THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SUIT CASE Was STOLEN | [== RIGHT NOW! CONTAMING CLOTHING IS THE TIME Thief Cut the Case to Pieces and Discarded the Contents: To start knitting for the winter. War m, comfortable Sweaters, Scarfs and other knitted goods are cold weath- ex necessities. We have an adequate supply of Wools, and will be glad to have you call and see them. Shetland Floss | Heatherbloom Good value is offered in| Another of our specials. this Wool. 1 oz. balls, 244 ply. | oz. balls. Good Ply. Makes an attrac-|value. Colors: Natural, tive garment. Shades are White, Pink, Smoke, Em- Grey, Turquoise, Pink, |¢rald, Orange, Grey, Ma- Emerald, Rose, Copen, | 72°™ Sand, Brown, Or- Lavender, Natural, Jade, | She Royal, Lavender, : Strawberry, Sky, Nile Cardinal, Buff, Sky, Pur. |p ur Tr Pm | eacock, Purple, Jade and Black. 12145¢c BALL MONARCH DOWN 4 ply--2 oz. balls. Well-known Wool--fnishes a splendid garment. Shades are: Grey Delph Steel Grey Oriental Sand Navy Scarlet Copen Cardinal Turquoise Zinc Sky Pearl Jade Emerald Golf Green Lavender Buff Black Pink Purple Rose 35¢ BALL Monarch Dove| SWEATER Makes up into fine appearing YARN garments. Good quality Wool. 4 : ply. | oz. balls, 'Shades are, For the Sweater that 1s to give service. EMERALD CHERRY : GOLF GREEN TOBACCO Heavy 4 ply in 2 oz. balls. Colors: BLACK CINNAMON PINK 4 STEEL GREY OXFORD MAROON ORANGE ROWN SKY TAN MAHOGANY GOLD CARDINAL HEATHER NO. 1 NAVY BUFF LT. COPEN LT. PINK MAHOGANY GOLD SCARLET ORIENTAL BUFF NAVY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1s, wo i Founded 1847. IT'S THE QUALITY THAT DETERMINES THE VAL j OVERCOATS BUY A GOOD OVERCOAT Because the quality is high, even if the price is low. Here are Over- coats that are not just a purchase at a price, but a possession of pride for Some time during Tuesday night, some person stole a suit case from an automobile near the corner of Division street and Raglan Road. It is helieved that the party taking the suit case had an idea that it contained something very valuable, perhaps some liquor. However, the case contained 'clothing belonging to a lady visiting in the city. The matter was reported to the police, but it was not until Wednesday af- ternoon that the police got trace of the missing suit case, when it was ascertained that it had been taken to a quarry near Frontenac school and the contents dumped out. Constable Frederick Clark went to the scene and succeeded in secur- !ing some of the clothing, but it is stated that the suit case had been cut to pieces. " ee -- PO pp every man who wears one. --l AUTO ELECTRICIAN, ) Let our stock and prices tell their Tat Stared i ines" on Kia Street East. Frederick Hall, who has been for some time with the Standard Bat- tery Service, has opened a new bu- siness at 3856 King street east, in the King Street Garage where he will give attention to all the elec- trical needs of automobiles. Mr. Hall has had twenty years' experi- ence in his line and makes a speci alty of marine engine work. All kinds of repair work on automobiles aranteed. Battery re-charg- ing an pection, work on ignition and lighting systems, and other elec- trical repairs, can be turned over to Mr. Hall with confidence. story. Featured at--- *35 "THERS # RB '251°'50 OVERCOAT DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR IVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" BROKE INTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gold Orange Lemon Henna Tangerine Camel Maroon Mist Cinnamon Nude White Golden Brown Goblin No. | Heather Begonia Royal Thieves Looking for Money Were Sadly Disappointed. Kingston's public library building was broken into during Wednesday night, evidently by some person or persons who were looking for 'some money, but they went away with. out a haul. The fact that no books were taken showed that the intrud- ers were not after reading matter. , Entrance was secured by breaking in one of the doors at the rear ot the library. Sidney Kirby, Ottawa, was a visi- tor in the city on Thursday morning. He went to Toronto on Thursday afternoon, Newman & Shaw's "Rug Sale." ' DAILY MEMORANDUM, Remember Orphans' Home Musicale and Sale, Ontario Hall, to-night, 7.30. Admission, 25c. otland Euchre and nce, Thursday, Oct. 18th, af bury's Or 4 PRINTING HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE MARRIED. HUNTER---SCHOLES---At Winnipeg, on Oct. 10th, 1923, by the Rev. Dr. Christie, Mary Evelyn, youngest daughter of James Scholes, King- ston, Ont, to Charles Brownlow Hunter, Jasper, Alberta, formerly of Newtown Stewart, Scotland. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- Newman & Shaw's "Rug Sale." There was no session of the police court on Thursday morning. The bank clearings at Kingston for the week ending Oct. 18th, were $687,092.99 ; corersponding week last year, $752,266.65. John D. Ralph, attending Queen's | en PURPLE JADE LAVENDER ORANGE BLACK WHITE SMOKE Quality--Better Values--Service LEMON GOBLIN COPEN PURPLE Wholesale Department 1767. ISH (Parsley with orders) FRESH CAUGHT SALMON TROUT FRESH CAUGHT WHITEFISH OYSTERS Sealshipt brand. Per pint 60c. L RED SALMON-- Steaks . ... 30c. Boiling cuts . :.28c. . HALIBUT. oi Steaks , ...30c. Boiling cuts oo 2c. * GENUINE CODFISH-- (Boneless), perhh. ....... ..... 25. va. J. N. is teaching in the Brockville Col- legiate Institute, taking the work of one of the staff who is ill. Mr. Swain, piano tuner. : Onrdery received at 100 Clergy street west, Mrs. C. W. Cole, Cape Vincent, who underwent a serious operation in the General Hospital two weeks age, is reported to be making satls- fagory progress towards recovery, The 88. Maplebrook, aground near Dickinson's Landing, has been released. The steamer was bound west, carrying a cargo of Scotch whiskey and brandy, consigned to the Manitoba Liquor commission. 'The case of Mrs. Rosie Knowlton, Knowlton, which was heard here before Judge Orde, will be resumed at Brockville on Tues- day next. Dr. R. J, Gardiner, King- DIED. ELY--At Cataraqul, on Oct. 18th, 1923, ElMas Ely, aged 78 years. Funeral from his daughter's residence, Mrs. Pringle, 351 Division Street, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. QUIGLEY--- At the family residence, Wolfe Island, on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, John Quigley. Funeral on Friday at § o'clock to the Sacred Heart church, where a sol- emn requiem mass will be sung at 10 o'clock, - Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to' attend. SOUTHWICK--In Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, on October 18th, 1923, Robert Southwick, aged 70 years. Funeral from John Cornelius' under- taking parlors on Friday afternoon at two o'clock to Cataraqui Ceme- tery. ? IN MEMORIAM. In fond and loving memory of my darling brother, Charley Ruban Deyo, who ueparted this life October 18th, ston, has been called to give evi-| 1922 dence, The investigation is still being continued at the Portsmouth peni- tentiary. It was stated on Thursday morning that there were no sensa- tional developments in connection with the case. © C. W. Cole has had the harbor at Main Duck Island dredged to a depth of from ten to twelve feet, ana states that vessels of that draught will find protection there In a storm. His action is appreciated by marin- ers. At St. Patrick's éhufch, Napanee, on Friday, a Tridium of prayer, in honor of the Holy Rosary, will open. Rev. Father James, Profes- sor in Regiopolis College, will assist the pastor and deliver an address appropriate for the occasion, 7 p------ Standard Church Conference. His weary hours and days of strife, His sleepless nights are past, His ever patient worn out frame Has found sweet rest at last. Rest on, dear brother, thy task is o'er, Your willing hands will toll no more, A faithful orother, true and kind, None .on this earth like you 1 find. One year has passed and yet to mem- ory dear, Your name i breath and shed a tear, Time cannot sever love so good and true, For nis day brings to me a grief anew. ~gSadly missed by his sister, Alice. CARD OF THANKS. 4 Mr. A. Bruton and family wish to thank their friends tor the many kind expressions of sympathy in their re- cent bereavement. JAMES REID Phe Oud » ol Unuertakers 254 and 256 CESS SIREET Fnone 147 tor Ambulance HHOBERT J. REID naertaser Phone 577. wv 589 Princess Street The sessions of the np. KEYES 49 CULBURNE. A RULISL Sri RT E----. WHITE SAND HAZEL TANGERINE JADE 25c Ball TURQUOISE MIST DELPH ROSE FAVENDER ROYAL Kingfisher I oz. Ball--Silk and Wool. A most attractive combination yarn. For the handsome garment. Shades: FLAME BLUE SCARLET LT. PEACOCK PALEST PINK CHAMPAGNE PALEST BLUE 35¢ Ball COPEN WHITE GOLD HELIO GREY JADE PEACOCK ROSE MAUVE Also one mixture color, ROSE NILE CARDINAL D 30c Ball OPAL ICELAND AM. BEAUTY WOOL | oz. ball--2 ply. Very fine Wool for the Dress Sweater. Decidedly attractive and comes in: NICKLE CHERRY CHAMPAGNE TURQUOISE WHITE CAMEL LEMON BLACK LAVENDER PINK 30c 'Ball Laidlaw's Unbreakable A good supply of this serviceable yarn is now ready. Skeins are } pound--4 ply. Grey, Black, White ............. Navy,Red, Brown .............. LightBrown...............,.......35¢ skein " .25¢. skein .28c¢. skein Headquarters for knitting supplies.