» TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, ivzs, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ' ; - -- | Influenza is Spreading;~ Are You Protected? All Thousands Use Medicated Air Builder from] | & \ Childhood to Olid Age Grippy colds are easily stopped bX a pleasant vapor remedy that fills the DELCO- LIGHT nose, throat, and afr passages in the { head with the healing balsams of the The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. | pine woods; it has a soothing, cleans- W. iC. CANNON {ing effect on the breathing organs 164 BARKIL STneEcT Phone 1150, . | coughs, colds, bronchitis or » M . NEY Get the dollar outfit, $1.00; size, 50c. At all druggists. LO 1 p-- Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST, Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. -- | sults. | In using Catarrhozone - you don't take drugs into the stomach; you let the purifying vapor of Catarrhozone | spread through the air passages, and | by this simple means vou destroy the | germs and quickly rid' yourself smaller $5,000 for investment in first mort- | gage on approved security. General Insurance. Bonds Bought and Sold. K. H. Waddell "2 wumen Jiu on hdres Bt. THOMAS COPLEY | Carpenter. Phone 987. See all kinds of Carpeatry work. yey given om mew foor | inid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma. chine, | Dr. W. O. Vrooman| DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Hrincess and Barrie | Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE 2494J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bronchitis - exhausts vitality SCOTTS EMULSION restores Sg 14y) EA PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pipe Street PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT { 2-0-1-8! DR. DENTAL SURGEON. | Is That Princess Pharmacy? ) Johnson and Wellingtum | Larne ot Phone 368 | Save me two bricks of Wil- lowdale Ice Creani for 9 to- night. Yes! deliver them to For Mo of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIAN CARTAGE and STORAGE OF 0 VERY DESCRIPTION MRS. GOODTASTE, : 66 Friendly Street grippe. | ------ | KINGSTON anp VICINITY : \ The Sale of a Farm, { Stewart Mowers has sold one of { hic farms at Selby to Mark Pringle, | Forest Mills. | that gives almost instantaneous re- | Sale of a Newspaper. W. MH: Sabine has disposed of | the Marmora Herald, | conducted successfuily since 1904, {to the Marmora Hérald Printing Co { of his friends, and .on behalf of the | -- | Baseball Banquet. {| The annual banquet of the King | ston City postponed until next week. | imal arrangements have been com- | pleted and a "big time" is expected. -------- | Great Clearing Sale. | Having a large stock of Boys' and | Men's Winter Overcoats, we have de- i cided to put on sale our entire stock at a great reduction in price. See | our range before buying elsewhere, { Prevost, Brogk street. C. H. Tolle, assistant superintea- dent of the C.P.R., was in the city He reports a satisfac- passenger. anid the and on Monday. { tory increase | freight traffic | from Kingston. | Railway Traffic Growing. in on line to | -- The Members on Hand, | I'he members of the county councii i arrived in the city on Tuesday morn- jing to be on hand for the opening | of 'November meeting of the county | council which tekes place on Tuesday afternoon 'at four o'clock. Their Deer Arrived. I'wo fine deer, which were shot hy | Samuel Corbett and Edward Hari- MOTHER! ' Child's Best "Laxative is Kingston Transfer Co. | | 377. Kven 1. 153 WELLINGTON STRE . | | Dry Mixed Slab Wood Best quality Summer fuel, Also Dry Body Hard Maple; cat to suit your stove. Prompt attention given to all orders. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. Dental Surgeon > DR. J. CO. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. ellingto Brock Streets. bral rol St. Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. WAITS Tongue Shows if Bilious, Constipated People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants dally. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1187. REMOVAL NOTICE L.C. Hemsley WATCHMAKER Has moved to 109 BROCK STREET and now open for business un- der the name of ona, HEMSLEY & SON 10"BROCK STREET | Hurry Mother! Even a fretful, | paevien child loves the pleasant taste for "Cclifornia Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A | teaspoonful to-day may prevent a sick | child to-morrow. | Ask your druggist for genuine | "California Fig Syrup" which has | directions for babies and children of t-41l ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Mn ~~ ann - n Removal Notice DR. H. A. STEWART | Japanese Novelties for the holiday season. Pick out what s to you and en- Joy the selection and service we can now give you. Gift boxes (for filling), Night Sets, Incense and Burners, String Beads, etc., etc. SEE OUR WINDOW! WR Mekae & Go ¥ ¥ a Here are a fow important points about our coml:-- It 1s as as coal that 4600--7 roomed brick bungalow, 3 Ee mice fra, Hut wv hardwood fi Hot Water F urnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale, that he has moved his Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Clotht House ~ lll costs Little and Overcomes Trouble Almost Over Night. ---------- Any breaking out of the skin, even flery, itching eczema, can be quickly Overcome by applying Mentho-Sul- phur, declares a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying. pro- perties, this sulphur preparation in- stantly brings ease from skin irrita- tion, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. ' It seldom fails to relieve torment without delay. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small Jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. baseball league has been | The | rick, arrived in the | afternoon. Mr. Corbett {Hartrick returned to the city {end of the week. | | Presented with a Club Bag. On Saturday, C. J. Clark, who left and Mr. | Tofonto, was awaited upon by a few Tweed Amateur Athletic Association was presented with a club bag. | To Be Operated Upon, { Miss Muriel! Williams, who has Leen bookkeeper for B. P. Thom- | sons Alexandria Bay, N.Y. is com- {Ing to Kingston. where she will ur- | arrived Cherbourg, Nov. 17th | dergo an operation. -------- Ice in the Water Pails. Citizens who left water pails out- {side on Sunday night found them [ filled witt good hard ice on Mon- i day morning, and were given, a re- | n:inder of the winter that is ap- | proaching, or of the old slogun, ('The Worst is Yet to Come." 2 Given a Farewell. Mission Circle was held last Fri- | day evening at Strathcona, and wzs | a decided sucess. Near the end of | the programme an address was read { by Miss Minnie Luther, to Miss I. | Wilson, who is leaving for Toronto, [There she will train for a nurse. { Horse Had Leg Rioken, | A horse owned by Wiliam Mur- | phy, Strathcona, was struck by a | Ford coupe driven by Shore Lyones, in Napanee. The horse had its right front leg broken and had to be destroved. The owner of the car paid the damages. Belleville to Pay $3,600. | The city of Belleville admitting its liability, the action by Thomas C. Irwin to recover damages for injur ies to his wife as the result of her fal! *hrough a rzised sidewalk on the north side of Hambly street went to | trial merely for the purpose of | assessing the damages. . Judgment has now been given fixing these a: | $3,600. Cheese Board Sales. Belleville, 928 at 17 13-16¢ 7-8¢. Stirling, Cornwall, 3-4¢ Campbhellford, 297 at 17 15-16c. London, 585 offered, no sales. Vankleek Hill, 837 at 17 5-8¢ to 18e. ~Na > Had Good Luck. P. Kelly and John Webber, Gleu- burnie, have returned from a hunt- ing trip in North Frontenac. They report a very successful time, the deer being numerous this year. The weather was fine aid they encounter- ed a large number bf hunters going to and returning from the northern forests. to 1-4c. 18 1-8c Y50 at 18 1,189 at 18 ------------i-- Passed Away Sud-lenly. E. J. Edwards, formerly aczount- ant of the Rathbun company and later manager of the iron vorka, Deseronto, passed away suddenly at Donald, on Saturday night. Ha was with the Standard Chemica! Com- pany, Montreal, at that point. Mis remains will be interred at Deser- onto. John Dwyer Released. John Dwyer, Hinchinbrook, who was recently convicted under the O.T.A., and also under the inland revenue act, being fined $200 in each tase or six months in jail, was re- leased on Monday through the re- presentations of T. J. Rigney, K.O. The fine of $200 was remitted by the Ontario license department and refunded and the balance of his term was commuted. TE ---- Loses Rarns and Grain Crop. Two barns belonging to Bryce Me- Neeley, farmer, Carleton Place, to- gether with their contents, were to- tally destroyed by fire of an unknown origin entailing '2 loas estimated at $5.000. The barns contained {he whole of the 1923. grain crop, to- gether with a large 'Guantity of agri- cultural implements. Thirty-throo bead of cattle and nine horses which _were in one of the barns were saved. A ---------- Big Hamilton Crowd Coming" Visitore in Hamilton over 'he week-end state that judging by the enthusiasm and the talk there, King- ston will have a big crowd here Sat- urday for the Queen's-Tiger game. They say that nearly the entire popu- lation of Hamilton is football erasy, and that evervone would like to 58 if at all possible, but some per- fon has to stay at home to run the town, ! Et a ------ Getting Closer her. Rev. Dr. Bell, in his sermon in Sydenham street Methodist church, on Sunday, said that twenty years ago church union would have been impossible for the denominafions were stressing their creeds and divi- 18; now all the churches at theo- city on Monday | locking for another place the | | burgh, have bought the sole of. his foot. i } jo rest the | Zack Milligan and family, New- | house in | which they have lived for some years. { This house was part of the estate of l the late Dr. E. O. Lanfear. Suitable which he has | Tweed to take up his residence in | houses for homes are scarce in New- | burgh, and prices are not yét suffi | | | | ol Say "Bayer" ciently high to induce building, witi: the cost of material so high. ---------- Canadian Pacific, City ticket office, 150 Wellington | street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: Empress of France, from Quebec | aud Southampton Nov. 18th. Montcalm, from Montreal, Liverpogl, Nov. 24th. Montrose, from Liverpool, arriv- ed Montreal, Nov. 17th. Minnedosa, from Antwerp, South- ampton and Cherbourg, arrived Mon- treal, Nov. 17th. Marburn, from Montreal, arrived Glasgow, Nov. 17th. Marloch, from Montreal, due Be!- faet, Nov. 24th, and Clasgow Nov. 27th. Empress of Russia, from Vancou- ver, due Hong Kong, Nov. 19th. dne Gifts for Departing Friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Clark and daughter. Elva, who left Tweed on Tuesday for their new home 1n Tor- canto, were each remembered by St. James' church. Mr. Clark was pre- scented with a gold-headed umbrella, Mrs. Clark a handsome prayer book, and Elva with a nice prayer book from the Sunday school. Addresses were presented with the gifts ac- knowledging the loyalty and good gervice which the family was always ready to give in the interest of the church. And Envy, Malice and Distrust Shall never entrance gain. I've shut the door on yesterday And thrown the key away---- To-morrow holds no fears for me, Since.I have found teday. --Vivian Laramore. ASPIRIN * and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescrib- ed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Toothache Earache Neuralgia Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy box- es of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Sallcylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." Hemstitching Picot Edging MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2146. Bagot and William Streets MRS. DAVIS Headache Lumbago Rheumatism Pain, Pain NERVOUS WRECK |g 4 7 - HARD COAL Pure Scranton in popular sizes. Egg, Stove, Chestnut, Pea. All now under cover in good clean, dry sheds, delivered promptly to your order. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER---1571. | | { { | Keep Jack Frost Away WITH AN ELEC- TRIC HEATER Only the best in stock --Westinghouse, Ma-! jesticc, National, Equator. For beauty of skin Scap and Ointment are unexcelled. Talcum is an ideal' refreshin delicate and cooling to the oi . Soap I5¢. Sand Sc. Toloum' a hr Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. | MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort-- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. T PHONE 94. On of . CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS I The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB GOURDIER'S Phone 700 OVERCOATS EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT 25 - 28 -*30 *32 amd *35 The season's latest models for Men and Young Men. Ps : i SPLENDID DISPLAY] 2