Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1923, p. 16

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Sarai DRESS SHIRTS DRESS NECKWEAR MEDICAL DINNER, BE PREPARED Tuxedos AND ACCESSORIES It has arrived--the open season for cele- bration--and the Tuxedo now demands a place in most Men's wardrobes. Accuracy of fashion and quality elegance are assured here at 45 i LIVINGSTON'S DRESS 75-79 Brock St. Sux GLOVES SOX "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" ALD. CHARLES §. ANCLIN [THE PROVIDENCE BAZAR CANDIDATE 0R MAYOR opened in the City Buildings | --The Kiwanis Club Had Well-Known Merchant An- Dinner There. iL nounces Himself--He Is | Rt | The House of Providence bazaar ' a Citizens' Candidate. opened in the oity hall Monday and | the Kiwanis club attended in a Lody at noon. All of the members took dinner in the Memorial Hall and it was a splendid one. The menu left nothing to be desired, and the ser- vice, carried out under the direction of Mrs. W. C. McDonald, convenor { of the refreshment committee, was perfect. In addition to the Kiwanis [ CTub many business men from all |§ | Pakts of the city went there for Gin- ner, and they purpose patronizing the bazaar at noon each day during 1 je remainder of the week. i In Ontario Hal], where the booths { ! { i are set up the Sisters of Charity and : the ladies of the various church or- ganizations and committees are en- { gaged in carrying out a echeme of | tecoration that is strikingly artistic and captivating. Miss Doolan, gen- eral convenor of all the committees, has oversigiat of all 'the work. The hall is a blaze of color and the | booths are filled with a wonderiul | J i assortment of articles. i F ido 8 Aswiins | The booths are open all day and | ! Ald. Charles S. Anglin is the first | every evening. They are: Tce cream {to announce {for the I ALD. CHARLES ANGLIN {as agcandidate | ;, charge of Mrs. E. Roberts; soit n Ald. Anglin | grinks and cigars, Mrs. J. Martin; |} jenters the field uon-polit.cal | ¢ nnond, Mrs. Carleton; pharmacy, |} [eitizens' cand.date He Noted | pips J. Kane; candy table (Child- {against politics in the city counci] at! ven of Marv) Mrs. Kane, Miss {the inaugural meeting in January | walsh; baby booth, Mrs. Ambrose {last, believing with the Whig that | chea, Mrs. R. Milan; novelty, Mrs. | politics should be kept out of muni- Mangan, Miss Halpin; children's Icpal affars. Ald. Anglin has served ware, Orphan's Guild, Miss Shaw; |three years in the council and has apron table. Mrs. R. Harpell; art, {been a good represéntitive of Cat- Miss M. Brophy; fancy work, Miss jaraqui ward, and the people in gen- Agnes Walsh, country store, Mrs. A jeral. He is a member of the well- Carey, refreshments, Mrs. W. C. {known §. Anglin & Company, coal McDonald; the dolls, Mrs. Hubert {and lumber merchants, and has re- Ryan. | sided In Kingston all his life. Ald. {Anglin {s prominent in church and {Y.M.C.A, circles and is a member of | CANON J. W. JONES I |theyRotary Club. MEETS WITH ACCIDENT | | 'DROVE eR WHILE DRUNK; Thrown From His Bicycle in GOT SEVEN DAYS IN JAIL| Avoiding Collision--Breaks | Bone in Wrist. f I} J { f | Two Young Men and, Young | : Canon J. W. Jones, clerical see- | Woman in A retary of the Ontario diocese, had a, ~~ | narrow escape from what might | | «> have been a more serious accident | In police court Monday morning, | when he was knocked off his bi-| la young man pleaded guilty to a cycle at the corner of Brock and charge of driving an auto while in | Bagot streets Monday morning ana an intoxicated condition, and was | rendered unconscious. He was pro- |} given seven days in jail, by Magis- ceeding down Brock street and ini fl trate Farrell. On the charge of he- avoiding a collision with two auto- ing intoxicated, he was remanded mobiles that were passing at the | § for a day, as he told the magistrate | intersection of the streets, he ran} that he could not remember where into the sidewalk, or was pushed | to the sidewalk by a car. He fell, he had secured his liquor. Another man who was charged landing on his head, and a passer- by picked him up and carried him : 3 tins Anderson's Baking Powder, \M Quality--Larger Market-- Service Retail MarAot Phones 458-450, Business Office 865, Wholesale Department 1767. Note the following prices good for three Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday To balance week's trading we are offering the following specials: 3 lbs. Dates . . ik Fry's Cocoa, | Ib. tins . . Carnation Milk (talls) .......2 tins 29c. . 1,000 Ibs. Seedless Raisins, per Ib. . . . 15. 500 pkgs. Seeded Raisins, per pkg. . . s17ec. 300 bottles Extracts (assorted) .3 for 24c. "ses AEF OY ne ees ¥ up the car as the driver, he said, was 200 one pound pails Sweetheart Peanut i Butter,perpail ............. 28 500 tins Canadian Sardines . . . . 3 tins 24c. 100 2 Ib. cartons Loaf Sugar, each". . . 25c. 1000 tins Cherry Grove Molasses 2 tins 25¢ 1000 tins choice Pink Salmon, (talls) Pertin ;....... |... . 500 tins choice Pineapple . . . . . 2 tins 43c. 500 doz. choice Cooking Eggs--every egg ranteed. Per dozen . . . . "eu 1,000 Ibs. Black Tea, to clear at . .45ec. Ib New Rolled Oats ..... ......6 Ibs. 25c. New Mince Meat, (Canada brand) 500 24-1b. sacks Superior Flour 99c¢. sack 240 bags Standard Granulated Sugar : 10 Ibs. 99¢. sale. . Is, as our large uced to make room for : s, with being intoxicated, stated that he had been with the former, but he into Guess's livery stable where he could not say where he had secured | was revived. His bicycle was smash- his liquor, and was remanded a day. ed. A young woman, who says she hails Canon Jones was shaken up sev- from Wyoming, also admitted being erely, besides being cut on the intoxicated. She was with the mouth and suffering a fracture of | young men in an auto on Princess | a small bone in the left wrist. He lf! street, at 11 o'clock on Sunday night. | went to his office when he recover- | She said she got her liquor from her ed. sufficiently to walk. male companions, and was fined $10 - and costs. Late Mrs. Mary Somerville. Police Constable Timmerman held The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Somerville took place from her late iy residence, 474 Albert street, to Cat- araqui cemetery at 2 p.m. on Satur- day under the direction of James -- Reid, underiaker. Rev. J. K. Curtis \ officiated. The pall bearers were" Rotary Club Donated $60 W. MH. Chaliners, Thomas Marshall 10 neip wr, Grenion's Work | 1; ya R. Somerville, R. intoxicated and the members of the party were taken to the police stu- tion and the charges were laid. Smith, 8S. Watson. At the close of the Rotary club | tg -- dinner in the Y. M. C. A. on Friday ~ Died in Belfast. . ¥ pight, the club presented Dr. Wil-|/ A cablegram from Belfast; Ire 1} frid T. Grenfell with $50 to help in| land, announces the death of Bir | gi the good work he is doing along the | Edward Coey, high sheriff of Kel LY Labrador coast. The presentation ee His demise was qhite sudden. was made by the president, Lemar! He was an uncle of Mrs. Ross Living- A. Guild, 'who stated that it was a| ston, Johnson street. pleasure for the club to give to such a worthy cause, and wished Dr. Dr. C. C. Nash and P. V, Gedye Grenfell continued success in hig [havé returned from their annual great undertaking. hunting trip in Muskoka, each bring- Dr. Grenfell, who is an honorary [Ing a fine large deer home. member of the Hull, Eng., Rotary DAILY MEMORANDUM. Club, - expressed his sincere thanks Buchre and Dance in the Labor Hall] to the members of the Rotary Club {| to-night. v British mail will close at the King- for thelr donation and wished the ston post office on Tuesday, Nov. 20th, local club suce in all its under-| at 9 p.m. and on Thursday, Nov. 22nd, at | takings. f . 9 p.m. | 21.6 wonees ons von PRINTING (Major Greenwood, staff adjutent ' | of the Royal military college, was AND OFFICE SUPPLIES notified by the secretary of C. R. U. \ "DATE : I that Montreal Grand Trunks and HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR R.M.C. would play in Montreal on Monanl dSQUALE | Saturday November 24th and the DIED | final game woull be played in King- . < te ston on Saturday, December 1st. The | FEOFHEGAN In Hotel Diey Hospital, vinner of the Grand Trunk-R.M.C. #)cosnegan. widow of the late Capt. games will meet the winners of the John Geoghegan. Fureral wok piace from the residence intermediate O.R.F.U. series. of her son, Wilham Geoghegan, sy! Ji -------------- Colburne Street, on Monday morn- ing, to St, Mary's Cathearai, where Frontenac Is Billed. Tor the Fehon oF Ber 2s, wus sung The county clerk has received AER DER. | from the provincial department of | highways a bill for Frontenac's share of the cost of the provincia: JAMES REID The Olu rum of vuuertakers highway construction and mainten- | ance for 1922, It amounts to $40,. 254 and 208 PRINCESS STREET | 434.31 for construction and $4,534. Phone 147 for Ambulance he ROBERT J REID "TThe Lesdang 05 for maintenance a total of $44,-| Phone 577. 966.36... ten M. P, Unueraiker 250 Princess Street FuNEfAL Bowe . Armprior Has $30,000 Fire, 49 COLBOKNE | Aruprior, Nov. 19.--The new / Ryrne Hotel, the town's leading hos telr¥, was entirely destroyed by fire |. Saturday evening. Damage is esti- uated at $30,000, half of which is Covered by insurance. The blaze is THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1928. AT 10 O'CLOCK TO-MORRROW MORNING WE WILL OFFER SOME OF THE MOST REMARK. ABLE VALUES. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THEM. 50 YDS. ONLY Silk Chiffon Velvet -- eee : Chiffon Velvet is not only fashionable, but is ai- so a most beautiful fabric. Quite appropriate for either the simple or elaborate frock. Comes 36 inches wide and in Black. recil 3395 vd. PY - 150 YARDS -- SILK Brocaded Coat Lining 41" wide. When used as a lining it certainly adds to the beauty and smartness of the garment. Besides be- ing serviceable it is from the viewpoint of fashion strictly up-to-date. Shades are Brown, Beaver, Copen, Rose, Radio Blue or Mahogany. Width, 41 inches. Special $) 50 y d Tuesday J All Wool Serge $1.00 yard 350 yds. of fine, soft Wool Navy Serge. Firmly woven, good wearing and extra spe- Width, 54 inches. cial value. SILK CANTON CREPE 38" wide. : We might venture to say that there are few fabrics that are more fashionable than a good Canton Crepe. This is a very fine quality and the shades aré Navy, Black, Grey, Brown of Sand. 375 VELVETEEN Quite fashionable is this Chiffon finished Twill Back Velveteen. Good quality and fast dyes. Conies 36" wide and in Brown or Black. ; *2.50 yd. Phones 754-755. / /

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