THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG % 15 : feng Regular Readers Of T! SPORTING NEWS COVER FIELD WITH STRAW So That It Will Be Dry For Queen's- | Tiger Game. It is a well known fact in King- ston that the Queen's players per- form better ox a dry field, and for that reason the Queen's Athletic Board of Control intends to protect « the playing fleld against wet weath- or. A quantity of straw has been pur- men in charge of the stadium to cover the playing fleld with straw on Tuesday afternoon day at the latest. On Monday night there was a light fall of snow, and of Tuesday morning the fleld was| @ little damp but ft was hoped that it would dry up by night and then the field would be covered witn « straw. The members of the rugby squad are not taking any chances on Tig- ers winning out on Saturday after- noon, and got down to bard pract- ice on Monday afternoon, The ppac- tice lasted for two hous. It is the in- tention of Coach W. P. Hughes to have work-ou's every day this week. in case there is wet weather, the team will practice in the arena where there is lots of room. 'On Tuesday morning, J. 8. Mec- Donell, secretary-treasurer. of the Athletic Board of Control, when ask- od if Queen's won from Tigers on Saturday next would the Dominion championship game be played In Kingston, stated that the matter ,. had not been decided. Toronto is making a strong bid for the game on the plea that there would be a larger gate up there, The Queen's team will be at full strength on Saturday next. '"'Red" McKelvey, who has been hobbling around on crutches, will be in fine "Bin" | condition for the contest. Muirhead has also fully recovered from a kick in the stomach which he received in Ottawa, and Chick Mundell will also be on the job. Harry Batstone, who retired from the game in Toronto --on Saturday last, is In the pink of condition and on Saturday next expects to be Tn the game for the full sixty minutes. It is expected that there will be a record crowd at the game,' The grand stand was all sold out a few hours after the plan was opened, and the reserved bleacher seats are in great demand. The Hamilton team received five hundreds of the grand stand seats, and more bleacher seats will be available if they are wanted by the Hamilton fans. On Tuesday porning, Arthur Turner, Hamilton, a selence graduate of Queenls Un- fversity, asked for fifty reserved Seats In the grand stand. Saturday's Officials, W. A. Hewitt, Toronto, and Bén Simpson, Hamilton, will be the officlals in the Queen's-Hamilton game here Saturday. , Excursion From Hamilton, A special excursion train will leave Hamilton at 7.20 o'clock Sat- urday morning and will arrive in Kiagston at 12.3v. Returning it will leave Kingston at 6.20 and will ar- rive back in Hamilton at 11.30 p.m. The fare will be $9.45 return. Quedn's Are Favorites. Hamilton Spectator: Mike Rod- den, who has been through many a football battle, and has officiated a8 referee or umpire at several oth- ers, looks for Queen's to defeat Tig-Y ers next Saturday, although he ftig- ures that the score will be close. Low Marsh, while giving Queen's the call, thinks that if Tigers' line prov- as strong as It looked on Satur- day, Tigers have a good chance to ¢ win, Harry Glassford, who has officiated as umpire at all the Inter- collegia® games this season, thinks that Johnny Evans, Queen's quart- , er-back, is the best man playing that position in Canadian football. The Hockey Year Book. The Hockey Year Book, "wiich A rt at ( { { | | | | | | | | ! i | | | and 1* 1s the Intention af the i or Wednes- | sas The British Wh KINGSTON, UNT,.~ _ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular. ized aceording to All ads. are restricted 'thelr proper classificatiun, and to' tbe regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive.s insertions: Minimum charge, 35 cents, Lally races pér line. Charge Cash b OUYyS ..eiveens 3 to charged, Marriages, i n Birwns, Engdgements,; $4.00; cash, ji. Card, of Tonanks and Memoriam Nouces--_narged, $1.00; caso, $00 cach insertion. Adverusing urdered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- Livi rate; no ad. taken tor less toag. basis of tour lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ade. will be received by teiepuvne and if paid at The Bric ish Whig Ultice witujn § days trom the hrs. udy ol insertion, casn rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered ior more than one day and stopped before expiration wil only ve charged for the number of times Lhe ad. appeared and adjue'- ment made at tne rate earned. Hate per liue for white space is Lhe same as a line of type. Special rate fur yearly advertising Upuu request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or Ieject all slassitied advertising copy. Telephone 343, ask for a want ad. taker. __Announcements Personals LADIES--Having to put in 25 beds at once at the Dew Drop Inn Sailors Mission, would be glad of the help of any ladles to make quilts Wedneaday afternoon Hfter 1.30. Would gladly call for any quilt pieces. Phone 1451w. pg e-------------------- SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, B8kin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent. 1y. Satisfactory Glasses furnished afer others have falled QGoltre cured without operation. 38 years' experience, Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J. | Lost and round BABY'S PILLOW---Found, on Albert Street Dropped from motor car. Owner apply 143 Collingwood Street. BUNCH OF KEY§-- Found. name on ring. Apply at Whig fice. Owner's of- DEER HOUND---Strayed to Nov. 10th, deer hound. Owner may have same by proving property to George A. Smith, Parham. DOG--Lost, small, black and tan ter- rier dog, wearing Portsmouth tag 54. Reward on return to Turner, Ports- mouth, or phone 1953J. GLASSES--Found, bone rimmed, on Nov. 16th, on Clergy Street, between Johnson and William Streets. Owner may have same at Whig Office. HAND SACHEL--Lost, containing small sum of money and eye glasses. Name of owner on ticket inside. Find er please return to Whig Office. PIN~--Lost, on Monday afternoon, gold crest pin, Truth, Duty, Valor, on Clergy or Princess Streets. Reward on re- turn to Whig Office. PURSE--Found, in Anderson Bros. Owner may have same at Anderson Bros. ROSARY---Found, on King Street, near illiam Street. Owner may have "same at Whig Office. SCARF--Found, colored silk, on Satur- day morning, on the Park road, about! 3 miles east of Barriefleld. Owner | may have same by applying to Ed- ward Bradden, or phone 1104 r 33. rr SUM OF MONEY--Found. Owner please apply at 289 Johnson Street. | STAMP BOOKS---Found, two small, containing some stamps. Owner may have same at Whig Office. WRIST WATCH-- Found, on Sunday] night, on Union Street. Owner may have same at 28 Upper Charley St. WRIST WATCH--Lost, with monho-| gram; lost on Friday night, between North and Gore streets and Montreal! Street. Kindly leave at Whig Office. Reward r-ade its first appearance to-day, is 4 credit to the game and to publish- er George King, 84 Victoria street, Torogto. 'The book represents months of efforts. Typographically and pictorially, it 1s a master-piece ¥rom cover to cover it is embellished with group photograpibs of champion teams, including the pioneers in the game; in fact, the history of Can- gda's great winter pastime is told in pictures. Old-timers will be inter- ested in the handsome halftones of the teams, who were prominent a generation cgo, while the younger enthusiasts will enjoy the reproduc tions of the more recemt 'winners The book is nol only lavishly illu- strated, but is literajly crammed with much interesting information regard- ing individuals, clubs and leagues throughout the country. ¢ Raising Fand. At Pittsburg, Pa., William 8. Had- dock, President of the United States Amateur Hockey Association, an- nounced that interested cities had ig | fitted and |< | 10 Smith's | camp, at head of Mazoneau Lake, on| Section Are Saving And Making Money Continually | | There Is 8 | It would be a very foolish g army upon the eve of battle an conflict alone. The individual soldiers carries out his plan of battl "army" ized andy marshalled into e to do his bit every day. \ In Systematic Organization {| the organized force with which the commanding general place, equipped. trained amd prepared to-do its part. The A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig ! composed of platoons, ions of\gpportunity ads which are systematically organ- They are yours to command! Make your plans for's battle, then call this opportunity army before you. You will have*more than a fighting chance in life's battle, if you embrace the opportunities which the A-B-C Classified Ads place-before you daily. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY | | | i Str | en o dismissed his | A atored to win the | are the units that make up | i Employment Help Wanted--Female a2 A RARE OPPORTUNITY -- For city, country ladies and men desiring plain | home sewing Any sewing machine. | No canvassing. No triflers apply.| Send twelve centg for sample pros- | pectus. Home Employment System, Avon, N. J, GIRL--For lunch counter. References required. Apply Lower Depot Res- taurant | GIRL--To take charge of baby, years old), during afternoons or Ly | the day. Apply 99 Centre Street. 1% | e. Bach unit must be in its | is an companies and Dbattal- f asily found classifications. Give each soldier a chance GIRL~--To help with housework a prt | of each day; apply during afternoon | or evening to 207 Frontenac street, | near Princess. ¢ | "GENERAL SERVANT--Family of two. | HIGHES Apply Miss Maguire, 169 Union Street, | corner Albert Street. ' HOUSEMAID -- References Apply Mrs. Howard Folger, Street. MAKE MONEY AT HOME- $15 to $60 paid weekly for vour spare time writ- ing Show cards for us. No canvagsing' | We Instruct and supply you with work. | West-Angus Show Card Service, 17] Colborne Bld., Toronto. Help Wanted--Male 33 required. | 1 Emily Automobiles ih Business servioe Automobiles For Sdle 11 | USED CARS-- Several. Apply Blue] CUarage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. | TIRES -- TIRES -- Factory adjust- ment, all size cords, 30x33 to 35x56; from $3.50 up. Palmer Auto-Salvage, corner ot and Queen Streets: USED CARS-- And Trucks, bought, sold, listed og exchanged. 4 PALMER AUTO SALVAGE, Cer. Bagot and Queen Streets. L WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS IN USED CARS LEFT One Ton Truck Price $150.00 One. Ton Truck Price $400.00 McLaughlin E45 Repainted, reovullt and new top. Let us give you a drive in this car sq that you may know the good quh BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Phone 201w. | Used Cars for Sale FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. - STUDEBAKER ONE TON TRUCK. OVERLAND TQURING. REO TOURING. 7 McLAUGHLIN TOURING ) : Clarence Street Garage PHONE 1994. Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 INNER TIRES---Aero cushion inner tire. Puncture proof and blowout proof. We have the agency. Come and let us show .vou. Kastern Canada| Maxotire Co, Queen and Ontario | Streets. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 GARAGE---For rent, close tu business district. Apply Box M-8, Whig Office. . Telephone 1765M. Business Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 Street. Fhone 820J or 1785w. he insurance 23 DOMINION LIFE Thomson, Branch nager. e 68. Arch. 56 Brock Street. el pnas Office: FIRE--Aucomobile and Casualt, ance. EK. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Phone 1783M. FIRE-- Automoblle, Sickneéss and Ac- cident Insurance. Only reliable com- panies represented. Call or phone. E. Williams, 2 Couper Street. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable gompanies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860, Office: §§ Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. Moving, Trucking Insur. Street. A -------- of | » Storage 254 ' ------------------ od ASHES---Cleaned out of cellars and! yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, | 24 Russell Street. Phone 3265. | STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 144 Neilson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. BOY---Not under sixteen years of age, | to learn the optical business. Apply | Imperial Optical Co. | EARN---$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the; pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto| Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immaterial; positively ne can- vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp.' Dept, 78C, Auto Knitter Co, Toronto. i FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN---Begin-| ners $150-3250 monthly (which posi- tion?). Write Railway, Box D-2, Whig Office. LIVE AGENT--Wanted, in Kingston, for Watkins 150 Products, direct to home. Write The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. KJ, Hamilton, Ont. STATE MANAGER--- $200 CAPITAL REQUIRED. NOTHING TO BUY. $800 MONTH- LY. CANVASSING AND GOOD PROPOSITION THE RIGHT PARTY. STATE TAILS. ADDRESS P. 304, HARRISBURG, PA. NO TO DE- BOX S. 8, STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spices; your own lock and key. Frost's uy Storage, #05: Queen St. Phone 536. R TES Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 28b. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, | Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington, Chiropractie MARCELIS--Wm., A; D.C} Ph. C., cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 23nd floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston Unt. Consultation free. Telephon 823). Hours ¥ to 12 am, 1 te § p. LUCY--Drs. G. F. adu Jennle A. Chiro- practice Specialists an Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone #43w. Hours: 9-12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. = Dental SPARKS & SPARKS pp Dentists. 159 Wellington street, torner Broek. Phone 346. KNAPP4-Dr. A. E., Dentist. Off} Princess Street. Phone 653w. evenings by appointment, Legal 280. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Barristers and Solicitors, 78 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith, . DAY AND REVELLE---Barristerg and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, kin - ston. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Revelle Money to loan. Phone 205. "SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, 275 Bagot street. Architects ce: 358 Open desires 2 / Merchandise Articles for Sale. 51 ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE Dark blue, latest model. First clasg condi- tion. Apply Box E-189, Whig Office. GET----Your Repairs and Separator Oll for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte Cream Separators at Frost & Wood Agency, 236 Ontario Street. - GOOD HARD COAL--$14,75, delivered Coke, $16. Both guaranteed satisfac- tory Phone 1962). G. W. son, 197 William Street. Mixed wood, mixed HARDWOOD slabs, soft wood slabs, one car dhoice | body hard maple, shingles $1.00°¥H0U- sand; rough lumber, cope siding. H. Talbor, yard Concession near Division. Phone 23028. PRICES --Paid for old wal- nut or mahogany furniture, lesses Antique Shop, eT Prinless Street. Ppone 1046w, ) MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS-- Make ap- propriate gifts. See our assortment first. We can meet mail order prices. This week only, Banjo .Mandoiins, $23. Compiete witn case.~ Elder's Cigar Store. MATTRESSES--Special Sea Grass Mat- tress -this week only $4.50. Frentenac Mattress Co, 377 hing Street. Phone 1961J. ORGANS--We have 6 organs, all in good condition, from $16 up. Lindsay, Limited. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 83 | AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year | commission business of your own.| Every property owner needs some of | our nine hunared varieties of hardy | Red Tag trees and plants. No capitdl needed. Complete equipment and in- struction free. Write Dominion Nurser- ies, Montreal. 2 SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Siu Wanted--Male 37 YOUNG MAN---With office experience, situation. Will accept any kind of work. Apply Box G-20, Whig Office. N PIANO--Fox Rosewood, Quebec heater | and bedroom set, jron bed, all in good condition. Apply 17] Raglan Road. HEATERS -- Combination room and other furni- buy Phone l600w. QUEBEC Stoves, dining ture. We also Princess Street. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD-- Good, dry hardwood, $4.50. Mixed wood, $4.00. All sound. Phone 2516w. and Division Streets. STOVES--lawpenson's for Goud Cheer Square Queveg Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 339w., opposite Urange Hall. SCALES--AIll kinds, new and second- hand. Cash or easy terms. Scale Co./ Ltd, 209 Princess St., King- ston, Barter and Exchange Sia FOR EXCHANGE --F" Truck BodygBo Upright Piano. Grace, 37 Mack ord Runabout and for exchange for hone 2267J. F. J. eeth, for . lyons, Wanted---1'o Buy OLD GOLD---sSilver, or False cash or exchange. G. °W 249 'Princess street, Kingston. PIANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi- ano for cash or exchange on new plano or phonegraph. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, Princess St. Radio Equipment RADIO--The guarantee of the Canada Radio 'Stores is "Your Money Back If! You Are Not Entirely Satisfied." Ask any customer. They're our best ad. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 67 ROOMS AND BOARD---Apply 325 Earl Street, opposite Collegiate Institute. Rooms Without "Board as Financial Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Society, Incorporated 1861. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice B. Cunningham. Money and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; luvestment bonds for sale; da- osits received and iuterest allowed. FE C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence street. Kingston. Investment President, sident, A. asued on city BED, 1g] on bthroom flat. All conveni- ences. Apply 313 University Avenue of phone ¥i3w, BEDROOM---Comfortable, on bath room flat, in new hquse. Apply 345 Al- fred Street, or phone 2292w, RENT FREE---2 rooms, unfurnished, electric lights. Would let to young married couple in return for the wo- mah rendering slight services. . Apply Box F-20, Whig Office. Richard- Ww. | Street, | Cc. Ww. J. Thompson, 333] Corner York 387 Priacess Street. Phone Toledo 62a | JM Furnished, with electric __ Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Remt 75 LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street --formerly occupled by the 0.0.F, Apply to Cunningham & Smith, Houses For Rent | BRICK RESIDENCE--No, 390 Albert St. | Unfurnished Apply to Cunningham { & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. | | FOR SALE OR FOR RENT---492 John- | son Street, § rooms, frame. Rent $15, in advance. Apply J. B. Cooke. Phones { Res, 824w., Offive §03w. 7 { HOUSES --Two, on Charles Street. A | ply H, ¥. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, | With large lot and barn on North Ale {| fred. Apply J. D-Boyd." Phone. 1083m, PRINCESS STREET--§ rooms, brick, 888 aud electric. Apply M. E. Ward, Canade Raaio Stores. Phone 1207]. 88 FRONTENAC STREET Seven roomed brick hduse, electric light, gas, newly decorated throughout; conveni- ences; warm house. Apply Thomas Thompson, 335 Earl Street. BARRIE STREET--Eight roomed house, newly decorated, all ements, with or without gar- 8gE; possession at once. Phone 1708w or call at 15 Quebec Street. 495 bri | $12.00--Ellice Street. $12.00--Lower Patrick Street. $20.00--Bagot Street (near Karl St) $35.00--Barrie Street. $85.00--Earl Street. $35.00--Pembroke Stret. See Mullin's for houses to rent. Phone 5a3w. Johnson and Division Streets. --_---- === osm ___Real Estate For Sale, Farms and Lands For Sale 83 FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE-- For Ontario property, 240 acre farm in Carman district, Manitoba, one half under crop; frame buildin, ; ime mediate possession. Chas. R, Webster, _33 Brock reet, Kingston. Houses For Bale BUNGALOWS-- wo, $1,200 each. One Bungalow, solld brick, hot air furnace, fireplace, 3 piece bath, veran« dah, seven rooms, $3900.00. Money to lean on first mort ages. H. B. WILSON, REALTOR, 316 Barrie Street, Phone 1008. DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Princess St, half minute from car line, 3 bedrooms and bathroom in each, electric and Fas Fond Fentere. $6750 for both, om 3.000 singly. No agents. Appl k E-15, Whig Office. rly Bek HOUSE--35 rooms, bath and toilet, elec- tric light, garage and driveway, for sale, or would considér good closed car. 522 Princess Street. n SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- § rooms, § bedrooms, electric light, gas, 3 piece bath, hot water heating, good oellar, First floor: large drawing room, fire place, dining room, kitchen, with sige entrance. Second floor; 3 bedrooms and bath. Third floor, 2 bedrooms. This house is beautiful, situated on King Street, overlooking the Park. If interested, call the B. I REMIOUR agot Street, Phones 704 or 18428 S£u---Batemun's large Real Estate ads vertisement, page 3, column J. BUSINESS SAMVICE W, Rut Moco Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and King Streets, Phune 701 or 36m. General Insdrance Agency, Writing: --Automobtle, Fi= Acel- dent, ak kness, Plate G Bur «to, Representing caly reliable panies. . oon MEHUHANLINE Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets 447 GREAT DANE DOG--Pure strain reg- istered, 3 years old; (sable in color), kind disposition; will sell cheap. Wm. A. Bazeau, 624 Princess Street, King-| ston, Ont, | = Wanted--Live Stock 30 | WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary well drillers in Frontenae and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For full information write to F. J. Garrison Co., Colebrook, Ont. 2% Ladics' Hair Pariov. LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS--- Bob- bed curls, switches. gentleman's wigs, shampoging, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- ningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingston. 21p PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mr: Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Streat. Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. Card. Hemstitching to send the United States Olympic Lockey team to France in January. President Haddock will act as re- presentative of the American Olym- trip. The team will be composed of rwembors of the Boston Club, winner o! at year's United States cham- pionsh Pp. Keep accurate stock records. They make guessing unnecessary. They show the turnover on each brand, and the stock on hand and oraerea. They are the safety-valves that in- NIJPHOLST pic Committee and manager of the | SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor, Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money rock. © Tn Usteopathy Still gradudtes. OSTEOPATHY--A.\ T. Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 rdet. Phone 447 for int- King , Repairing 22 ment. FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F. RING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W, J. Gayine, 218 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy ret, SHOE REPAIRIN! hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Streets. UPHOLSTERING -- . same day as o in t reasonable ridge, 2344 Univ 2043F. PP [ Sovsred atta 8 lees. Ey a ty Avenue. POULTRY--We want your poultry, live or dressed. Write for price lists. Wal- ler's, Spadina Ave. Toronto. 'Merchandise. Articles For Sale 51 AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving! Cushions, klags, Tarpaulins. F. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BEDROOM SUITE--Oak, in good con- dition. 25 Krug Street West. Phone 1577m. BRICK---~Hard and soft, any quantity. Arp = E. Walthem, corner Birch an llingwood Streeds. Phone 615 or 1301) COME I N--aA buying anywhere else. coats, Pea Jackets, Army Leather Vests, Sheepskin Coats, etc. Special line for unters. Bedford Cord Riding | Breeches. Bargains In every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. | | COLUMBIA B. PHONOGRAPH--ARd 50 records (100 seloctions), your own oice, $80. Easy (drms arranged. C. . Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. nd see our stock before Men's Over- "Wives to Vote. ~~ * The wives of property owners and tenants will vote at the municipal elections this year. The Kingston voting lists have been augmented by the addition of 2,500 women vot- ers. This is the first time that » Jean nsked to raise a fund of $6,000 ---- = sure against unwise buying. men generally have voted in pun- COKE--$10 ton. 1-4 and 3% ton lots, 26c, extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, 12.00 cubic cord or sawed in one foot Real Estate For Rent . Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT --Four rooms, all con- veniences; hot water heating. Apply W. J. B. White. APARTMENT--Furnished, three bright comfortable rooms, for light house- keeping, suitable for married couple without children. pply 286 Barrie Street. ngths, making 4 single cords at 4.25, or half single cord $2.25, or if] split, $2.50--measured and delivered. Phone 2440W. 290 Wellington, corner Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. CEDAR POSTS--All size tity of hop poles, and small cedar] FoLen for rustic work. Also telephone! poles. nA PE to James Keyes, Brew- er's . also quan-| UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni- versity Avenue, near Johnson. Five and six roomed apartments. Well equipped. Apply 337 Johgson Street. To-Day's Blunder __Corrected (See Illustration om Page 14.) The covering of a kitchen floor should always be promptly repaired when it becomes worn. - Otherwise, | accidents aie likely to happen through falls which will be caused by tripping on the torn floor covering Cook Stoves With and without tanks. Algo Square Heaters. cheap, ate | J. Turks | PHONE 705. \ | -- | | ! | WE HAVE FOR SALE A few odd pleces of office furni- ture. Liberty oil buraefs for hot air or hot water furnaces. These are the kind of burners that heat. The cost of operation, about the same as coal, with Nl the dirt and drudgery eliminated. Gasoline engine, general repairs. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End, Wellington Street. automobile and WHEN YOU write a classified ad, put gn it all the facts you would tell to any one Who made inquiry about your sroposition. 4 WHY NOT Domestic Nut Coke. USE COKE? Good, clean fuel; no impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far. $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street BRINGING UP FATHER fcipal elections. Sa MAGUIED ALWAYS AFTER ME YO LIT A JOB OF SOME wIND' ae Ld OW' Trin oF IY 2 se oe BY " GEORGE