Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Oct 1923, p. 11

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& . MUNDAY, OCTOBER 33, 192 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a ---- 7 This Is The Page That Finds Buyers, Lost Articles, Renters and Help LOCAL NEWS. | Sie Betton Siig | | |] | rs i I Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Mr. Swaln, plano tuner. Dr. R. W. Frank, cated at Pioton. He was also a noted honors at Queen's Keep these dat e was overseas. thlete, winning Sydenham; Novemwer 5th, 6th and The funeral of the Mate Mrs. Wil- liam Leslie was held Monday morning at 11.30 o'clock from her late residence, Lower Ba to Wolfe Island cemetery, terment took place. The =» werg conducted by Canon W. F. CGemald. Miss Mildred Ferris, when, return- ing home along Barrie street Ti- day evening, with her father, L. W. Ferris, stumbled and fe!l to the side- walk, suffering a number of? bruises Dr. Crowley made an X-ray examina- tion. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Bhicknell was held from the resi- dence of her son<in-law, Charles Davy, 226 University avenue, on Sat- urday afternoon to Cataraqui ceme- tery under the direction of John Cor- nelfus.. The service was conducted by Rev. T. W. Savary. The funeral of the late Frank C. Ireland was held on Monday mor- ning at 10 o'clook from his late resi- denge, Alice street to Cataraqui ce- ry, the service being conducted by Rev. J. W. Stephen. The pall- bearers were W. T. Minnes, James A. Minnes, R. E. Burns, J. M. Far- rell, G. E. Hague and Jamcs Red- den. » a " 1 bds a LCBITUARY WJ ' Late Mrs. H. Lockwood. The death occurred in the Hotel CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular ized aceording to All' ads. are restricted to their proper classification, and to the reguiar Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive lasertious: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Dally 'rates per line. Charge Cash RD CQ ARYE o.ncieere on tered : d ssvvan . yo. renan Sire. d.8 , Deaths-- One insertion, charged, Births, Engagements, Marriages, 1.50; cash, $1.00. - of Thanks .,and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; casn, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular ibsertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Quargea ady will be lepnone and:if paid at The Brit- ish Whie Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than gne day Nand stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjue*s ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white apace is the same as & line of type Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. i» Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising received by copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker, Convenience Is Service! or What a difference there is' between an oldfashioned box trunk and an up-to-date wardrobe trunk! Everything is jammed at random in the old box--but the modern wardrobe trunk is entirely different. It has hangers for garments, drawers for linen, pockets for shoes, a corner for an umbrella and a compartment for hats. It almost packs and unpacks itself. You live in the great. modern age of System and Convenience. You want a place for everything and de- mand that everything be in its place. That is why you will appreciate the modern, sys- tematic A-B-C Classified Section. It has a separate "compartment" for each group of opportunities--and they are all alphabetically indexed and numerically classified for your convenience is fquick finding. You'll pack all your troubles'in your old kit bag-- when you unpack all the opportunities in the A-B-C "compartments" whose labels interest you. | AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year | commission business of your own.! Every property owner needs some of | our nine hundred varieties of hardy! Red Tag trees and plants. No capital! needed. Complete equipment and in- struction free. Write Dominion Nurser- ies, Montreal. & new plano for six months, and in| the event of a purchase at the end of this period we will allow you all the money paid to apply thereon. C. W lindsay Limited, 121 Princess St STOVES---Lawrenson's for Goud Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and IHeaters, AGENTS--To sell Polar Dust. the| Economy Ready Mfxed Paints and Var- Magic Washing Crystal. Washes, nishes. | 387 Princess Street... Phone clothes without rubbing. Saves | © 339w., opposite Orange Hall clothes. Saves labor. Lucag Products! Co., Dept* G., Hamilton, Ont. SET TOLEDO SCALES--Forty gallon oil tank, several! show cased and] SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre.| counters; all good order. ~ Apply 31] sented districts. Sood pay. free equip- | Livingston Ave. Phone 2047w. ment. We are the est growers o Hy | fruit and ornamental trees oe pd SEWING MACHINE-- Singer, nearly Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber |. new; also Columbia Cabinet Grafe- | You will successful. Write: Peiham| Nola, with thirty records. Apply 16] Nursery Co., Toronto, Pine Street. : VIOLIN CASES--Canvas, with leather fittings; real value; from $3.00 up. Get your Strings here.--Elder's. WOOD--Mixed, $3.35 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lume. ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, j3.50 quar. b 3.28. . Situations ® anted-- Female 30 | FAMILY WASHING--Teo do at my own { home. Apply Mrs. Worrall, Sub, P.O. ¢ Cone THE A-B-C CLA$SIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE . ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY ter cord; mixed slabs, = : Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near QSITMON-- By respectable married! Division. Phone 2303w. n (with wholesale house or as col-| "OK 1 or representative, Wages no WOOD AND COKE---New yard at 290 ob)ket as party has good side line. No Wellingtoa, corner Ordnance, dry reasdngble offer refused. Good ref- Jhized Soraweod. awed, P® it and de- ence - . vered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, fuu ences, PPiy Box H-14, Whig Of Hard Coal Coke from city gas works $10.00 ton up to November. Cinders $1.00. Load Clinkers be. W. OC, Hru- ton. Phone 2440w. ee tivancha) Business Opportunities 38 Announcements Personals v SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled. Goltre cured without operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 2568 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J. Lost and Found 10 AIREDALE--Strayed Friday morning, Reward .if returned to 361 Bagot St. Phone 2118. WHEAT -- LIMITED QUANTITY OF - - - - |" phond 1998J. : BRING YOUR OWN /BAGS. JAMES pen EL nl NO A AR I ok Eire OF FO ET Ties | mCHambioN & Sox LwTaD Streets. Phone 2050. Cyril M. Smith, . "7**! 26 King Street West. Phone 1577m. Sgn . es-- Autos PRINCESS STREET. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 | DAY AND REVELLE--Barristerg an solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, ston." A. E. Day, Money to loan. Ph GARAGE--For rent, close to business one 205. King- Adrian IL Revelle. 9! GROCERY BUSINESS--2 blocks from Princess. Net profits last year $3100. Stock, nxtures and goodwill, $900. | GOOD GOING BUSINESS--Near Prin-| \ Barter and Exchange 5 district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office. ! _ A ey - ke ro WHT * hy SHEA--Amb BA. cess, net profits last year, over $2200. FOR EXCHAD Ford Runabout and Telephone 1765M. HEA A Tose Oia Sarristet ANd| 3500 takes it. Owner going south. Truck Body Hox for excasnge for and Brock, over Royal Bank. M | GENERAL STORE--With pust office,| Upright Piano. Phone 223873. F. J. GARAGE--To rent, roomy. Apply Box| to loan. Phone 1999. in country. Price right. Grace, 37 Mack Street. es K-22, 'Whig Office. Osteopathy WILSON, REALTOR, Wanteu--1o Buy ob 28g. | H. B. 316 Barrie Street, Phone 1098. Business Services OSTEOPATHY--A. T. BALE Tei, on Wellington St., on Wednesday n Owner apply to Mrs. Best, 144 Lower Albert Street. BLACK PURSE--Lost, containing large sum of money, pote drawn on the back of taxi eard, on Saturday, in city or at R.M.C. Return to 413 Johnson Street, or phone 966 and receive reward. Wil lam A. Hagerman. BROOCH---Lost, brilliant, on Saturday, October 13th. Finder please return to 159 Montreal Street. BLUE TAM---Found. child's. Owner may have same by phoning 1093. Still graduates. OLD GOLD---sllver, or False Teeth, fur cash or exchange. GG, + lyons, ---- Th as | Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 Loan ! < on. Business Services Offered 18 King Street. Phone 447 for Sppoins-| Money, to #0 44 Princess street. Kings _-- : FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment ooms Re | Soctely, incorporated 1861. President, R For Rent. AUCTIONEER For gourtesy ana hon- pairing 29 wr Nickie, K.C.; vice-president, A. | == cc pr est dealing, . A. Twigg, 4 Kix oe a -------- - B. Cunningham. Money issued or cit, Roo ith Board Street. Phone 820J or 1756w. ag FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds.| and A ngham. 8; ¥ rated ou Foi ins W Call and see W. Driscoll, 33 John| county debentures; mgriguges pur- BOARD AND ROOM-- First class, for street. Phone 296F. WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water Wells, the oldest, the largest, the only UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| chased; Investment bonds tor sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. H.C Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence | business gentleman; central. Phone 1904F. very sanitary well drillers in Mrontenac| ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a| osireet. Kingston. V ) bl and Lennox and Addington. The, ¢8rd. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot treet. | somone BOARD ASD Bus Nae, Aohbi. most modern equipment in America. . . 3 » Sor full infopmation writs to" F. J.| UPHOLSTERING_ Ang gancral Tepuiv:| Inssruction rooms, H. Jv. eating, seesonnbie Thich G %0., Colebrook, Ont. ing. Leave orders at or drop a card py : | to F. W. Harold +104 Clergy Sireet. Musical, Dancing Uramatic 44 Brock Street. PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you | | erate. FURNISHED HOUSE-- 7 rooms, cels tral location, comfortable. Rent mods | Telephone 1343w. = 3 rooms, cems comfortably furnished { Apply phone §3w. * = FURNISHED HOUSE traliy located, Moderate rent. HOUSE---At once, new, seven rool Nath large lot and barn on North - red. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 Rd. 7 - 380 ALBERT STREET -- Un furnishes | Apply to Cunninghdm & Suni Clarence Street, Kingston. ithe PRINCESS STREET --& rooms, gas and electric Apply ME Wael! Canada Radiv Stores. Bh, 1207]. om SMALL SHOP -- On Princess 8t » above Barrie; one ¢ room apartment With modern conveniences, heat: one 3 room dwelling over Anderson's, 282 Princess. Imunediate possession. Apply I. Cohen & Company, i 104 bacor STREET (3 pComforta ri Ouse, near City Park A 4 King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Stree : Kingston, Ont. $40.00--23 Division Street 8 rooms, electric i » (furnished), 8 light and Hi ; $35.00--Johnson Street, 7 rooms, furs ° nace, electric light, gas, bathrooms HLT $40.00--215 Stuart Street, 7 rooms, fups nace, electric light, gas, bathroom. Ma See Mullin's for houses to rent. Phone 53%w. Johnson and Division Streets, Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Sale BRICK HOUSE? electric lights, SA nace, well dece near University--§4 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 plece bath, furs a Union Street, at he A BRICK HOUSK~--§ room 8, 3 bedrooms, eidctric lights, gas, 2 piece bath, furs hace, porch, garage for 3 cars with sto \ room overhead, Frontenac--§8,« THREE BUNGALOWS--$2100, $2 - $3000. Good buying. } 2308, HOUBE--On Mack Street. M B. TRUMPOUK 337 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15420 oi DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE---Princess half minute from car line, 3 edna and bathroom In each, ~lectric Jas Sood rentems., $9750 for both, of ,000 singly. 0 Agents. Apply Bex 2-15, Whig Office. pis HOUSES8--One solid brick; one and one brick veneer, west side, locality, all in good condition. ers would Hike quick sale. Terms are" ranged. A y E. Williams, Couper' Street. pp 2 Ou Ladics' Hair Parlor. 2a | er er ---------- LADIES' TRANSFORMATIONS-- Bob-| SHOE REPAIRING--All Rubber heels a specialty; vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner hand work. | efficlent ser- Mont- | Rooms Without Board LL] ROOMS--Comfortably furnished. Every| DAISY JOHNSON--A. T. M., teacher | of Violin and Piano. Pupils prepared for Torunto Conservatory examnina- SEE--Bateman's 4 ads vertisement, So Real Estate page 3, column 1. Dieu on Sunday afternoon of Mrs. BABY" IT CAP--Found, on Clergy| Ctd Curls, switches, gentleman's Wigs,| real and Queen Streets. | tions. Studio: 307 Collingwood 8t,| convenience. Apply 215 University H. Lockwood a former resident of | Strest Woet: Cemer may have same| Ana Chiidrens bon hE curling, Ladies' TE { near Johnson). Phone gavyw, Avenue. Phone 1216J. 150 HOUSES--For s#le in all parts C r ------ c 8 W and 4 C 8. Mrs. Cuti-| UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttdns| the city. Money to loan on 1st rte Westbrook. The deceased had been | 8t 24 Clergy Street West. ningham, 66 Bay Street, Kingston. | made same day as ordered. Upholster- | Live Stock \ | ROOMS--Two beautitalty furnished, | gages. H, B. Wheon Sig Baroni ill only a short time, passing away | CAP--Found, small boy's blug cap, on Insurance 23 Cr Eg 244 tan sen. Ed. Foes! Ey rr I ee, yo a LE ' am Fhode 1088, within a few hours following her wr- | Mack Street. Owner may hive: same 2043F. Be! Dogs, Cats, ets 47] Box K-22, Whig Office, ne b M y applying at c cet. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- | ' rival at the hospital. The late Mrs. M. Crum) ; | HOUND--Black and white fox hound | Lockwood was forty-one years of | CIGARETTE HOLDER--Found, at the| Rc. oa rumley, 420 Ear] Street. Employment ) | "tor deer: thoroughly broken. Apply to| ROOMS < Three unfurnished, _Rent|LOTS--3 valuable bullding lots on the yi g Outer Station on Sunday. Owner may ong 14 | C. Potter, Collin's Bay, r reasonable. Apply to 78 Queen Street.| cormer of Centre and Union Sts, R age and was a Methodist In religion. | pave same at Reid's Shoe Store, 111 INSURANCE--Only the most rellable Help Wanted--Female aa . | 107 three large husken U3 Ste Re es ree o. sptablianed to 1500" ORS: o | EARN--_40.00 ts R300 weekB ihe] 'hvont GUNDS--Deer and fox, also fox Kooms For Housekeeping 00 Bora uous: "Hew 4aVy O : od . A 0 y e. . ¥ * : > FOUNTAIN PEN--Found. Owner may Shaases a Doct sige: #3 pleasant Home tk WAY making | M. Theubuld, 168 King Street. or oop ; have same by applying at 49 Clergy Son 070% | socks on the fast, ehslly learned Auto] ==------r------ i ROOME--Twe th miplotely fur. | pm ASK ABOUT the special ros dig" ¢ Street, or phone 791w. Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 K»titter. Experience unnecessary; dise| Wanted---Live Stock 30 & 1 a nee une Y cen. | count on telephoned Classified ads. T. 8 tance immatertal; positively no can- dished for light housekeeping. cen-| READ the rest of to-day's news in KEY--Found, for Yale lock. Owner vassing. Particulars 3 t traily located, all conveniences. Ap-| the Classified' Ads. . b \ 357| ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and 1 0. Toramp. Dept.| POULTRY--We want your poultry, live| ply Box J-30, Whig Office. = may have same by applying at . 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. Ww Sa ma ca ihe Princess Street. yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, or dressed. Write for price lists. Wal-| ==-- - BUSINKSS SUNRVICK ohnston ar usseil Stree one 2265. " er's, Spadina Ave., Toronto. (Reported by J & Nava, CR Fo RT 24 Russell Street. Phone 2 MAID--For [eteral housework. Apply! 1°FS. Spadina Ave. T or 86 Princess street. Members ol Ie | LIC E- ound, No. et NOT | GENERAL TEAMING-- Plowin, ar.| In the evening to Mrs. C. M. Smith, 179| re ee ey a - Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex-| [ay have same' 'at D. Gailaghers, GENERAL ashes moving: NE gAr-| Stuart Street. Merchandise. Apartments and Fiats 74 \ Kent Macnee . &ood manure for sale. J. Curson, No. MAKE MONEY AT HOM ! a A Bank cl es). 15 to $60 ARTMENT Four roo 11 con- nk of Commerce Bulldin, 5 hanges) ROSARY--Found, on John Street. Own:| 1» Toronto Street. Phone $76m aid weekly for yous vase Tab to 360! Articles For Sale BE AA or ary Jooma, el) von! ( Bahk Of Commerce Bui Toor sem] | \ 3 may have same at 110 Lower Bagot wi Ahew Sards tor ug. No canvassing. | ARMY GOOD Bizts: pands, Droschen W. J. B. White, General Insurance Agency. $a i ree J nstruet a GOODS--8 hy hy hy ', " vo, Montreal. MOVING -- TRUCKING, LOCAL AND| Whst-Ankus satu burs Useith work. | Dhabas, hhats. Teiran kote, BOrsS| APARTMENTS Two six roomed with| | dent Blkmmn isle lies Asef Oct. 22nd, 2 p.m.-- SHOE--Found, child's tan shoe. on Al-| | oo. DISTANCE, R. HENRY. Celborne Bid. Toronto. | blankets, coats, leggings, boots, prices | 4h REFINTE=T piece bath. Large] | +te. Representing catp ry LorElay Abitibi Power. .... .... .. 62% Led street. Owner Apply 367 Alfred ' ts ' NRY, - j-Yery Zeasonayle, A..Shapiro, 45 Prin! house' cn Cherry Strest. suttable fos ales * com. b v es. reet. . AfhigStos .... .... .. . 44 : PHONE 1263W. SERVICE GUARAN- i OnE ieee | two families. Seven roomed house on : a: : . y 3 x - Him Street. Als table, a - ¥ Atlgptic Sugar ... .. . . 156% [SPARE (FIRE AND RIM-- Lost, size! poop YOUNG WOMAN--WITH SOME DRY| ANTIQUES--A carload of old Antique d0Ai0n8 for Tour parr py Staniey St. MERCHANDISE $ a 2: 83x4, Saturday night. Finder please | Furniture arrived. Your inspection Apply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick St Bell Telephone . 7 A... .. .. 1 32 return to Whig Office. Reward. GOODS EXPERIENCE. | invited. Lesses Antique Shop, $07 pply » Norman, 63 St. Brag .... .. .... oo. 425 STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clea ¢ = Sea Fincess Street. Phone ». { FURNISHED APARTMENT-- On the Brampton .... .. .. .... 40% (HIRE Found _arge_gutomoblle fre] and dry. Apply E. B. Wathen, 148] JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. LID, | AWNINGS -- Tents, Automopile Tents,| round floor, three rooms. Also | FURNITURE British Empire Steel Com 5 Right Adpiy Clarke's Garage, torner| Nelson street. Phone 1391) or 618, i | "Peterborough Canoes, Life Savin |B tonal Hat water! | Hereriptions ay Kesson tish oq < King and Princess Streets. = : Jighlons, klags, 'Tarpsuline. © F, W,| Reatns. electric and gas. Apply i able » ji Ee hi hh Bmpire Bivel 2nd pid 10% WRIST WATCH Lost, lady's small a oe fusnithes Sloan ar Help Wanted--Male 00 319 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | Division Street. SrovES" ol "es 2s ae as + -- : and key. Frost's City Storage, 209-| Tm " o { FURNISHED APARTMENT -- Heated. Well, repaired. at a rgint 37 i. " a . ' -- T E Enfield Sporting Rifle, . 1 at Sriea ; Gam Car Com." [1 1 30% | gout hntwgen Sind mes clerey| 35 aloes du" Phone Tac ok adps | FIREMEN ANp ww itor eit Sing, Te | A Conventoitts for ght wousvenss || 1 CanCar pid .. .. .... .. 68 return to this office. = Painting; Papering Decorati 26 | tion?) Write Rallway, Tk. Ap E. Webster, Prop.| N& APPlY 8 . ° : J Can Cement Com 86% " ng | Office. glo-American™Hotel, Kingston. | | ur 8 Els N tase sw aw Ee ---------------------- - : i | HEATED APARTMENT rooms and . = x Can Cement pfd .. .., ... 104 Automobiles MATCHER AND PLANER -- Steady | BRICK-~Harda and soft any /quantity.| attic, very central. Apply Phony som . g C S 0 5 BON PAINTING 1. 8. Robinson, rear MATUHER AND good pay, for good! AP E. Walthem, or Birch After 6 p.m. phone 2473w. PHONE 705. : Cola Ce a 3 ne _~< Automobiles for Sale, 11] 276 Bagot street. matcher and planer. Apply Box &anl end Collingwood Streeds. Phone 618 or! ee Tv a] ban teow ' : == | Whig ce. { = { ces For Remt 75 | - don Stoumship Som . 1% D SEDAN-- Would exchange for Architects 280, FURNITURE Dey adit aitehen cabi.| r Si eams "a se ae hy net, u t an 00OKCAses, stovesan - Don T m py 63 Star or Chevrvlet touring. "Phove 510. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever,| ©» 1 HESS--Apply Hotel Randolph. desica . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Priz-| ND rotmeriy. scouted oy as "% Son DAVIS DRY j Dora Bridge Be Hele vaio» 8215 | -- - - Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of cess street, phone 1600W. Apply to Cunningham & Smith, : 8 cate seine ws 2 i rock an ellington. PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREET ph X edi. i... 08 USED CARS-- Several. Apply Blue $5 INR San .| FUR COAT--Astrachan, size 40, almost Yor Rept n] : I etpult Hust 106 Garage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. Chiropractic 28c¢. DO ing CAKD m------ Dok, Sree; Fro. dn Cesachen. mize 40, mast . § Gen Electric .. .. .. .,.. " ~ dally. Experience or capital unneces. | 3nd 2 Navy Blue Suits and other 35 ACRES--On Perth Road, four miles | x Laurentide .. .... ....\. 91 MARCELIS--Wm; A, D.C, Ph. C.. eor-i sary. Bradley Company, Brantford clothing. Apply 168 Division Street. | from Kington: good outbuildings; al- | 2 1 ki t Montreal Cotton .. 108 : . Jor Princess ogre HG Ont. | Gor Your Repairs and Separator Oil] 50 800d well on property. For fur-| | yh o5 2b X Was of Shching pane we wired , J ! | Your . Mdutreal Power .. .. .... 120% Ont. Consultation free. Telephone | { for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte Montieal Street rnd ed promptly. Hy Loan. 113% eee LL i T D. : Bl il Steam RE i tron &. Won: SERRE East End, Wellington Street. | National Breweries; Com ... 53% LUCY Drs G. F. aaa Jenie A. Chiro. o-Lay s under } Ageney, o h ADEE and 1:33 in the Classes ractic Specialists an egistered | | GARAGES Galvanised Steel or Wood, ur 2 Nations) Brewerles pfd .. . o % DODGE. COUPE, 1923 urse, 239 Bagot Surat, oEhone Sw. | Corrected ' Steel Truss Barns and other buildings, 5 ~ Fea seer se seve. = o : 9- Jm., R 01. oofing, nge, ete. 3 pr a RR er -------- COCR) hy day and other hours by ap- ent for M. 8. & 8. Co. 345 Al- 5 Ottawa Power .... .. ... 81 Almost . with spare tire and| D.m. Sun Pp 3 mee, 48 or : Ont. Stee) Produets .. .. . 41 tube, ont Staiger, Non mirror, ointment. Consultation free. (See Illustration on Page 10.) fred Street. Phone 2292w. / . La : = i . 4 | wind shield wiper and other convenient Dental 8d. HALL HEATER---Famous; in very fine GG P h ta Ph Frice Bros. .... .. Br 31% accessories. P Y While it is true that Some cus-| "condition. Price $10. A snap. Apply enuine oca on S Quebec Power on "rae a $e sparks & SPARKS -- Dentista, 159 tomers demand too much of a| to 109% York Street. 3 Spanish River Com .. . .. ' ° ngton street, corner Brock. | clerk's time, they are entitled to the S k ] 2 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -- Gas { oal 5 Spanish River pfd .. .. .. 98% Boyd S Garage Phone 34%. privilege of satisfying their decision| stove, square Rosewood Plano, very mo e Css f : Smelters .... vs roe vo 2363 KNAPP--Dr, A. B, tier. Office: 268 before buying. A second customer] I°3SODable. ply phone 2160w. After 'a . Shawini 11713 | 129 Brock Street. i Phone 201w| Princess Street. Phone 653w. i : 6 p.m. phone 2473w, . BAD oo ceay ees TUT evenings by appointment. ~~ ve" |trying to demand the clerk's atten. eee Large Nut size . . . . . . $14.00 per ton Steel of Canada ... ., .. 65% tion only distracts the clerk, wno, to PHONOGRAPE. Melagan, used six . ; TWIR CIY +.ri sore wiv. 68 HONE OF TEED CARD po HOUSEHOLD woods at exceptionsi| be courteous, must try to. fe ins Hanis, shige crib white] For Stove or Furnace. Wayagamack .... .... ... 38% rd Coupe, late m Ads. thi at once. sonable to quick buyer. Apply 73 ' % Ford C fied If the proper atten- Si . fa . McLaughlin' Six Touring. IT WILL not take long to find what! tion is not i Seag Street. . v . . GRA A Studebaker Truck. you want if you 'watch the Classified) On 18 not received, the floorwalker mes wi t & ) ; mer. Ca New Yuk: 93% Vast arts ARTIC FOR SALE" | h SF some vhs I authority, should be AGENTS find many new opportuni- a *y N 3 A Bey ol de ela par! - 5 ©" Is a haven! appealed to t get - } Ads. 3 'Baldwin Loco. .. .... (vr. M7 CRAMER AUTO SALVAGE, for thrifty 'buyers in. the Classified |! Slog 4 B 4SL.the ropes serv.) Hed In She oipiled Ads Cc sattied Foot of Johnson Street - or. Bagot a ueen Streets. A Ads. B. BE lve ! pe Cosdan OR .... «ios va vs California Pete .... Cora Products .. "a eva/ = CBR. ..vscin wo vs ab fh Crucible Steel .... .. .. .. 5%; Cuban Cane Sugar Com .. .. 11 iE Gen, Balt v... Jo De WET 5 RET Lar GAT & Kelley Springfield .. .... .+ 22% x OFF... 0 iii M otors .... .... ..; 72% Mi Off ..ve ...... "or 22 NEGO ........... ns : 4 NewHaven .. ... ..... #1 PaclliaNOR ...-vvov oak 37% ' Pete .. sre odo DBT Pete "B" wv 523% & Refiners .. .. 21% ele uiny leet ae SE Sasa savs av ive ae B38 Saf ase save OC 32R va wes wektiag RARE BE vos ens, | Sees lansy ys re

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