Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1923, p. 5

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"MONEY TO J v WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1vss, ' THE DAi LY BRITISH WHIG a ---- 7 Builder from Childhood to Olid Age Pe DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and | Power plant for every country home. || W.C.CANNON |i 164 BARRIE STREET "hone 1158J, al] | LOAN 85,000 for investment in first mort gage on approved security. General Insurance, Bonds Bought and Sold, R. H. Waddell | | mpm SUG. su broek Si. i. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. | See us for nll kinds of Carpentry Work. Estimates given on new floors Iaid. Have your hardwood floors clean. ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma. chine, - ruvucs PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H, Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 184. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellin, Streets Phone f : FREIGHT, BURNIE RE, SAFES. | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION { . | Kingston Transfer Co. 77. KE i 2231, Si pn, | ! -- | Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Eatrance, 1580 Wellington §¢, Evening by appointment, PHONE 679. | | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants dally. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1137. W. R McRae & Ca THR, No ant A GOOD LECTURE Here are a few important points' our coali-- It is a8 any coal that Was ever dugout of the ground. There is heat in every lump. We Our employees and polite, SAVED FROM AN OPERATION Restored to Health By Taking "Fruif-a-fives" Made of Fruit Julces and Tonics The most convincing proof of the true worth of 'Fruita-tives" as a medicine for women is found in the letters written by them to *' Fruit-a- tives", Tr instance: "I suffered with all the symptoms of female trouble, pains low down in the back and sides, constipation and constant headache. A doctor advised an operation. I started taking *' Fruit-a-tives"' and this fruit medicine completely relieved me of | all my misery", Mrs. M. J. GORSE, Vancouver, B.C. 80. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives | Limited, Ottawa, Ont. et Aa Removal N otice DR. H. A. STEWART Announces that he has moved Nis Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Clothing House me. W.H. HALL & SON PRINCESS and CLERGY STS. . The New Grocery Store Complete stock of all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Prompt delivery to all parts, TELEPHONE 645. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133 Qrove Inn Yards Hot Water F: urnaces, Stoves and Quebec Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY ~--Algo-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON PHONE 637. 187-141 CLERGY STREET | KINGSTON aNp VICINITY machinery were burned. The barn, | The fine new school at Willows was one of the largest in the coun- | bank will be formally operad with | try and up to date in every respect; appropriate ceremonies on ®ursday | By strenuous efforts the residence next, | was saved, also adjoining buildings. | Mr. Jackson estimates .his loss at Successful Deer Hunting. | $26,000. Cause of fire is unknown, i Dr. F. A. Ash, Weehawken, N.J., | (has been morth 'with Kingston | The Late Hugh Joseph McGee. friends deer hunting and was sue. | On Sunday at Montreal, the death | cessful in bringing home a fine deer. | occurred of a former well-known re- | sident of Brockville in the person of | Hugh Joseph McGee, who had been f in for some time, The late Mf. Mec. Gee was born a: Lyn fifty years ago, youngest son of the late John Me- Gee, To Open New School. | Great Clearing Sale, Havingjja large stoek of Boys' and { Men's Winter Overcoats, wa have de- | { cided to put on sale our entire stock | at a great reduction in price. See | our range before buying elsewhere, | Prevost, Brock street. { | | Has Entered Activities, | "Rev." Elfyah Bundock has filed | suit for $10,000 against the young Tuesday Is Making Recovery. Joseph Chisamore, son of Mr. men who at Stirling last | and Mrs. E. Chisamore, Wilstead, . who has been very ill, is convales- night forcibly took possession cent. Miss E. Cullen, R.N., of King- | MI at ihe door of kis ehwich and ston, attending him, has returned to | 3fried 'him off, gagged, and blind- | folded into the country and beat him. | He has algo given instruction to bring action for slander. Ford Will Attend Celebration. ot | er home in Kingston. Addressed Orangemen. | The Orange Association of Lans- | downe held their annual memorial | service on Sunday, Nov. 18th, at| U.E.L. Celebration Corporation [2.30 p.m. in the Anglican church. | has received a letter from Henry | Rev. Mr. Winter 'addressed the | Ford, the automobile magnate ex- | brethren. | pressing his appreciation of the ! ---- | celebration. at Belleville next sum- Water Very Low. | mer, and has asked that he be kept The waier in the harbor is excep- | in touch with it so that he may take tionally low this fall, and many local | advantage of the opportunity of be- marine men have remarked concern- | ing present. J trig the difficulties of navigation in the vicinity. Considerable advan- | tage would accrue to Kingston Ie} | proposed schemes for dredging were | carried out. | A ---------- -- -- -------- F. B. Deacon Quitting Board. F. 8. Deacon, for sixteen years a member of the Belleville Board of Education, and some years ago | chairman of the board, announced | to the press today that he was retir- | ing this year and would not be a Mr. Deacon said Stock Cremated in Barn, Norman Jackson, who, resides at candidate 'again | Massow, siftered 3 Severs poe by aie | he felt that sixteen years of service | on Thursday morning, as y $ ~ | entitled him to a rest. | barn and stables containing fourteen | : head of cattle, four horses, forty- | TD | | | two pigs, the season's crop, and farm | : Paid the Damages. » ali | ' ' Albert Burtch, Lansdowne, nal | | a-- rem ] | : . | a Star roadster, met with an acct | His Sluggish Liver |* ¢ | . Made Him Feel Drowsy and Tired All the Time When your liver becomes sluggish | Co-operative Selling Proves Successful with Portuguese SN KINGSTON'S LEADING FLORIST Funeral designing and Wed. ding work our specialty, Corner of Brock and Welling. ton Streets. TELEPHONE 770. RELATIVE ECONOMY OF DIFFERENT FUELS Fuel required per season to heat 100 ft. water radiator surface: $ on Coal, Bit. 5,000 Ibs. $10, $25.00 American Anthracite, 4000 1bs., $16.50, $33.00. Welsh Anthracite, 3000 ibs., $16:50: 325.75. ENOUGH SAID' Order at once W. A. Mitchell & Co. 16 ONTARIO ST. Just arrived a fresh shipment of Christmas stock for your Cakes and Puddings, New Walnuts Carrants New Secdless Raisins 2 pounds for Ready-cut Peel . . .. 1% 1b. pkgs. 28c. 2 Ib. tins Rasp. and Apple, Black Currant and Apple. Red Currant and Apple 88¢, each Corn Flakes ...... ++ .8 pkgs. 28c. Dry Mealy Potatoes |. ....$1.50 bag Ben Davis or Stark Apples $3.50 bbl. Pickling Onions Barrie and Colborne Streets Call 1317--We Deliver. r----. - Dominion Meat Store Up. YMCA. Phones 1876-1877 TO-MORROW'S SPECIALS Red Salmon (large) + vee, ~ Leg of Pork resriaiens B80 Campbell's Soups ... . . . . 18c. Bacon (by the piece) Washington, Nov. 21.--A band of {and inactive your whole health suf- | 100 Portuguese farmers, who can fers, and the only way you can get] eithe ite English and | k to feeling right is to make your | Deither réad nor wr Liver Rs 5 vig your] who are working out their economic | This you can do by the use of Mil-| freedom through co-operative mar- { burs Laxa-Liver Pills as they will | keting, is engaging the attention of | stimulate the sluggish liver, clean [the department of agriculture, jaway all waste and poisonous mat-| Officials here say these Portugese, ter from the system, and prevent, as who live about Cape Cod in Massa- fell 28 Lolleve, all So mplications chusetts and call themselves the Fe ri 8 Cape Cod Strawberry Growers' As- A ] a Mr. E. Hazel, East Florenceville, | 80clation, understand the Lite Pp io [N. B., writes: --"I had been troubled | ¢iPles of co-operation. e secre with my liver and felt drowsy and | of their success is a high quality pro- tired all the time, and was unable | duct, carefully graded and packed which has created a demand that |to do my work with any comfort. | i I took youf. Milburn's Laxa-Liver | takes practically all the berries the | association can market. Pills and to-day I am a different man, and would not be without them in the house." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. RED PEPPERS WILL Westport Personals. Westport, Nov. 19.--Mrs. Flor- ence Stinson entertained the Girls' Guild of St. Paul's church on Wed: nesday evening. Several games were played after which a dainty lunch Verna Phillips, dent at the corner of King and Home | streets, Brockville, and as.a result | smashed a cluster light standard to | atoms. The radiator of the Star car | was smashed. | Burtoh called at the Public Utilities Commission office and paid | $40.30 damages to repair the light | standard. | Pembroke Clerk Resigns, | S. L. Biggs, Pembroke, who has | been town clerk for three years, has | announced his intention of resign. | ing, the resignation to take effect on Dec. 31st. Thg'news came as a great | surprise to the council. Despite the | request of several councillors to re. | consider the resignation, Mr. Biggs stated that he already had accepted a position with the Edwards Lum- ber and Puip Company, | | { Going to Golden Gate State, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smart and their only daughter, Miss Elsie | Smart, Brockville, has left enroute | to Santa Monica, California, on the | Pycific Coast, eighteen miles west of | Los Angeles, where in future they | will make their home, the construe- | tion of a bungalow to be undertaken | shortly after their arrival. Mr. Smart | has decided to retain his business in- tergsts in Brockville and the hard- | ware firm which he established in| 1875 will continue to be known as | the R. H. Smart Co., Ltd. { Fined $10 and Costs. George Page, Trenton, was before | Magistrate O'Rourke in answer to a summons under the act against | cruelty to animals. Page was found | guilty of deliberately and with malice stoning a black spaniel belonging to Mrs. Dora Laird. The dog, accord- ing to evidence submitted, had been | liit in the spine with the result that | its hindquarters had been paralyzed | temporarily. Page was given a warning against any recurrence of the offence and let off with a fine of | len dollars and costs. WOMEN! DYE IT NEW FOR 15¢ Skirts Waists Draperies Ginghams Stockings Kimonos Dresses Sweaters Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect | home dyeing is guaranteed with | "Diamond Dyes' even if you) have never dyed before. Druggists rere] all colors. Directions in each pack- | age. | was served. Mrs, of the public school staff, spent a day in Smith's Falls. Mrs. Annie ~ HEAT AWAY PAINS McDonald, Perth, spent the week- end with friends in town, Nell Graham, of the Bank of Montreal, staff, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dier. Miss Kinder and Miss "Elma Comerford were visitors in Athens last week. Miss Rachael Arlin, Athens, spent the week-end at his home here. Jaak Flynn, Ot- tawa, spent the week-end in town; Mrs. Carrie N. Robinson, Athens, is the guest of the Misses Taggart. OF RHELNATISH Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" { from sore, stiff, aching joints, It can- not hurt you, and ft certainly stops that old rheumatism torture at once, When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pep- per Rub and you will have the quick- est relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as Soon as you ap- Carpets and rugs are easily sold. Uses of Want Ads are manifold. John McCann, Ottawa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCann. Joseph Howes, Godfrey, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr# A. McNalty, Mrs. New- Ror 8 Jar of some left on Saturday for Port the name | Arthur to spend the winter with relatives. Albert E. Jeacle, South Porcupine, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McEwen. Miss Elma 'Dier, who is attend- ing Brookville business college, spent Thanksgiving with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dier. Miss Gertrude Bradley, Niagara" Falls, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bradley. Miss Mary Mulville and Miss Julia Scan- lan spent Thanksgiving in Lindsay the guests of Miss Hilda Kirby. Miss Jean Kilpatrick, Ottawa, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kilpatrick. Ford Goodfellow, attending Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Goodfellow. Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Cunpingham. Miss Annie Her- lehy and Lorne Cunningham, King- ston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Herlehy. Misses Marion and Irene Mulville, and Miss Mary Quigley, Westport. and Miss H. Her. hely, Belleville, spent Su lay with friends In Newboro. ply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes {it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness are gone. Ask any good druggist Rowles Red Pepper Rub. get the genuine, with Rowles on each package. Pt er A ret ion German May Aid Mary. Pi¥kford. Berlin, Nov. 21. --Emil Jannings, well-known legitimate and film ae- tor, has been asked by Mary Pick- ford to play the role of her father in a new film, work on which will be- gin January 1st. | KIDNEYS HURT YoU Take Glass of Salts if Your Back Troubles You Aches or Bladder | When you wake up with vackache and dull misery in the kidney region | it may mean you have been eating foods which create acids, says a well-known authority, An | excess of such acids overworks the | kidneys In their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing all the body's urinous waste, else yon have back- ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coat- ed and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, tull of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek rellef two or three times during the night. Either consult a cent lithia water drink, physician at once or jure and makes a deligh efferves- Drink lots of soft water. By all means have your kidneys physician examine your least twice a year. % " HARD COAL Pure Scranton in popular sizes. Egg, Stove, Chestnut, Pea. 1 All now under cover in good clean, dry sheds, delivered promptly to your order, S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont, NEW PHONE NUMBER~--1571. | fi | | Fall Footwear * See our line of Men's Fall Shoes--they are the best yet. Priced at $9.50, $8, $7 and on down to $5.00. We have a large line of Men's Spats at $3.50 down to $1.50. See our English Spat Cloth line at $3.50. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Building Blocks, Bricks and Sand MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE. MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE COURSE, PIER-CAPS, ETO. DEALER IN BEST QUALIPY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING SAND, AND} GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. R. J. McCLELLAND CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS DAINTY PASTRY Cream Puffs, Chocolate Eclairs, Charlotte Russe, Fresh Made Daily F. C. HAMBRQOK CATERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 1153 BROCK STREET " - Phone 2519, WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, THE VICTORIA CAFE 354 King Street. Slug Lec and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 762. ee ------ TN A a ---------- -- at ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB | GOURDIER'S Phone 700 The season's latest models for Men and Young Men. : wg ; See our extra Trousers Suits at $28.00

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