Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1923, p. 13

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TMURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, Bad Blood Pimples and Boils Banished by Burdock Blood Bitters Miss Irene A. Matthews, Stayner, Ont., writes:-- "I thought I would write and tell you of the experience and benefit I have derived from Bur- dock Blood Bitters. Some few months ago 1 was troubled with bad blood which broke out on my face in the nature ot pimples, bolls and ringworm, and 1 Sot 80 bad I really did not know what to do. I was ashamed to go anywhere, and the itching and burning caused such a terrible sensation I could get no relief day or night. One day a friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters. I used one bottle and felt quite a relfef, and by the time I had taken 3 bottles I was eompletely relieved. I cannot praise B.B.B. enough and 1 hope anyone afflicted like I was will get the same benefit I received." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac- tured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. . * Mr. Car Owner- on. a cold and frosty morning MOTOR ETHER---for starting. ANTI-FREEZE for Radiator. DISTILLED WATER for Bat- teries. : 1923 «> Get prices at PRINCESS PHARMACY "Where Princess and Divisio Cross" . Ls A rm = © ~, REMOVAL NOTICE L.C. Hemsley WATCHMAKER Has moved to 100 BROCK STREET and now open for business un- der the name of HEMSLEY & SON 109 BROCK STREET a If you can't sleep turm om the t, Ana make the brightest day of night. An adjustable lamp that can be used on the table or attached to the wall or bed 1s a great night time convenience that costs very "ttle money. Whatever fix- tures you need can be supplied by us---we want you to allow us to shew you around the place. 1844] 1g) PERIL PHONE:423, 74 PRINCESS St PEN sae Don't Abuse YOUR EYES Don't read in a poor light. T i SAID. ON THE SIDE {for two cents, Na | { i "Moon dances are now banned fat Queen's University," remarks the | London ree Press, "pretty soon the movies will be the only place lef: for love-sick people," Kingston "Kiddies" are writing their letters to Santa Clause. Old ! Kris Kringle certainly has a large family of little folk. In Berlin ong can hear high opera | At that rate the movies should be free over there. | Nearly all the sport writers are | calling for Queen's to win the game | with the Hamilton Tigers. It is to | be hoped that their dope is not up- | set, i The playing field at the Richard- | son stadium has a large crop of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG BRITAIN'S CANADIAN-BORN PREMIER BURIED AT | WESTMINSTER Ali the greatest political leaders of Britain united to acl as! straw on it to keep ground in good | Pall-bearers for the funeral of Bonar Law. 'At the extreme shape for the big match on Saturday. | Fight is the Prince of Wales and nearer the camera H. H. Straws tell the way the wind blows, | and everybody is pulling for the tri-! color down this way. --- 1 Kingston has another new young | lawyer "in harness." Evidently | Kingston is a good place to start a| law practice. A church In New York put onl movies and dancing as a spectal at- | traction, and many people were hurt in the crush to get in the church Some people go crazy over dances and shows. Bishop Farthing, of Montreal, says there is no hell, Some people, however, will beg to differ with his lordship on this point. Children have been Kuowh to ery for the moon. As moon dances have been banned at Queen's fune- tions, the students will know just how the "kiddies" feel. | | | | {home of Mrs.. R, Reynolds for their {R. ron Friday last. Elmer Bedore, who Deer Hunters Not Successful. Crow Lake, Nov, 19.--The revival | services conducted by the Free | Methodists are well attended, A. Quinn spent the week-end with his wife and family here. Miss Lottie Norris, Bob's Lake, spent Sunday at her home. Miss Annie Patterson who reeently spent a few days with her brother, A. Patterson, has re- turned to her home in Burridge. The Willing Workers met at the meeting on Wedne:day last. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Boyd spent Sunday evening the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Edmonds. Messrs, William and Eber Reynolds enjoyed a deer hunting trip in the north country each returning with a deer. Mrs. William Robinson, Oshawa, spent a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Bain, returning to her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Edmonds were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Erwin Lewis over the holidey week-end. Alexander and Miss Daisy Mahon were in Maberiy has been out west during the har- vest has returned home, The deer hunting season is about at a close, the hunters in this locality report a poor year on account of no snow. Preparing For Christmas, Adolphustown, Nov. 19.--The cold weather is getting in before the big rain that everyone was | hoping for lat W | returned from Ottawa; Miss L. Can, | | past six weeks, has glso -The various Hot Weather Forms Ice in Coal Mine During the summer, ice is mined from Asquith, Lord Beaverbrook and AA cr et ce NN ltt to fill the wells. J. A. Humphrey is able to be out after his recent. illness. Among those who spent the Thanksgiving week-ena | away from home were: Mrs. R. M. | Roblin and children in Picton; Law- rence Magee and sister at Moiptain | Grove; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haycock, | Jr., in Kingston; A. E. Davis at] Rednersville; Miss Keyes, Sandhurst | J. Magee's; Robert Foster has who has been in Brighton for the returned. | churches and public | schools. are already practising for | Christmas concerts. The M, Y. P { A. is putting on an entertainment | Dec. 4th. Rev Harold Young, Peter-| boro, will assist with the program- | me. The chees factory is only run | ning every other day now. The Wo- | men's Institute "At Home' held last | Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, James Dorland's was well attended and much enjoyed by all present, TELLS DYSPEPTICS ~~ | WHAT 10 EAT Aveid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach, | Heartburn, Gas on Stomach, ete. Indigestion and practically all forms of stomach trouble, say medical au- thorities, are due nine times out of] ten to an excess of hydrochloric acid] in the stomach Chronic "acid stom- ach" is exceedingly dangerous and suf- | ferers should do either one of two things. Either they can go on a limited and often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods! that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretiqn or they can eat as they please in reason and make it a prac- | tice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the forma- | tion of gas, sourness or premature fer-| mentation by the use of a little Bisu-| rated Magnesia at their meals. There is probably no better, safer or| more reliable stomach antiacid than | Bisurated Magnesia and it 1s widely] used for this purpose. It has no dai-| rect action on the stomach and is not| a dlgestent But a teaspoonful of the | powder or a couple of five grain tab- lets taken ip a little water with the | food will neutralize the excess acidity | which may be present and prevent its! further formation. This removes the whole cause of the trouble and the meal digests naturally and healthfully with-| out need of pepsin pllls or artificial di- gestents Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag- nesia from any. reliable druggist. Ask for efther powder or tablets. It never comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and In the bisurated form is not a laxa-| tive. Try this plan and eat what you | want at your next meal and see if this isn't the best advice you ever has} on "what to eat" ~~ What the World Is Doin CAS SEEN BY POPULAR c MECHANICS CMAGAZINE | of | were Miss F, others, -~ om rn, IMPROVING POST OFFICE, of Bcarlet Fever Verona. Verona, Nov. 19.--A gad occurred Monday when the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Irish passed away afler only a few days' illness, of scarlet fever. Much sympathy is extended to the boreav ed parents, A Child Died on at | death | Victor Merrill, Lanark, paid a fly- | ing visit to friends here on Sunday Miss Brooks has returned from Sydenham, wheére she was called on account of her mother's illness. Henry Lawson and daughter visit ed at the Methodist parsonage last | evening, preached in the Metho Sunday Lawson sermon week On 11th, Dr Thanksgiving dist church service, the two was observed. minutes' Nov. | a | At the opening of the | silence | At the close of'the | service the sacramental service was | held Miss Naydeene {Geddes is able t be oni again. Dr. Craig and Mrs H. Craig are spending some time in Pennsylvania. The post office is being improved by some combination lock boxes. Mrs. H M. Wilkins and daughter spent a few days with her sister at West port, last week. Mrs. Etta 3nider is spending a few days in Kingstoa before leaving for Detroit. Late Charles Stover, Wilton. Wilton, Nov. the late Charles Stover, Mrs. Stover, Wilton, passed away at his home Wilton, on Nov. 18th, aged thirty-four years and eleven months. He was a patient sufferer for a number of years, and had all the care and attention that loving friends could give him. All through his long illness he was thoughtful and considerate of others. He was predeceased . by his father six months. The deceased is survived by his mother, and one sister, Mrs. George Emberley, Wilton. The fun- eral was heid fromthe Methodist church, Wilton, of which church the | deceased was a member. Those at- tending the funeral from a distance Burley, Toronto, Mr Percy Boulton, Belleville, Burleigh, Kingston, Mr, E. Stover, Elginburg. It is a silly thing td brag loudly of one's own doings. ne & . How to Clean Tools To keep tools clean and bright rub a little mercurial ointment over them and Mrs. Mrs. W. and Mrs. new | 19.--The only gon | and | a ELE When visitors are expected-- NA TURALLY your mind leaps to the question of preparing meals and setting the table. Perhaps selecting. menus is comparatively simple. But how often have you been annoyed to find that your silverware--scheme as you might--was not sufficient for your guests! Yet this annoyance is unnecessary! For in "1847 Rogers Bros." you can add to your tableware most reasonably, and in small quantities should you desire. Six salad forks, for in- stance, in the dignified Ambassador, or any other 1847 Rogers Bros. pattern, cost only $7.25. Other pieces--table knives and forks and tea spoons--are priced as moderately. And you may add to your table service of "1847 Rogers Bros." on later occasions, for leading dealers always have the newer patterns in stock. Remember that "1847 Rogers Bros." will give service for a lifetime. It has been tested and not found wanting for more than three-quarters of a century. Its beautiful design and durability will give you lasting satisfaction. Send for "How Much Silverware," a new booklet which is a faithful guide to reasonable silverware purchases for families large and small. Meriden Britannia Co., Limited, Hamilton, Ont. 1847 ROGERS BROS. S SILVERPLATE ERIDEN BRITANNLA Alaa st s EX oF aS XN ips PP hentai tire rt te al lh Td Ch VR PRS . Individual Salad Fork ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE FOR SALE BY. "Smith Bros. Jewelers Limited "COMPARE OUR VALUES. KING STREET- Mahood Bros. All patterns 1847 Rogers Silverware a | Gifts-- For Prizes Lacquer-Red Pen with Jet Black Tips and 25-Year Point (3FVE Duocld Pens for prizes, to brighten birthdays and contests. There isn't a man, woman, boy or girl who wouldn't rejoice at receiving this classic creation thet is hand. somer than gold and will serve for 25 years, It took Geo. 8. Parker 30 years to perfect the Duofold. But it has taken only a few short months for others to copy it. 80 be careful. Red rubber does not make a 25. Jusspcintanemouthasa jewel batting. Ouly the Duojold Prove jt this way--try Duofold and pens of other makes, of any price. One pea will be infinitely smoother than all the rest. On the barrel Don't vead facing the light. Don't read when your eyes are tired. Don't read without glasses, if read- ing strains your eyes. Our glasses will enable you to read in solid comfort. R. ARTHEY, R0. VISION SPRCIALISTY + coal pit located in an eastern state. Jold air seeping through earth fissures in vinter cools the rocks to a temperature ur below freesing, but no ice forms be- muse the atmosphere is too dry. At its io7sh he beat of summor auton redeh vault, ing warm months, the haft becomes moist, and when coal was seing dug there recently, it is said, the niners had to remove three or four ear- oads of ice every morning before they vere able to get to their posts. As a re- 148 PRINCESS STREET wilt, the working abandoned as Phone 2108. source of fuel, leaving it entirely free f Open evenings by appointment. | ise as a natural refrigerator. : Hunters Snowshoe Over Mud to : Stalk Sea Game Keep Jack Frost Away WITH AN ELEC _ TRIC HEATER Only the best in stock --Westinghouse, Ma- Jestic, National, ; Equator. which will form a moisture-resisting coat- ing. Mercurial ointment is also known' as blye butter. It is somewhat poisonous so Id be handled carefully. ' Another good mixture to keep tools from rusting is made by taking six parts of lard ang one of resin. Heat these togethe: slowly "until the resin is melted. The mixture should be heated in the open ai in case of fire, and benzine added in abou: the proportion of one pint of benzine tc half a pound of the mixture. When cool the mixture can be rubbed lightly ove the bright-steel articles. Tools thw treated will resist the corrosive action even of salt water. * * Effective Method of Pulling Tree Stumps In pulling stumps a team and one o two long chains will do the work effeo tively if arranged correctly. The greats the distance the stumps are apart, the easier they can be pulled. 1 When two stumps are situated clos together, loop the chain around eacl stump and hook it. Twist it by means o al t as possible, anc 0 Most good dealers are now supplied. But if your dealer's stock has not arrived, give him your order sub- ject to your approval after 30 days' trial. Or write us, giv. ing your dealer's name, Ba to get it as tight the team on as shown. In cam' there is no other stump to hitch to, di down s0 as to expose the main root, and after fastening one end of the chain, win¢ it around the stump, and under the root Lt MADE IN CANADA SAME PRICE AS IN THE STATES _ THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN 00, Limited--Toronto, Ontario. 3 -- A conversationalist must not ex- If it were his own possession, but he of clude others from conversation, as |ought to regard mutus! tnterchange tion : \ NC.

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