H WHIG | Regular Readers Of This Socilon Are Saving And Making Money Continually | SP ORTING NEWS i The British M > Real Estate For Rent 51 asiz KINGSTON, ONT. cles fe i Business Places For Remt SSIFIED ADVERTISING. ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE Dark! LODGE ROO ot CLAS IFIED A 5 lars - | blue, latest model. First class condi-| ~-formerly oor "Y"" Team Won. Indexed, fiangaryaissn ane popu tion. Apply Box 9. Whig Office Apply h. ge ac - i slosely con- SR . ER CDat Separato . a7 -- Be a at n All ads, ars restricted a to, re i SEAL rm Be il i TR Hon For Rem 1 . ame ol pO h proper classiticativn, an o 4 Je Laval, - A Fouad { - YM CA last night, the Five-Nine| regular Dally Waig siyle of type. Find Eo J Freat % Weood| BRICK RESIDENCE--No. 390 Albert St. ia a | eye aga te CLASSIFIED RATES ency, '23 ! 0 8 . 'nfurnished. Apply to Cunningham "Thad of the local "Y" Seteated afta dF1 Sy -- eo & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. 8 *25 by the score of 32-2 5 game ro EN EY TTT was a very clean one and efficiently | FOR SALE OR FOR RENT--432 John 3. G ' eferee. i Sandled by S. Gibson as ref hig | = __Employm | : 'Help Wanted--Female 83 In Systematic Organization EAR gE we There Is Strength | socks on the fast, easily learned Auto It would be a very foolish general who dismissed his Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis-| tance immatertal; positively no can- &rmy upon the eve of battle and endeavored to win the conflict alone. vassing. Particulars $c. stamp. Dept. The individual soldiers are the units that make up Merchandise Articles for Sale. MS5--Rooms on Kin 1 occupled by the E-1 to Canningham & Smit the » Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. For lunch counter. References Apply Lower Depot Res-| 1 ------------------ aa ERAL SERVANT -Family of two HALL HEATER---WIith oven attached. | Also cual oil heater and cook stove. ! Apply in Mornings or evenings at 89/ Street. { | A | Daily rate per line or consecutive iaseruons: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Laily rates per ine. Cuarge Cas 8 A p Son Street, § rooms, frame. Rent $1 Bay Stre | in advance, A | | a i | 4 \ Five-Nines -- Graves, . Hewgill, Lawson, Harper, Kendrick. 4 Arts '25 -- Finley, Bleecker, Davidson, Drew, McCrimmon and McEwen. Hamflton FROM HAMILTON BY BOA - Tiger Rugby Faus May Sail Donn | lake to Kingston. There is a chance that a excyursipn by beat will cue The Spo rugby 4 amilton on Saturday. Pa says: "I was anuounced this | morning that arrangesucnls are un- der way to charter the Mucassa for | the trip. In event the arrangements | are completed. the boat would leave | Friday night, and arrive in Kingston at ten| Hamilton at eight o'clock o'clock next morning. With th cabine on both the upper and lower decks well heated, the trip would be @& comfortable one, and ¢ots would u ' be placed on board to pravide sleep- | === : It would mean | | @ big night for the fans making the | ANY -- Make of radio set at lowest. ring accommodation. trip by water." RATHER NERVY. -- To Order Game at Queen's Stadium Without Asking. A peculiar state of affairs has arisen in connection with the Dom- Infon rugby championship final game. 'The Queen's University ath- letic board of control had figured that providing Queen's seniors de- feat Hamilton Tigers in Kingston on Saturday next and qualify t X they would have something to/say | about the place where the final r would take place. It is understood that the athletic board of control | would like the game to be played | in Kingston on Saturday, Dee. 1st. For some days it has been quite " evident that the C.R.U. officials in | Toronto were trying to have things | fixed so that Queen's would have to play in Toronto instead of ia Kingston. It would appear Queen's 'authorities were right + thinking that there was a put-up * game'as on Wednesday morning + Major Greenwood, staff adjutant of | "the ° Royal * Military College, and coach of the intermediate "team, which won' the intermediate Intercollegiate rugby' honors, re- {ceived a letter from R. Hewitson, secretary of the C.R.U, to make ar- rangements to meet the Grand Trunk Rugby team in Montreal on Saturday, Nov. 24th, and the return game in Kingston, Dec. 1st. In . "other words, it means that if cadets are to play in Kingston on 1st, providing Queen's win on Satur- ; day next, the Dominion finals will have to be played in Toronto regard- | less of the wishes of Queen's man- agement and the Kingston follow- i ers of the team. The Queen's University authori- tiles are not saying much, but it is 'a, well-known fact that they do not ~~ like the C.R.U. to go ahead and or- "der a team to play on the Richard- son stadium, which is owned by « them, without first consulting the | powers that be. . Queen's Athletic board of control announced on 'Wednesday morning \_ that the officials for the Hamilton. * ¥ Queen's game had hot been appoint- " od as yet. The Hamilton team made ' 'vertain suggestions and Queen's did + likewise, and the management of both teams ijl get together and make the final choice, It was announced on Wednesday *morning that there was a great rush for reserved seats for the game on Saturday. A Boy Accidentally shot. Thomas Doyle, aged fifteen years, n of Ambrose Doyle, Shannonville, fwas brought to the Hotel Dieu on suffering from a bullet wound received In the accidental dis- charge of a rifie in the hands of his little 'cousin, aged eleven years. The little, chap was attempting to cock the rifle when his thumb slipped off and the hammer went down, dis- charging the rifle. The bullet passed through the lower part of his com- Panion's body' and the doctors at the Hotel Dieu hawe hopes of resov- ery. : Jam-------- Indoor Baseball, The 4th Hussars deféhted H.Q., R.C.A. by 9 to 0 in an exciting in: door baseball contest staged at the _armouries on Tuesday night, while 8 bit one-sided, it was very interesting and hard-fought and established a record for the Indoor pastime by virtue of the shutout aga'mst the! " losers. * Owing to a mistake in the ' #nnouncement for the games of Thursday night the following state- ment is made: The Opening game ~ Will bo between the 4th Hussars and the Frontenac Regiment, sharp at 7 o'clock; the sec game will be staged between "A" Battery and _ the Signallers. McLeod, Irom | that | in cadet | Dee. | o Gays " v Guys i day Leaias-- Une insertion, Lisths, kEugageruents, $LoV, casn, piv ard ol 'Yusuxks and Memoriam Nulices-- uaiged, 31.09; casi, $LUY cach luseruvn Adverusiug urdered for irreguiar lusertions Lakes the one-time inser= Luh rate; no wd. lesen (or less LUAD basis of four lines. Lount six average words to the line, Charged nds. will be received by leispuvie and u paid at Toe rit ish Whig Ullice Wilhig 6 aays Irom like Brest day of lnserlion, cash rale Wiil be alivwed. Ads. grdefed Lor more than one day ahd stopped belore expiration wil | Olly De charged [or tue number of lies the ud. uppeared and adjue'- lent made al lag rate earned. Hate per liue for white space is the sanie as. a line of type, Lpecial rate tor Jedrly auveftising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit Or leject ail classined sdvertising | copy. Telephone 243, ask tor a want ad | taker. { Annou tersonails 4 ve. 5 charged, Marriages, radio experience See us first, Can- prices. Years of | passed on to you. ada Radio Stares. EE ---------------------------------------------------------- LADIES--Having to put In 25 beds at once at thé Dew Drop Inn Sailors' Mission, would be glad of the help of Any ladies to make quilts Wednesday afterncon after 1.30. Would gladly call for any quilt pieces. Phone 1451w, SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre cured without operation, 38 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 268 Ul Street. Phone 301w. House 1135]. BRA = d round BIL s | | | | AUTOMC « 1 - r please Teturn to W. ck Street PILLOW- on Albert Dropped from motor car | apply 143 Collingwood Street | BUNCH name fice, - Found. Owner's at Whig Of- OF KEYS on ring. Apply | COW--Strayed on property of H. J Simpson, Cataraqui, \black, with two | white feet. If not called for within 10 days will be sol Yeo y penses, DOG---Found, black, half hound, stray-| ed to camp at Long Lake, Wensley, | Ontario. Owner apply to John Mor- oughan, Seeley"s Bay. i DOG--Strayed from Deer Lake camp. Speckled blue-tiek hound. = Letter "0 | on left shoulder. Finder please return | to Dr. Nichols, Kingston. | DEER HOUND---Strayed™ to Smith's Camp, at head of Mazoneau Lake, on Nov. 10th, deer hound, Owner may have same by provi to ng property George A. Smith, Parham. HOUND---Lost, old, small, Black and speckled, with tan ears, wart on shoulder. Answers to name of "Bum- mer." - Finder notify John Moroughan, Seeley"s Bay. HOEND---Lost, from Long Lake, at Wensley, Ontariee black and white, blind In right eye, also notch in right ear. Answers to name of "Pat." Find- er notify John Moroughan, Seeley's Bay. HOUNDS--Lost, near Middle Brangh Lake, two houndé--one black and white with bluish spots in the white, male Both branded 8 on right shoulder. . Any one sending informa- tion of these dogs will be rewarded. A. Wagar, Parham PURSE--Found, in Anderson Bros. Owner may have same at Anderson Bros. ROSARY---Found, on King" Street, Willlam Street. Owner may same at Whig Office near have SCARF---Found, colored silk, on. Satur- day morning, on the Park road, about 3 miles east of Barriefield. Owner may have same by applying to Ed- ward Bradden, or phone 1104 r 33. STAMP BOOKS--Found, containing some stamps. have same at Whig Office. STRAYED --On August 15th, from lot 9, Con. 4, Hinchinbrooke 1 red, 1 red and white and 1 black calf. Oliver Clow, owner, Cole Lake Pr O. Ont, t WRIST WATCH--- Found, on Sunday night, on Union Street Owner may have same at 23 Upper Charles St. WRIST WATCH Lost, with mono- gram; lost on Friday night, between North and Gdre streets and Montreal reet. Kindly leave at Whig Office. Reward two small, in the game, but the collegiate will be forced to rebuild their gridiron squad from the ground up. These two lads have been the king-pins of the red and black ma- chine for two seasons now, and their going will leave a hole that will be very hard to fill. And Queen's will have some nice talent to develop for their wonderful squad. Fickley, by the way, has sent Lost, No. | ex-| Owner may | township prCcoT the place, equipped. trained ar The A-B-C Classifie "army" composed of plat ized and marshailed into Opportunity army before yo to do his bit every day. You will have more th battle, if you embrace Classified Ads place before ALWAYS THE 8 organized force with w carries out his plan of battle d Section of 4he Whig ions of opportunity ads-which ar They are yours to command! Make your plans for the day's the opportunities which the A-B-C hich the commanding general Each unit 'must be in its nd prepared to do its part. { is an companies and battal- € systematically organ- | fouud classifications, | | i oons, easily battle, then call this u. Give each soldier a chance | ' | an a fighting chance in life's | you daily, ! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS { AME--IN SERVICE ~ Automobiles Automobiles For Sale | USED CARS-- Several. Apply Blue Carage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. TIRES -- TIRES -- Factory™ adjust- | ment, all size cords, 30x3% to 36x5; i from $3.50 up. Palmer Auto Salvage, { corner Bagot and Queen Streets. | USED CARS-- And Trucks, sold,7 listed or exchanged. | PALMER AUTO SALVAGE, | Cer. Bagot and Queen Bireets. -------------------------------------- bought, | | rev top. car good nd | 201w, WE HAVE A FEW'BARGAINS IN ! USED CARS LEFT | One Ton Ford Trdtk Price $150.00 / One Ton Ford Truck Price $400.00 McLaughlin E45 Repainted, il new Let us give } I So that you may ! qualities nit Price t. | BOYD'S GARAGE | 129 Brock St. Phone | | Used Cars for Sale i FORD LIGHT STUDEBAKER ONE TON OVERLAND TOURING. DELIVERY TRUCK | REO TOURING | McLAUGHLIN TOURING [Clarence Street Garage { PHONE 1894 | | = Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 GAS--We have Peerless Qas that gives you quick getawa weather. Eastern Co., Queen and ~the gas ¥ in cold | Intari = --,, Ene ee { for Hire--Taxi | GARAGE For rent, close tc business | distrjot. Apply Box M-6, Whig « | Telephone 17 | meee ere Business Services LL IT nn --- TTI Business Services Offered 18 Canada Maxotire Business service Insurance DOMINION LIFE | Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. | | Office: 56 Brock Street, Telephone 68. | | FIRE--Automobile and | ance. BR. M. Crumley, Phone 1782M. | FIRE cident pani Will Casualty Insur-| 420 Ear] Street. | | | Automobile, Ac-| Insurance es repre Sickness and Only rellable o Call or phon Street, | | reliable! Strange & Office: 95! ost Off JRANCE--Only the m companies represented Strange, established in 1860 Clarence Street, opposite p INSU at Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 and MacGregor, 2255. cellars A. Phone 'leaned out of job done, treet, ------ furniture, clean KE. Wathem, 143 381J or 618. | SPACE--For Apply E. réet. Phone 1 "or furniture, 18 and spuces; your own Jock 3 Frost's City St rage, R05 Queen St. Phone 536 Re Papering, Decorating 28 me ---------- clean, ary, a Paintin; | SIGN PAINTING--]. i 275 Bagot street. S. Robinson, rear/ | ARCHITECTS--Power, Son Merchants Bank Cham ' Brock and Wellington and Drever, bers, corner of a} 28c. { MARCFELIS--Wm., A., D.C, Ph, C.. cor. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd. | oor, Barrie St entrance, Kingston, | Ont. Consultation free, Telephone, 822]. Hours ¥ to 12 am, }to 6 l ---- aes ------------------ | LUCY--Drs G. F. ana Jennle A., Chiro. | | practic Spegialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone #43w. Hours: 9-12 aim, 1 to §, and-§ to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. i eT Dental 88d. | SPARKS & SPARKS --- Dentist 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock | 5 Office: 258 Phone 346. | KNAPP--Du A. B, Dentist 632w., Open| evenings by Appointment. | Chiropractia | 1 | | -_-- ee | | SALES AGES Apply Miss Maguire, 169 Union Street, Offic Sugw.. whe: Phones corner Aibert Street. MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60] pald weekly for your spare time writ. | ndy © h lumber, ing show cards for us. No canvassing. | yard Concess We instruct and supply you with work. | Division. Phone West-Angys Show Card Service, 17 Colborne 'Hid., Torbnto. - eS - HARDWOOD --- Mixed wood, mixed! Res. Sw, » 80It Wood slavs, one car choice! * hard maple, shingles $4.00 thou- cope siding. W lon Slreet, HOUSE --TWwo, on Charles Street. ply H . Norman, 69 Patrick Stree A t. HIGHEST PRICES --Paid for old wal- | nut or mahogany furniture. lL.esses | Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phofie 1045w. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS-- Make a4p-| with large lot and barn on North 88 | propriate gifts. See our assortment fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 1083m. | Hrst. We can meet mail order prices. | Lhis week only, Banjo Mandolins, $25.{ 83 FRONTENAC STREET Seven Complete with case.-- llder's Cigar! roomed brick house, electric light, gas, Store. newly decorated throughout; convenie ences; warm house. Apply Thomas Thompson, arl Street. HOUSE--Small brick, on Princess St. near Division Street; gas and electrip, 3 fireplaces; all newly decorated. Phone #51w eee ee HOQUSE--At once, new, seven | } f | WOMAN---To do housework and assist & lame woman, Apply Mrs. W. A. Russell, Deh "Help Wanted--Male BOY---Not under sixteen years of age, | to learn the optical business. Apply | Imperial Optical Co. { EXPERIENCED Work. Apply Whig Office, or LIVE AC I--Wanted, in for Watkins 150 P'roduects, home. Write The J. R pany, Dept MAN -- For farm at once to 'Box J-21, phone 2366 r 6. | is ek only $4.50. Fr ac en ee ------ Mattress Co, 377 King Street. Phone| g95 BARRIE STRE --Eight roomed { brick house, newly decorated, all improvements, with or without gar- Age; possession at once. Phone 1708w t | MATTRESSES--Specis :a Grass Mat- | Lres } ORGANS--We have § organs, ® good condition, from $15 up. OF cagl at 15 Quebec Stree . Lindsay, Limited. | a | -- eee | $12.00 PIANO--Fox Rosewood, Quebec heater] $12.004 | and bedroom set, fron bed, all in good | $20 90- 'condition Ap 171 Raglan Road. | PIANO--Mason upright. Good purcnaser. ¥ Phone 2267J. QUEBEC. HEATERS -- Combination Stoves, dining room and Other furni- ture. We also buy. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. RUG -- One Velvet Rug, 8x12, small one oak Rock- Chesterefild and Chair, All in good condition. Phone 680 F, all C, Kingston, direct to] Watkins Com- | KJ, Hamilton, Ont. | in} Wi * Ellice 'Street. Lower Patrick Street. Bagot Street (near E | $35.00--Barrie Street. ee $35.00-<Ea&r! Street. nd lightly used) $35.00 --Hembroke Stret. uy. rms tot sulti See Muliln's for houses to rent. Phone urace, 37 Mack St.| b53gw. Johnson and Division Streets, -- Neal Estate For Sale. Farms aud Lands For Sale 88 FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE For Ontario property, 340 acre farm in Carman district, Manitoba, one' half under crop; frame buildin 8; im« mediate possession. Chas. R. Webster, SENGER BOY rand Edgar, - Apply Hanson, arl St) Market Street. Junic For urnishings. Ap- JSMAN----Experienced, 8 Clothing and F Roney & Co. STATE MANAGER-- $200 CAPITAL REQUIRED. NOTHING TO BUY. $800 MONTH- LY. NO CANVASSING GOOD PROPOSITION TO RIGHT PARTY. STATE «TAILS. ADDRESS P. §. 8, 304, HARRISBURG, PA. ND er. ANL Apply 334 Johnson Street. TE ---- THE | SWAIN'S WOOD YARD-- Good, DE- | hardwood, $4.50. Mixed w | All sound. Phone 2516w. | and Division Streets. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Square Quebec Stoves a Economy Ready Mixed Faints and Var. nishes. 387 Primcess Street. Phone 339W., opposite Orange Hall kinds, new and second- Or easy terms. Toledo Ltd, 209 Princess St., King- 33 Brock Street, Kingston. "Houses For Sale BUNGALOWS-- Two, $1,200 each, One Bungalow, furnace, fArepla dah, Money dry |= 00d, $4.00. Corner York BOX Goud Cheer nd Hehters solid brick, hot all ©6, J plece bath, ver Seven rooms, $3900.00. © BW . Be JEALTO)] 316 Barrie Street. a, 1008, DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Prince, half minute from car line, 3 Pedros and| bathroom in each, electric and | Bas, good renters. $5750 for both, ou 0 singly. No agents. Appl; Whig Office. Py HOUSE--S¥ roo tric light, ga sale or would car. 522 Princess Stre Solicit rs, Canvassers, Agents 86 | | AGE --Get in a profitable a] year co oS Commission "business of your own. | SCALES--AIl Every property owner needs some of hand. Cash pur nine nundred varieties of hardy| Scale Co. led Tag trees and plants. No capital | Sten needea Complete equipment and in- HR EahE, , - struction (ree. Write Dominion Nurser. | Wanted--7To Buy ies, Montreal. { ---- | OLD GOLD--silver, or Fa cash or exchange. @G. 2444Princess street. Kingston. Go a , ise Teeth, for Reliable, for unrepre« /. Lyons, Sented districts, Good pay, free equip~ ment. We are the largest growers of | -------- ae Sou------ fruit and ornamental trees in Cenada. | PIANO--Wanted goad used Upright Pi- Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. ano for cash or exchange on pew You witl be successful. Write: Yelham| plano or phonograph. C. W, Lindiay, Nursery rontoe: \ Limited, 121 Pr one Wo meen, | RR --_---- ---- Situations Wanted--Male 87 | Rooms For Rent { tact nee ------ "IE ec. ---- e experience, | Rooms With Board 67 accept 'any | Apply Box G-20, Whig | | ROOMS AND BOARD--- Street, et. SOLID BRICK .HOUSE -- bedrooms, electric light, bath, hot Water heating, First large drawin place, dining room, kitchen, with side entrance. Second floge: rooms and bath. Third figor, ~8 edrooms, This house Is bea ful, situated om King Street, ow looking the City Park. If interested, cal) the office, B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street or 1542F. 8 rooms, § , 3 pls £ room, fire YOUNG MAN < desires situation. kind of work. Apply 526 Earl =m opposite Collegiate Institute, Finan Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and ee sms mee | 40 Rooms Without Board 68 | | Investment | BEDROOM-- Furnished, with electric! Society, Incorporated 1361. Fresident, ;jieht, on bathroom fat, All ¢onveni-| W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A.| 'ences. Apply 313 University Avenue | B. Cunningnam. Money issued on city | Or phone ¥52w. and farm properties; municipal and | TOC . county debentures; mortguges pur-| BEDROOM --Comfortable, on bath room chased; luvestment bonds tor sale: da. | flat, in new house. A posits received and interest allowed.| "fred Street, or phone ALC Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarencs | RENT FREE--2 room 2) Be yoms, electric lights Would let tb young | street, Kingston, married couple in return for the wo- | - Live Stock man rendering slight services, Apply | Cats. Pot Box F-20, Whig Office, : Dogs, Cuts, ee GREAT DANE DOG--Pure strain re R 8 Es i © For Rent jsteled, 3 years old: Apartinents and Flats 74 APARTMENT--Unfurnished, Phones 704 SEE---Bateman's large Real vertisement, yo Estate: ads page 3, column 1, BUSINESS SKRVICR W. Kent Macnee | Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phune 08 or wn General Insurance Agency, Writlag:--Automobile, Wis Aoole dent, Sfokneas, Plate G Burglary vlc. Representing culy rel panies. ply 346 Al-| TA unfurnished, | g- | (sable in color), | Wiil sell cheap. Wm. | t Princess Street, King- | MEMUHANDISK large | Prince Street. Phone Lega | CUNNINGHAM & SMI | and Solicitors, 7% Kingston. A, Cyril M. Smith, = TH -- Barristers Clarence Street, | Cunningham, K.C.:| { ler's, spadina Ave. Toronto. 50 kind disposition; A. Bagdau, 52 ready for occupation 1st December; cholce location; electric light, hot wa- sion, Unt. a ETT ------ Wanted--Live Stock ter and hot water heating; gas for cooking. Apply H-21, Whig Office. -- -- POULTRY--We want your NT --Four rooms, al} con- Cook Stoves With and without tanks. Also Square Heaters. Real ive | al-| APARTME veniences poultry, 1 Write for price lists. W | AUCTIONEER---For courtesy and hone | est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King Street. Faone 5ivJ or Lisbw, | WELL DRILLING -- | Wells, the videst, the | Sanitary well drillers | and Lennox and most modern equipment in America. {| For full information writs to F. J. Garrison Co., Colebrook, unt. Sanitary largest, water the oniy in Frontenac Addington. The ee | Ladics' Hair Farior., LADIES' TRANSFORMATIO N8--- Bob- | bed curls, switches Bentleman's wigs, | 2ta shampooing, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Mra. Cune ningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingston. 216 nn Hemstitching, guaranteed. Mrs. treet, near Princess Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. Hemstitching EDGING Pleating, _-- CREA numerous players from his student squad to othe gues. "Liz" Walker, outside wing of Queen's at the present time; is {a product of the H.C.I. Newell Phil. | pott, of Mell, is another. Frank McKelvey, star quarter of the red and black last year, will probably get his chance with Queen's pest season. And now Hunter and Wright are to go up. Before the Season is over, there may be more. ---- Poor Relief Society, Officers for the Kingston Poor Relief Society for the ensuing year have been elected as follows: Hon- 3 | T teams in senior lea- ! | | DAY AND REVELLE--Barrister | solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, | ston. A. BE. Day, Adrian I. | Money to loan. Phone 205. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and | Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King | | and Brock. over Royal Bauk. Money | and ing-| = mmm | | Osteopathy 28g. | OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still Drs. Robert and Edna Ash. King Street. ment. graduates. | Croft. 204) Phone 447 for a i = Repairing { FURNITURE FINISHING--O, | Call and see W. Driscoll, | street. Phone 296F. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- | ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a| | card. W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. | UPHOLSTERING--ARd &eneral repair- | lng. Leave orders at or drop a card | to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. | SHOE REPAIRING--All | Rubber heels a specialty; vice. Adolf Kaminski, real and Queen Streets, | : =| f all kinds. | John | 3 hand work. efficient ser- | corner Mont. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable leva. E. J. Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043 i 1 | i jorary President, Mrs. Ober honorary vice - president, Miss {Strange; president, Mrs. John i Wright; vice-president, Miss Lews; |Secord vice-president, Mrs, Gimblett, third vice-president, Miss Richmond: | secretary, Miss A. M. Macher; as treasurer, Mrs. 8. 8, Corbett. ndorffer; sistant secretary, Miss B. Jac or dressed. i ot water heating. Appi W. J. B. White. 5 Any | UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS 261 Uni- | | versity Avenue, near Johnson. Five| B1| and six roomed apartments, Well utdmobile Tents, | equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street Peterborvugh Canoes, Life Savin, |= Sooke. if Bas Tarpaulins. §, To cheap, ate ¥ WE HAVE FOR SALE A few odd pieces of office furni- ture Liberty oil burners for hot air orf hot water furnaces. These are the kind of burners that heat. The cost of operation, about the same ag coal, with MI the dirt and drudgery a ~ Merchandise. » Turk S AWNINGS -- Tents, A " PHO, 705. Cooke, 21 got Street. Phone 436. BEDROOM SUITE---Oak, in good con- dition. 25 King Street West, "Phone | 1877m. | BRICK~--Hard and soft, Avply E. E Walthem, and Co. | -Day's Blunder Corrected any quantity. corner Birch Phone 618 or (See Illustration on Page 14.) llingwood Streess. 1391) | CHESTERFIELD SUITE--Three pleces, | walnut dining room suite, walnut bed- | room suite with low-end bed; must! sell. ' Apply 5 Jenkin Street, between | Alfred and Frontenac, | eliminated. ne, automobile ang DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. A broom should not be allowed general repairs East End, Welllagton Street. to rest bristles downward with its weight on the bristles, as this will | cause it to lose its shape, The | | _er's Mills, Ont. | usedin {broom should either be propped up | = on the handie end or suspended by a coats, Pea Jackets, Army Leather : Vests, Sheepskin Coats, ete. Special | SCreweye and hook, so that its line for hunters. Bedford Cord Riding bristles are not touching the floor. Breeches, Bargains in every line. A. | eee ne WHY NOT USE COKE? COLUMBIA B. PHONUOGR. records (100 selections) Domestic Nut Coke. Good , clean fuel; no impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far, W. Lindsay, $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater, James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street COME IN--And see our stock before buying anywhere else. Men's Over- sroposition. APH--ANd 50/ + Your own! Easy terms arranged. C.| Limited, 121 Princess St. | COKE--$10 ton. 1-4 and % 25c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs. $12.00 cubic cord or sawed in one foot lengths, making 4 single cords at) $4.25, or haif single cord $2.25, or ir /split, $2.50--measured and delivered. Phone 2440W. 230 Wellington, corner Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. [~ ton lots, CEDAR POSTS--All sizes; also quan- tity of hop poles. and small cedar obs for rustic work. Also telephone poles. Apply to James Keyes, Brew- | uto. They are adver-' a Jlagsified Ads. RENT an ised in the | FEEL 50 HARP WERENT WE WHEN | CAN TING, ~ LUCKY TO SAVE THE PIANO ? J EJ WHAT'S THAT NOISE ® ™M SURE | HEAR D0 -A COUPLE OF CROOKS EH WHAT'S THE