EB -------- | THE BRITISH WHIG| 90TH YEAR. inh Daily and Semi-Weekly by BRITIS WHIG PUBLISHING CO., LIMITED Gs Elliott ..., "seus A. Gulla , Editor and > naging-Director - eat BLEPHONE all Privat, o nge, connecting SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) ( One year, by mail, cash ... . OBe year, to United States ..... $300 F-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: Onlder, 22 St. John St, Montreal W. Thompson 100 King St. W., ¥ to. Letters te the Editor are published her" the mctusl mame of the BUYING IN KINGSTON. There is no statement more falla- clous 'han this: "You can buy eheap- er out of town." Yet it surely is hot | uncommon in Kingston. Every tg and city has its population of mail rder and oui-of-town buyers, but fortunately for ' the home-town merchants, the home-town itself and the residents in that town, the xo position of our-of-town buyers never large. There may be instances where there have been apparent economies through buying away from home, but how do the books balance at the final reckoning? If the purchases bave been made by mail, what say- ing is left after the time, postage and carrying charges are deducted? Is the railroad added to the shopping expenses on those bargain. hunting excursions to the nearby city or larger town? Ig there no also a value In dollars and cents for the worry, delay and disappointment that/is inevitable in mall order buy- in ere is an unselfish community de of this buying-at-home question o0/ Which cannot be ignored by the good citizen. People who believe In Kingston ifiust believe in its merch- ants, who are an integral part of the city. Buying-at-home serves a doub- le purpose. When People way at home, through their buying the hometown merchants prosper, thes town proepers because of the pros- the (fun was over and the landlord | got/ down to busindss. it was early | motning of Nov. 1st. | Probably this is =fy the first of | the month is rent-pay'ng day." in- { stead of the 15th or aay other date | that would be just as logical. Time was when Hal'owe'en was less a aight of deviltry and more a nighit'ot hospitality, good fellowship. Toaring fireplaces, good things to eat and drink, and delightful supersti- ton such as walking down cellar stairs backward, carrying a candle and a migor, in which "her" future busband's face might appear. The world has not enough of hos- pitality and poodfellowship. Let's the night of witches and goblins jovial as well as prankful, A ----_------ A REGRETTABLE TENDENCY, Boston Globe College football has been progress- ing steadily toward the line which distinguishes amateur from profes- sional sport. In its elelmental stage, amateur sport is simply a friendly game, without much importance at- taching to vic or defeat. When to a point where portant that train- far as possible to , an amateur sport ptoms of pro- fessionalism. Football teams ips the big colleges are now elaborately and expensively trained and coached. The quarterback of the big college THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG revive it, this Hallowe'en, and make | {the trouble, or whether it is simply = : | By James W, Barton, M.D, ---- That Tendency Toward Gout. Perhaps one of your parents be- | eides the good things passed on to] You, bequeathed you also a tendency toward gout. a Any little "straying from the | straight and narrow path of an or- dinary diet, has brought upon you the terrible symptoms of Gout. Perhaps it is just in your big toe, 88 it joins the bome on sole of the foot. You see the nerves in the region | get actually inflamed just like the nerve in a tooth, so you can under- | stand the pain all right. | It may of course attack other | Joints of foot and hands, or even | the larger joints. | Now while there are many argn- ments as to wheother it is an excess of uric acid in the blocd that causes that the kidneys do not throw off as much as they should, these need nat concern you. The thing that does concern you is that a part of your body is not do- PT Er ---- Attached ls ome of the beat Job . eleven enters the fleld of battle Printing offices in Canada. perity of the merchants; public im- (thanks to a thorough scouting | P8 its work properly. SEE BIBBY'S RITZ SUITS at $35.00 Handtailored, fine, English Cheviots and Worsteds, BIBBY'S PIN MONEY PICKLES SWEET MIXED SWEET CHOW CHOW SWEET WALNUTS SWEET CAULIFLOWER Two sizes --35 and 60 cents, Jas. REDDEN & CO, v0, PHONES 20 and + | Provements follow municipal pros- That part is the kidneys. ! system) prepared to exploit the The circulation of THE BRITISH || perity, and the public benefits from weaknesses of his Those kidnevs of yours have in- opponents, just a | £ WHIG is authenticated by the the public improvements, Can any- | ag the big league pitcher knows the | herited a certain weakness. That | CAMBRIDGE OVERCOATS # ABO body afford to trade . away from shortcoming of every opposing bat- | Weakness is in their lack of ability at $35 00 or wastes from meat, particularly | ® * Of gotting what they want at home rt -- the glandular theats such as Hver, | Finel tailored all wool mn and at as good or better priceg than kidney, sweetbreads and so forth. . y . 1 } Ta phitids Just an epigram the somo goods cost away trom An What Shout the oar Irish and English pure wool CR MONEY % ard Nik neys too much work to do they wiil | + supreme o th | the merchants will not stop buyin throw off the wastes without any | g 3 #re adversity and hash, for you, AT WORK trouble, id Your first thought then, is not thn } ; Sr o-- ------------ *" Ofvilisation is just a slow process KICKS AND KICKERS y ? . Brief but I t Le 1 rery 9 A ticu- Of multiplying necessities, A recently published dictionary| Fiasmen kets, Stockn: Boas: | ® Very small quantity daily. particu ; Ee -- and Ynvestments larly if you are lying in the Lousa | boasts of having 400,000 words. be- i The excuse, "detained by busi- tween A and Z of its alphabetical getting no exercise. -- abetical or- T : E The idea that there should be a American war, citrous orchards were set indeed, each word possibly in use good, well cooked, nourishing food. v . deceits, ly ertile and has a wonderful li : day in and day out and h d Eggs are absolutely safe and keep | ertwl climate NEW ISSUR Religion has failed of its purpose y y each wor . : wy Ninety-five per cent. of its surface is a 15 oniy-a means to bigoted opin. enjoying the acquaintanceship of up the streng A oh ter is | "ed by individual Americans and 3 2 } some companiable human. But how. iy a rdlanry Plain water is ger. half the total population is Province of Ontario fons, e 'nglish-speaking. American CT -------- . - - The best guides we have known [Universally or anywhere near univer- Good food, but with tho meat at a Seurelies, Shocls, She. S0¢ "se sun Are experts in hunting everything | 41 known? An astonishing few , 3 minimum an rand autos spinniag over ex- : 4 cellent roads and farm machinery 0 except a bath tub, in this country, but if no other thers And the next step? clangi in fel a ; + ' is one that can truthfully lay claim Outdoor exercise whenever and . ng. away eld and orchard give an American atmosphere. BONDS Due 15th October, 1948 PRICE 98 AND INTEREST SEE BIBBY'S Audit B of Ct home when there is always a means | ter. Boston Globe. to handle blood rich in the products Well, if you do not give the kid- Coating Keeping on buying at home ang . total elimination of meat, but taking] mess," also covers a multitude ot y der. A tremendous number of words starvation diet is wrong. You need developed there. The island ts very . ' many of these 400,000 words are A So your first thought is fool. --y A well-trained child Is one that | to universality, wherever possible. femembers to use the batter knife| It is the word "kicks," a diminu- Btweey "Ws JENS HY and bulld | Two of the Hieavats on the mam when there are guests, tive word indeed. Of four letters by up a body, including kidneys, tha moth liner Leviathan are equipped actual count unless in the prevalent TAILOR. IS will give the old gout BOI JHE | with completly aaa are o Each By the time Europe gets around to | Plural. Like most English words, its SHORT" on Seine en Jou fse thougnt, | Oat 1s 35 feet long and fs driven Pommunism it won't be very difficult | Uses and definitions are many and as always, 'ls c the intestina!|PY 8 75-horsepower engine. Tho T J Lockhart . ta divide what is left. diversified, but its universality ex- UNTIL SUIT fushed out. It good start for) Vireless antenna are 3( feet long ® We H. { fi. » - tends to only one of these, le, to a erry hg with a natural wave of {70 meters, 58 BROCK ST., KINGSTON o . rontenac And eo daylight robberies are in. | "object strenuously, to raise a howl, IS MADE Exercise that induces perspiration The lnshoate will hy es \ ion Phones 322J and 1797J. Kingston's ote. ng. Well, umpires 'must do | to eomplaiy, protest, and vociferate is perhaps your out alunite aid.in experiment ies Success Many hing to keep in form. against," and so on ad Infinitum. preventing attacks of gou more liners may be eqquipped in In other and fewer words "kick-| The. difference between an ordin- : --_-- similar manner. -- i _ Ome reason why it is hard to pay [ing" is about the only thing human- ary mie a hors, ale ia ODD FACTS. - gtor bills is because the tank [ity is unanimous fn. Every last ani. | ® difference in time YOry, There are two islands called the| Disasters duo to earthquakes ang x3 ", runaj h One-Baif block from Ralioay Stations and Steamboat Landings, J. A. nUGnRs, filling once in a while, Short selling is merely contract- "Isle of Pines." Ome is a French volcanic eruptions have had heavy death rolls, among the worst up to 1521 being that of Lisbon, 40,000 dead, in 17565; Martinique, 40000 dead, in 1902; Messina and Cala- bria, 120,000 dead, in 1906, and Vera Cruz, 4,000 dead, in 1920, ------ ns : alien may prove a blessing. the Indian had restricted immigra- he wouldn't have any oil wells, : ------------ 'Correct this sentence: "Don't about me," said Dad; "this mal vocally esuipped to distinguish itself from other animals by the word "dumb" is inoculated with some pet kick, or a dozen of them{} more probably. Everybody, barring dead ones, is kicking in slumber, before, after and during each meal, while at play and while shirking ing to sell something which you do bot have at the time of the sale. A tailor sells short when he agrees to make a suit of clothes. He has no sult and must make one or other- wise obtain one before he can make delivery, In stock market operations it is prison colony southeast of New Cale- donia and the other is a famous va- cation resort south of Cuba. The letter island belongs to Cuba, and is the source of many grapefruits. The small isle was shunned for some time after its discovery by Columbus Lecause it became infested with Ca- -- It is a mad world; but, if there be foat is goon emough for any- | more useful and fruttful work. pecemary to deliver the stock by ribbean pirates. Later, under Span- anything certain to be predicted of We have just received » » The divine pessimist, Arthur|2 Pm. on the day following the ish rule in Cuba, it led a sleepy, !the human creature, it is that, in large consignment direct from ---- Schopenhauer, once said that opti-| Making of the short sale. Hence isolated existence and was used for | the long run, the man with the bet- Holland. These are beautiful, Early to bed may be a good plan, | mism is the last stage of insanity, Yitaaye 8 short sale of stock is Spanish convict settlements. Most | ter brain will always govern the man | sound Bulbs, and are surprig- you'll notice that the only bird but it has never been found where fade, the seller borrows it trom a of the prisonors sent there were per- | with the worse, and that no number . Ingly low in price, With a reputation as a wise guy is |p id or wrote that it 1s the third party and delivers the stock to sons who had plotted the overthrow | of revolutions, nor any amount of 3 m--- For Spring blossoming {n ih owl, . e Ver anid or o 3 the buyer. Later, the borrower must of Spanisa rule in Cuba. During | slaughter, short of annihilation of | unwelcome but certainly immutable the garden, or fragrance and : bounden duty of every pessimist 80 Into the market and buy the same American control, after the Spanish- | the species, can upeet tiis perhaps 'law.--The Hon. John Fortescue, color in the home during the -------------- ---- ---------- winter months, plant some of : many varieties which we have and which AY0 80 easily « -------- (kicker) to proclaim his pessimism | kind of gtook again in order to re- Our old-fashioned opinion is that (kicks) to the world. turn what he has borrowed. oro WADBIOF. when - the¥ | 'yuq fiimitable kicks forbid ecu-| Just how this operation is carried d In God instead of consulting meration or classification, but pick-| out Will be explained here tomorrow, | lawyer, ed at random a few of the most er Come in and see the different AUTUMN SPLENDOR. A a---- fashi 1 d lar are those of varieties, pin 4 rule youd ean Judge the depts | "tlopéble and popular are th labor | Jénnle Lind Allen, Old Orchard, Me. A nation's distress by the number and of labor against the slavery and Woods aglow with autumn splendor You can arrange nc, "doss floating on #he. sur-|;o, Roelof capital or thr 1d Paths adorned in brilliant bom" . . . 3 now to re=invest h against the food profiteer and tax Rustling, tumbling woodland beau- E S---- burdening public official and of the ties, 'There was no class consciousness landlord's tenant against the rent| All about to greet our view, N ovember f unds the wife of the boss took her profiteer, of the reformsre and cala- : and called on the wite of the | mity howlers against licentiousness, Sicatul, Bayt in le a, "immorality and new thought and of risking here and whirling there; the wine-weaned and '"rail-birds"|G0Men, gleaming aptumn splendor, against the reformers and the prohi- Beautitul beyond compare. bitionists, the shalt-notters in gener- As we watch you in your antics, al, of the political party out of pow- Backward memory takes a turn er against the malfeasance and in- To the days of happy childhood, competency of the party in power.| And our hearts for old scenes Kicks are one thing fognd without yearn. seeking. Humble and abject apologies for Whes we gathered you as treasures, this "kick" against the "kickers." |, F1°4Ping high our goiden store, Searching out your glowing colors, ; ------------------ Looking yet for more and more. | HALLOWE'EN NIGHT MISCHIEF, Hallowe'en, when it started far|Autumn leaves your golden glory back in the mists of time, was the Daye kens memory to recall night when evil aririts were suppos-| *)° Of inn On November 1st more than $100,000,000 of principal and $37,000,000 in interest will be paid to holders of Dominion of Canada bonds. As these funds will be available for re-invest- ment, the demand for high-grade bonds will be keen. We therefore suggest that you ar- range now for re-investment of November funds in order to obtain the present attract- ive offeritigs. We particularly draw attention to the new Province of Ontario 25-year 5% bonds at 98 interest, yielding 4%. ' au M% F all the treats that ed 10 flock out of hiding places and They ean be converted into cash at any time YoRtd oo sy day. in- roam the earth, marauding and de- High Everywhere. without delay, because with the poasible isfaction there never was a ry -- ws ae Ba exception of Victory bonds, no security in more comfortable entertain- i t devised After many centrules a ae de : Canada possesses so wide a market. Men than heat. work of the evi! spirits inherited and This is the place where you ably handled by Willie, Tom, Pat We will be glad to accept now orders for these can buy solid comfort by the 20d the Keak of tae Jouthtul "gang." bonds for delivery on of after November 1st. ylelivered -by She dock, yo Mail your order or call at 36 King Street Wes, ™ Toromto. Telephone Main 4280, en | Crawford PHONE ». QUEEN 8ST, Nothing has such power to broad. en the mind as the ability to inves. tigate systematically and truly all that comes undar they observation in Aurelius, .