& THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | special is comedy to the core. Wa WAS BORN 102 YEARS ACO | expect thrills, for Tom is one of the | sypreme masters of the art of thrills | giving, and we get fun, fun, fun, Mrs. Darius Smith, Oollin's Bay, Celebrates Auspicious Event on Thursday. with more fun thrown in. By the | way, In view of many of the stories circulated about Tom being of a studious turn of mind, Mrs. Mix has recently been denying them. Tom Mrs. Ma YTS, 3 ret Smith, wi loves the ranch, it is his world, and |,.0 TI who ida ot the he is most at home on horseback. |groq ang a two years of n Thurs- Getting back to "Soft Boiled," it is | gau' oo" 1H YoOrs Of A€€ on ° pani probably the most varied picture ing of the new Collin's Bay diversion. | Tom has starred in, the scenes and In company with Anthony Rankin, the action change delightfully. And | ppp ono drave over the new road- way during Thursday afternoon and was delighted with the excelleat rlece of road. On Wednesday afternoon, a repre- the women folk are prominent in it. Billie Dove, the leading lady, is just sentative of the Whig had the pleas- ure of meeting Mrs. Smith at. the as bewitching ag ever, while the big home of her daughter, Mrs. T. F. beauty chorus is a winner, selected from the prettiest girls on the Pa cific coast. Some of the ladies' cos- tumes are 'marvels of novelty ana beauty, particularly those of the Vanluven, Collin's Bay. Mrs. Smith mysterious "masked dancer." TONY, | yng fs probably the oldest lady in Tom's beloved steed, wins new laur- | 10pm Ontario, stated that she was els in "Soft Boiled," and makes the | 1, xing forward with great interest spedtors wish they could have a |, tne opening of the new road. Al- horse like him for themselves. |i) on a centenarian she is still fair- "Live Wires" is the short comedy at | 1y gotive and enjoys the pleasure of the Strand, and it thoroughly de-|jjca Only recently she made an ap- serves its title. pointment to go to Cataraqui ceme- Remember. All next week the tory ang visit the grave of her hus- Strand screen will be kept busy With | yanq9 who died when he was stxty- Harold Lloyd in "Why Worry." three years of age. : Mrs. Smith stated that she could | well remember when the village of Wilton was first named. This place | ninety-threce years agd> was called Simmon's Mills, and Francis Prime ! was instrumental in having the namo changed to Wilton. For seven years, Mrs. Smith was a echool teacher, and can well r - ber the difficult time she had in get- ting to and from schnol. Her late husband was for years in- spector of light houses on the great lakes and the St, Lawrence River. GRAND---TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, SAT. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.80. AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions JT "GET IT WHERE THEY'VE GOT IT" Pom! Serve KINGSTON'S OWN STOCK COMPANY HERE TO STAY | "Tess of the Storm Country." and | players will present a dramatization |of Grace Miller White's famous 4 Her | novel "Tess of the Storm Country" Presenting a Dramatization of Grace Miller White's Book {at the Grand Theatre to-night, {and night. "Tess of the Storm Country" is distinctly a comedy CHANGE OF PLAY EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY { and diverting. 1t dwells for the most PRICES .... 10c., 20c., 80c., 50c. = Beats Now on Sale. ]|Part on the community spirit In a shores of Cayuga Lake in the cele- EEEENENEEENERNEENERNEEEEEN" bie Finer Loko Region The AA ea u-- " -- | wherever it has been presented, | several high salaried companies have better class stock organizations have found it to be the most pleas-| | Jane Hastings and her associate | Friday night and Saturday matinee é OF 9" ~ THE drama--homely cheerful, inspiring Wednesday and Saturday Matinees: Children 10c.; Adults 25c typical fishing village along the 2 3 . play has enjoyed unusual success taken the piece on the road and the ing and satisfactory vehicle of their Seasons list. Comedy and senti- | ment are agreeably blended in the { intensely interesting heart story. So cleverly and ingeniously told that {| you laugh and cry alternately. You n------------ | are touched by the ignorant simplic- LOOK, KIDS! | ity of the ways of Tessibcl Skinner. SPECIAL | If you have a friend who has not MATINER | seen the Jane Hastings Players you SATURDAY {owe it to him to bring him to the All Children | Grana Opera House without further 10c | delay. Perhaps he does not realize | that there is a real company of | finished actors, producing the best { dramatic successes and staging them I'in a manner that compares favorably with the big traveling road shows. "Tess" of the Storm Country" was the greatest picture success that Mary Pickford ever appeared in. RICHARD HUDNUT THREE FLOWERS FACE POWDER The Face Powder that is Different ing the Particularly Desirable iy of 2 the Brimits va, pealing odor of Theme Nove In All Popular Shades KODAKS We are distributors for Eastman Kodak Goods. SEE US for Kodaks, Cameras and Films. Our years of exe perience will help you m your selection. : CBITUARY Price 75c¢. Cameras ..... $2.50 up Kodaks ...... $6.50 up LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS At our store, Prescriptions are compounded in strict ac TO-DAY Late John Quigley. The death occurred on Wednesday of John :Quigley, one of the most prominent farmers of Wolfe Island, at the age of sixty-eight years. The Satisfying Smokes We keep our Cigars and To- baccos at just the right degroe [op ---- EEERERERREREEY SEMI-FINALS RMC. I vs. QUEEN'S II 3 P.M. OCTOBER 20th GEORGE RICHARDSON STADIUM War tax inclusive. JACKIE COOGAN COMING IN GREAT CIRCUS FILM. are coming to town. boy--young as six or ol as sixty-- and will be the star of a glittering, gorgeous, mammoth aggregation of the world's most marvellous won- ders, Though he will be seen first as agyery humble and very forlorn young lad selling ice cream, lemon- ade and peanuts to occupants of the '"'big-top"" of Daly's greatest show on earth. Sol Lesser presents Jackie in | this successor to the same produ- | cer's presentation of "Oliver Twist," | and the name of the lavish picture | which will be shown at the Allen | Theatre to-day, Friday and Satur- realize the dream of nearly every |Surviving are three Mary and Mrs. and one brother, Felix J. Quigley, Chicago. deceased was born on Wolfe Island, the son of the late Mr. Patrick Quigley, and had been edu- Jackie Coogan and a great circus [cated on the island and in Toromto. Jackie will |He was a Roman Catholic in religion. and Mrs. sisters, Miss at home; Kingston, Miss Bridget, Jeremiah Doolan, Late Elias Ely. The death occurred on Thursday morning of Elias Ely, a former well- known resident and retired farmer of Cataraqui. seventy-eight years of age and had been ill for some time. Methodist in religion. will be held on Friday from the resi- dence of his daughter, The deceased was He was a The funeral Mrs. Fred- She can well remember her husband going to Montreal for supplies, which | were taken up the great lakes. When asked how she felt, Mrs. Smith stated that she was in the best of condition and enjoyed her three meals each day and was still able to attend to her own hair. Her hear- ing and pyesight are not as good as it was two years ago. For years Mrs. Smith has lived with her daughter, Mrs. T. F. Van- luven, ColMin's Bay, who has been confined to her bed for the past iwo months. Mrs, (Rev.) J. Ferguson, Aultsville, and Mrs, W. FE. Grass, Collin's Bay, are also daughters Three sons died some years ago, and two daughters died when they were very young. of moisture to insure best smoking condition. Our Stock of Pipes includes your favorite style. Let Us Do Your Developing and Printing Remember, one enlargement 64x84, with every dollar's worth of photo work F REE. cordance with scientific meth. ods. We handle the best drug sundries--goods that come up to the same high standards as our drugs. A qualified graduate in charge at all times. W. E. AUSTIN day is "Circus Days." It. is a|erick Pringle, Division street. Reports of Varsity-Queen's game by scores. Reports of other games by quarters. ; Fy k by: Joes 8 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the ed, and endorsed "Tender for Addition to Archives Building, Ottawa, . Ont," will be received until 12 o'clock noon, W: y, November Tth, 1923, for the construction of an addition to Archives Building, Ottawa. Plans and Specification can be seen forms of tender obtained at the of- of the Chief Architect, Department Public Works, Ottawa, the Resi- it Architect, Department of Public orks, General Post Office, Toronto, i and the 'Department of Public Works, Domin- 4 PubMe orks i Pvtlaug, Place , Montreal, P.Q. inders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the De- partment and in acoordance with the conditions set forth therein. Bach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on & chartered ban Dayable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. ar Loan Bonds of the Dominion will aiso be ac- oepted as security, or war bonds and Shequas, if required to make up an odd By order, RC. Department of Public Works, 'ws, October 16th, 1923. Township Leeds, October 17th, 1928, To Whom fe May Concern: of Edith Hutchings, of the Township h Cr Ontarto, oath peport Yirculated by certain residents DESROCHERS, Secretary. osby, County L and say that thé slanderous tersea district to the effect Clifford McFarlane had acted in- while in my company cond nd without any founda- and that he has always self while in my com- in a manner hicoming a gentle- EDITH HUTC GS Sworn before me at the Township in County Leeds this, ti « ot October, 1923. 9a this the 210 Samuel! Jamieson, J.P. (Copy) _ THE FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL BALLET, CLASSIC AND MODERN | DANCING ofan torection Wor further information apply © 89 UNION STREET WEST ety RAE Assistant Mechanical Engineer,| po 1 STRAND NOW PLAYING AUCTION SALE Valuable Household Furniture, Piano, chesterfield, music cabinet, mantle clock, oak dining set, parlor pictures, statue candle sticks, wilton rug, mats, davenport, 2 large mirrors, stands, congoleum rugs, brass beds and fron springs and mattresses, dressers, couches, chiffonieres, rockers, . rugs,| rack, curtains, medicine cabinet, | Singer sewing machine, doll carriage, | bedding, fruits, washing machine, wringer, electric iron, refrigerator, kit-| chen range, gas plate «nd oven, tables and chairs, screen door, garden hose, dishes and kitchen utensils, and other articles too numerous to mention. MUNRO, Auctioneer, Phone 024F. ~ Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Jane Dunlop, Decea sed. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario,, that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the Estate of Jane Dunlop, late of the City of Kingston, deceased, who died on or about the Sixteenth day of March, 1920, are re- quired to deliver or send by post pre- pald to Cunningham & Smith, 79 Clar-) ence Street, Kingston, Solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the said Jane Dunlop, deceased, on or before the 6th day of November, 1923, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, with full particulars of their claims or demands duly verified, and the nature of the security( if any) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said 6th day of November, 1923, the sald executor may proceed to distribute the assets of the sald estate amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims or de- mands of which he shall th have re- ceived notice, and shall not be Mable for the said assets, or any part there- of so distributed, to any person or per- sons of whose claims or demands he shall not have received notice at the time of the distribution thereof. DATED this 18th day of October, A.D. 1923. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, Solicitors for the Executor, William J. O'Shea. is here ven pirsuant to the ci Statures oF Ontario 191 Chap. 121, Sec. §6, that all creditors and ha claims i he very free and liberal transcription for the screen taken from James Otis' ever-popular story for boys (and girls, too) "Toby Tyler," which story has been current and popular (STOCK MARKETS for two generations and bids fair to endure unto the classic age. Harry Weil and Director Eddie Cline are responsible for the adaptation of "Toby Tyler" and a cast of extraor- dinary excellence will be seen in the leading roles. Barbara Tenant will be seen as Toby's harassed mother; Clairie McDowell will appear as Mar- tha, the somawhat soured aunt of the hero; Russel Simpson takes the part of Uncle Eben Holt; Cesare Gravini, who made a big hit with his performance of the role of the aged violinist with Jackie in "Daddy," will portray another endearing role, that of clown; Peaches Jackson will be adorable as the tiny equestrienne star of the big show. An entire cir- cus equipment was assembled for the making of this the most preten- tious and costly of any production in which the genius of little Jackie has yet shown. . "SOFT BOILED" IS WONDERFUY, COMEDY There are eight recls of it. Action, adventure, aggression, of the real Tom Mix kind, with "Tony," the wonder horse, helping Tom' in most of his marvellous stunts. And it's ail amusing. Tom's first big comedy NOTICE DR. M. J. MORRISON wishes to an- nounce that he will carry on the prac. tice of the Inte Dr. J. W. Campbell at the corner of Queen and Clergy streets. Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the County of Fromtenae. In the Estate of Albina Dunlop, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the Estate of Albina Dunlop, late of the City of Kingston, who died on or about the Twenty-eighth day of February, 1923, are required to deliver or send ¥ post prepaid to Cun- ningham & Smith, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, Solicitors for the Adminis- rator of the Estate of the said Albina Dunlop, deceased, on or before the 6th of November, 1923, their christian and | surnames, addressed and descriptions,! with full particulars of their claims or demands duly verified and the nature of the speuitty (If any) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said .6th day of November, 1923, the sald executor may proceed to distribute the assets of the sald estate amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims or de- mands of which he shall then have re- Abitibi Power .... Asbestos Atlantic Sugar ... .. Bell Telephone .... «vse oo Brazil . British Empire Brompton rer ae ae British Empire Steel 1st pfd British Empire Steel 2nd ptd Can Car Com .... Can Car pfd ...e oses. os Can Cement Com .. vim Can Cement pfd .... . Cuban Cane Sugar Com Cuban Cane Sugar pfd Can Steamship Com .. Can Steamship pfd .. Dom Bridge Dom Textile .... Detroit United ... .. Laurentide Montreal OCctton Montreal Power Mackay .. National Breweries Com National Breweries pfd Ottawa Power .... Ont Steel Products .... +«. Price Bros. ... Quebec Power .... .. Spanish River Com .... Spanish River pfd .... «sss Smelters .... «ces so Shawinigan Steel of Canada Toronto Rails Twin City .... Wayagamack .... British American Oil .... . Hollinger .. Dome .. Ww, Goldale «... vu soe ov oe os Lorrain .... Vipond .... CrOWR soos seve sous NeW RAY .» «oes sous an sr Teck Hughes .. Wright Hargraves .. .. .. 2907 (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). © Oct. 18th---2 p.m. 61 44 15% 123Y% or . 42% Steel Com . 6 40% 35 15% 21 63 84% 104% 4 26% 12% 47 6213 64 681% 914 107 129 111 63 96 80 41 sess ws seas eves sans sere an ee os cess ee 68 88 117 .63 38 Toronto. 3033 Mines, sasnsa 11 87.25 29 54 19, 89 62 44% . 121 ss sense wsense ee Dome see ss aw seas se samen ae sess as ween es sess Collegiate Literary Socicty. The Literary Society of the King- ston Collegiate Institute swung into IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer Brockville was in the .Collingwood Shipbuilding Com- pany's drydock on Wedneaday for minor repairs to her wheel. The steamer Susie Chipman ar- rived from Oswego om Wednesday afternoon and is unloading coal. The steamer Jeska arrived with coal from Oswego on Wednesday night. The schooner Mary A. Daryaw cleared on Thursday for Oswego to load coal for Kingston. The steamer Glenellah arrived from the head of the lakes on Wed- needay night and cleared for Mon- treal. The steamer Maplehill arrived from Port Colborne and cleared for Montreal on Wednesday night. The steamer Maplebrook arrived from Montreal nn Wednesday night and cleared for Port Colborne. The steamer Winona arrived from Montreal early Thursday morning and cleared for the head of the lakes. The steamer John Gehm arrived from Buffalo on Thursday morning and cleared for Montreal. | a Queen's University About six hundred and forty Queen's students will go to Toronto to cheer the tricolor boys while the total guota of Qneen's rooters count- 8 old graduates and all, will be around fifteen hundred. This morn- ing an additional allotment of tick- ets were received from Toronto of seventy<four tickets. The team will arrive at the Union Station about 5.50 on Fridey afternoon, and will hé condugted to the King Edward Hotel, where they will stop. The new steel fire door for Grant Hall is undergoing some repairs be- fore being hung up in its place. The photo section of the Fron- tenac Naturalists' club intend hold- ing an excursion on Saturday if weather conditions are favorable the rendevous being at the end of the car line, Portsmouth. A meeting of the Board of Trus- tebs is to be held at Queen's on Fri- will be decided probably about the middle of November. O, F. Tegmann has written a march entitled "Boo-Hoo's March," King and Princess Streets, Kingston King Street, Gananoque Storage Batteries recharged and 335 King Street FOR AUTO ELECTRICAL REPAIRS See F. HALL The Auto Electrician--20 years' experience repaired. All work Suaranteed, = = Telephone 939 LEAVES NOTE TELLING OF HIS SUICIDE INTENT Oliver Graham, Oape Vincent, Disappears--The Body Is Not Yet Located. Watertown, N.Y., Times. Deputy . Sheriff Andrew Truell Cape Vincent, N.Y. asked the po- lice department for assistance in lo- cating Oliver Graham, Cape Vine cent, about thirty-five years of age, who left a note on a boat deck in that village, Sunday night, stating that we was going to commit sui- cide. He is not believed to have done 80, however, Graham was employed by Archie Garlock, a net fisherman of Cape Vincent, during the summer. This morning Garlock found the follow- ing note on the deck of his boat: "Archie, "Break news to wife that I have taken Lutie's punt and jumped over. board other side »f breakwater. Got discouraged of living, being in debt and family troubles. "Signed, Oliver Graham." The note was written on a sheet of cheap pad paper and inclosed in an envelope. Search of thé waters about Cape Vincent harbor failed to reveal 'the body, nor could there be found the missing punt which Graham said he was going to take. Graham is a native of Canada, but has resided In Cape Vincent several years. A few years ago he married Miss Emma Kessler, daughter of Mr. ee a a ee teenth ing. He could have returned to the river village on the late bus. The beat which Gralant took, & flat bottomed punt, belonged to L, H. Dodge. Mr. Dodge went all along the shore and made a thorough search for his boat but without success. There is a general belef that Mr, Graham did not kill himself, Mr. Dodge thinks that he rowed the boat through the Wolfe Island channel and landed on the Canadian shore, J-- When shown the despatch, ac- ; quaintances of OMver Graham in Kingston stated that he had not been seen In this city. They are dispos- ed to scout the suicide idea. Gra- ham was supposed to be troubled ° over businéss matters, and the re- port that reached Kingston said he was wearing two or three suits of | clothes when last seen which would appear to indicate that Grafham contomplated a trip and desired to + be comfortable. 1] BLUNDERS step last Tuesday when the juniors held their first meeting of the sea- son. The following officers were ford, who died 0 0 day of October, 1923, ad post ceived notice, and shall not be lable e for the said assets, or any part there- a rollicking tune which will soon catch the fancy of students. The and Mrs. Fred Kessler of that vil- lage. They have one child. 551 E~% Tal Z of so distributed, to any person or per- sons of poss claims or demands he ve received notice at the distribution the i DATED this 18th day of r, 1932, y. 'elected: Honorary president, BE. O. Sliter; president, Miss McCormack; dent, Frank Dunn; secre- dary, Helen Maybee; treasurer, Mr. Pyle. Principal Sliter addressed the meeting and outlined the possibili- accompanying words include every- body at Queen's; even the profes- sors are not left out. The British Whig Job Department is printing copies. The cover will be a picture of Boo-Hoo holding a football. Married life brought financial troubles to Graham, who is said to have worried over these matters of late. His wife is In a delicate condi tion, and Graham was recently sued for a debt. : Investigation by Deputy Sherify Truell revealed that Graham left his home about 6:30 Sunday evening, merely saying "Good bye" to his soon. The mote was found on the boat this morning at 7:30. An unconfirmed report has it-that Graham wore both of his suits of clothes. He carried no packages when he left home, but his two suits of clothes are found to be miss- ing. Some people in Cape Vincent claim to have seen Graham leave A there on the early bus Sunday even-' The answer will be found among today's want ads. wife, who expected he would return | =. at For Sale. ) Limited quantity of wet wheat at * 80c per cwt. Bring your own bags. : Wheat will arrive hexs Oct. 18th 1923. James Richard:on &/Sons Limited Commercial Elevator, Foot Princess street oe Newman & Shaw's "Rug Sale.