SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1923, nT EST EEE Students Won by Children Exhibiting Samar Watch . Your EYESIGHT | Close application to study is a con- stant tax on your vision. | At the slightest indication of un- | due strain, come to us for a thorough | examination of your eyes, We can quickly tell whether glasses are neccessary. R. ARTHEY, RO. 148 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. BURNS' IDEAL BAKERY TRY BURNS' WHOLE WHEAT BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE - W. BURNS 61 Frontemac St., North Phone 1820\.. 3! ronc BH exhausts vitality SCOTTS EMULSION restores strength it Tou, 4 can't sleep turn on the sht, And make the brightest day of nigh An a abld lamp that can be used on the table or attached to the wall or bed is a great night time convenience that costg very little money. Whatever fix- tures you need can be supplied by us--we want you to allow us to show you around the place. Tse BURKE ELECTRIC RAE EERE PHONE:423. 74 PRINCESS St Nn rn The People's Choice For Over 70 Years for digestive disorders has been Beecham' sPills.Youcan havecon- REMOVAL NOTICE L.C. Hemsley : WATCOHMAKER Has moved to 109 BROCK STREET and now open for business un- der the name of RURAL SCHOOL FAR PRIZES at Sharbot Lake on Sept. 27th. The foliowing is a list of the prize winners, at the are School fair teld at Sharbot Lake, Sept. 27th. The names are given in order prize won. : Four quarts of wheat--Stanley | Burke and Donald Conboy. Sheaf of wheat--Mansfield Franc- es, George Cummings, Stanley surke | Kenneth Vinkie, Elwood Conboy an James Barr. Four quarts of oats--Cecil Barr, Stanley Burke, Donald Conboy, Mansfield Frances, Elmer Conboy] and Donald Vinkle. Half bushel of oats--Geo. mings, Wilfred Burke and Mansfel Frances. Sheaf of oats--Stanley Burke, | Mansfield Frances, Russell Conboy, Elmer Conboy, Lloyd Henderson and Leslie Conboy. Four quarts of barley -- Lloyd Henderson and Wilfred Burke. Sheaf of barley--Lloyd Henderson and Wilfred Burke. Six ears of sweet corn--Grace Mc- Veigh, Howard Clay, Harold Con- boy and Clarke Dodd. Single ear of sweet corn--~Grace McVeigh, Howard Clay and Harold Conboy. . Sheaf of sweet corn--Harold Con- boy. Six ears of field corn--Elwood Conboy and Burton Henderson. Single ear of field corn--Eliwood Conboy and Burton Henderson. Sheaf of field gprn--Burton Hen- derson and Grant Gowdy. Twelve Irish Cobbler potatoes -- Ruseel] Conboy, Elmer Armstrong, Carrie Conboy, Howard Clay, Bur- ton Henderson and Dorothy Me- | Charles. Peck Irish Cobblers--Russell Con- boy, Carrie Conboy, Leonand Young, Leslie Conboy, Elmer Armstrong and Edith Kelly.® Single Irish Cobbler--Russell Con- | toy, Howard Clay, Carrie Conboy, Fred MoGinness, Leonard Tryon ana Edith Kelly. Twelve Dooley Potatoes--Valetta Kukuma, Emmeline Henderson, ¥l- wood Conboy, Elmer Conboy and Leonard McCharlesf Peck Dooley Henderson, Elwood Conboy, Leonard McCharles, Wiltred Burke, John vinkle and Grant Gowdy. Single Dooley potato--Elwooa Conboy, Grant Gowdy, Eimer Con- poy, Wilfred Burke, John Vinkie and Emmeline Henderson. Peck Irish Cobblers from old seed --Howand Clay, Russell Conboy, Cum- | Emmeline Henderson, Wilfred Burke and Helen Chambers. Five mangels--Leonard Alma MacPherson, Six beets--Helen Chambers, Eve- lyn Henderson, Arthur Hollowood, Ethel MacPherson. Robbie Barr, aud Willo Dodd. Single beet--Helen Evelyn Henderson, will Cook John Vinkle. Six earrots--Harold Conboy, Vera | Armstrong, Emmaline Henderson, Helen Chambers, Russell Conboy and Grace Sargent. Single carrot--Vera Tryon, Chambers, and Armseronig, | Annte Barr. Five turnips--Agnes Vinkle, War- ren Garrett, James Barr and WIN Cook. Single turnip--Agnes Vinkle and James Barr. ald Vinkle, Irene Oonboy, Bdna Mc- Giness, Willow Dodd and Kathleen Vinkle. Single onion--Kenneth Donald Vinkle, Irene Conboy, Wes- ley Young, Kathleen Vinkle ar' Edna McGinness. Twelve Asters--Grave McVeigh, Mae Conboy, Leila Watson, Howard Clay, Ronald Lee and Margaret Thomlinson. Twelve strong. Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- Grace McVeigh, Emmaline Hender- son, Howard Clay, Margaret Thom- linson, Eric Lee and Vera Arm- strong. Potted house plant--Alden Burke, Percy McGinness, Mable Barr, Irene Conboy, Marjorie Reynolds and Rus- gel] Conboy. Two pullets and one cockerel -- Clarence Crain, Alvin Patterson and Leonard Tryon. Cockerel--Evelyn Henderson and Albert Patterson. Pullet--Leonard Tryon, Evelyn Henderson and Alvin Patterson. Cock and hen from home flock-- Emmaline Henderson, Wilfréd Burke, Leonard Tryon and Howard Clay. Colt (draft type) --Leopard Tryon and Arthur Cobb. Trained colt--Arthur Cobb. Calf = (dairy beiter)--Marguerite Donnelly and Percy Webster, Cwit (beef heifer)--Russell Con- bdy and Burt Henderson. Lamb--Eldon Patterson, Conboy and Leonard Tryom. | Five winter apples--ILeonard Try- on, Harold Conboy, Russell Conboy, lerne Conboy, Wiills Armstrong ana Calendulas-- Vera Arm- apples--Wils Arm- strong, Susanna Conboy, Grace 'Mc- Veigh, John McGinness, Percy Me- Cipness and Irene Conboy. Plain layer cake--Daisy Dodd, Marjorio Reynolds, Bernice Pratt, Myra Hawley, Grace Sargeant and Helen Chambers. Mable Barr, Grace Sargeant and Margaret Charlton. Six onlons--Kenneth Kelly, Don-| Kelly, | . {Prize Winners at Piccadilly on | Annie Barr, | Phas ma Crawford. | Clay, Doris McGinness and white bread---Hel Grace McVeigh, Susan- Emmaline Henderson, | Edna McGinness ad Mabel Barr. One pound of home-made candy -- Grace McVeigh, Helen Chambers, Beatrice Burkegq Howard Vera MacPherson and Marjorie of lambe | Reynolds. of | | d| | McGinne 8S. raisin or date bread Helen Chambers, Mabel Barr Loal nut, | Marjorie Reynolds, Elizabeth Francis, {| Grana McVeigh. Darning bag--Evelyn Henders=on, | Annie Barr, Agnes Vingle and Doris Eliza mdith * Knit scarf--Grace McVeigh, {beth Francis, Beatrice Burke, | Kelly and Annie Barr. { Conboy. al beth Francis and Beatrice Burke. "| Kelly, Russell Conboy, Harold Conboy and | a Russel] | Fancy cake--Grace McVeigh, Sus- {anna - Conboy, Helen Chambers, | Spanish Tay Wiles pode. Eve-| | and fruits of forest trees 'mens --Margaret { fair held at Piccadilly, Embroidered doiley--Helen bers, Emmaline Henderson, Susanna Dorothy McCharles, Ellza- MceGin- Kenneth Cecil Flower pot stand--Fred ness, Percy McGinness, Geo. Cummings, and Grant Gowdy. Boot jack---Eric Lee, Hawley, Ronald Lee, Alvin son, Mansfield Francis, and Donald Vinkle. Wall medicine Rarr, Percy McGinne:s, Conboy. Collection of Norman and Lesli nuts, seeds --Eric Les Henderson. grasses acorns, and Emmaline Collection of farm forage plants-- and Evelyn Hénderson, Collection of threes mounted speci MacPherson ano Emmaline Henderson. and Collection of seeds classified as wo | method of distribution--Percy xic- Ginness, Leonard Tryon, Edna Mc- Ginness, Edith Kelly and Emmaline Henderson. Writing 'Cherries are Ripe'-- Jane Cook, Pansy Gillespie and Paul- ine Raymo. Writing "My Reynolds, Annie Barr, ford, and Cecil Barr. Writing "Song of the Great Dom- inion" --Edith Kelly, Beatrice Burnv | John Vinkle, Willis Armstrong, ai- ma MacPherson and Emmaline Hen- derseon. Writing "Children's Bernice Pratt, Elizabeth Grage McVeigh, Myrtle Boles, Daisy Dodd and Jessie Conboy. Crayon or chalk drawing--Maus- field Francis, Evelyn Henderson, Kurt Henderson and Roderick Mac- Pherson. Water color drawing--Jessie Con boy, Edith Kelly, Alma MacPherson, Vera MacPherson and Myrtle Boles. Essay, "My Favorite Story' '-- Lloyd, Henderson, Elizabeth Francis, Russell Conboy, Alvin Patterson, Vera MacPherson and Edith Key, Bsaay, "How We Spent Arbor Day in Our School"---Beatrice Burke, Helerr Chamber), Melinda Margaret MacPherson, Francls and Lindsay Burke. Boy winning highest number marks--Russell Conboy. Girl winning highest number marks--Emmaline Henderson. Five minute address -- Myrtie Boles and Emmaline Henderson. Hitching and driving contest Shadow Thelma Craw- Song" of for bo and Leonard Tryon, Hitching and driving contest for | girls--Mable Barr and Elizabeth Francis. Nail driving contest for giris-- | Mabel Barr, Helen Chambers, Carrie Conboy and Beatrice Burke. School parade--Sharbot Take School, St. Georges Lake Schoo] and Union 8 end 10, Olden and Oso. RURAL SCHOOL FAIR. 7h September. The following is a list of prize winners at the Rural Sept. order the | School fue, The names are given in prizes won. Sheaf of wheat--Hilyard Howes. Four quarts of oats--Hilyard | Howes. Sheaf of oats--Hllyard Willie Jeffrey, Gerald Vannest, Howes and Eric Shultz. Sheaf of Barley--Hilyard Howes. Six ears of corn--Mildred Howes, Tommie Howes, Gerald Joseph Jeffrey, John Allan and Erie Shultz. One ear of sweet Vannest, Mildred Howes, Clobridge, Tommie ' Howes; Shultz an Ethel Clobridge. Sheaf of sweet corn--Eric Shultz J. E. Allen, Tommie Howes, Carrie Jefirey. Howes, Nigel Rustell Eric -- LINIMENT FOUNDTOBE POWERFUL GERMICIDE ot Jiniment was OR death to all forms of getmblife; and it is dow Yaed 25 as mouth wash, for wound dressing and mixed | ana Cham- | Barr | Patter- cabinet--James | Emmaline Henderson | Marjory | Francis, | Edna McGinness, | Dafty, | Mansfeld | er of ys--Alden Burke, Wilfred Burke | Vannest, | corn--Gerald,| Hichinbrooke, 8. 8. No. 1and 14, Twewve ve Iris sa potatoes-- aminie sniaer, +. Corawell, eph Jeffrey, Irish Jas. hk. Cobuier | |? Nigel Howes Lovul s:ngle 1rish Harold Jeffrey L cornwe. Lari Gan JOsepu Kathieen Haddock. Twe Allen, {Loids, heneda Peck Dooley potatoes-- land Br Good sje Dooley---Nigel Allen. Hub 3 Knox, Peck Irish Cobblers from oid seed ~-[o mer Cornwell and Eric Shuite. Five mangeis--Floyd Allen, Cornwel}, Norma Kenyon and Howes. | Single Ethel Howes, | Kenyon and Alice Peters. Six beet:--Nina Leslie, Mary | Moore, Meredith Wilson, Russe] Peters, John Alen and Annie Kene- han. | Single beet--Robl. Howes, | Petbrs, Meredith Wilson, lie, Annie Kenehan { Cornwell. ! | Six carrots--Annie Kenehan, Howes, Fioyd Allen, Russell bridge, Cecil Peters and Allen. | Single all ve toe] Melville Dooley Harrod Howes and Howes, Huppert ail. uce Howes, Greg ana Hal mangel--Earl raul Reynolds, Norma Russell and ryrue Alice Kathleen Alice Howes, Alien and Annie Snider Ww. M. Kene- i carrot Cecil Pete Knox, J. han. | Five turnips--aAlice Peters,. Mil- | dred Howes and Elmer Cornwell. Single turnip--Garnet Peters, Robert Howes, Miidred Howes, and | Eimer Cornwell. Single onion--Lionel Leslie, |gell Peters and Levi Knox. Six onions---DBoyd Allen, Russell Peters, Levi Knox and Lionel Les- lie. Twelve Asters--Margaret land Isabella Cronk. Twelve Zinnias--Gerald Norma Kenyon and Margaret son. Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- JFlorence Howes, Myrtle Cornwell, | Kathles :n Haddock, Lillie Haddock {and Eric Shultz. Potted house plant--Eric Shultz, | Cecil Peters, Hubert Kenehan, An- | hie Kenehan, Muriel Campbeil and Jos. Snider. Two pullets and one cockerel -- Hilyard Howes, Lionel Leslie and Marie Botting. Cockerel--Hilyard Howes, rlarold Knox and Paul Reynolds. Pullet--Harcld Knox and Hilyard | Howes. Cock and hen from home flock-- Willard Peters, Hilyard Howes, car- rie Jeffrey and Hubert Kenehan. | Colt (draft type)--Harold Rey- nolds and Geddes Dixon, Trained colt--Geddes Dixon. Calf (keef heifer)---Harold Snid- Rus- Snider fannest, Wil- Lamb--Willard Peters and Erie Shultz. Five winter Howes, Russell | Willie Lowery. | Five fall apples--Gerald Vannest, Tommy Howes, Willie Lowery, Alice Howes and Nigel Howes. Plain layer cake--Margaret Wil- | son, Muriel Campbell, Norma Ken- | yon, Helen Swerbrick, Ruby Bartsch |and Helen Coulter. apples -- Tommy Clobridge and Fancy Cake--Nina Leslie, Alfreda Brown, and Eileen Campbell. Loaf white bread--Myrtle | well and Lillie Haddock. Leaf nut, raisi nnad-i { Loaf nut, raisin or date {Norma Kenyou, Grace Grey {Nina Leslie. | Knit scarf--Myrtle Cornwell and { Muriel Campbell. Embroidered dolley--Norma Hhen- {yon and Kathleen Snider. | Flower pot stand -- Tommie | Howes, Russell Clobridge, Gordon ¢1 Dermott and Wijlie Lowery. \ Corn- bread--- and Boot jack---Harold Reynolds, Wil- {lle Lowrey, Tommie Howes, Gordon [Dermot apd Elmer Cornwell. Wall (medicine cal}pet--Tomm'e | Howes, Gordon Dermott and While | | Lowery. | Collection of acorns, nuts, seeds and fruits of forest trees--Tommie { Howes, Hilyard Howes and Willie Lowery. | Coilection of farm grasses forage plants--Tommie Howes. Collection of three mounted speci- | mens--Hilyard Howes, | Colleenon of seeds, classified as |to method\of distribution--Tommie | Howes. | xiting "My Shadow'--Ethel | owes. ana "Song of the Great Dom- la oS lidred Howes, Carrie Card, Vera Drader, Helen Swerbrick, Norma Kenyon and Hubert Kene- { han. Writing, "Children's Song"--Tom- mie Howes, Margaret Wilson, Ralph Convery, Nigel Howes, Greia HHICK- ey and Grace Grey. Water color drawing-- Florence {Howgs, Russel] Clobridge, and Tom- mie Howes, Essay "My Favorite Story' '-- {Tommie Howes. Hitching and driving coniest for boys--Harold Reynolds, John Kene- han, Willie Jeffrey and Willard Pet- ers. Hitohing and driving contest for girls--Adelaide Buckley and Edith Buckley. Nail driving contest for girls-- Edith Buckley, Adelaide Buckley and Inez Pero. Girl winning highest numoer points--Norma Kenyon. Boy winning highest number z of No. 2, Piccadilly school and S. 8. No 9. Bar: | Ethei | Corawey, Nina Les-| Clo- i Gregory | | 2 Harold | 1sabella | ers-- iar: | -rihei Howes | Reyuolds, | potatoes--{regory | ney - | Eari Scales | Kenehan | Nes Ne Ps Kd ) "I's remarkable how much I iB you can do with a little current ~on McClary 5 Elements." | IR --Says FB Every woman who spends a great | fed part of her days in the kitchen 0 realizes what a lot of fuel or current can be used without any equivalent | of cooking results. Ordinary electric elements, for in- stance, must be turned on "full" when the cooking top is in use, and there is a constant flow of current, whereas-- McClary's Electric Range is the one electric range with "TOR-RED" Protected Elements--the elements that conserve currént and cut down cooking costs. Turn your current "on" for a few moments. When McClary's Ele- ment becomes thoroughly heated you may turn the current to "low" and vegetables are kept at a moder- ate "boil". Even with the current "off" you can heat the dishwater with the heat *'stored" in-the Tor- red Element. Because McClary's "TOR-RED"Protected Elements "'store'" the heat (on the same principle that keeps a fire brick hot so long), you can boil all your vegetables, fry all meats, heat all water, and per- form all the thousand and one cooking BR i A Electri "The only Range with the 's "TOR-RED" the Demonstrator duties required from the top of a range on "low current--a remarkable ad- vantage and a long step forward in kitchen economy. 9 If you could save three-quarters of the current -used in your lighting fixtures, and continue to get the same abundance of light, you would be applying the same method of current saving to electric lighting as McClary's*'TOR-RED" Protected Elements apply to electric cooking. McClary's Electric Range comp with other electric ranges in current, as the tungsten with the old wasteful, expensive carbon lamp. McClary's Electric Range has brought down the costs of electrical cooking. McClary's Electric Range Oven is equally celebrated for the saving of current and the production of wonder- ful baking--it' s the most efficient *'fire- less cooker' ever built as well as the triumph among electric ovens for de- licious baking. Sold and recommended in Hydro brane ches, electrical shops and hard- ware stores. Ask for a dem- onstration from your McClary's dealer. larys PEON) rm BT ' "1oeRe" Protected Element' 69 Brock St. McCLARY'S ELECTRIC RANGES Sold by McKELVEY & BIRCH Limited Phone 237 mit The ten) ou ctuall ad facturers it your a €Cco Heas Ormez, - 3 ing the d Name. i PD thi inve licy wo ands'of do 1. us -What it ay uld mn Cate -five cent piece Carel each in u don ne ait aved ted in a Manu- © dowment be worth thous Om now. u exacily for you- e. Write us. Use below. al Branch Office, 58 Brock St. ing, Ow, M. G, JOHNSTON, Branch Manager ap Sn of you. Love Tarn Endowment propositions Shoing Ue a - sorvasssseemated MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE SONBANY It happiness have mot her seat| Whatsoever th wise, or rich, or great, but move can be blest. and centre in the breasf, we may be! :oever things are honest, ings are just, whatsoover are pure {eth good tidings, | --thiok on these things. ings are true, what- hateoever peace. --Ia. 52:7. How beautiful upon the me are the feet of him that bri that