ws LIE re ar THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG When you require anything in Lumber, Shingles, Lath or Trim that's our business. We make a Specialty of Dressed Spruce, White Pine, and Seaman-Kent Hardwood Flooring. Service--Quality--Reasonable Price. ALLAN LUMBER (0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042 | AGENCY FOR ALL | . OCEAN STEAMSHIP, A ri Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Stree Entrance: 314 Barrie Street, PHONE 2494J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to @ p.m. J PRODUCE MARKETS ||| GRAIN QUQTATIONS. Toronto. Nov. 20. -- Manitoba | wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.03%. | Manitoba oats--No. 3 C.W. 42%c; No. 1 extra feed, 4lc. { American corn--Track, Toronto, | No. 2 yellow, $1.17. Ontario barley--58 to 60c. | Buckwheat---No. 2, 72 to Tbe. Ontario rye--No. 2, 73 to 76c. | Peas--Sample, $1.50 to $3.55. | Milifeed-- Delivered, Montreal freights, bags included. Bran, per | ton, $27; shorts, per ton, $30; midd- lings, $36; good feed flour, $2.05. Ontario wheat--No. 2 white, to 96¢ outside. Ontario, No. 2 42¢c. Ontario flour--Ninety per | patent, in: jute bags, Toronto, 24 white oats---40 to LINES | Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from ! 180 Old Country. Passports arranged or. Dry Mixed Slab Wood Best qu lity Summer fuel. ! Also Dry Body Hard Maple; cut to suit your stove. Prompt attention given to all orders. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. CN. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. CANADIAN PACIFIC SAILINGS From Quebeo Nov. 38--=Montlauricr Liverpool From St. Jobn Te Liverpool Foose Montclare Dee. 14 ............ Montcalm To Cherbourg, Southampton, Antwerp Bee. 23 ......... 0 c.0. Melita To Belfast, Glasgow Dee. 158 .............Marloch In Time Cuitsrmils You can be certain of reach- ing the Old Coun in ample time to enjoy all the festivities, when you book your passage on a White Star - Dominion "Christmas | | CHRISTMAS SAILINGS | (FROM ST. JOHN) Dee. 31--Marloch ....... Glasgow. Dee. 37--Minnedossa -, . Southampto: Dee, 28--Montlaurier Dec. 30----Metagama Jan, 4--Montelare .... _ Jan, 11--Montealm .... Belfast, PITTSBURGH ax, Cherbourg, 'herbourg, ambu CANAD. Dee. 15 Halifax, L a a 4 White Star, r a mer- Lines, regular sailings 'rem Liverpool Jean New York. Liverpool, - - w. " urier .. Liverpool FIVE MAGNIFICENT CRUISES NEXT YEAR Rates and details: H. G. Thorley, 41 King St. E., Teroa« to, or local agents. Apply Local Agents. . H. B. BEAUMONT, Gen. Agent, Passenger Dept. 1 King Street E., Toronto. WHITE STAR DOMINION LINE ALGONQUIN PAR IN WINTER 2.000 feet above the see level nd Inn opens December 15th, For handsome illustrated booklet and reservations apply to N.T. CLARKE, Mansger Highland Inn. Algonquin Park, Ontarie plus experience and ability are rea- sonable for the work that we are able to accompli in this shop. Drop in some day and tyke a look around our plant. There's ample evidence here to reveal the kind of shop that we maintain. 'We're on the job all the time. We make what you want , or repair what you want repaired. "Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREE1s> FOR THE DANCE SILVER SLIPPERS BROWN SATIN SLIPPERS JUST ARRIVED | prompt shipment, $4.75; | basis $4.75; bulk seaboard, $4.25. | Manitoba flour--1st . patents, in | jute sacks, $6.30 per barrell; | patents, $5.80. Hay--Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton track, Toronto, $14.50 to $15; No. 2 $14.50; No. 3, $12.50; mixed, | $12. Straw---Car lots, per ton $9. { Montreal. | Montreal, Nov. 20.--Oats, extra [ No. 1 feed, 62%c; No. 2 local white, | 51 %e. Flour, Manitoba Spring | wheat patents, firsts, $6.30; seconds, $5.80; strong bakers', $5.60; Wint- | ropor Treatment Will Quickly er patents, choice, $5.75 to $5.80. Rolled oats, bag 90 1lbs., $3.05; bran, $27.25; shorts, $30.25; middl- ings, $36.25. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Nov, 20.--Wheat---No. 1 northern, 978%c; No. 2 northern, 945%c; No. 3 northern, 893%c; 4, 83%c: No. 6, 767%¢c; No. 6 738%ec; feed, T13gc; track, 947%ec. Oats--No. 1 feed, 35c; No. 3 C. 1 W., and extra No. 1 teed, 35¢c; No. 1 feed, 33%c; No. 2 feed, 31%c; | rejected, 281c; track, 37c. Barley---No. 3 C.W., 54%c; No. 4 CW. b50%c; rejected, 463c; Feed, 40 7%c; track, 52c. Flax---~No. 1 N.W.C.,. $2.05%; INo. 2C.W,, $2.01%; No. 3C.W., and rejected, $1.77%:; track, $2.015. Rye--No. 2 C.W., 64¥%c. Chicago. Chicago, Nov. 20.--Wheat, No. 1 hard, $1.05% to $1.07; No. 3 hard, $1.01%. Corn, No. 4 mixed, 83% to 84c; No. 3 yellow, §9 to 91c. Oats, No. 2 white, 43% c; No. 3. white, 41% to 41%c. Rye, No. 2, 69%ec. Barley, 56 to 68¢c. Timothy seed, $6.75 to $8. Cloverseed, $15 to $23.75. Lard, $13.75. Ribs, $9.25 to $10.12. ---- Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Nov. 20.--Bran, $27 to $27.50. Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.07% to $1.12%; Dec., $1.08%; May, $1.14. Corn--No. 3 yellow, 79 to 80c. Oats -- No. 3 white 88% to 385c. Flax--No. 1 $2.39% to $2.43%. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, Nov, 20.--Heavy steers, choice $6.50 to $6.90; do., extra choice $7 to $7.15; Export store cat- tie $5 to $6; Butchers, choice $5.75 to $6.25; do., good $6 to $56.50; do., medium $4.26 to $4.75; do., com- mon $2.50 to $3; Baby beeves \$8.50 Women's Ailments Caused by Neglect Bring Back Robust Health and Good Spirits. ---- Because of their mildness of action no medicine for women can compare with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. The kid- neys quickly respond to the remedial action of Dr. Hamilton's Pills and the result is as you would expect--pain in the back and side, shortness of breath and bad color disappear--the fune- tions of the body then operate natural- ly. congestion and pain are prevent- ed and perfect health returns. Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day, 25c. at all dealers. Think these Points Over with Care cent. | Montrealig4. butchers heifers, good, $5; med-| Toronto 2nd | NG. to $9; Cows, fat choice $4.25 to springers active and steady, $35 to $4.50; do.,, medium $3 to $4; do..|$125 per head. Calves $4 to $12.50. canners and cutters $1.25 to $2.60; |Hogs, heavy, $7.25 to $7.35; mixed, Bulls, butcher, good $4 to $4.50; do., $7.25; yorkers, $7 to $7.25; light common $2 to $2.50; Feeding steers |yorkers, $6.50 to 7; pigs, $6.25 to | good $4.50 to $5.75; Stockers '$3.50 [$6.50; roughs, $5.75 to $6; stags, | {to $4; Calves choice $10 to $11; do., $3.50 to $4.50. Lambs, $7 to $12.75; | [medium $7 to $8.50; do., common |vearlings, $7 to $10; wethers, $7 to $4 to $4.50; Milch cows $60 to|$7.50; ewes, $2 to $6.50; mixed $100; Springers $50 to $75; Sheep, sheep, $6.50 to $7. choice $5 to $6; do., heavy $3 to] $4; do., yearlings $8 to $9; Lambs, | Chicago. ewes and wethers $11 to $11.60; Chicago, Nov. 20.--Cattle, bulk Bucks $9.25 to $10; Common $6 to/fed steers and yearlings, $8,50 to $7; Hogs--Quotations, fed and wat-! $10.75; best matured steers at noon, ered basis; bid $8.25; do., f.o.b.|$11.26; relatively long-fed year ng, $7.76; do., to farmer, bid $7.25. | heifers, $6.60 to $8.50; vealers 25c| ' {lower; bulk around $8.50; bulk |stockers and feeders, $5.26 to Montreal. {$6.25. Hogs, top $7.20. Bulk fat Montreal, Nov. 20,--Cattle: but-'lambs, $12 to $12.25; best fat ewes, cher steers, good, $5 to $5.50; med-|$6.75; feeding lambs, mostly $11.50 ium, $4.25 to $5; common, $3 toito $12; top, $12.50. ium, $3.75 to $4.75; common, | [$2.75 to $3.50; butcher cows, good. [$4; medium, $2.75 to $3.75; can-| ners, $1.25 to $1.50; cutters, $2 to! $2.25; butchers bulls, good, $3.50; Montreal, Nov. 20.--Butter-- common, $2 to $3. Good veal, $9 to| Creamery, solids, 39¢ per Ib; $11.25; common, $4 to $5.50; grass, | Prints 40c per 1b.; cooking butter, $2.25 to $3. Ewes, $3 to $5.50;) 33¢ per Ib.; oleomargine, 22c per 1 \ | | GENERAL TRADE. | Montreal. lambs, good, $10 to $10.50; common, Ib. ) $8 to $9.75. Hogs, thick smooths! Kggs--Fresh Specials, $0c; {and butcher hogs $8.50; lights, $8|Extras, 55c; Storage Extras, {to $8.25; select bacon hogs $9; sows, | firsts, 36¢c; seconds, 32c. | [$6 to $6.75. | Ham---Large size, 25c¢; small! | size, 28c; cooked, 40c to 46¢c per| | | Buffalo. | 1b. | 42¢; Fall | | Buffalo, Nov. 20.--Cattle, shipping| Bacon--Windsor, boneless, 39¢| steers, $9.30 $12; butchers, | Per Ib.; breakfast, 26¢ to 29c¢ per | " 1b $7.75 to $9.50; yearlings, 3 toi™™ $11; heifers, $5.50 to $8.25; fairl to| Dressed Poultry--Milkfed chick-| choice cows, $2.50 to $6.85; canners|®"S 35¢ to 38s per 1b. broilers, 35c¢| and cutters, $1.50 to $2.50; bulls, to 45c; selected chickens, 30 to 34c; | $3.76 to $5.75; stockers and feed-| turkey, 33c to 40c; ducks, 25c to | ers, $6.25 to $6.50; fresh cows and|S9¢; &reen ducks, 25¢ to 35c; green ducks, 30c to 38c per ib. N N d t Dressed Hogs--Fresh killed abat- INO INee oO tolr stock, $14 to $14.50. B D ti | Flour--Firsts patents, $6.30 per| € LYSPEPUIC iui, una 53.15 per 95d. bags do. | {livered; second patents, $5.80; If Stomach Sours, Gets Gassy and | Strong bakers, $5.60; winter wheat, | Heavy, Sweeten and Lighten | choice, in jute bags, $5; broken lots, | With Stuart's Dyspep {in cotton lots, $5.90. : > Milifed bran and shorts in sia Tablets. car lots, $27.25; shorts, $30.25. One never grows too old to forget the Rolled Oats--Standard grades, delights of cating. And yet old people; $3 05 per 90-1b. bag. will t p, I these emors- les ATS PT tie CIs oral Potatoes, ex-track, in 90-1b. bulk, hough fhe diet be atinple. Ey IN.B, Green Mts, $1.20 to $1.35; amily should ed with Stu- 3 art's Dyspepsia Tablets. . From child- [American No. 1 f.o.b., Montreal, $6 hood to old age they daily overcome(to $6.25 per barrel. American No. 2 or prevent the distresses due to indi-| 4 to $4.25 per barrel They sweeten the stomach by giving it the alkaline effect as in| Hay--Baled, per ton, in car lots, health, they absorb the gases, they lift! : . off the feeling of heaviness, they stop | NeW crop, No. 2 timothy, $15; No. 3 | timothy, $14; delivered to Montreal. to box | sour risings or heart burn, they actual- ly assist in the digestion of food, and| from all points of view are one of the most invaluable aids to health to be found. So, no matter what you eat, if your stomach rebels, always remem- . ber that a $0-cent box of Stuart's Dys- They'll come agin pepsia Tablets will keep your stomach J sweet and thus aid to prevent much And bring their tin . of the distress that comes late in life. If you never, never scold 'em. HINTS FOR THE ALBERT L.CLOUGH Treat 'em nice is good advice, It surely will help hold 'em The Oil-Gage's Danger Signals They Are Well Worth Watching For BAD TO SAY, a great many operators look at their oil pressure gages only ssemibecasionally" if at all, Instead of glancing at them every few minutes while their cars are running, which is the safe thing to do. Whenever one notices his gage reading quite differently from what it usually does, under similar circumstances, the cause of the change had better be investigated. Buppose it shows no pressure, at all. This means either that the gage is not working or that no ofl pressure exists in the lubrication system and If the latter is the fact, it may be a matter of a few minutes only before the engine will run dry and score its cylinders or melt out its bearings. Ofl pressure may cease entirely, if the pump contains air, which may have emtered through a crac pipe or leaky connection, between the pump and the ofl pan; if the ofl supply in the engine base is practically ex- hausted; If the \pump itself has been damaged; if the strainer is clogged too completely. to permit the pump to draw enough oil to fill it or if the ol} is too cold to flow into the pump. A break im the delivery pipe from the pump to the engine may cause the gage to stand at sero while the ofl supply may sll be pumped out into the If the gage shows less pressure than it should, this may .be being excessively thinned with gasoline; to the pres sure regulating valve (relief valve) being held off its seat by the pres- ence of dirt or by its sticking open, thus allowing the oil fo be sent back to the reservoir instead of to the engine bearings; or it may be caused by a broken delivery pipe. In case the pressure indicated is higher than it should be, the oil may be more viscous than usual, possibly because it is very cold or some of the pipes or passages, through which it is intended to be forced, are stopped up--a very serious occurrence, especially in full pressure-feed systems. Pres- sure indications followed by loss of pressure, usually arise from the oil supply being so low that the pump gets ofl only when the car is going uphill or is tipped on one side and regular fluctations of the gage-hand usually denote that the discharge valve of a plunger-pump does not seat. If pressure falls. first see that there is plenty of ofl and shen inject oll, from a squirt cas, {ato the system through the relief-valve. Justment of the throw-out mechan- fem to effect complete disengage- ment would seem to be required. Either the release collar is wrongly adjusted with relation to the pres- sure plate of the clutch or the pedal and fits 15%. packet 80° 72 1b tin | FINEST VIRGINIA Fill your pipe with _ A cur PLU If you THI LS ml roll your BERENS FINE CUT SPLENDID DISPLAY of CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. 306-8-10 KING STREET, KIN GSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. . / below zero won't freeze your Radiator when filled with a mixture of one-half Maple Leaf denatured Alcohol, and one-half water. : Beware of the Car-Wrecking chemical mixtures that will cause choking, scaling, and big repair bills in the Maple Leaf denatured Aircraft and other services. of Cooling System, Government in Army, non-freeze rusting spring. Alcohol is used by the It not only gives certain protection from freezing, but is actually good for the Cooling System. Easy to use. Is very economical Mixtures of Maple Leaf denatured Alcohol and water can be tested for correct freezing at any time, where the Maple Leaf sign is On sale at leading garages, Insist on having it. resistance service and filling sta- FIGURE THE COST Proportions recommended Maple Leaf Alcohol Water parts Will not freeze at When necessary to man test your mixture 15° above zero 10° above zero Zero 10° below zero 30° below zero replenish; have your ec with an Alco-Meter, rir aple Leaf denatured Alcohol to and eliminate waste and un. certainty. He will test Empty and flush the radiator and system and see that there are no leaks, Tighten or renew the hose connections, Tighten the gaskets, Put fan and belt in order and renew belt if recency your That's Maple Leaf Service. Correct Winter. mixtur, ¢ free of charge, driving preparation lor ite of we ve your radiator--your car is J /