Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1923, p. 15

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a a Rega Readers Of This Section Are Saving And Making Money Continually | 3 * moxvax, xovewmen 19, 1008. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG dy ap 15 A : ! Business Services Merchandise Real Estate For Rent CPOR The British Whig | : = he British Whig : _-- smog | SPORTING NEWS KINGSTON, ONT. \ | Usteopathy 28g. | Articles for Sale. ! Apartments and Flats 74 . . . | ov - { > 3 z RTISING, OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates | COLUMBIA B. PHONOGRAPH--ANd 50| APARTMENT --Four rooms, all ocon- RUE CLASSIFIED ADVE: oo lac | In Systematic Organization | Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204| records (100 selections), your own | venignces; hot water heating. Apply Batstone Stays With Queen's. Indexed, standardized and popu King Street. Phone 447 for appoint-| choice, $60. Easy terms arranged. C.| W. B. White, 2 t cic ized according to ment. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St.| : The sporting editor of thie ricted to their | APARTMENTS--Two six roomed, with a All ads. are restricte 29 | Ty Ah BINT Se fgnto Globe in an article Propet slausification, and is hoy ere S ! Repairing COKE--$10 ton, 2 and 3 ton lots. | figiia, 3 ree Discs ath aise wi rexgu Dail, hig avy o . 35c. extra ixed Cordwo or § s, | . le iid: Rumors Spiked. by } » CLASSIFIED RATES ' | FURNITURE FINISHING--Of ali kinds.| $12.00 cubic cord or sawed in one foot | Iwo families. Seven roomed house on Batstone," says: Daily rate per liue or consecutive It would be a very foolish general who dismissed his Call and se Yi oh #3 John lengths, making 4 single Sorad a Elm Street 1315, 2 fable, ace mos "Fidrry Batstone, who on Satur- Jasertions: army upon the eve of battle and endeavored to win the street. one . i 34.25, ue Ani single word § B38: Or M1 Ahutns for) ra eaiakey St " day showed that he is the best back- Minimum charge, 26 cents. conflict alone. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- BR ie 2440W. 290 Wellington, corner AP ART Farre : v ~ ' . | . hs | ne Strée 7 C 3 4 ENT--Fur 5 field player in senior football, stat- baniy rates per line. Charge Cash The individual soldiers are the units that make up Suse; wor es TaLar Jrop a Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. NT rum Sieg Stee Dright ed definitely last night that he will > dae 5 the organized force with which the commanding general - | ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE -- Dark| keeping, suitable for martied counts return to Queen's University next 1 cuy : +. 8 @ carries out his plan of battle. Each unit must be in its UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repair-| bio" latest model. First class condi-| Without children. Apply 236 Barrie : 2 Leains-- charged, place, equipped. trained and prepared to do its part. ing. Leave orders at or drop & eard| (jon. Apply Box K-19, Whig Office Street. fall and 'again in 1925. Batstone fs | oot Cle Ee arr ingen, . "1 to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. | ~ will Lob; © 00, { The A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig is an { : | CEDAR POSTS--AIl sizes; also quan-| UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Unie taking the commerce course and $i.0U; cash, $1.00, ng 3 "army" composed of platoons, companies and battal- | SHOE REPAIRING--AIll hand work. | 3. of "oh poles, .and small cedar| versity Avenue, near Johnson. Five Card of Yuanss and Memoriam | A complete it. He 1s one of the brain- Notices , $4.50; ensn, $1.0 3 . Rubber heels a speciaity; efficient ser-| © "¢ "7UE FE Also telephone] and six roomed apartments. Well pl uv --Lnsiged, $i foas of opportunity ads which are systematically organ vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont-| oie ee Tanta Ets Drone _eauipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. v 4 a acu insertion. | % oa men ¥ho Sve; ied bebe : A iuuen., for ifreguisc. «zed and maishalled into easily found classincations. real and Queen Sireets. | er's Mills, Ont = mes = n . - - . Places Noon of playing on 'championship Joss iens inns the Shp Limy yer 3 They are yours to command! UPHOLSTERING '-- Covered buttons | GET--Your Repairs and Separator Oil or Reat EL y p tbe Be Dbigzest Lams of four lines. Make your plans for the day's battle, then call this made same day as ordered. Upholster-| "tr (he De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte TODGE ROOMS--Rooms on Kine strom teams, his playing being the bigg Count six averugu words to the opportunity army before you. Give each soldier a chance ing at Tsasonable piven. EJ. good. | Cream Separators at i'rost & Wood| formerly occupied by the LOOM factor In their success. line. x to do his bit every day. Hag, 244 Diversity Avenus, | Agency. 236 Ontario Street. Apply to Cunningham & Sraith. Charged ads. will be :eceived by y : The former Argonaut player was | JiEsl ade will be enol ed nr You will have more than a fighting chance in life's slightly injured on Saturday, bub ri Whig Uflice wituig 6 days from : battle, if you ewbrace the opportunities which the A-B-C ; di- e [ral day of inservon, cash rae Cla. ac ; ai Rates Sat he mm be Tout com Wl be aliowed. ssified Ads piace beture you daily. Help Wanteu--remanle 323 on for m 4 8. ordered ror more than one day & : - { : 'ers. Queerps plan 10 use him as one and stopped before expiration iil { » THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS EARN--3$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the HARDWOOD, -- Jiixed_ woud, mixed) . oF : r ) : . | , 80 avs, 0 : heir hcorers in future. Until the | {image tnituised for the number of ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE pleasant Home Work way making| D8, > Lo mime, saingics 34u0 thou: | FOR SALE OR FOR RENT--431 Johns ot the ines the ad. appenred and adj 1 socks on the fast, easily learned Auto|, Are pais Jung w.| Son Street, § rooms, frame. Rent $18, Experience unnecessary; dis-| S&ud; rougn iQwoer, cups Siding. in ad¢ance. Apply J.B. Cooke. Phones 8L Argos he was ven ment made al the rate earned. es VELEN. Tx : : socks or i game against g! gl Rate per llue for white space is | ALWAYS DIFFEKENT--IN OPPORTUNITY tance immaterial; positively no can.| H. Waibo. vara Concession sireet,| in Rd(ance. Apply Ln Dept, | hear Division. hone 230iWwW. fittle opportunity to carry the ball Lhe same us a ling of type, 9 vassing. Particulars sc. stamp ili scial 2 y n i > 8 4 i mmmemanon TEBE when within hailing distance of the Spec a) Site Tor Jeéarly advertising | | 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. HIGHEST PRICES -- Paid for old wal. HM 1S1Se, new, seven rooms, = ¢ nut or manogany furniture. Lesses fred. Apply J. D. Bora: Sa Non Al goal lime. Lut Batstone's great run Fublishers reserve the right to edit | Soret ---- eee i eit tied ~------| | GENERAL SERVANT- Family of two . , turniur es = Tr Apply Miss Maguire, 169 Union Street,| Antique shop, 97 Princess Street. GOOD HARD COAL--$14.75, delivered. Employment | Coke, 1b. Botn guaranteed satistac- Houses ror Rent 7 i LL { tory. Paone ised. GU. W. Ricnard-| gpiok RESIDENCE--N, A ~--No. 390 Albert S son, 197 Wiuuam Street. Unfurnished. Apply to TLS & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. Automooties Yor Sale | == on Saturday, which started on the or 1eject ull classified advertising 4 RE TRA L] A \ ho y ni copy. Automobiles i Business Service corner Albert Street. 1 Yhone 104bw ._ | PRINCESS STREET--§ rooms, bric Anolent split buck formation Which. feupnone 243, ask for & want 88 uct Ss | me es MUSIoAr, Sr TROMENTE Tare am: | and electric. Apply M. B. Wai Bxcelgiors used in 1918, showed that | taker. 1, Business dervices Uffered 18 HOUSEMAID ii References required, Misican te oe oor ages ah, du Radlo Stores. Phone 1207J. ho TEI - Apply rs. oward Foiger, 1 Emily | priate fills. ate © HS: ¥ = & mistake was being made, and here | APP Hrst. We can meet mail order prices. |= { | Street. " : 9 eal tate after the opposition will have to Announcements USED CARS-- Several. JAvoly Blue | AUCTIONEER For SOURLIEY S18 doh | Lor i ol ahis Wreek oni¥, Hanle Nendo das, mn Ri | Es For Sale. { Carage Ltd, Bagot and Quecn Streets.| est deallug, W. A. Twi 7 B N E-- 0 | P --_-- , 25 ARR YAN Ta ata ai wateh this adept side-stepper when Personals Ld . gor RT| Street. Phone 8303 or 1issw King "Laid weekly for your spare time writ | Store, Farms and Lands For Sale 88 Queen's are near their goal line. TAoTEs = in 2 beds at) ing show cards for us. No CARVABSING. | Le Fra as Mac. penne, uses layers are Dulioe | cs, the Sow Sito hun Shilo | TIRES L TIRES, Facto sdlast| WELL DRILLING -- Sunitary water] We Amauri and supply fou sith York, | MATTLESSES, Cuorial Sex Grass Mat, | TOR SALE on wit, AN , all si DH ®, 30x33 to 36x6;| welis, st-Angus 3 - na RE rae . re together, and there are no selfish | Mission, would be glad of the help of | Ment $3.50 0p, Jonas Blane santa widest, the largest, the only! Colborne Bid., Toronto. Matijesa Co., 377 King Street. Phone R Carman district, Manitoba, one performers on the mighty Tri-color | anY 'tdies 39, Sanke Jus Wednemiu?| corner Bagot and Queen Streets. and Lennox and Rdagton ienas) WORKING BOUBEREBPSR 7 1s81J. half under crop; fram buildings: im 1 4 h; | Wi {ING J i -- For aj tenis . " mediate possession. as. ebater, < machine. Defeusively and offensively | oallfor any quilt pieces. Phone 1461W.| SED CARS And Trucks, bought, For fol materabment ii Jhneiica. clergyman. References. State wages. i have 6 organs, all In| 33 Brock Street, Kingston. y they have demonstrated that they | orrie BLEMISHES Hair. Moles,| 50d. listed. or gxchanged. a Garrison Co. Colevrook, Ont, '| Box B-15, Whig Office. ongition, trom $16 up. C W. == cn EE -- = . -- 'o h PALMER AUTO SALVAGE, Ent " ' i eo ane : tie beak jean in uaa ih Nah Samaria, Skin Cascers, Cor. Bagot and Queen Streqts. Ladics' Hair Farior. 2ta Help Wanted--Male 88 | 5IANG-- Fox Rosewood, Quebes heater BUNGALOWS . esp ly. . Satisfactory Glasses fitted and - LADIES I ear miens | BOY Not under SIXleen voars Of 8 and pedroom set, {ron bed, ail {n good T - ¥ PED q = --2 p £e | .aondi wo, $1,200 each. up scores 'n keeping with the ad irlshed Ser otiere ave lated] WE HAVE A FEW HARGAINS IN IES TRANSFORMATIONS... Bob. | to learn the optical business. Apply| Condition, Apply 171 Kagian Road. | ono" Buhealow, solid brick, hot afr vantage they had fn the play. they oof Cuoel wh hms, Lake, USED CARS LEFT shampooing, singeing. cutiing. Tad oal dmperial Optical Cy, | RUG -- One Velvet Rug, 8x12, small furnace fireplace, 3 piece bath, veran= are a better team than they were in| Eye, Ear. Nose, Throa® Skin, - 268 One Ton Truck and Childrel's halr cutting. airs. Cun. FIREMEN D BRAKEMEN-Begin- | Uhésteraanii and Chair, one oak Kuck- MY Et 20.00, ages. | 3 > » 2 86 ot 1 ul i a " : ood co ho y i 1932. Their wing line has not been i Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11353. | Price 115000 Ringhum, 63 lay Street, Kin I ners $150.3250 o athty (which posi. opis In Boas conduon, Phone 630F%| sien I : B, WILSON, REALTOR. pg, | TI Sr . TE -- tion?). /rite tailway, 30x )-2, | : - arrie reet. Phone 10 crossed In six, consecutive games, | Lost and tound 10] One Ton Truck Hemstitching Whig Office. QUES TERS -- Combination | 2" and the highest score against them opps wiriippil ne 1on lruc SR | | Stoves, dining room ana other farsi. | COUBLE BRICK HOUSE---Princess St. ! has been five points. McGill, Univer- | BROOCH--Found, small, gold. Apply Price $440.00 PICOT EDGING -- Hemstitching,| LIVE AGENT--Wanted, in Kingston, | ture. We &is0 buy. J. Thompson, 333 half minute from car line, 3 bedrooms * y Cullege Post Office, Queen's Unive 1: Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs, for Watkins 150 Products, direct to| Princess Street. - Phone 16v0w and bathroom in each, electric and sity of Torouto, Ottawa and Argus sity. McLaughlin E45 Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess| home. Write The J. R. Watkins Com- | -. : : E25. rood renters. 35750 for both, ox were their victims. Repainted, revullt hd new t ) singly. DBER HOUND--Strayed to Smith's I ye Tou ne oD. Let us give you a drive in this car rd. d, $4.50 Mixed wood, $4.00. 1ce. All sound. Phone 2516w. Corner York --_--=sseee--eeee x ia - STATE MANAGER-- | and Division Streets, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, ble." have aime by, proving property to Insurance 23 $200 APITAI REQUIRE] | 41 George A. 8mith, Parham. | ' | 2 C + EQ LD. | STOVES--Lawrenson's--for Goud Cheer BOYD S GARAGE | DOMINION LIFE NOTHING TO BUY. $8 ONTH | Squats Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Ph Johnsai and Division Streets \ | NOTHING UY. $800 MONTH- | Ecbuomy Ready Mixed ~aints and Var. ORS ViIW. See advi, Page 2. y oat flton | "¢, | Queen's should defea Hamlilto camp, at head of Mazoneau Lake, on so that you may know the good Tigers withbut the slightest trou- Nov. 10th, deer hound. Owner may qualities in it. Price right. E. W. MULLIN & SON, | i | | Streei. Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs.| pany, Dept. KJ, Hamilton, Ont. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD-- Good, _dry| 35:98 Whig omiso Agents. Apply Box { | | . FUR NECKPIECE--Found, on Barrie] : Arch. Thomson, Bra M The Score Was Small. Street, near King, on han { 129 Brock St. Photie 20iw. | gti, Thomson, ach anager 7 I . , day night. | | Oftice: 56 Brock Street, Telephone 5.0 Ly. NO CANVASSING AND nishes. Jui frivcess Street." Puss! HOUSE: rooms Path ana toilet, elee= Toronto Globe. Owner apply 21 King Street, or phone | | EE ------ d3yw,, oppusite Urauge Hall Without taking credit from Argo-| 2368w. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur-| GOOD PROPOSITION TO THE er ] tho MED garage and driveway, far nauts for their excellent showing, It | FOUNTAIN PEN--Found, on Clergy ance. kb. A Crumley, 420 Earl Street. | . 7 | SCALES all kinds, new and second-| o3,° Pf, bi 890d 'loge w ' ) by oy e 178M. a hand. ash p 7p ind - must be remembered that Queen's Street. n ar Johnson. Owner's name| Used Cars for Sale { Paone 1782 | RIGHT PARTY. STATE DE- | gedle Condy Perms, leds SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- 3 5 engrav on barrel. Owner may have NSURANCE--O . | ro x C > tS room played iy the deivien o Shree ag ry Whig tice. ¥ have | : INSUR ANC) rus Health 78 Aceient) TAILS. ADDRESS P, 8 8, BOX aton a LE Dodson, Hectrio light, gas, 3 ., regulars, Capt. ("Red") McKelvey, = FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. | Insurance at low rates. 01 2 IRG. Pp XC ™ ' F heating, g cellar, Mundell and Muirhead, aud used | Q4ASSES--Found, bone rimmed. on | Wiiliams, 2 Couper Street, | "03¢ E.| 304. HARRISBURG, PA ixciunge Sia| First floor: Jarge drawing u bstitutes to relieve oth-| Jchuse ih on Clergy Street, between| STUDEBAKER ONE TON TRUCK. | | OR EXCHANGE--Ford Runabout and| beteepciing room, Be be numerous substitutes to relieve oth-| Johnson and William Streets. Owner | INSURANCE--Only the most rellable| m Pruck OX 1 ; \ DOF: ; { re : Yor nize : | citors, Canvassers, Agents | Truck Body Box for exchan for| and bath. T " or regulars, especially after they had | _™&Y have same at Whig Office. 4 OVERLAND TOURING. | EE Amd ko tr TR UT & | . a as Upright Piano. Phone 2267J. . x This house TH oar FR earned a lead carly in the first | HAND SACHEL--Lost, containing a| REO TOURING. | Clarence street, wpposite Lost Ofios. "| AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year : Street, King Street, overlooking the City small sum of money and eye glasses. Frid pul oo! rhs dha °¢- | commission business of your own. | ee Park. If interested, call the office, A Every property owner needs some of | Wanced-=10 tsuy oo MB THRUMPOUR { { | | period. Argonauts have no leagué Name of cwaer co aioe 8 . ey _ Frac En a side. Find- McLAUGHLIN TOURING mY - | . games to play and put forth every | er please return to Whig Office. Moving, 'Lrucking; Storage 25 our nine hundred varieties of hardy | 237 Bagot Street. | ASHES--Cleaned 1 "ana| Red Tag trees and plants. No capital | ULL GULD--silver, or ralse Teeth, for| Phones 704 or 16543F. ards, clean Job done tr a t¢llars and| needed. Complete equipment and in-| cash or excounge. G. W. Lyons, Jiids, clean job done. A. MacGregor, struction free. Write Dominion Nurser. ZadiPrincess street, Kingston. Dominion championship hinged on | Owner may have same at 'Anderson Clarence Street Garage 34 Russell Street. Phone 2255. ies, Montreal SEE---Batemun's large Real Estate ade | . - PIANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi-| vertisement, page 3, eplumn 1 . the result. Queen's played hard and | Bros. s PHQNE 1994. | STORAGE SPACE--F { : Nat . - . . | GE SPAC -For furniture, clean SALE AGENT---Reli A - | f . C provided so much action t one | PAIR OF GLASSES--Lost, on Tuesday | and dry. Arey BE. KE. Wathem, 144] Es AE iy Jrainiepre- | Patio oF phonograph. C4. Lindsay, found it hard to keep in mind the oh Pi neh Hear ee Neison street. ne 1391J .or 618. « | "ment, "We are the largest growers of | Limited, 121 Frincess St. fruit and ornamental trees in Canta. | w= es mn was onl an , Auto Accessories--Tires--p, s 18 | . fact that the game y Imperial Laundry, Barrie Street. art: 13 STORAGE--VFor furniture, clean, dary, Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber rexhibition contest, yet, at the same - a | airy rooms and spuces: your pwn lock| vv Radio Equipment , ROSARY Found, on King Street, SOMETHING NEW---Alrotank Tubes, | And spuces; pwn lock| you will be successful. Write: Pelham | Macnee 'time, the Kingstonians would prob- XQSARY Street, Owner: ot have] The latest In Tubes and by far th | 354 Fr ross City rage, 99-1 Nursery Co. Toronto. _ RADIO--The guarantee of the Canad W. Kent ably h tried f decisive | same at Whig Office. best. We have the exclusive agency. oor. Suen BL. Phone 626. Res. 989w.| = x Hn P Bao G%! | Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock y have tr or a more decis| Eastern Canada Maxwtire Co. cor.| gp, a Situations Wanted---Male 87| adic Stores ih Your Money Back it! | snd King Strats. Phony or 36m. viétory had there been no Eastern Queer and Ontario Streets. | Painting, Papering, Decorating { ou as --, Butirel General Insurance Agency. = Canada final with Hamilton impenad- | SUM OF MONEY---Found. Owner please EE Se | i | MAN AND WIFE--~Desire to take a) meme A Writingi~Automobile, P; Acols . ing. apply at 289 Johnson Street. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear| [2I™ On shares. Apply Box C-16, Whig | dent, Bickness, Plate Gunns Burglary 8 GARAGE TO LPT to busia----| 376 Bagot street. ; | Office | ae. Representing only reliable com- AMRIDOOKS ~Found, two small section, $4 per month. Possession at| + | Financial Kove With Board 67 some & Ss. 'ne. once. Apply h a 0 QUEEN'S WILL PLAY REGINA. | pQUitone some stamps Qwner may Ppa lis Bag Srier | Architects 280. | -- = MKUHAN DIE - - { Loan | RO®MS AND BOARD--Apply 335 Earl SUM OF MONEY--Found, also a pair| GARAGE-~For rent, close to business! ARECHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, | Street, opposite Collegiate Yat If They Defeat Hamilton Tigers |"; gloves at Sydenham Methodist| 4district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office, Merchants Hank Chambers, corner of FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Here Next Saturday. ghirch. Owners apply to the Sex| : Telep! Troon | = {~Seciely incorporated 1861. President, | Se Seri A k St It was officially stated at Queen's | _'°" j= ws Chirdpructia Boe | bate EC vice President, 4 | Rooms Without Board 68 Coo Ooves University on Monday morning that | WRIST WATCH-- Found, on Sunday! ~ v = | MARCELID--Win A DC om] ahd farm propurties; municipal and] BEDROOM. Furnished. wi y : , » on Su vi - Th i tay -- A th electric With a without tanks, providing the senior team defeats | DI8ht. on Union Street. Owner may ; To-Day Ss Biunder | MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C., cor.| county debentures; mortgages Pur-| "ight, on bathroom fat. All connie Algo Square Heaters. Real have same at 28 Upper Charles St. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. ind| Chased; lavestment bonds for sale; d- | ences. Apply 813 University Av chenp, Ate the Hamilton Tigers in Kingston on Corrected | Boor, Barrie St entrance, Kingston, posits received and Interest allowed. | SfCef = Abbly Fally Avenus . ta . Qu ' 1d 1 WRIST WATCH-Lost, with mono- y Cad unt, Consultation free. Telephone, 1. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence | °F P e sb2w. , Saturday next; Queen's wou PIAY.| 'gram; lost on Priday night. between 1). 823). Hours $tol2 am, 1to 6 pn. | bireet. Kingston. | BEDROOM --Comfortanle he gina in the dominion champion-| North and Gore streets and Montreal| (Boe INuUStration on Fags 14.) ; Tr ~ flat, in new. house. Apply 848 Al . UurK s ship contest on December 1st. - reet. Kindly leave at Whig Office. In recognizing ladies, particularly LUCY--Drs. G. F. anu Jennie A Chiro- ; ive Bloc fred Street, or phone 2292W. PHONE 705. -h possible effort, playing as though a PURSE--Found, In Anderson Bros. BUSINESS SKRVICH » thiet board tq Ta elderly ladi th practic lpscialivty and piiesintercd) The Queen's athletic 0% | Queen's would not play, which is TY. cies, on the street, u geptle- | Nurse, 339 Bagot Street. Phone Miw.| | FURNISHED ROOMS-- Large, war control will got agree to guarantee | not 50. man shows reserve and deference to | 1a "Sunday and ores AER | room on bathroom fiat, u e of phone. = the western team the sum of $4,000 | The management of the Hamilton | the sex Instead of rushing wildly up | pointment. Consultatio: oR A om, ure, train, seg. | SL Dre son i WE HAVE FOR SALE which was done last year for the |team have suggested that W. A. |and hailing the lady in question as kind disposition; will sell cheap. Wm. | Rooms For Housekeeping 60 A few odA pleces of office furnie Eakimos 'of Edmonton. The rules| Hewitt, Toronto, referees the | 'B0USh she were a college foothall a 321 Princels Buteet, Ring- | tu erty 11 burners for hot alr or : : a i . : ol 1 r of the C. R., U. distinctly state that | Queen's-Hamilton game on Satur. | Dlaver. . A SEA RES hon, 10 | : | ROOMS--Uaturnished, for light house-| | hot water furndces. These ape the the eastern winners have to guaran- | day next. The Quben's authorities TE====| Phon= #46. Wanted--Live Stock 50 | keeping. Apply. 320 Earl Street. | kind of burners that Beht, She cust tee the + winners one-half of | consider that Hewitt is a very ca "AT FALL.RiVER ; : ; : 'oal, with I the dirt and drudger y P- b- RIVER. KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258] POULTRY---We want your poultry, live ROOMS-- Three, farnished, for Nght oe inated. gery their travelling expenses and the | able offjetal Col. C. H. Constan- Fall River, Nov. 17.---The weath-| Princess Strest. Phune $53W. Open| or dressed. Write for price lists. Wal- , y . + . + 4 . oo - * ' : housekee 8, 3 piece bath, lectriec Gasoline engine, automobile an Queen's university authorities intend | ting will be the head linesman. er is continuing warm and pleas- | = rings by appointment. ers. Spadina Ave. Toronto. light, hot! air furnace, telephone. Ap. | | general repairs. q to live up to this rule. The western The farmers are all ploughing, The Legal 280. | Merchandise. Boyenre Amey, 33 Raglan Road. Phone, : : ; : DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. m has the first call on the Bate | . wil Wear Special Protection haters are havi - mmr s ® r ng good luck in x == TT PE Sr pa receipts after all . legit ©%-|' While in 'Toronto on Saturday. | shooting deer. A number from CN IRAN & 2uiTH -. Dargis | Articles For Bale 51 are paid and until theif total | « " Me , 4 ! penses are pal ny McKelvey, of Queen's rugby | around here attended the chicken | Kingston. A. B Cunningham, K. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automoolls Tentm RENT an auto. They are adver. East End, Wellington Stre tised in the Classified Ads. i" Rtreet. travelling. expenses are paid.' team, who is suffering from a broken | pie supper at Maberly on Nov. 12th. | _CYFil M. Smith. A ah The rulés also state that the game | (00! was measured for a specially | Archie Gray, reeve of Oso township, | PAY AND REVELLE--Barriste ad Cushions, age. Tarpeulins F. W, . must be played on the home ground | made boot Which will give his in- [is going to Kingston to attena Sollettors, s as ew hane 34. Genuine Pocahontas of the eastern champions, and ic is | jured toe protection in the Queen's: county council, Wilfred Wesley ig| Money to a nad 205. BEDROOM SUITE--Oak, in good con- qiite Jkely that Queen's will see Hamilton game on Saturday next. ' | shipping a carload of cattle this IHEA--ARIOM,. Ble Bitriaier nod] itm. 1 Bing Street West. Phone ; k ] ] that this rule is Mved up to} For| _ . week. Rev. Mr. Lehigh held service| Solicitor. Law Office corner of King Smo €lEss a some dayh the' Toronto authorities . Kingston Quoit Club. in the schoo! house last Wednesday | 20d Broek. over Royal Bank. Money AR 40d Soft. any quantity. . have been trying to make Queens | go... oo yoo quoit. contests] evening. Misses Mae, Annie, anq| Men ought to) bear with greatest 128 Clingwood Sireess Faons 018 or ~ Large Nut size $14 00 t officidle think that the game shou'l. were pulled off in the recent tourna- | Jessie McFarlane, and also Miss difficulty those things which mus: . 4 g y vee aes . per ton. be pl in Toronto as there would | "0 0 games were finished on | Elsie Duffy spent Thanksgiving at |be borne from their own fault. COME IN--And see our stock before For otove or F urnace. be a larger attendance at the con- Thursday evening i prizes pre-| home. Mrs. John Conroy spent Because your side did not win is is Jne. r he 3 a . 35a test. This suggestion Is mot finding | 0 0 1h who on Friday | Thanksgiving with her sister Mrs. | no reason why you should be a poli- Yous, pskin Co 1 S if & C | i . much r in 'Kingston, as the local evening. These were: rst prize, | Harold Crain, Lonsdale. Miss Irene | tical grouch. fine | ihe, TEains in every line. A. James - wi t O., mited Foot ot Johnson Street fans ve patronized the yi, .gpq) and Turpin; second prive,|and Melinda Duffy, William Dutfy,| As others see you is perhaps @bt | Shapiro, 48 Princess Street Queen'§ teams for years think that|g, ip ang Copeland; | consolation, | and Elwin Kirkham spent Monday | exactly as you are reflected in the the very important games shoul Elliott and Todd. ? evening at George MeFarlane's, mirror. : Pd AND HEED the . Classified played at the. Richardson stadium em The management of the Hamilton team, when speaking to the Quien's authorities, stated they were agroe- able to the stand taken by Queen's and they would not think of making & guarantee of $4,000 as was dons - by the Queen's management a ear ago. The management of Queen's team, a8 well as the players, resent the very uncompiimentary articles ~~ which have appeared in some To- ronto ' during the past week. state that neither the board nor players sald they { d not take part in the Domin- finals providing Queen's won Hamilton Tigers on Saturday despatch which was sent Ki stated: 'The

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