFowis after being culled from the laying pens may be put in better condition by segrega- tmmg for a week or two before mark- eting and feeding them on yellow corn and the fattening mash named above. This class of poultry wuen of heavy breeds is very popular with the Jews, especially when the hens are fat. For this trade, the birds must be sent alive to market, Questions on this Week's Lesson. 1. What are the chief things to observe in preparing poultry meat for market? 2. How may broilers best be fin- ished for market? 3, Name and briefly describe the different classes of poultry meat. Answers to last Week's Questions. 1, The late molter is always the best winter layer, and wh] lay more eggs in a twelve months than an early molter. It is not natural for a hen to lay and molt at the same time, and thus the hen that moits early shortens her laying period by 80 many weeks. It is also a fact that the early molter takes a much longer vacation than the Tate mol- ter, 2, The growing of a new coat of feathers is a heavy strain on a fowl, at best Unless she is spec- fally fed the nutrients from which feathers are made the strain is so much heavier. : 3. Hens should not be expected to lay during the molting time, If they are forced to shell out eggs during molt by giving them, stimu- lating food, their constitution and health is seriously impaired. Noth- is thus gained in the end, for ADMIRAL SIR OSMOND In command o the British {weeks and egg production kept up ~~ thereafter their producton will per- septively decline. 4. By feeding the hens extra - tions for stimulating and growth- producing nature, the molting per- icd may bo delayed for several longer, LANARK COUNTY MEET IS A DECIDED SUCCESS A Great Crowd Attended the Interscholastic Track Event at Almonte. The Lanark County , Interschol- astic track meet was held at Al- monte on Saturday in the N.L.A.S. grounds under ideal weather: condi- tions. The meet was one of the most successful events of the kind ever held in Almonte and one of the largest crowds in years turned out to cheer the different schools. There were 600 visitors from out of town on hand. The schools represented were Perth Collegiate Institute, Smith's Falls Collegiate Institute, Carleton Place High School and Al- monte High School. Perth sent 25 school boy athletes, Smith's Falls sent 17, Carleton Place sent 17 and Almonte was represented by 13. The final score was Smith's Falls 65% points, Perth 553% points, Almonte 35% and Carleton Place 22% so that Smith's Falls retain the beauti- | ful Stewart Cup presented to the association by the late Hon. John A. Stewart, K.C., M.P,, of Perth. The whole afternoon's sport was one stellar performance after an- | other. Perhaps the outstanding ath- | lete of the day was Lloyd Suther- land of the A.H.8. He was the high- est point winner, earning mo less than 22 of the 35% scored by Al- monte. More particularly was his performance noteworthy because he was qualified as a junior but com- peted in the senior events as well. Parle, of Smith's Falls, carried off 21 points and was largely imstru- mental in carrying off the cup to his town. Lapoint, of Perth, won 20 points and was the outstanding speed artist of the afternoon, winn- ing all the senior running events, In the girls' events Almonte High School outshadowed the other schools, Miss Boyce, Miss Duncan and Miss Young carrying off the ma- jority of the scoring. The meet was well handled and | in the evening a monster reception | and dance was held in the Town Hall. The Stewart Cup was present- | ed Earle, of Smith's Falls, at the | close of the evening's entertainment | and it was very fitting that he should receive it. £75,000 for Japanese Relief. Wellington, New Zealand, Oct. 17. --The New Zealand Government is remitting £75,000 to the Japanese Government for the relief of 'the earthquake sufferers, in compliance with the wish of the people of the dominion to give practical proof of sympathy with the Japanese nation and to show their grateful memory of the alliance with Japan in the war. . War Toll 20,000,000, Paris, Oct. 17.--The world war cost 10,000,000 lives, according to a document just presented to the French Academy of Political Science by Senator Raphael Georges Levy. Of this number 8,000,000 died as a direct result of hostilities, and the remainder of diseases growing out of war conditions. These figures do not include civilian deaths, which. it is estimated, would bring up the total to at least 20,000,000. Boys' Clothing SMART, TWO PANT TWEED SUITS for BOYS These Suits are made from All-wool Eng- lish Tweed in Olive shade. 2 pairs of Pants with each Suit for the one price. 9.95 All sizes. Smart, All-Wool BLUE SERGE BELTER The best Blue Serge Suit for Boys in the city at 10.00 The regulation Suit for "Confirmation." Sizes from 27 to 35. JUVENILE BOYS' SUITS SUITS * "tn Allwidol Tweeds, $2.25 EACH mixtures and Serges, Made from All-Wool all styles and sizes Jersey Cloth in Hed. that must be cleared ther mixtures. The pagardless of cost. d €/ Here is your chance popular Oliver Twist| to save money. style. Only 2.25 | 6.95 BOYS' B YOUTHS' BOOTS DOTS In Black or Tan'--- In Black or Tan -- made with See d 1 .| ne ylidog ea- nade with the genu ther Sole. Guaran- ther Sole. 11to 134. 1 to 5. Now is the time to think about buying your Boys their Overcoats. We have a won- you, priced very low too. PAY A VISIT TO OUR BOYS' DEPT. the genu- ine "Bulldog" Lea- teed to wear. Sizes Boys' Overcoats derful range of styles and patterns to show AND SAVE MONEY ramson Phone 1454w. "The Men's and Boys' Complete Outfitter"