Ww i- » LATEST | JLocaL | FINE APPRECIATION OF QUEEN'S OUTFIT 'Toronto Globe Gives Deserved Boost to Great Rugby Machine. Toronto Globe. Queen's seniors are now being re: ferred to as a two-man team, Bat- stone and lLeadley being the men Among those overlooked are Red McKelvey, Johnny Evans, Bud 'Thomas, Liz Walker, "Chic" Mun- dell, Roy Reynolds, Bill Muirhead and Lewis. These players would be strong additions to any senior team tn Canada. Batstone, who has play- ed on many says that the Queen's collection is the best of them all. Thomas is rat- ed one of the best outside wings in Canada. Bvans is in a class by / himself as a quarterback; there are few better outside wings than Walk- or; Red McKelvey is the best middle wing in the sport; Mundell, more than any other player, saved Queen's when all seemed lost last fall. "Red" Batstone is the most valu- able player the aport has produced. f4onel Conacher is Canada's greatest individual performer, makes better iise of his team-mates. 'When Batstone played with Argo- nauts he was rated very highly, and yet not too highly, When he went to Queen's many of those who had cheered him here forgot him, and ""Queen's 'were mighty slow to realize that after long years of patient suf- fering and ill-fortune they had at last secured the player whose {bility and leadership would lead them to the top in Canadian football. The glory and the praise went to "Pep" Leadloy and others, while Bat- stone remained in the background, yet Leadley or McKelvey or any of his team-mates cannot do anything { that Batatone cannot do better. Argonauts are being hailed as a better team than Queen's and Tigers. Like Ottawa, the best'team in Can- ada, however, they failed to win the Big Four title or to beat Queen's weakened team here last Saturday. Argos have the best material in the country, but they are not the best team, not by several metres. Coach Hughes of Queen's stated the night before the game that he would not | tisk injuries to his star players by trying to win an exhibition tilt. %kept his word, and yet Queen's oult- scored Argos by 9 to 4. Like Park- dale, the Oarsmen promised to get somewhere and failed. Some of their admirers, however, insist on winning & championship for them which they Chest Colds-- getrid of them quickly Apply Sloan's gently without rub- bing. It starts the blood circulate ing swiftly through the tissues. The congestion breaks up. Before you know it~--the cold is gone. Get a bottle from your druggist today---35 cents. It willnotstain.' championship teams, | but Batstone | He | o> ould not win on the fizld. Queen's have outclassed the oppo- | sition to date and have been made the recipients of much verbal abuse | ( { league by beating University of To- ronto and McGill decisively, and | both the beaten teams whipped the {| Big Four representatives in exhibi- | tion games. Ottawa; who presented | Argos with a victory here after out- | playing them for three-quarters of the game, were defeated by a weak- ened Queen's .team at Ottawa, the score being 12 to 0. Argos lost to Queen's by 9 to 4 McGill beat Tigers by 7 to 4, and M.M.A.A. by 2 to 1. U. of T. outscored Tigers at | amition by 14 to 12, It ceyfain critics are to he believ- ed, McGill has a very poor coach and | about the weakest team imaginable, | yet McGill has not suffered in com- parison to any of the Big Four teams or University of Toronto. So far as the O.R.F.U. teams are concerned-- and some even claimed that. Domin- ion title for Parkdale, who were un- able to defeat the woefully weal Hamilton Rowing Club team--they would be outclassed by the Inter- collegiate tail-enders, who in turn were made to look foplish by this so- called over-rated Queen's machine. The only faylt that can be found with the Trircolor players is that they have not set any high scoring records. . Defensivelf the Queen's players have done everything asked of them. In six games only eighteen points have been scored against them and their goal line has not been crossed. Counting three games last fall they have won nine straight and have beaten the next best teams in the bast and west. In the six game's this fall they have scored ninety-one points. Next Saturday Hamilton Tigers will play against Queen's at Kingston and they| expect to make a good { showing. In view of the fact that | George Awrey, former Queen's coach, is assisting 'Liz' Marriott it can be i depended on that Tigers will know a lot about the Queen's attack and de- fense.. If any team in the east or west has a chance to defeat Queen's, Tigers are the team, but even the supporters of the Yellow and Black are convinced that the intercollegiate | standard-bearers will win. Tigers are not conceding the cham- pionship to Queen's, but they are not boasting about what they will ac- {| complish. Marriott will lead a de- termined band into the LimeStone City. The Bengals will do their best, but if the teams run true to form, and they should, Queen's will out- score the invaders even if they fail to convince anybody that they have outplayed them. Queen's resenting the criticism of their self-appointed critics, are hopeful that in case they outscore Tigers decisively the claim will not he made that they are the third or fourth best team in the east and that Argos, Tigers and Ottawas are their superiors. SATURDAY'S GAME HELPS ARGOS TO BREAK AHEAD Saturday's gate at the Queen's- Argos exhibition game was greater than that of the C.R.U. semi-final at Hamilton, and after paying all ex- penses each ¢lub secured about $2,- 000. This enabled the Argos to wipe off the deficit from the New York trip and fluish the kugby seascn with a balaa®™® on the right side The past year has been one of the best for some time for the Scullers, and the club is now in much better financial shape than a year ago. fi YID CIGAR. FRAGRANT AND AROMATIC L. 0. GROTHE, LTD. sale at Queen's Gymnasium and > Inn Cigar Store on Monday. PRICES: . 3 ed Seats ..$1,50 pe Bleachers . . ..$1,00 "War tax incl . o phone orders, ~ They won the champtonship of their | THE DAILY (THE HAMILTON TIGERS HAVE FIGHTING SPIRIT And They Have The Aid Of | Awrey, the Former Queen's Coach. Ottawa Journal Confidence is a big asset up tosa certain point Over-confidence something that can wreck a football team or Billy Hughes, the Kingston press and all the Queen's following will be dinning warning against this athletic vice, for vice it is, into the ears of the Tri-color players this week. Tigers are not to be despised. Billy "Hewitt, of the Toronto Star, says that those who saw them playing in the early part of the season say that they are not the .same team. Red Tiger game for a Kingston paper says that Argos were the better team and that they would have made more trouble for Queen's than Tigers. McKelvey may figure Argos were a better team when the game itself is considered. That may be so but, Argos have not the same fighting spirit that Tigers possess. Herecis a team that eats, thinks and dreams rugby and they play it with the fever of crusaders. This team has the real football spirit. They have not the smug complacency of a team that knows it is almost letter perfect, but they have the conviction that they are a team alive to all opportunities, and that. they -have to deliver the goods for thé most loyal following of any team in Canada. Queen's may win, but they will know they have been through a bat- tle. Tigers can rise to great heights under pressure. They cagrcome from behind or stay in front. They are an improving team and have made giant strides since George . Awrey bustled in to help them. The Tigers that showed here were a disorganiz- ed crew that knew little of interfer- ence, showed no tackling ability, and looked like an inferior squad. Since that time they have not lost a game. Awrey has transformed them into a smooth fighting aggregation, has in- stilled into them his own indomit- able battle spirit and has given them a polish that has made them into something resembling a real cham- pionship team. Queen's cannot figure that they can lose but stranger things have happened. A muddy field won't help the Tri«color. It won't bother Tigers who are veritable mudlarks. That Tiger line will make Queen's line step. The backfield superiority of Queen's is conceded, and Evans is undoubtedly a better quarter than Hansen or Evans perhaps no more brainy than the former, but with more assurance in executing plays. It must be remembered that in Awrey Tigers have a man who knows the weakness of every Quden's play- er as well as their strength. Tigers will play on these weaknesses as much as possible. Behind the game and always playing its part therein will be the battle of wits between Awrey and Hughes. They are both masterful coaches. "Hughes took the team that Awrey perfected and went on to greater triumphs. Sickness robbed Awrey of the glory . that should have been his. It is only hu- man nature for him to strive and show that his successor has been successful because of his efforts. Hughes is a splendid coach and the manner in which he perfected Queen's interference showed that he was alive to the new developments of the game. The same goes for Awrey. Marriott of course is also on the Tiger coaching board but Mar- riott while a splendid fellow is not as forceful and dynamic as Awrey. It will be a better game than many imagine. Queen's are not in by any means though it would seem that they are at least a ten point better team on the dope. Hamilton, Nov. 20.--Saturday"s senior C.R.U. semi-final between the Tigers and Rowing Club was a fin- ancial success for all concerned. The | attendance was 5,331, of which all | but 104 were in the paid class. The Ente statistics are: Total attendance ........ Watch Nov. 24th. 5,381 18 | [ fit without giving one more credit than the other. any athletic organization {a Yun goes one way make it Leadley to Batstone. more easlly than any other factor. other side make it Batstone to Leadley. After the game is over see if the sides balance and if they do not, even them up. Then add a field goal and two kicks to the deadline for "Pep" and give Harry credit for a touch Another good way is to say "Harry" Leadley McKelvey who wrote up the Argo- | GENERAL ORTING [i REVIEWS BRITISH WHIG against Queen's last Saturday. Lou, old boy. and everything is square. and "Pep" Batstone crossed is a great team. ed in a garbage horse race. stuff is dangerous, selves over and take another think. No, Algernon, the straw on the with the staff of the big hotel. Pald attendance .... Total receipts Expenses Canadian Rugby Union .. Each club's share FIGURES, TALK IN THIS DISCUSSION Kingston's. Showing Blanks Toronto Forty Ways For Support. ---- The Toronto Star of Monday had the following: "The Star Weekly's Kingston cor- respondent says that Kingston sup- ports rugby better in proportion than Toranto. He says that the average attendance of 6,000 this year at the Queen's games is mighty good for a town of 24,000' and re- marks that if Toronto turned out in proportion, 100,000 people will at- tend games here. The Kingston booster forgets that Varsity Stadium only has seating accommodation for 9,000 and that, judging from the demand for tickets for blg games here that 60,000 or 70.000 would attend if there were sufficient ac- commodation. Those who attend the Kingston games are not all from Kingston. Varsity and McGill all send big delegations and the syr- rounding towns furnish plenty of cash customers." Let's have the figures on this mat- ter now. If Varsity Stadiam can handle only 9,000, how 'does it hap- pen that over 16,000 were present for the Argos-Queen's game last year and for the Queen's-Varsity game of this season? Granting then, that Varsity Stadium can handle that meny people--where were they at other important games in To- ronto this season? If the most remote chance pre- sonted itself Jf getting even 40,000 Spectators in Toronto, fs it logical that the authorities would be 80 plow and canny about enlarging the Varsity Stadium? we'll say not. And now, to consider the state- ment concerning attendance from outside. For the Varsity-Queen's game in Toronto, Kingston fans pur- chased 1820 tickets. For the return game in Kingston, Toronto people purchased 480 tickets. They return- ed over half of their quota unsold. In other words, Kingston fans were four times as strong in Toronto as [Toronto fans were here. MoGill's tenes 5,227 «$6,518.20 "Argonauts found cracking Queen's goal line about as easy as ge into a bank after midnight."--Toronto Star. it harder than doing the trick at six o'clock in the morning. If any of the Tricolor players imagine for an instant that they will have a soft time with the Bengal Braves then they had better roll them- purpose of letting the Tigers down easy. shape for the big football dance of the year. save all" is the motto of the Queen's speeders they had not gone to sleep Good teams do not go to sleep, Sport writers are wondering how to handle the Leadley-Batstone out- That's easy. When When it goes to the Here's hoping Tigers, find | If Hamilton Tigers should by any chance defeat Queen's there will be a rejoicing in the office of the Toronto Telegram such as has never been known since the victory of the Ferguson government a short time ago. The Telegram refuses to admit that a team whose goal line has not Yet been On their style of thinking Zev wouldn't be plac- NEW FROM THE OUTSIDE--LOOKING IN. | Lou Marsh wasted about a column and a half trying to tell people | that Argonauts are the best team in Canada on the strength of their game | He says if they'd have trimmed the Tricolor easily. You should know that by this time. tting | » Mike Rodden, W. A. Hewitt, Frank Shaughnessy, Harry Glasstord-- | pretty nearly all the opinionaters favor Queen's to win on Saturday. So it} is therefore In order for Queen's to be very careful. All this sure 3 i thing | I The Tigers are a hard-tackling, full- of-fight crowd and now, with the Dominion Championship before" their | eyes, they will battle to the last gasp for supremacy, Richardson Stadium is not.for the! It's just to keep the surface in) "Save the surface and you | The King Edward Hotel, Toronto, has ordered five hundred pictures of Queen Boohoo and Trainer Billie Hughes, Be rrr A A a ----------n representation to their game in Kingston was so small as to be al- most unnoticeable. The representa- tion from surrounding towns was surprisingly small, and we venture _-- net me (GALLAGHER AND SHEAN-- (Sing the words to the tune of Mr. Gallagher and Me. Shean) Both are great favorites |0% What Toronto might TIMEL COMMENTS 24 SELECTIONS FREE THIS WEEK WE HAVE 9 ONLY COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS that we want you to have for Christmas, so we are giving 24 selections FREE with each of these beautiful machines. GET YOURS TO-DAY as they will all be gone in a day or two. Ten Dollars Cash, $1.50 per week. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 529, | -------- to say that if the Oshawa, Hamilton, St. Catharine's, Peter- boro, and other fans were taken from a Varsity Stadium crowd, and then the Kingston delegation with- drawn--well, it would look very small. Whitby, The discussion can not be based have. It must be surveyed and accepted on what Toronto has not and what Kingston has. Time enough to talk of those giant crowds when there are grounds to hold them and such contentions can be proved. The fig- ures prove Kingston's end of the matter. T AX] 4 ENAC SERVICE 400 Cuticura Soap tre SHAVES ~nee Without Mug Outicurs Soup is the favorite forsafety reser shaving. nm, wo. nerves count Under the most { conditions men always choose KING GEORGE'S NAVY CHEWING. Its big plugs of moist, tough, full flavored tobacco never fail to satisfy--that's the reason. Sold everywhere-- , CURE FOR BUCH 0% BE! eT Oni Rema WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1038. § z