i A 4 462 MONTREAL STREET MAKE CANADA PROSPEROUS Bx iy "+ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SUCCEED DOUGLAS & PHONES 2267F--928W. ~-- L 227 ONTARIO ST. BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. FRESH SEEDS FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS--LOWEST MARKET PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. McFARLANE & WOOD. McILQUHAM 400 ALBERT STREET PHONE 444. 3 pres HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP CYLINDERS Ground on a Heald R. M., CAMPBELL 12120. 226 Wellington St. Phone | NEW YORK HAT CLEANING CO. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395. PETER LAMPROS, I | | v Full Mae of Kitchenware Carried C. N. VEALE Plumbing and Heating STORE--374 Princess St. Phone 308F RES. ~154 York Street. Phone S00M > Pr-- 3 Jectri and Acetylene Welding, Brass and Iron Castings, Patterns, KING AND QUEEN STREETS con, G ANONE 35. \ ff ------------------------------------ === 5 SAVOY. RESTAURANT SPECIAL 40c. DINNER AND SUPPER [ atronage solicited. B10 Princes Street Phone 1078 SE Electric Home Needs Moffatt Ranges, protected or open elements, Heaters, Grates, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Ask for our special terms. Public Utilities Hydro Shop 268 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 844. | -------------------------- TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC 484 Brock St. Phone 2217J J omen? 5 Son {Cartage-- Freight) Phone 2147w, Jobbing Werk a Specialty William Holder ter and Builder. ed. Carpen Estimates submit BLUE GARAGE, LTD. a [ > | Queen and Bagot Streets Phone 567. \ WHOLESALE FRUIT AND COM- - MISSION MERCHANTS. DLA TES and 'S CHOC ES MOR RISTIES BISCUITS PHONE 467. 4 \N7 [ R. H. TOYE & COMPANY LIVERY IN CONNECTION Theatrical Transfer Co. R. Buckley, Prop. York and Cherry Streeta. Phones 201 and 2214J. Cor. G 1 Aute Repairing, Carbon Burning, Acetylene Welding Cars washed. R. C. CLARKE COR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2357F, \ eset? (STRAW HAT SEASON FOR LADIES NOW OPEN We clean and remodel all kinds of Straws. KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS LIGHT OF NORTH FCNLE 1S YOUIG SCHOOL CL | Live Near the Polar 8pectrum's Influence. i "| Jack Wade, Alsska, Oct. 19.--~O0h- servation of the Aurora Borealis has | | regained its position as a popular | | ¥port_among scientists owing to its! supposed interfereno> with radio | | transmission. Interest in the North-| ern Lights, as the aurora is : 'uys | called hepe, has also been r vivpd through the efforts of the MacMillan | Arctic Expedition to keep in touch | | with radio amateurs in this vicinity | {and in the United States. The fol- | | lowing description of the striking | | phenomenon was written by a mem- | { ber of the American Radio Relay Lea- 1 | gue, who, since his home is under | ncath the Arctic spectrum has had | plenty of opportunity to observe this i | marvelous spectacle at first hand. { | By T. E. Phillips, Member, ARRL. | The Northern Lights are as dakio and changeable as a sixteen-year-old school girl. One style starts out on the horizon to the northward in searchlight fashion, darts and zzig- zags; spreads out fan-shape, sweeps, floats, or drifts. The eolder the | night the quicker the actiom and al- | ways the motion is fast. At\times iights show all colors of\ the kpec- trum. They arc as good asa lanterh. Sometimes the lights stay steadily | fixed overhead for hours and ihey | cut the darkness into two walls, the | light showing the trail for miles with |a black wall or either side. Appar- 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. Phone 1488, STAIR PADS | Something new in color. You will like them better than the grey. $3.00 per doz. Get them at MARSHALL'S HARDWARE 1 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 150. ------------------------------------------------ eee BELMONT DINING ROOM Open from 5 a.m. tq 12 midnight. A. TIERNEY, Phone 881J, Proprietor ND ---- | GEORGE HUNTER | CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Plans and estimates of all kinds submitted. "FOR BUILDING HOMES" 75 Pembroke Street. a \ | Phone 948w, \ EXPERT SERVICE ON ALL CARS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Washing done at night. PEERLESS HIGH TEST GASO.) LINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES ATWOOD AND D ACES IN VULCAN NE Ph. . one 902m, 277 Bagot Street. Move Anything Anywhere. TARLINGTON'S { Hil. BRYANT Phone 1753J { Y Phone 2198w, STEWART'S DAIRY 680 PRINCESS STREET MILK and CREAM DELICIOUS DOUGHNUTS Something te eat that's ' 35¢. PER DOZEN. AUTO PAINTING J, A. FOX - PHONE 567, Shop on Third Floor Blues Garages. - BAGOT and QUEEN §TREETS > 7 -- TRY THE NEW ENGLAND LOAF NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 297 COLLINGWOOD STREET PHONE 618. J. Y. Parkhill & Co. DISTRIBUTORS DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER PHONES 96 and 112. ¥ / plumbing or heating systems of a ~# |charge for repairs. FOR PURE MILK CREAM - DAIRY 126 STREET PHONES 212 snd 1860. I ey ee OUR AIM IS SERVICE Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqui Electric R. R, | ently they are not more than 1,500 | feet above ther valleys, and on the | mountain trails, travelers can get | into the heart of things with them Once I came from Steel Creek to | this place, about sixteen miles, along WEEKLY _ WITH REVIEW KINGSTON METHOD AND SYSTEM TRUE BASIS OF PERSONAL THRIFT "I can't understand why I am always running behind in my personal financial affairs," a man who earns a handsome salary said to the writer some time ago. When asked if he kept a record of his expenditures, he replied that he was too 80 Say the Radio Fans Who, - By S. W. Straus, President American Society for Thrift | The very first step must be a daily record of expenditures. We dare say that the majority of those who begin this plan will | soon be astonished at the amount | of money they waste during the | course of a month. _ Figures do not busy to be bothered with such details. "Try the experi- ment for a month," suggested the writ- er, "and you will have the answer to your question." The plan was tried. Every penny of expense was jot- ted down and a! the end of the month the man found that he had spent about $100 more than he had thought was his custom. That explained the reason why he was always in a quan- dary about his personal affairs. When he was brought face to face with conditions he began to change his habits, and his sfiua- tion improved in like pfopertion. There are no doubt many such persons as the one referred to who constantly are running be- hind and cannot understand why. lie. You cnt spend your money and have it. If you want to spend save wisely you must eliminate the little wastes. know what you are doing. You cannot Above every- | thing else you must IL Fr build yourself up ! on the shifting | sands of ignorance | or indifference. It may seem like a waste of time and effort to keep a strict record of every penny you spend, but it is the best method oT ting on the right track in the management of your personal affairs. Personal thrift, like business efficiency, is a matter of method and system. It must be founda- tioned on complete knowledge of one's affairs. SERVICE OF FINEST GIVEN BY THE CENTRAL | 2 high mountain trail with the mail | man for this route. It was 9 p.m. | We were in the lights for an hour. A light crackling could, be heard, as when a cat's fur is rubbed the | wrong way, and at times the horses | would show blue fire at their car | tips, although they appeared not to | mind. The other packer and my- | seit felt no untoward sensation, save possible a slight warmth. It was 34 below. The Mghts show up commonly from September to April, though Ap- ril is getting late and warm for them. They are always different in their daily movements and never fail to attract attention, even from the old timers who have been in the far north since '98. We have men who came here in 1882 and '87., and one { old man, Ludecker raised the Ameri- can flag when Russia sold out in 1867. endiaiiins ales | Expert Advises Having Plumbing Repairs Made With real winter weather but a short time away, it behooves own- ers of residence and business proper- ties to have the plumbing and heating systems in these places iu- Led and any needed repairs de. The proverbial "stitch In time" often saves big money when applied to the correction of a defect in the property. Oftentimes a smal leak or break in some vital part of the systems can be repaired quickly ana at a very moderate cost, which, had it been allowed to go unlocked af- ter, might possibly develop into a serious break with resujtant high Such possibilities can be elmin- ated by periodic Inspections of the plumbng and heating systems. The added efficiency which properly fun- ctioning systems afford soon more than defrays the small cost of hav- ing an error corrected. _ Such is the opinion of ¥. H. Ham- fiton, expert plumber, of 131 Alfred street, phone 1420W. Consult him for plumbing and steamTitting needs. ee What the Footman Said, The other day Lord 'Maghera- morne, formerly Sir James McGarel- 'Hogg, explained that when he first succeeded to his peerage his name was a source of difficulty. On one occasion he went to dine at the house of an old friend. where he announced himself to the foot- man as "Lord Magheramorne." "What?" inquired the startled man, "Lord Magheramorne," repeated the visitor, with emphasis. The footman was in despair, as he felt it was !mpossible to attempt to render the uncouth gutturals, and the visitor was advancing to the drawing-room. He hesitated for a moment, then boldly door and proclaimed: James Hogg." Large Garage Offers Last Word in Accommodation to the Motoring Public. In all the 'garages to be found throughout the province it would be hard. to find one that offers a more complete or up-to-date ser- vice than that supplied by the Cen- tral Garage, corner of Brock and Montrea] streets, Kingston. This garage was first taken over by the Kingston Auto Sales Company and the large church building on that corner utilized. Some time ago the whole premises were acquired by Mr. George Bawden and he has car- ried on the business since under the name of the Central Garage. The building was entirely gone over, the old tower removed and in its place one of the finest\service ed and the offices placed in the new building. This allowed room for even great equipment In the line of storage and repair spacd and the Central Garage is now known far and wide for its excellent service in every department. Gas and oils are given here with the minimum of time. The ofl is kept meagured in quart bottles and allows the speediecst of service. The large driveway also makes for speed and more and more car own- ers are stopping in there. The Central Garage has the agency for Studebaker and Chevrolet olor cars and 1924 models of excellence are now being demonstrated. If you have never been to this garage pay it a visit now. It is worth fit. The Difference A negro met an acquaintance, #i80 a negro, on the street one day and was surprised to see now his friend had on a new 'suit, new hat, hew 'shoes and other evidences of prosperity. "Hey, boy," he said, "how come you dressed up that way?! Is you got a job?" : "I'se got somethin' bettern' any Job." replied the other, "I's got a profession." "What is it?" *I'se a orator" "What's a orator?" "Don't you know?" replied the resplendent one in surprise. "Well, 1 I1 y6u what a orator it. it to walk up to a ordinary d ask him how much was two, he'd say 'four,' but if you was to ask one of us oraims how much wae two and two he'd say, 'When in de cou'se of numan events it becomes necessary to take de numere| of de second denomina- tion and add it to de figger two, 1 Says unto you and I says it without fear of successful con , dat de result will invai'bly four. Dat's a orator." Made of rubberized ing suit made with silk, stations to be found anywhere éreet-. ALADDIN OUIDONE Even Ben Franklin Would Marvel When Mrs. Modern Housekeeper Prepares Meal. Little did old Benjamin Franklin realize the tremendous chain of causation he set up when he attac:- ed to his kite the key wich unlock- ed the door which has led to the modern wonders of electricity. Some day perhaps Conan Doyle or Sir Oli- ver Lodge may succeed in having the old gentleman visit a modern kitchen when a meal is being pre- pared in an electric range. Should that ever occur this newspaper is one that will send its very best re- porter to interview "Poor Richarg.'" Mrs. Housewife places the meat and vgeetables for the evening mea: in the oven. Then she sets the clock and Lp switch or two. - "Come 6n now," she Ways, "let's go to che Follies. . The| meal will be aif ready for us to sit down to when' we return." "But my! my! How will the food be cooked?" queries Ben Frankiin's Shade." "And more important still, who will watch to see that jt does not burn? I expect to be hungry, you. know, and I abominate aloven- ly cooking." "G ness me!" she exclaimed, "and you were the man who flew that famous kite! .I thought surely you would "know." "Why, if this 1s a stove," mands, "where's the fire? where is the draft? And the chimney?" "Weil, the world does doesn't it, sir? Now look, I set it 50. That's all I have to do. Now about the time Wijl Rogers is mak- ing us laugh over his drolleries this clock will turn on the current--elec- tricity, you know -- you ought to know, anyway. And about the emu I'm telling you to be sure and employ a return taxi with a cheap rate this clock will work again, turning off the current. "And when e get home," she con- he de- Ana where's move, turn and ready for us to sit down to. And while I am putting it on the table you can compose another of your famous maxims, something about cooking electrically. And be sure and sign your name to it, won't you? I want to show it to my friends. "Great is electricity," murmurs the old gentleman, looking around for his cane and shovel hat. "I'll have to think up an electrical slogan this very night!" A Remarkable Horse. A story is told by an English co- median about the man whose wife sald: -- "Who's that Dorothy you were talking about in your sleep?" "That's all right, dear," said he. "Horse I won ten pounds on yester- day. Here's a fiver to buy a new "Yes, dear." "Well, it rang up this afternoon." IN MANY KITCHENS | constructively and |i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, Ywal. BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS "a As clean as sunlight on Doyle's Milk Maid Bread the water. Phone 1369. Perfumery, Toilet Preparations Dr. Bell WONDER MEDICINE CO. 110 Clarence Street. Phones 514-364 \ i | r-- JOBBING WORK A SPLCIALTY HURD & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 1458). 38 STEPHEN sr. \. os > 3) GEO. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE 150 Wellington, J N\ Phone 306w, F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steam Fitting, Is your Furance ready for Winter? Now is the time to have it tuned up ' We will examine your Furnace and estimate the cost of needed \ [epairs. Phone 1420w. 131 Alfred St J \ ASK. FOR MASOUD'S ICE OREAM ALWAYS THE SAME 238 Princess Street. Phone 980, SEE E. L. MARTIN FOR REAL ESTATE 111% BROCK ST. J HOTEL RANDOLPH The Leading Commercial House Specially adapted to Tourists and Commercial Travellers. Running water in every room L. T. WELCH, Manager, 7 \ Cleaning Things and Dying Things ) Saves a Lot of Buying Things COLLIER"S Dyer "My Valet" Cleaner 7 R. ARTHEY REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 143 Princess St. Phone 2108. | # & TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL, G. K. KRAUSE BAKER USE A PERFECT BREAD FRONT ST. { PHONE 1158, -- BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL Special Sunday Dinner s. 1 to 2.30. Price Toes from M. BOHAN, Pro, rietor, { KINGSTON, ont, J 5 Z 7 rsTilATES SUBMITTED THOS. ANDRE CONTRACTOR 86 Sixth Street. Phone 1400, J - \ Soward Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Soward PHONE 155 -- Branch Office: L 4 Princess Street, Phone uso. | TIRES TUBES ~----WE NEVER CLOSE---- THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. STUDEBAKER AND CH EVROLET Dis TRIBUTORS GASOLINE OILS McQall's Cigar Store PHONE 811. Phone 600. REPAIRS ACCESSORIES Distilled PICKLING VIN Best for pickling. Factory: Bagot Street, Kingston HOTEL PLAZA Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. Tourists' Popular Stopover Where comfort and environment And excellent cuisine meet demand \"! all discriminating guests. J McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Engineers and Contractors a ESTIMATES SUBMITTED H. HORTON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 1801w. 205 ALFRED STREET ---- r tinues, "the meal wil] be done to 2! | Dominion Textile Com (Limited) MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" .MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG \ " J How the Watch Di A judge was pointing out to his court that a. witness was not nec- essarily to be regarded as untruthfu; because he altered a statement he Irad previously made. "For in- stance," he sald, "when I entered this court today I could have sworn that I had my watch in my pocket. But then I remembered 1 had left it in the bathroom at home." When the judge got home that night his wife said, "Why all this bother about your watch--senamg four or five ben for it?" , "Good heavens," said the judge, "what did you do?" "lI gave it to the first man who came--he knew just where it waz." The Vanishing Quill. Quill pens, now driven from ome cf their jast ditches, at Southwarx ew, | County Court, have been traced back a dozen centuries, and may have been in occasional use before them. But they have not so oid a history after all as the apparently modern metal pen, a specimen of which was found ia the ruins of Pompeif. The first metal pens made in this country cost five shillings each and had no "spring" in them; they were follow- TEOPATHY) stubborn aches and afilments are our Try OS Drs. Robert and Kdna Asheroft 204 King Street Telephone 447 for appointment > J Are ------ -------- ---- handled by a stern judge, has never been superseded as an awe-inspiring instrument of justice. One Way or the Other. The doctcr, on his round of golf, was crossing the field with his small negro caddie, when the latter opened the conversation with, "Doe- tor, ain't you got some shoes up yon- der in yo' locker you don't want?" 1 need some bad." "Maybe s0," said the doctor. "What size do you wear?" "I dupno, sah, 'cause I ain't never bought none dat-er-way ---1 either kin git in 'em, or 1 cain't," Just Ome. The young man approached the father of his sweetheart with the re- quest to marry her, "Can you support a family?" the old man asked. "Heavens!" the indignant" suitor teplied, "I only asked for the girl" --Judge. Silence best speaks thé mind. fi 1