' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG STYLE 403. PERSIAN LAMB For a splendid, practical, stylish Persian Lamb Coat, this 42 inch model is unsurpassed. The qual- ity is most reliable. The trim- mings, the deep shawl collar and deep cuffs are of fine quality. Alaska Sable, Silk Buttons and Girdle, it can be made with pock- ets and Fur Belt if desired. $325.00 Johns McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA INLRO-PSYCHATRI ASSOCIATION MEETING | {Alcoholic Patients Are In-| creasing Despite the En- | forcement of Prohibition. | | | i | The third annual meeting of the | | Ontario Neuro-Psychiatric Associa- | | tion was held at Rockwood Hospital | | on Wednesday, and the large atten- | dance of prominent physicians, the | | high ' character of the papers pre- | sented and the dicussions thereon, ! made the meéegjng one of the best | since the formation of the associa- | tion. The gathering included Hon. | Forbes Godfrey, M.D., M.P.P., On- { tario Minister of Public Health; A. | M. Rankin, M.P.P.; members of tha | medical faculty of Queen's Univer- | sity, final year medieal students, su- | perintendents of: provincial hospi- tals, and the nurses from the Gen- | eral hospital and Hote! Dieu. After the delegates were formally welecemed by Ald. F. J. O'Connor, | on behalf of the mayor of King- | ston, Dr. J. C. Connell. dean of the | medical faculty.of Queen's Univer- | | sity, gave an address of welcome on { behalf of Queen's University and the | | superintendent and staff of Rock- | wood Hospital. He paid a high tri- | bute to the association, to Dr. KEd- | ward Ryan and the founders, and in eloquent terms drew a comparison between the methods employed in | the treatment of mental cases some | forty years ago and now. "We have seen these cases taken out of the period of the dark ages and we are now in the mid-day," he said. The Minister of Héalth. Hon. Forbes Godfrey addressed the association briefly, assuring the physicians present that as Minister of Health, he was going to see that they received the consideration just- ly due to them, 'We are the _real uplifters of the world. We do things and we talk very little. Our bank accounts are not what they | cught to be and the state has not given the recognition due to you. When Ontario gave Dr. Banting, the discoverer of insulin, $10,000, {and the Dominion gave him $7,500, | it was the first tangible recognition | | by the state." In conclusion, Dr. Godfrey said | that his assoclation with the general practitioners awakened his sympa- | thies, for he saw in them the back- | bone and brains of the medical pro- | fession. Sn The President's Address. Dr. Bdward Ryan, in delivering his annual address, eqoressed his keen appreciation of the splendid gathering of physicians, and de- clared that it was the best meeting held since the association was form- ed on April 20th, 1920, at Rock- wood. He had long considered the association a necessity but never dreamed that the public would re- ceive it with such enthusiasm, or " . Take Your: Choice and SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Fresh, new Dates . .8 lbs. 25¢c. 1 Corn, 1 Peas, 1 Tomatoes 8c Pail pure Raspberry Jam 83c. Pafl Pure Marmalade ...68c. 8 pkgs. Kellog's Corn Flakes 28c¢. FOR THE ONLY PER- MANENT ROOF USE RU-BER-OID Strip - Shingles SPECIAL ! ' WALL BOARD For All Purposes. Sold by . . Bbc. 2 pounds Pure Cocoa ...28c, Finest Seedless Raisins, 1b, 15c¢, ' FLOUR Robin Hood, finest Bread Flour ROLLED OATS Finest quality fresh milled | The K. D. ||| ===5 Mfg. Co. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know What Is Best ~~ ~ pares. Chocolate or Ea COAT Tab oo adr the a dainty sweets, and your fondest anticipation will be realized. 3 2 "PRICE 00c. LB. DRUG STORE that the members would enter with such zeal and energy into the up- building of the society, and the study, and advancement of the work it represented. Dr. Ryan expressed his warm ap- preciation of the character of the papers presented which showed the 'hard work the members were doing. There was ample meed for research work both within and without the hospitals for out-door clinics, social service work, for advancement in the field of preventive medicine, and, indeed, for the vigorous prosecu- tion of all the issues that may be incorporated in the vast field of modern medicine. He said, "I look back with pride on our achievements in recent years both in the actual accomplishments and in the changed viewpoint." i Dr. Ryan concluded by referring | consent to the propaganda, now so | "teresting report on his visit to Eur- disturbance rather them the cause | of the disturbance. "In the interest | of truth, we should recognize the | fact that glecohol can be properly | used. It is wrong to appear to give | general, that is not true," said he. Dr. L. J. Austin told of the use | of liquor in England where there | was an apparent immunity to al-! coholism. | Dr. A. McCausland thought that | Dr. McKinnon's report showed an in- | crease in alcoholic cases despite the | enforcement of 'prohibition. "The | type of patient now being treated Is | undoubtedly neurotic and the figur- | es show that these are increasing at | the present time," said he. l Dr. W. C. Herriman, Orillia, said | he gaw statements that alcoholic pa- | tients were becoming rare, but there | was evidently an increase in neuro- | ties. | 5 To Revise Statistics. Dr. W. J. Robertson, London, | moved that his motion, notice of! which was given at a former meet- | ing, to the effect that the statistical | tables contained In the annual re- MOO esses JACKIE COOGAN IN CIRCUS DAYS Bring the Kiddies down to see the Circus in our window. The Camel is well worth seeing. Barney Google and Spark Plug are very prominent. Just come around the corner when you are fF down town and see our Toyland. It is com- P' mencing to take on that real atmosphere of "A Toyland spirit. _ Moore's Toyland will be bigger and better than ever and every article TOYLAND reasonably priced. RE'S SE ----------------.-- port of the government be revised, ---- should 'be taken up. He said that the report of 1920 showed 1,385] more patients than in previous | year. This was a mistake due to] the transfer of patients from one in- stitution to another. The motion was | carried. Dr. C. K. Clarke, gave a very in- FOR ope. He attended the National Men- | 64 broken sizes in Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton, and Mats to be cleared at greatly reduced tal Hygiene Convention in Belgium. ||| beautiful patterns. Our guarantee stands || TWO DAYS SALE OF FLOOR RUGS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Axminster Rugs prices. All new goods and behind them. There were two schools of thought on this subject in "England ana strong antagonism preyaiied. In Paris and Belgium he found effic- ient after-care departments of asy- lums for convalescing patients. He was pleased with the progress made in the mental department of med!- | cine in Ontario, and he gave a brief | review of the development of the | study of psychiatry in our medical | | only--size 9 ft. x 2 only--size 4' 6" x 6 ft. . . 2 only--size 6" 9" x 9 ft. . | only--size 7° 6" x 9 ft. .... | only--size 9 ft. x 12 ft. .... TAPESTRY RUGS + .reg. $7.50, for . «reg. $20, for ... .reg. $16.50, for ..reg. $25.00, for .reg. $28.00, for YL 383 10°67... Lana n bob eek sd dh. ® © 38 colleges. mm Mental Hospitals. Dr. W. Y. Connell, Queen's Uni- versity, spoke on "The Devglopment of the Mental Hospitals as Teaching | Centres," and told of the value of 2 only--size 6° 9" x 9 ft. . 2 only--size 9 ft. x 10° 6" .. . .reg. $37.50, 3 only--size 9 ft. x 12 ft. .....reg. $45.00, BRUSSELS RUGS ....reg. $24.00, hy Ww . for for for EEE IREREL inte 888 23 Rockwood Hoepital to Queen's Med- ical College. Dr. C. K. Clarke bega' to give lectures to medical students | previous to 1899, but in that year | the lectures were made compulsory, and there are now twenty-four lec- tures and the same number of clini- cal demonstrations, so that Queen's students have the opportunity to be- come acquainted with methods of diagnosis. and treatment. By placing 2 only--size 6' 9" | only--size 9' x | 4 only--size 9" x 10° 6" . . .. | only--size 9" x 12°. Regular price $135.00, for ...... WILTON RUGS x 10° 6" ... reg. $45.00, for ..$39.00 each .reg. $55.00, for . .$42.50 each 2". .......reg. $65.00, for ..$55.00 each Extra heavy and will last a lifetime. 8 from two to four student interns each year trained men are becoming available for junior appointments. Nursing education is another import- ant development, Dr. L. J. Austin told of the de- velopment of the mental aspect in disease and paid atribute to the as- goclation. It 18 a very great help to surgery. Dr. Clarke said that the Ontario hospitals were all contribut- ing in a big way, and psychiatry has beccme a very keen subject. -- Officers Elected. At 6 p.m. the meeting adjourned and many of those in attendance were the guests of Dr. Ryan at din- ner, after which the nominating com- 5 PERSIAN RUGS 6 only--Persian Reversible Rugs--guaranteed fast colors-- size 6 ft. x 9 ft.--regular $39.00. Sale ; AXMINSTER MATS, $3.95 36 only--extra heavy English Axminster Mats--size 27 x 54 inches. . Regular price $5.00. Sale. ... .... . Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House Furnishings Store mittee consisting of Dr. J. M. For- ster, Whitby, Dr. W. J. Robertson, | "____ London, and Dr. R. G. Armour, To- roonto, submitted the list of new of- ficers as follows: President, Dr. H. Beemer, Mimi- co; vice-president, Dr. J. M. For- ster, Whitby; secretary, Dr. J. BE. Vrooman, Toronto. { Committee, Dr. Edward Ryan, Kingston; Dr. Goldwin Howlana, Toronto; Dr. R. G. Armgur, Toronfo; Dr. W. English, Hamilton; Dr. H. Clare, Toronto. Dr. Beemer moved for the re-ap- 100K! Regular 8.00 and $0.00 Hats SELING AT .. $6.00 Parsian Shop 822 ROCK STREET his expressie of appreciation and | promised 10 ve the association his | best supports a memper of the committee. T\ report was then un- animously adhted. . to the training schools for nurses and expressed the hope that there would be copsetant progress made in the standard of the work done. Papers Presented. Dr. J. P. Cathcart read a valuable paper prepared by himself and Dr. J. E. Gordon of the London hospi. tal, on "Bacillary dysentry, its rela tionship to mental hospitals. Report on cases." Dr. R: H. Hutchings, Utiea, N.Y., on "The Study of De- mentia Praecox, 'with special refer- ence to Underlying Factors." There was a most interesting discussion on this paper, led by Dr. G. Howland. Dr. C. M. Crawford, Whitby, dealt with "The Treatment of Nsuro-8Sy- philis by Means of Arsophenamine, Meroury, and Spinal Drainage." About Alcoholism. Dr, A, L. MacKinnon, Homewood Sanatorium, Toronto, dealt with today about where it was in In 1916 alcoholics were 32 per cent, and there was a fall to 18 per cent. in 1919, with a rise to 27 --both far and Ta a aad, dear isin .Iper cent. in 1921, 38 per cent. In 1022, and 32 per cent. up to to Scptember, 1923. He attributed the 5 : : i vl | pointment of Dr. Ryan as president, and spoke of his great zeal and energy in promoting the organiss. tion of the association, and the con- spicuoug ability shown by him dur- ing his three yéars in office. Dr. Ryan thanked Dr. Beemer for WEAN - Oth Speakers. Dr. James '{llen, professor of pathology, Qun's University, read a paper prepat hy himself and Dr. F. H. C. Bau on "The Pathology of Huntingto! Chorea." Dre, Clarke and DrHowland discussed x "The Hat Store" the paper, andr. Clarké promised to prepare a per containing data For Fall Wear gbtained from Rty-four cases treat- NEW HATS Miss E. Dicks read a paper en- Ehsily the. bl tock in titled "Whitherre We Drifting in the city to choose from. the Matter of irse Education?" $2 50 to $8 00 She gave a revi of the develop- NEW CAPS ment of nursing: the mental hos- Hundreds of styles and pat- _- pitals of Ontarioad showed a won- derful degree ofrogress not only in the efficiency the hospitals but in the education' the nurse. Dr. G. SpencerMelvin, Queen's medical college, ve a lecture on "The Automatic Pvous System," and showed excdonal power ot analysis. He excitithe keenest In. terest of the gathpg by his lucid presentation' of mbject of su- premg importance, the study of mental cases, andas applauded when he concl | o ; Dr. Ryan read atter of regret from Hon, Mr. - Mullin's Real Estate News $4600 --S8tuart Street, de- --Collingwood Street, tached brick dwel- detached frame dwel- ling, 7 rooms, three piece bath, | ling, 7 rooms, three piece bath, gas. electric lights, hardwood | gas, electric lights, hardwood floors, furnace, cellar. floors, hot water furnace. $4500 ~--York street, de- --Albert Street. de- ? tached brick dwel- tached ' frame, semi. ing, 7 rooms, three piece bath, tire i ungalow, é rooms, electric lights, gas, hot air fur- Dp ece bath, electric lights, ace, outbuildings, right of aa hurdyoud fours, hot air heat- $2800 oo Sreennam se, | $3000 one teen, reek de oubl - . ling, toilet, gas, .. Sone, dvi f Hous, ba h, slodtrie lights, fur» Rents collected. ! Money to loan. Government bonds bought and sold. Phone §8ow. Johnson and Division Streets. Dainty Satin Slippers Xe Fashion says Satin Slippers for Dress wear, and at this low price we have a larg and varied display of all the ewer types-- styles depicting the mode to perfection, and best of all we have these in a size and to fit every foot. Smart, dressy styles with low and military heels, as well as the real Dress Shoes with full Lowis Heels. : SOMETHING NEW--A CLEANER OR RENOVATOR For Satin Shoes--makes them look like new und prolongs the wear. Now on sale at S.J. MAR "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION® JUST ISSUED ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY y 1923 Edition Limited supply. Price .......... 3%. 'The College Book Store 100.143 PRIA - PHONE 19. PRALIGERR ERY ie AYER CEN ERRY. Lease YI EYL EEEEN CEI ITE I RANI PRS REE SIE 05 os RRR NE CRE POERRRs sv yh PEERS ER FE WER CR TA Tap --- - -