MONDAY, OCTOBER ' 22, 102s. ~TIRE SALE FORD TIRES--30x33. Neon, *8.75 | Cords *13.45 Every other size in stock reduced. See us before buying Tires. We have What you want at the prices you want to pay. ~~ MOORE'S TIRES--FOOTBALLS--TOYS A full range of Hallow' een favors, Masks and False Faces. «HE DAILY BRITISH AN ORDINATION SERVE ARVEST SERVICES HELD Held by the Standard Ohurch In St. George's Oathedral on| ~--Four Probation Students Sunday--Bishop of Kee- Are Ordained. watin Preached. Four probation students of the Harvest Thanksgiving services | Etandard Church of America were | were held in St. George's cathedral duly ordained into the ministry of on Sunday, the Dean of Ontario he- that church at the special services| ing the celebrant at the eight o'clock held in the Garden Hall on Sunday Eucharist and the Bishep of Ontario morning. The ceremony, which con- {at eleven o'clock when Redheads. cluded the several sessions of the an- devotional office for the Holy Com- nual Kingston conference of the | munion was beautifully sung. The church, was conducted by Rev. G. L. | soloists were C. B. 8. Harvey, Ev- Monohan, conference president, and | ton Warburton and Arnold Fa:r. there was a good attendance of the | The anthem "Ye 'shall Go Forth with local congregation. Joy" (Barnaby) was very fine. The four ordained ministers were Jbe preacher was the Eishop of as follows: Rev. R. C. Crozier, Ar- | K{ewatin, who reminded his hearers undel, Que.; Rev. Willlam Wager, | that they met in the house of God Brockville; Rev, George Rhodes, |to giva thanks for the bountifn! har- Onslow Corners, Que.; and Rev. John | yest ag they met there at Bogiontide Johnson, Brockville. These students | 44 pray for His bles<'ng on the seed { have been preaching during the past | then being sown. Ths prayer "Give |twWo years on their probatibnary | ue. this day our daily bread" was terms, and they have now received on the lips of many people and in the call to the higher service of their the hearts of others who expressed church. it by honest effort and in the faith. | Rev. Mr. Monohan outlined the in the promise that '"'seed-time and | privileges of service to the Standard | napyest shall not cease" But we j Church and remarked that he was |peeq 100d for more than the body. | confident that the four candidates We have a three-fold nature. Body, | would live up to the best traditions soul and spirit. How does God | of their calling. He sketched the provide for the needs of our com- f growen of the church and promised plex nature? He usés men to sup- the congregation that it would con-| 1 en's needs. Very beautifully R tinue to grow and prosper during the (14 Bishop described the multitude years to come. on the shores of Galilee being. fed The Sunday evening services were by the Christ who answered the dis- conducted by Evangelist Eva James, | i 100 request that they be sent Montreal, and her plea for religious | pono by the order to bid them sit demonstrations was received with | .p0 grass and to find food {for real feeling by her audience. Evan- them. When the #fseiples had done gelist James, a noted woman speak- | p01 yoy" 1g multiplied the loaves eT, came to the city for the ordina-|, 4 apes io meet the need and said, ton services and her address Was .gyyy'vg'smpgin to Mat™ That hug supported by several local speakers. always been the Lord's pian. He St ------------------------ sends men from many lands to oul- BON FIRE STARTED tivate the great wheat fields of the AFTER QUEEN'S VICTORY | west, men to carry the food to feed < the world. He sends teachers in on Given a Call to Exe|f0hools and colleges to feed men's Con POLO CLOTH-- you imagine a more youthful coat (JF minds and others he commissions to Pure Wool Polo Cloth--the goods to make warm Coats for jn Persian Lams $hon this wide] tinted I Bes Prinses STE a hate an Winter wear--full 56 inches wide. Colors are White, Light with Cray Squirrel or Australian Opossum. Street. gering g g b i i trations of their church in the far Blue, Rose, Heather, Brown, Fawn, Grey, Black. Note the igh Parisian Collar, soft and light Some enthusiastic football fans |Dlaces of the world. Priced at end REY, Ne, oy od $2.50 against the face and the new Mandarin started a bon frq on Princess street | The bishop spoke of the tiny between Montreal and Bagot streets, | churches in his northern diocese, to 3 sleeves trimmed: with bands of the same late A (autionu, 1a Renee "ich eR Same jijes Jor ihe ser VELOUR COATINGS -- x 3 : " ctory ov 3 ' : : fur. This coat may be trimmed with any ot ses 8 Vigtors vat "Vary. | onte, tip Suse Srowdey asd Bus, All Wool Velour Coatings i356 inches wide Tis nates fur You desire nC nes of the garment a lovely Coat for Winter that will be warm and at the same are perfect. The quality of the fur, excel- time not too heavy. All the popular shades to show you. Jet; 45 inches in length. At ....cooiiiiii iil h..t $3.00 and $3.75 yard it | lear anything about long services Sent le 0 vo lopart sient al there," said the bishop, "the services from the fire, but the: firemen soon | Jast nearly all day when I go--con- had: it extinguished. firmation, holy communion and a PLAID BACK COATINGS-- Extra heavy, pure wool Coatings in pretty Heather mix- tures with a Plaid Back for lining. This will make an ex- ceedingly warm and stylish Coat--priced at $3.75 per yard A chimney fire at the home of |Sermon--and no one wants to go FUR CLOTH and FANCY COATINGS reasonabl priced. Miss Whitehead, 114 Lower Bagot | bome. My problem is to provide - street, gave the firemen a run at | food for the men who minister to the The Dry Goods and House F urnishings Store ' SPECIAL PRICES ON FLOOR RUGS THE NEWEST COATINGS AT POPULAR PRICES BLANKET CLOTH- All Wool Blanket Cloth--56 inches wide, in best shades of Reindeer, Fawn, Copen Blue, Brown, Grey and Heather. Pricedat,..............." $1.50 yard ng Cufis on your present Coat similar te this fashionable style in Your inspection Invited. PERSIAN LAMB Manufacturers roon on Saturday. scttlers and bring them the food they Fo Inpene At 11.50 o'clock Saturday night, | crave for their souls." Mass &7 Joba McKay Limited KINGST the firemen were given another run| Rev. T. W. Bavary, rector of St to the foot f Brock street, when an | James' church, was the preacher at esuto owned by Leo Gallagher suf-|e¢vensong, and his sermon showed fered slight damage. Christ as the heavenly sower who 'ON, CANADA waits with patiemcs for. the natural growth of the seed till the harvest of TALKED ON S118810NS. the world is ripe when He sends His ------ angels with sickles to gather the Laymen Filled Methodist Pulpits on| wheat into the barns. Sunday. The cathedral was suitably decor- Irwin Hillard, Morrisburg, gave|ated with grain, grapes and flowers. very practical addresses on the mis- slonary work of the Methodist » ----y church in Sydenham and Queen PURE HONEY Street Methodist churches on Sun- | HELP THE JAPANESE ! day. He spoke with knowledge of|} a the work in the foreign and home Another shipment of pure ||fields. In Canada the churches were] The Kingston Branch of the Ca- Clover Honey, excellent quality |{|seeking to convey the gospel to the|DNadian Red Cross Society is continu- Sab pall oi Seeds Te outskirts of civilization and to as-| ing its appeal for funds for the Ja- similate the great foreign popula-| Danese. It is hoped that citizens who tions in the north-west. The cause| lave not yet contributed to the fund, W DA was worthy of the support of every|2nd who would like to help, will lover of Canada. send in their contributions as soon | Choice and finest quality Mr. Hilliard is a lawyer, a loyal| 2s Possible. On Monday the follow- wo fi 8 lbs. 25c. | Pork Sausage (daily), ib. 25c. Large Grape Fruit . .3 for 25¢. K odeh on the Hunt There could be no more in- teresting trophies of the trip ' than clear, clean-cut pictures =="the kind a KODAK makes. Any Kodak is compact carry. Some are small enough to wear. "LOOK! Regular $8.00 and $9.00 Hats SELLING AT .. $6.00 Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET Mullin's Real Estate News $1100 EACH--To close an $2500 --York Street, an estate we are offering eight room frame three frame bungalows on cement dwelling, in church worker and has a son and|in€ additional subscriptions were foundations, 4 rooms each aud € good condition daughter in the foreign flelds. He | received: toflet. $200 cash. Balance on | "ith extra lot and stable, was heard with interest as he had a| N. A. McArtbur, Three Riv. time. Rent for $12.00 per month | $200 cash. Balance on time, pointed, inspiring message to de- _ ers, Que. .. .. .. ....$5.00 forepart of this week, in the custody each. AUTOGRAPHIC KODAKS liver. Yours. Truly, .. 4,00 40 +0 LOD of two special constables. It may --Collingwood Street, $2250 --King Street West, In Princess street church Elmer TE --, be that Sidney Murrell wiil come $3600 frame dwelling 8 detached dwelling, Davis disclosed the missionary ac-| Murrell and Willlams May down to the "pen" at the same time, rooms, all improvements, togeth- | With 7 rooms, B. agd C., elec- complishments and the need for Be Brought to Penitentiary | as a report from Londen states that er with extra lot 54 fet frout. | tric lights. Easy terms if de- . 280. earnest support. he is likely to be sentenced for bur- All for above price. sired. It Is expected that Henry Jack |glary in that city. It is stated that $6.50 up Save the Difference. both Murrell and Willlams are two Kippered Snacks . Castile Soap (bath size) Fire Insurance, Rents collected. Money to loan. Phone 539w. Johnson and Division Streets, MAHOOD H : | (8lim) Willams, who wes taken Te tontod-prisoners singe : Il ROLES from the Portsmouth penitentiary to | of the most con Dru. Co. Led. | 9 IN MARINE 0} i London, and charged with murder, | they were given a lease of their life rug . . en H along with Sidney Murrell, will be | by the jury who disagreed upon a Corner Princess and Bagot Sts, CASH AND CARRY The steamer City of Ottawa arriv.| brought back to the penitentiary the | verdict. "He 5" "*I"ITS TIME FOR FURS Sunday night and cleared for Mont. real with packege freight. The steamer McKinstry cleared We Are Showing Beautiful, Smart, Fur Coats of Hudson Seal and Persian Lamb. for Port Colborne on Monday morn- "It pays to pay for quality" and in the Fur Coats we make we The Man who looks for quality will be pleased with our ase "Hats--Men's Furnishings--F urs" od for Oswego on Sunday afternoan. and pattern endors- Slowsy curl, made of all Lamb or combined with months, and High cuts for later months. A visit 6 our store OUR PRICES = See Our Shirts Clarmont arrived] . . Mink, Beaver, Seal, Sable, ote. will bo worth your while. Just now we are featuring genuine ed by fashion is as In English Broad- trom Fort William on Sunday and : : . y : ' Calfskin Boots in all styles, "Martin quality," of course, at $6.00, hee" ===E HUDSON SEAL COATS ship and are about the same as present whole The st Buepavista arrived from RE Sunday rd clear- ed for Pioton to load apples. do th, English 7 ia. wloading at Richardson's eleva- (|| use omly WHY Migheht grade pel, In our hyr and other PERSIAN LAMB COATS sortment of footwear for the Fall season, and the prices are ; not teo high. "The quality is higher than the price." ; > which we buy direct from the trappers, in all UNDERWEAR than others ask, it is because our quality is " JUST ISSUED ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1923 Edition Limited supply. [Pfee . .-...... 39c¢. The steamer Suste Chipman clear- cloths. Every color we use the cholcest crown skins of rich, even, © We have a complete line of OXFORDS for "STETSON SHOES"--MARTIN QUALITY SHOES" superior. ONE 9190,