THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC NEWS AND V § -- - LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Editor of Women's Page, Teles phone 248. Private 'phone 857w. A pleasant surprise party was Peld at the home of Mrs. E. Pur- eell, on Friday evening, when to 'per astonishment about forty of her friends called on her and spent a few fours in music and dancing. A handsome mahogany clock was pre- sented to Mrs. Purcell by her friends #8 a birthday gift with many good wishes for other happy years. . » . » Miss Carrie Davy, Princess street, was the hostess of a pleasant tea on Friday afternoon in hogor of that popular bride-elect, . Miss Nellie Spooner, when the guest of honor was showered with all manner of pretty things. . In honor of her mother. Mrs. George Fenwick, Kingston, who is fier guest, Mrs. Hugo Craig, Wolfe street, London Ont, acked a few friends to tea on Wednesday after- moon. » » Mrs. Arthur Ellis, King streés, was the hostess of a pleasant bridge 'on Friday afternoon. . . . BNE Miss Abrams entertained the Pridge Club, of which she is a mem- ber, on Friday evening - - Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Ross, William street, are spending the week-end in Baron. Mrs. John J. Wiliams #re guests of Dr. and Mrs. C.-C. Nash, Albert street, for a fow days, on their way to Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Leman Guild, Divielon street, and Mrs. W. Lee, Mallorytown, left Her Quins y Yiel s To Vicks Mr. Joseph Haley of 199 West Milk Street, Brantford, Ont., says: "My wife has suffered with quinsy for years, but Vicks VapoRub must have prevented it for she got through the Winter without a single attack. We 'sent part of a jar to a neighbor, whose boy was very sick with a cold 'or grip. He also got relief. Vicks Surely should be in every home. They used to treat cold troubles ly with tallow, goose grease camphor. Recently, internal g has been the habit and people maturally doubt the value of a salve. For this reason, Canadian drug- 4 introduced Vicks VapoRub, the vaporizing salve for all cold troubles, by giving away dosens of samples to ble families and every jar sold was on 30-day trial. The above report is just one of the t many received from enthusias- tie Canadian families. With such endorsement and a positive money- back guarantee, every household ought to give Vicks a thorough trial 'as the home remedy for croup, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, catarrh, neu- ralgia, cuts, burns. bruises and sores. At all drug stores, 50c. a jar, For a test size package, write Vick Chemical Co., 344 St. Paul St.,, W,, ontreal, P.Q. Though Vicks is new fn Canada it Bas & remarkable sale in the States. | Over 17 million jars used yearly. GALLAGHER"S RVICE DAY AND NIGHT EE ------------------------ on Friday, to spend a few weeks with the former's cousin, Mrs. Joseph Overmeyer, Toledo, Ohio. Miss Edythe Corkey has returned home after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Corkey, Cornwall. Mr. and Mr. R. O. Sweezey, Montreal, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor, King street. . * * Miss Emma Pense, Winnipeg, who Fas been in Weiland with Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Pence, arrived in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John McKay and Miss Doris McKay motored to To- ronto cn Friday. Mru. Jack Wilmot, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Ma- 'hood, University avenue, will returs 'to Ottawa on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kinch and their daughters, Toronto, arrived on Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Kinch, Rideau street. Miss Elsie Keefer, who spent the summer at Bon Echo, has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cavin, Johnson street, motored to Toronto for the football match. Col. Constantine, R.C.H.A., is spending the week-end in Toromto. Major and Mrs. F. A. Walsh, Ab- erdeen avenue. motored to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. J. H. Cleary and her dgugh- ters, Marie and Gwendoline, $3 Hickson avenue, have returned from a two weeks' vacation spent among relatives in Pittsburg, Avalon, Wilk- insburg, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mrs. John Carson, Johnson street, left for Toronto today to attend a meeting of the executive of the On- tario Red Cross. She will go wan to Vancouver, B.C., to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. P. Birley and to be present at the marriage of her niece, Miss Violet Birley, which takes place shortly. . . Prof. and Mrs. M. B. Baker, William street, are in Toronto. Miss Alleen Robinson, Princess street, went to Toronto for the Queen's-Varsity game, and will spend some time with her brother, Croft. P. Robinson. Mrs. W.'T. G. Brown, Ottawa, has been elected vicé-president of the Ontario provincial W.C.T.U. Miss Evelyn Bruce, Albert street, left on Thursday for Toronto to at- tend the Queen's-Varsity rugby match today, and will spend a few days at Niagara Falls, the guest of Mrs. A. Mcintosh, River road, before returning home. Miss Helen and Miss Uglow, Albert street, to Toronto on Friday Queen's-Varsity matoh. Capt. and Mrs. A. T. Hughes, Earl street, have returned to town. Marjorie motored for the --- Classes in French, conducted hy a French professor, are now being held at Batescourt school. New groups may be formed, children or adults, beginners or otherwise. Ap- Ply at 247 Brock street. -~ AIRTIGHT PAPER. When covering jam jars, instead string, dip some grease-proof paper into hot starch and put over ihe jars, fixing it firmly to the wide. When dry 'the paper will be like parchment and quite airtight. SPONGE MIXTURE packet and two FROM BRIGHTON, ENGLAND for oe or Satly Re." MADE AND BAKED IN 10 MINUTES ~ - You Cannot er. Hide Your Fat Overfatness {s the one misfortune you |eanndt hide from yourself or from those around you. If too thin, your dressmak- er or tallor can supply the deficiencies, but the overfat carry a burden they ¢an not conceal. There is one sure way to reduce your weight surely and Quickly. The harmless Marmola Pre- scription, which changes the fatty tis- sues and fat-producing foods to solid flesh and energy, helps the general hetlth and digestion, permite you to eat substantial food, and leaves the skin clear' and smooth. This famous prescription fs now condensed into tab- let form. Each tablet contains an exact dose of the same harmless ingredients that made the original prescription cap- able of reducin, the overfat body steadily and easily without the slight- est 111 effects. Ta but one tablet af- ter each meal and at bedtime until the normal weight is reached and the bod- fly health completely restored. Ask Jour druggist for Marmola Prescription blets or send one dollar to the Mar- mola Company, 4612 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich., the price the world over, snd you will receive encugh to start you well on the road to slimness and happiness. eens The Editor hears That the British Whig is known far and wide throughout Canada. A member of the staff motoring recent- ly from Banff to Lake Louise in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, found the driver of the car was an old Kingstonian who peed, as a boy, to deliver the Whig to the Kingston readers. i That the Weather Man has not had the heart to spell the fine aut- umn days with even a shower,. in' spite of threats to the contrary. r-- That the death of Miss Lily Dou- gall, first editor of "World Wide,' will attract even more attention in Great Britain than in her native Canada. Hers was a strong intel- lectual personality, and she gathered round her in her later years the best religious thinkers of her day--Clut-/ ton-Brock, the essayist of the Times Literary Supplement, Canon Streeter of Hereford, the Archbishop of Dub- lin and others equally distinguished. Miss Dougall was the daughter of the late John Dougall, founder of the Witness. Her first published work was a novel in 1891; then she wrote a book of essays; and anony- mously turned to theology, and at once commanded a very distinguish- ed public. She became a ecollabora- tor with the group of religious thinkers mentioned above, and her house was often the scene of their conferences. « : -- That the procession of students waving the red, blue and yellow that led Queen's to victory last year, grew larger as it marched with the band to the station to see the team off to Toronto on Friday afternoon. All the small boys in towhr wera there, released from school by tha absence of their teachers, and girls, large and smali., swelled the throng that assembled to cheer for the col- lege "On the Old Ontario $trand." That in the death of Mary Ellen Robson at the age of eighty-nine, British Columbia loses a real pion- eer. Dr. Robson, the pioneer mis- sionary whom she married in Brock- ville, Ont., in 1359, shortly after came out with ber to British Colum- bia where she has resided ever since. Bar bed Wit. And speaking of swift repartee, the arrival of Mr. Lioyd George in Canada brings to mind ome of the o! tying the paper cover on with many bright things the little Welshman has said in the course of his brilliant career, Some years ago at a public meet- ing he was discussing a project then known as "Home Rule all round," that is to say, separate parliaments for England, Scqtland, Ireland, Wales, and an imperial parliament. He had been speaking with heat and eloquence "and he concluded: "So, gentlemen, I stand Home Rale for Ireland." for (Loud ule for Gallant Little ore cheers). "Ome Rule for 'ell!" called a tions. TO-MORROW'S HOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE . SUNDAY AND MONDAY, | . OTOBER 21-22. { Sunday's astrological wap assists! church and benevolent activities to prosperity and is generally ravor- able outside of domestic associations. which are threatened with WOrry or, anxiety: | Those whose birthday it is have! the forecast of a fortunate year in| business, but may encounter domes-' tic worry. A child born on this day should be successful in its under- takings, Monday's horoscope is dominated by baneful junar figures, which en- Join the necessity for strict applica-! tion to business in order to avoid | the shoals. The inclination to tur- bulence should be subdued, as shoujd | the desire to fly to law for redress. Safeguard the money lest serious] difficulties or loss ensue. Those whose birthday it is may have a year calling for their best talents and strictest application in order to avoid loss and difficulties, Attend to affairs with determination and self-control. A child born on this day may be headstrong unless it is carefully trained dn early youth. ne { Tp -- | Seasonable Recipes | This is the time to do up quinces and crabapples and here are some hints for the young housewife: Quince Marmalade. Wipe the fruit, quarter and re- move core and seeds, Put this through blade, paving the juice. Cook pulp with juice slowly until nearly ten- der, add 3-4 measure of sugar and cook until transparent, stirring to prevent burning. Seal. An excess amount of juice can be bottled for syrup for puddings, pancakes, etc. Orange or lemon may be cooked with the quinces or part apple used.' Preserved Quinces, Pare, core the fruit, quarter or cut into small pieces. Cook the skins slowly in water to cover with one whole sliced orange for a quart of parings. Remove orange, strain off juice; cook fruit in juice until nearly tender, add equal weights sugar and cook until transparent. Put in jars with the orange. Cook syrup until thick and pour over fruit. Seal, Use half apples and add lemon juice and rind and a small piece of cinnamon. ' A ---------- Crabapples. Honey----Core the fruit and put through food chopper. Boil with Water to cover for 10 minutes. Add 3-4 sugar and cook until clear and Jelly-like. Pickled--Make a syrip of 1 quart vinegar, 2 pounds brown sugar, 1 tablespoon=each cinnamon, cloves, allspice and mace. Add the whole crabapples, stemmed at both ends. Bring slowly to boil to avoid bursting skins and simmer until tender. Seal. : Catsup--Cook 5 pounds whole stemmed fruit in 1 pint vinegar until soft. Put through a sieve. Add 2 1-2 pounds brown sugar, 3 table- Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Mylks mother of Dr. Gordon W. Mylks, celebrated the golden anniversary joins their many friends in extending heartiest congratula- [EWS FOR WOMEN READERS WEDDED FIFTY YEARS who on Monday, Oct. 15th, Fi A , Victoria street, father and of their wedding. The Whig DR. COVENTRY'S Invalid Port Wine Falfilis a Public Need ! It is recognized everywhere for its wonderful medicinal merits. BUY IT AT YOUR DRUGGIST. ONTARIO WINE COMPANY Makers of Bludwine Tonle NEW TORONTO - ONTARIO MacKEY'S Whole Wheat Bread From the Wheat Fields to You MacKey's Whole Wheat Bread is the real bone and muscle building kind, rich in all Qualities that growing children need. A thick slice with plenty of good butter is a meal in itself. For grown people, too, it makes digestion walt on appetite and health on both. Why not try it to-day? MacKEY'S BREAD Ltd. PHONE 834. KINGSTON, ONT. Br Neo Take that chilly feeling off your rooms with an ELECTRIC HEATER Call in and see our complete stock. Pric- edfrom.......ccivpihiadiii $8.00up See our window display The H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 441. iam Girlish Complexion Now Easily Acquired "A skin of blended snow,tream and rose" is the way one enthusiast de- scribes her newly acquired complexion. She Is one who has adopted mercolized wax in place of cosmetics, [nagsage, steaming and other methods. Many who have tried this marvelous wax report that its effects are quite different from those of any other treatment. It pro= duces a complexion of exquisite girlish naturalness, rather than one bearing evidence of having been artificially "made over." One that is indeed "Na- ture"s own," the result of Jradually absorbing dead rticles of surface skin, permitting the younger, healthier skin beneath to show itself and giving its pores a chance to breathe. Mer- colized wax, procurable at any drug store in original one ounce package fie pat on at night like cold cream and washed off in the morning. a grinder, using courss|" I iEi4 fl al : T 1 f ob: FILLE ETS ---- r~ 7 TONIGHT 250 MEN'S SILK KNITTED TIES-- All new colors and combinations, also Black, for ..........50c. each WOMEN'S PURE LINEN HEMSTITCHED .~ HANDKERCHIEFS-- For i Y0c, eek WOMEN'S NEW |. CARDIGAN SWEATERS-- In Camel and Grey shades, Brush- ed Wool. Very special for $4.95 each W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. vs SQUARE PIANOS .. Come in and see these extraordinary specials. Weber ............ 3125 Dunham ...:....... $ 49 Stevenson .......... $100