Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1923, p. 14

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SSCS) --_ Be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER.21, 192», THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Teese orp AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions ea A v "ANOTHER JACKSON-METIVIER DOLLAR DAY -THURSDAY PROMPTLY AT 9 AM. OFTEN IMITATED BUT NEVER EQUALLED Remember many items are limited in number, so being here when the door opens' will pay you and pay you well. No exchanges or refunds. GRAND FRI, SAT, NOV. 23-24 Evenings at 8.15. Bargain Matince Saturday at 2.30. Oth and ALL NEW Edition of the World's Best fy iest Musical Comedy : Rud Yudico: Yusita | "BRINGING UP FATHER ON George BROADWAY COMES TO GRAND. . . anna mRe, In the latest edition of * Bringing | Bringing up Jiggs Loves Maggie. up Father," which Is to be the new | Father on SHE told him so, McManus' Celebrated Cartoons { attraction at the Grand Opera House on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 23rd, i 4 [Broadway and 24th, with a matinee | Music on Saturday, under the title | "Bringing Up Father on | of | the army SEE MAGGIE'S FLAPPER Broadway" of admirers SAUTY 2 , : | of this wonderful entertainment will BEAUTY 1 you can't laugh at this Show DE Ty oT ge | | Ses # DOCTOR. {Wust why this particular production f , ' i : | 18 miles ahead of its rivals. In the | - 1's ous big laugh Trom siavt Lo finish. | first place the idea of the offering i _ 0 FesSes PRICES: Evenings, 25c, 30c, 75¢, 81.. Sat. | is unique and distinctive. There || \ Soats now on sale, ! is something about a "Father" show | \ the lifts it above the pale of ordi- || nary amusement.' Those responsible | for the production are always on || HAE $ the alert to keep things moving, uwp- || : to-the-minute and ever prepared to || ' é make its fame deserved. With the || ® result that "Bringing Up Father" is || 17 Only not alone an institution. It is a || public necessity for the world must || have its laughs and forget the side- |! Brown Tricotine and | lights of tragedy and pathos. The i rimmed with. Ene raid or Self Stitching. Sizes 84 to 40. Numbers 30--People, 23 Voile Blouses REGULAR TO $2.50 *1.00 Peter Pan Collars or Tuxedo styles with long or short Meeves. contrasting shades or plain trimmed. Size 36 to 40. number only. Matinee, 25¢. and 50c. VALUES TO $15.00 IT A-L-L-E-N Thur., Fri., Sat. A PICTURE OF THRILLS AND RARE DRAMATIC TRI- ANGLE of a TRAPPER--a DOG--and a GIRL amid scenic splendors of the Far North LAST TIME TO-DAY '" PONJOLA " With ANNA Q. NILSSON Navy and Serge broidery and Attractive styles. Collars Dresses, lace vogue of the cartoons from which || Limited "Bringing Up Father" received its inspiration for stage punpose is | far reaching. There is no doubt i that Jiggs Mahoney, his wife, Mag- | I -gie, and Dinty Moore are as well | | known in the jungles as they are in I | Canada. They are characters who || | will always be remembered and || probably be immortalized for gor 1 sons to come. Every criticism the shows in which these vet characters appear there is a feeling of real happiness which is dessemin- ated across the footlights and pene- i trative in its effects. So much so that the mere announcement of a "Fa- | ther" play rdvpes an anxious thea- | | tre-going public to a high pitch of | expectancy which is soon realized in | screams of joy and guffaws. Such | da the penalty of being ablefo make everybody laugh. DRAMA OF FAR YORTH ROMANCE Rintintin, ihe oh champion dog, who is also a "movie" appears in "Where the North Be- gins,"' the far-north picture | nounced for a three days' run at the | { Allen Theatre, beginning to-morrow, | as the feature attraction. Around | Rintintin centres most of the ac- { tion of the story, the dog being in- strumental in foiling a plot, fur- | | thering a romance, and ending the | || career of a dangerous crook. "Where the North Begins," a Warner Brothers classic of the Toligt ZANE GREY'S Tosh | 5s or a ho a | : ---- | man, ar up nort n an isolated | "TO THE LAST MAN" | Hudson Bay Company's rading post. Shad Galloway, the factor, With LOIS WILSON and RICHARD DIX STRAND (right sort of screen acting in the lords and bullies over all, forcing Thurs., Fni., Sat. Thurs., Fri., Sat. # a [rim way. This is a picture that his unpleasant attentions on Felice { McTavish, who loves Gabriel Dupre, {should be seen by all married and THOMAS MEIGHAN heel. tenn esause. heres some. 6 9 - OF" by | 2 young French-Canadian trapper. {thing for all of them in it. Another GEORGE ADE | | HOSIERY PURE SILK HOSE Regular to $1.50. Comer, meewa and $1.00 CASHMERE so gn Biiingieen $1.00 atts ve 91.00 KAYSER AND QUEEN QUALITY 1 SILK GLOVES Silk Gloves -- Navy, $1.00 BRASSIERES Grey, Mastic, White and cl. All styles, elastic gus 2 for $1 All Woe contrasting A GRIPPING STORY A WONDER-DOG Natural shades weights, 2 for $1.00, LONG DRAWERS FE 100 4 for §1 UNDERWEAR GOWNS Fine avaeguisr to $1.50 oni: Loree 'snd mall $1.00 ular . ter Siar Ste Pink, 3 for $1 BLOOMERS NAINSOOK and embroidery trim- sizes, White, Rose and Grey. Regular 75c. Large sizes. FAMOUS 2th RIN-TIN-TIN is CLAIRE ADAMS and WALTER McGRAIL sizes. White and nat- ural shade. VESTS MEDIUM WEIGHT All styles, short sleeves, mo sleeves and opera cut Shades Most of Yale Io 3350 sa amerie $1.00 CORSET COVERS Plain and Regulap I5¢. EEE 6] 00 CORSET COVERS Smet, NL for 8 CAMISOLES Bentites' Ear 31,75 EEE S100 TEA APRONS. All tries, clastic wz Ft pega mie Te ting fromt or back fast. ening. CORSETS Regular to $2.50 Regular 2 for $1 Regular $7.50--11 only SKIRTS To UNDERSKIRTS ) LIMITED Pad 9 "HOUSE DRESSES. EERE §L0 #4 PRINCESS STREKY FLANNEL DRESSES TRICOLETTE Regular $1.50 House Dress styles -- $1.00 JACKSON ) ) . a i AMAA [ES---------------- | | & | Gen Asphalt .... G.a8 T. ... Kelley Springfield , Imperial Oil Marthe ptd Mack Motors .. Marland - Oil .. NY.C..... New Haven Pacific Oil Pen Amer Pete .. Ye LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Do your Christmas shopping early. e stores are ready for service. oe 4 34 ! Ks4% «x 284% 103% 34 83 24% 102135 15% 408 Th 61% STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). mn race for the world championship, a i sporting event of epochal import- jance. Last, but not least, there's a "Count the Montreal. | bumping attraction on the Strand The Great {bill is the film of the Zev-Papyrus Zev-Papyrus | Race HAROLD LLOYD! in "COUNT THE VOTES" T0 THE ELECTORS OF THE ~ CITY OF KINGSTON LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :-- At the request of many citizéns 1 have decided to offer myself as a can- didate for Mayor for the year 1924, and respectfully solicit your votes and influence. If elected, I shall endeavor, as in the past, to servo the interests of all the people to the best of my ability. CHAS. S. ANGLIN YOTE FOR KELLY ALDERMAN FOR Frontenac Ward VOTE FOR wh be - to-conduct Auction on or the County of : enue. reasonable. - Arrangements can at m my office. T. J. MUNRO, iy AUCTION SALE Housshull WTursitare, 3 332% Montreal Up 1.30 » Beara November 23 Buffett, round table, And.) CS chairs, rugs, dressers and stands, ofl- cloth, rocking chairs; coal range, Hnen . baby's cot, beds and dressers, Surtaina and blinds, kitchen cabinet, Chen utensils, mat other articles. alten and many BEDFORD, the Auctioneer, NOTICE H. R. MILLER wishes to announce a is opening a first class ER SHOP at 34¢ BRO SATURDAY, NOV. 17th. Tate _-- ran. Seesnily vacated by W. Wood. r mers a; - ronage is solicited. hd ew Shea, pat AUCTION SALE Valuable Household Furst King Street, JHhuraday, Nov. ized Loe One antique dining 1 TOOmM Se et, Turk- ish rug, dinner Waggon, brass og beds, shaving stand, oak rocker, stair rods, two bronze statues, walnut hat rack. oak bed, dresser and wash stand, marble top tables, walnut dinthg room server, china cabinet, Bas heater, books and pictures. Ma numerous to Mentiy any. other articles too ) a3, MUNRO, Auctioneer. 132 Sea led Tenders, marked as to cone tents, will be received at the office of t Raersignad u up til 12 o'cloek noon, November 27th, a for the install work anda connection with' ead beams at the Fire Station, a SPecitcations and all info tion be obtained at the ono the wide lowest tend t e or any tender mot neces. sarily accepted. y x H. 8 DICK, City Engineer's Office, ingston, Nov. Hat, 1923. Engineer. While working in the Kingden Mines William Henderson was in- stantly killed when a falling rock struck him on the head. You will never err if you listen Hu JUUr WA suggestions, | { NR oon Wishing the young trapper out of the way, Galloway offers a reward of $500 to anyone who will leave the post with a load of fur, this be- ing a dangerous mission due to the operation of a gang of outlaws. Gabriel sets out, in due time comes in collision with the outlaws in wait for him, and is saved only in pe nick of time from certain death a wolf-dog. This is a dog wha wd turned wild and joined a pack wolves and who, as soon as he a Gabriel, reverts to his dog state, and makes friends with the young betrayed trapper. : "Where the North Begins" was filmed in the far north, amid many wicissitudes unsual even to motion picture producing companies inured to hardship and always expecting the unexpected. It was taken in a region where a depth of thirty feet of snow lay on the ground and where the thermometer always Harold Lloyd comedy, "is the final showing of a picture that | contest the federal seat made va- | the { Votes," a timely subject while there's so much talk of elections in the air. There is a strong pro- gramme, with the ever-intergsting | British-Canadian Pathe News thrown 'in. Don't forget, also, that to-night has stirred Kingston for two days runing--Zane Grey's "To the Last Man," with Lois Wilson and Rich- Nov. Abitibi Power ... Asbestos .e Atlantic Sugar 'es 2 p.m, b8 1% 27 14% ard Dix as coyjars. | BLUNDERS | Here is a very simple illustration. Can you tell what is wrong with it? The answer will be found among today's want ads, Halifax Nominations, Halifax, Nov. 21.--Nominations are being received to-day in Halifax city and county for candidates to ezat by the appointmens of Hon. A. XK. McLean to the ekchequer court. The nominee for the Conservative party is W. A. Black, steamship agent and financier, and for 'he Liberal party, George A. Redmond, merchant. mine ne 'Goderich citizens turned down the hospital board at the polls when they defeated a by-law authorizing to issue debentures for Su Donia 123% 38 38% 4 b7 13 "81 86% 102 Bell Telephone ... BIaefl oc... 2 4 sunvinars Brompton ... «Tens British Empire Steel, com. British Empire Steel, 1st pfd. British Edipire Steel, 2nd 4 pd Can. Converters ... . Can. Cement, com. Can. Cement, pfd. ..s . ... Cuban 'Can. Sugar, com. ... Cuban Can. Sugar, p fd. Can. Steamship, com. Can. Steamship, pfd. .. Dom. Textile Dom. Bridge . ... . ... Detroit United ... ... . Gen. Electric ... Laurentide ... . Montreal Power ... Mackay ... «.. National Breweries, com. National Breweries, pfd. Ottawa Power ... Penmans ... . Frice Bros. Spanish River, com. ... Spanish River, pfd. ... Smeiters ... Shawinigan ... . Steel of Canada Toronto Ralls ... . . «.... Twin City ... cco our soese WabaBB0 «cc + oss va sso Wayagamack " sees sss « srs "ee sess "es "seen 40 86 96 26 117 67% 80 681% 66 34 .e "as EE EE "ene wes sae 8 sass Dominion War Bonds. War Loan 1931, 5 per cent...102.50 War Loan 1937, 6 ... ... .102.65 Victory Loan 1924, 5% ....100.15 Victory Loan 1933, 5% ....104.60 Victory Loan 1934, 5% ....101.75 Victory Loan 1937, 6% .106.65 Renewal 1927 1st Nov, 5% ..101.00 Renewal 1982 1st Nov., 5% ..101.65 Refunding 1943-6 98.28 New York. ve os 4% .. 100% . 128% 59% 2% 28% sie 33% oe -. 129% CoP. Ro vvaidiine ve cons MBN Crucible Steel 67% sees "se ve sen wena MOtOrs .. +. ose: oe seman "eo. vw oF wens Pan Amer Pete "B"" .. .. Producers & Refiners .. .. $ Studebaker .. ees 104% Bou Pag. .. +... 51% SOE RY ovo vers 7% Sinclair Ol"... .... .. 4 Standard Oil of California 56 Standard Oil of New Jersey 34 Texas ON .i cova +o ov 40% Union Pacific .. ..cu os os 132% | U. 8. Steal ,. ... . Wabash .... ccs svi un 59% 1 1 10% | Toronto. City Dairy .... Mutual Oil .. Hollinger , . W. Dome Goldale Lorrain Vipond .... . . Crown .. J... oe . Pore Crown New Ray ... Teck Hughes .. ...: o. +i Wright Hargraves Indian Mines .. .. .... .. ATBO +o sis aa sa 24% 50 131% | 59% 62 7 40 121 295 70 | 64 se es ce we es | GRAIN QUOTATIONS Chicago. Wheat-- May.... July.... Corn-- May.... «sv ou. JUIY. ase geen, Dee. ...ve os Oats-- MRy.... .. JOY. nnreidn 107%! seen . «vr 106 «2 101% 2% | 72 %, 734% | 44% 43% 2%, cess ws i Wheat-- ; MAY. saan ivnnn oa és Oct... Dee... . Oats-- Dee..va ouse 97% seen 4s seve se» Prince Hans Hejarich of Pless, in! his sixty-third year, wants to marry | again. So he has appealed to the pope for a dissolution of his present fod 'Fort Frederisk." Mr. Swain, piano tuner. Ordery received at 100 Clergy street west, A Bale of Work will 'be opened this Wo at three o'clock by Mrs. Dr. A. E. Ross in the Salvation Amp | Dnill Ai, Hon. George P. Graham is to o: tendered a complimentary banquet by the Brockville Board of Trade in behalf of the citizens on Dec. 10th. The article In Tuesday's Whig Saiitied "Fort Frontenac," by Miss M. Going, should have been head- It appeared {in the November issue of the Can- adlan Magazine. eet ete Drilling Machinery. Z Edward J. Wilcox; of Boston, at the Randolph Hotel. He is Pre- ; sident of the Non-Exhaust Machine | Company of Canada, and will . be i here for a few days. A number of Contractors and rock drillers have been witnessing 'de monstrations of one of these drill- ing machines at Mr. A. Rawson's premises, 41 Montreal street, this' city, during the past few weeks, and have expressed themselves very | freely, and make the assertion thaty these new machines are bound to' revolutionize the business of rock drilling, ete. And why? Simply because these machines can be pur- | Shased at less than one half the they weigh less than one- Touma the weight, and lastly, can be operated with one-fourth of the | power of present day "outfits" used o] | for drilling purposes. We wish to advise interested par- ties that all the machines--both | oleetric and gasoline power -- are now set up here for demonstrating, and Mr. Wilcox will be pleased to meet contractors and others, dur- [tng the next few days. The future for this new machinery is unques- tionably very bright. = 2 Ey ¥

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