. \ PMIHURSOAY, NUVEMBER ISH WHIG THE. DAILY BRIT I ---------- Regular Readdis Of This Section Are*Saving And Making Money Continually | mas SPORTING NEWS Players to Decide. ft is almost certain that, provid- ing Queen's defeat Hamilton Tigers, the dominion rugby final will be played in Toronto. At a meeting of the Queen's athletic board of con- * trol held on Wednesday evening, it | was decided to- allow the members | 'of Queen's senior team to decide | whether the game would be played ! in Kingston or Toronto. The play- ors are very favorable to Toronto as | they state they can play better ball | The Queen's authori- | in Toronto. ties state that although they realize the attendance might be larger in Toronto, the difference in the ex- pehses of taking the team to that elty would make matters about even. In view of the fact that Queen's and the Hamilton Tigers could not agree on the mattér of a referee and judge of play for the game on Saturday next it was decided to al- low the C.R.U. to make the selec- tion. According to the rules of that Pody the president, Percy Roberts, Montreal, will do the selecting. Ha- milton was under the impression that R. Hewitson, Toronto, who is secretary, would choose the offi- clals. On Thursday morning, "Red" Me- | Kelvey's boot, which was sent to Toronto for the purpose of having a special guard put in it to protect his broken toe, arrived at the col- lege. Red' stated -that although is foot is a little stiff, he would be in the game on Saturday. a---- L. Y. R. A. Meots Here, The annual meeting of the Lake Yacht Racing Association will be held in Kingston on December 1st] at the Frontenac Club. William Casey of the Kingston Yacht Club is | president, and there will be repre- sentatives from Rochester, Sodus, Buffalo, Oswego, Hamilton, Toronto, Belleville and Kingston. The visitors will be the guests of the Kingstons Yacht Club and will be entertained at a dinner. It is the general opinion that Sodug will be the place of the sum- mer regatta next season as the Am- ericsns are now entitled to the meet. There will be about twenty-five delegates in attendance at the meet- ing here, and the official delegates | from the Kingston Club are William Oasey, Dr. Allan Black and J. A. Dalton, ---- Speed Shonld Favor Queen's, The Toronto Globe today says: Queen's will likely win the game be- cause of thelr superior speed, open fleld tackling and the kicking, catching and running of the Lead- ley-Batstone combination. : r the Crown Prince, as he is ch! there. Stresemann is a per. sonal friend of the ex-Prince. ; CHANCBLLOR STRESEMANN | Who sayh, that Germany will not AN EVENT AT MORVEN, A Concert and Supper Held in The White Church, The ladies of the White (Metho- . dist) church at Morven, held a con- cert and supper on Wednesday night, and the event which was at- tended by a number of Kingston. fans, was a great success. In spite of the iiclement weather, the church was filled to the doors and the cou- ¢ert and supper were much enjoy- ed. Jt appeared that all the roads led to the church, so big was the gathering, and the ladles in charge were mush pleased over the patron. age. The ladies were untiring Mn their efforts, and are deserving of warm praise for their work. The sum of $196 was collected at the door. The supper, such as only the ladies at Morven can serve, provided an ample supply of delicacies, Chick- en was served in every style, while plecand cake was the best ever. In 'fact everyone expressed the opinion that they did not know there was so much cake in the world. 4 Mr. La Salle, Napanee, contribut- 8d a pumber of fine solos and Mr. and Mrs. Black, Napanee, favored th duets, in a most pleasing man- "The chief entertainer of the was .. Cook, of the In- iy t; Ottawa, who de ted the audience with his songs 3 ihe aud R To Start New Elevator, ¥ William, Nov. 22.---Construc- jon will start this winter on a new terfor government terminal eleva- tor at Bdmonton, Leslie H. Boyd, 'chairman of the board of grain com- 3 announced. The clevator, be under the control of Tie Briss 2m CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardised and popular- lzed according to All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classificativn, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive ingeriions: Minimum charge, 36 cents. Laily pates per line. Cuarge Cash u Gard es ve» - 4 ¥ . Uys. i day Deacas-- Une Diring, bugagements, yh.ou; casn, §i.00. card of Yoanks aud Memoriam Nouces--Lnurged, $i.00; cénn, BLO cacn. Jusertion. Adveruasing ordered for Irregular insertions takes the one-time luser- Lion tile; no 8d. taken for less Loan basis of tour lines. Count six averuge words to line. n Charged ads. will be received by teicpuovne und if paid at The Brite shh Whig vitice witiug 6 days trom THE Dist yay ul insertion, casa rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered. ior more than one day and stopped Lelore expiration will only be cnarged for tae number of times the ad. appenreg and adjue'- ment made al (ne rate earned. Hate per line tor while space Is the samme as a line of type Special rate tor yearly aav Upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or 1eoject all classined advertising insertivn, charged, Marriages, the ertising copy. Telvphone 243, ask for a want ad. taker, Announcements rersonais MATRIMONY Handsome lady of means, would marry, if suited. Write Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohio. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, 'Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre cured without operation. 3% years' experience. Dr, Elmer J. Lake,| Eye, Kar, Nose, Throat, »kin, 258] Bagot Street. ¥hone 301w. House 1135J. | Lost and round 10 AUTOMOBILE LICENSE Lost, No, C-240-18. Vinder please return to W. P. Peters, 117 Brock Street. BABY'S PILLOW---Found, on Albert Street. Dropped from motor car. Owner apply 143 Collingwood Street. -- Found. Owner's] BUNCH OF KEY Apply at Whig Of- name on ring. flee. COW---Strayed on property of H. J. Simpson, Cataraqui, black, with two white feet. If not called for within] 10 days will be. sold to pay ex-| penses { DEER HOUND--Found, Blue Tick, at| Deer Lake. Owner may have same at| D. McQualide, 117 Ordnance. Street, by | proving property and paying ex-| penses. : t DOG--Found, black, half hound, stray-! ed to camp at Long Lake, Wensley,| Ontario. Owner apply to John Mor-| oughan, Seeley's Bay. . | DOG---8trayed from Deer Lake camp.| Speckled blue-tick hound. Letter "O" on left shoulder. Finder please return] to Dr. Nichols, Kingston. | HOUND---Lost, old, small, black and speckied, with tan ears, wart onj shoulder. Answers tg name of "Bum-/ mer." Finder notify John Moroughan, Seeley's Bay. | HOUND--Lost, from Long Lake, at! Wensley, Ontarfo, black and white, blind in :ight eye, also notch in right ear. Au.wers to name of "Pat." Fiad- er notity John Moroughan, Seeley's Bay. Middle Branch| one black and HOUNDS--Lost, near Lake, two hounds- male. Hoth branded S on right] shoulder. Any cme sending informa-! tion of these dogs will be rewarded. T. A. Wagar, Parham. PURBE--Found, In Anderson Bros.! Owner may have same at Anderson! Bros. PARCEL OF YARN--- Picked up on Clergy Street. Owner can have the same Gt 75 Gore Street. | PARCEL--Found, containing a pair of| stockings left In Jesse's store. Owner may have same on applying to same. SCARF---Found, colored silk, on Batur-| day morning, on the Park road, about | 8 miles east of Barriefield.. Owner| may have same by applying to 'Ed-! ward Bradden, or phone 1104 r 8 STAMP BOOKS---Found, two small, containing some stamps. Owner may have same at Whig Office. STRAYED--On August 15th, from lot 9, Con. 4, Hinchinbrooke township, 1 red, 1 red and white and 1 black calf. Oliver Clow, owner, Cole Lake P. O. Ont. t - WRIST WATCH--Lost, with mono- gram; lost on Friday night, between North and Gore streets and Montreal Street. Kindly leave at Whig Office. | Reward Brockville to Banaunet Graham, Brockville, Nov. 23.5 order that his low cis mas in some measure express tHeir appreciation of the services rendered by him to Canada as one of her. ggpresenta- tives at the Assembly of the League of Nations at Genoa, and at the Im- perial Beonomic Conference in Lon- don, the Board of Trade has arrang- éd a complimentary banquet to be tendered to Hon. George P. Graham, minister of Railways and canals, on the evening Ot Monday, December 10th. er Employment Merchandise [ Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Rent { ©! CEDAR POSTS--AIll sizes; also quan-| LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street "1 tity of hop poles, and small cedar --formerly accypled by the % LO. F. poles for rustic work. Also telephone] Apply to Cunningham & Smith. poles. Apply to James Keyes, Brew-| er's Mills, Ont. ! 7 FURNITURE-- Quartered oak office BRICK RESIDENCE---No. 390 Albert St. desk, 80x32, and swivel chair, also' T1'nfurnished. Apply, to Cunningham operating table; sacrifice for quick | & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. A s&le. Apply 327 Barrie Street. - | FOR BALE OR FOR RENT--492 Jdhn- GET--Your Repairs and Separator Oil] son Street, 5 rooms. frame. Rent $15, for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte]! in advance. ply J. B. Cooke. Phones & Wood| Res, 8234w., Office 503w. | HOUSE---Small brick GOOD HARD COAL--$14.75, delivered. | Coke, $15. Both guaranteed satisfae-| tory. Phone 1862J. G. W. Richard- sun, 197 Wilijam Street. { { Help Wanted--Female | COOK---Good, general No upstairs wor ,» 38 King Street West GIRL--For lunch counter required. Apply Lower Depot taurant 32 | Articles for Sale. 51 | phon Call or . An Mrs. In Systematic Organization There Is Strength It would be a very foolish general who dismissed his army upon the eve of battle and endeavored to win the conflict alone. The individual soldiers are the units that make up the organized force with which the commanding general carries out his plan of battle. Kach unit must be in its place, equipped. trained and prepared to do its part. The A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig is an "army" composed of platoons, companies and battal- ions of opportunity ads which are systematically organ- ized and marshalled into easily found classincations. They are yours to command! Make your plans for the day's battle, then call this opportunity army before you. Give each sgldier a chance to do his bit every day. - = You witli have more than a fighting chance in life's battle, if you embrace the opportunities which the A-B-C Classified Ads place before you daily. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE 'SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY References nes Houses For Rent | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 to $60 ald weekly for your spare time wril-| ng show cards for vs. No canvassing. 17 We instru nd supply you with wor West-Angus Show Card Service, Colborne Bld, Teronte. Frost Street. | Cream Agency, Separators at 436 Ontario WOMAN--To do housework and assist) a lame weoma Apply. Mrs. W. A. Russell, Del t J » on Princess St. hear Division Street; gas and electrie, 2 fireplaces; all newly decorated. Phone 951w. HOUSE--At once, new, seven with large lot and barn on North Al: | fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 1083m. Help Wanted--NMale 33 BOY--Not under sixteen years of age, to learn the optical business. Apply Imperial Optical Co. EXPERIENCED MAN -- For farm | ott Two, on Charles work. Apply at once to Box J-21,| HARDWOOD Mixed wood, mixed! Electric light and gas for cookin Whig Office, or phone 2366 r 6. » |7'8labs, soft wood slabs, one car choice! ply H. F. Norman, gs body hard maple, shingleg $4.00 thou- EARN--3$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the ¥ ARN sa Jz.0 ws sand; rough lumber, Sope signi Ww i 19 PARRIE BITRE Err rs pleasan ome or way makin i. 'Talboi, yard Concession Street; RIE STREET socks on the fast, easily learned Auto y aut roomed near Division. Phone 230IW. brick house, newi d Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- ¥ decorated, . all : improvements, with or without gar- tance immaterfal; positively no can-| HIGHEST PRICES --Paid for old wal-| age; possession at once. Phone 1708w Yassing. Particulars Sc. stamp. Dept.| nut or mahogany furniture. Lesses| or call at 15 Quebec Street. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. Antique Shop, 347 Princess Wireet. S . -- Phone 1045w. 1412 00--Ellice Street. LIVE AGENT----Wanted, In Kingston; | $12.00--Lower Patrick Street. for Watkins 150 I'roducts, direct to| MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS-- Make ap-| $20.00--Bagot Street (near karl St.) home. Write The.J. R. Watkins Com-| propriate gifts. See our assortment) $35.00--Barrie Street, pany, Dept, KJ, Hamilton, Ont. frst. We can meet nail order prices. | $35.00---Earl Street. $36.00---~FPembroke Stret. HALL HEATER---With oven attached. | Also coal oll heater and cook stove. { Apply in mornings or evenings at §9 | Bay Street. : Street, i &. Ap- 69 Patrick Street. This week uni, Banjo Mandolins, $23. § See Mullin's for houses to rent. Phone Automobiles Culnpiete with case.~ Elder's Cigar b3w. Johnson and Division Streets. Sto STATE MANAGER-- $200 CAPITAL HEQUIRED. Real Estate For Sale. Mi --Special Sea Grass Mat- | | tress this week only $4.50. Frontenac. Mattress Cx, 377 King Street. Phone A bites For Sale 1 Hemstitehing 21b NOTHING TO BUY. $800 MONTH? I = ot i arms and Lands For Sale | FORD == | fine condition. Callahan's Garage. Phone 1410. 1961J. ORGANS--We good conditian, Lindsay, LY. NO CANVASSING AND GOUD PROPOSITION THE RIGHT DE- f PICOT EDGING -- Hemstitching, | Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. | IPeild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess | Street. Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. | | Card. SBEDAN-~--Very late model and in| Gry Jats mete! 4nd IN FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE -- For Ontario property, 240 acre farm in jCarman district, Manitoba, half under crop; frame buildin mediate possession. Chas. R. have 6 organs, from §16 up. Limited, all In TO C. W PARTY. STATE USED varag PIANO -- Gerhard-Heintzaman, Fumed Oak, upright. Good buy. Slightly used. 'termg to suit purchaser. Ap- ply F. J. Grace, 37 Mack Street. TAILS. ADDRESS P. 8. 8, BOX 304, HARRISBURG, PA. CARS-- Several. Apply Blue) e Ltd., Bagot and Queen Streets. _38 Brock Street, Kingston. Houses ¥or Sale Insurance 23 DOMINION LIFE TIRES ment, from $3.50 up. corner Bagot and Queen Streets. Phone 2267J. -- TIRES -- Factory adjust- Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. ali size cords, 30x3% to 3bxb; Office: 66 Brock Street. Telephone 68. Pi Auto Salvage, | almer Auto 34lvae® | FIRE--aucomoblie and Casualty Insur- ance. KE. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. | BUNGALOWS-- Zw, She each. ne Bungalow, solid brick, hot air furnace, fireplace, 3 piece bath, veran- Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year commission business of your own. PIANO--Fox Rosewood, Quebec heater and bedroom get, iron bed, all in good eondition. Apply 171 Raglan Road. USED sotd, listed or exchanged. PALMER AUTO SALVAGE, Cer. Bagot and Queen Streets. WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS IN One Ton Ford Truck One Ton Ford Truck McLaughlin E45 Repainted, Let us give you a drive in this car that you may know so quali BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St, dah, seven rooms, $3900.00. Money to loan on first mortga es. H. B. WILSON, REAL OR. 316 Barrie Street. Plone 1098, BUSINESS -- Realdence lots, picture frames made to order. at reduced prices till all are so ply Weese's store. DOUBLE BRICK HOUS half minute from car | and bathreom In Bas, good renters, bought,| Phone 178:M. | Kvery property owner needs some of our nine nunured varieiies of nardy *Red Tag trees ang plants. No capital needed. Complete vyuipment and in- struction free. Write Duiminion Nurser- | les, Monireal. SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- | ment. We are the largest growers of | Iruit and ornamental trees in Canada, | Hell for a Nursery, not for a jouvber | Jou will be successful. Write: reinam | CARS-- And Trucks, PRIVATE SALE--Of household Furni- ture at 327 barrie Street, solid rose- wood spinet desk, table and 2 chairs, antique walnut dining' room set, 6 rush bottom chairs, mahogany ecard table, Dangler gas range and other house- hold effects. Same can be seen at any time. QUEBEC HEATERS -- Combination Stoves, dining room and other furni- ture. We also buy. J. Thompson, 353 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. { RUG -- One Velvet: Rug, 8x12, small Chesterefild and Chalr, one oak Rock- er. All in good condition. Phone 680F. Apply 334 Johnson Street. FIRE-- Automobile, Sickness and .Ac-| cident Insurance. Only reliable com-| panies represented. Call or phone. RE. | Williams, 2 Couper Street. | frames, Photog ! 1d. Ap~ INSURANCE---Only the most reliable] companies/ represcnted Strange &| Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 | Clarence Street, upposite Post Office. | USED CARS LEFT E--Princegs St, ine, 3 bedrooms ri H sleatric and | or oth, on $3,000 singly. No agent Box £-15, Whig Office. BENIN Apply Box HOUSE--5 rooms, bath and toflet elec. trie light, sarage and driveway, p> : e or wou conaider § car. B22 Princess Street, 800d 'Sloss é Price $150.00 3 EE Moving, Trucking, Storage a5 | errr me o---- - Price $400.00 ASHES--Cleaned out of' cellars and] | yards, clean job done, A. MacGregor, | 24 Russell Street. Phone 2355. Z | { { YOUNG MAN---With office experienc desires situation. Will accept any | kind of work. Apply Box G-3v, Whig | SWAIN'S WOOD YARD-- Good, dry Oixice. | hardwood, $4.50. Mixed wood, $4.00. 'All sound. Phone 2616w. Corner York and Division Streets. revulit and new top. STORAGE SPACE---For turniture, clean and dry. Appl E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. hone 1391J .or 618. | STORAGE--For furniture, airy rooms and spuces; your own lock and key. Frost's City St rage, 299- 05 Queen St. Phone 526 Res. 989 w. | *ainting, Papering, Decorating 26 | SE the good Price right. ties In It. SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- bedroems, electric light, bath, hot water heating, First fioor: large place, dining room, entrance, MNecond floor: § bedrooms 8 rooms, § gas, § plece good cellar, drawing room, fire kitchen, with side clean, Ary, | yAN_ Will the man who called at 246 Wellington Street, re working farm | on share, please call at above ad-|STOVES--Lawrenson's for Goud Cheer dress before Saturday noon. Square NJeheo Stoves and Heaters, a 5 Economy Ready Mixed Fsints and Var. Phope 2viw. | i | | Used Cats for Sale FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. STUD OVEF REO McLAUGHLIN Clarence Street Garage nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone and bath. Third floo b 839w., opposite Orange Hall ul, aitusted on This house is beautiful, ajtuate '? King Street, overlooking the 4 Park. If interested, call the office. B Thidasoon 8 Jagot St Phones 704 or 15438 © 4 Boren. te Finanoial | | el | SIGN PAINTING--J. 5. Robinson, rear Money Ww Loan ® g 276 Bagot street. { mr | SCALES--Al kinds, new and second- hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo Scale Co. Ltd, 209 Princess St, King- ston, Architects | FRONTENAC--Loan and Itivestment | | Seciely, incorporated 1361. President, | 5 28D. | JEBAKER ONE TON TRUCK. V| y W. FF. Nickie. h.C.; vice-president, A. > | B. Cunningaumn. Money issued on city | ARCHITECT S--FPowwrgSon aud Drever, | | RLAND TOURING. i Merchants Bank Chambers, corper of ! TOURING. | | IS Radio Equipment RADIO--Celoron panels. Yep, we have 'em in all sizes and thicknesses. As in other apparatus, our prices are lowest. Canada Radio Stores. Wanted---To Buy | OLD GOLD---8llver, or False T cash or exchange. G. W. 244 Princess street, Kingswon, | PIANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi-| SEE--Bateman's large Rea! jo vertisement, page s ra Ratute a chased; luvestment bonds 1ur sale; da- | posits received aud interest ailowed. KC lartwrignt, manager, 3 Clarenes | olreetl, kingsivr | =x county debentures; moriguges pur- Chiropructio 28c. | MARCELIS--Wm., A., D.C Ph. C., cor. | | ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd| Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, Consultation free. Telephone | Hours ¥tol2 am, ltoépm. | 1 | COWS--Two milking cows, one gixien! | BUSINESS SARVICE W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bullding, Bro and King Streets. Phune 701 or teow General Insurance Agency, Writing:~--Automobile, Fire, Agel dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary and arm properties; municipal and Brock and Wellington TOURING. co eeth, fur| Lyons, | { toor, he uni Do, Cuts, Pets 4% PHONE 1994. | = : . » LUCY--Drs. G. F. na Jennie A. Chiro. "yon ing old heifer and, four 'months' Auto practic Specialists and eglastered : # x Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone $43w.| 9M Apply 41 Stanley Street ano for cash or exchange on new] Hours: 9-12 a.m., 1 to 5, and 6 to 7.30 | iano or phonograph. C. Wanted--Live Stock 30 | vic. Representing only reliable com. Accessories--Tires--Purts 18 panies. | SPEAKING OF OILS-- See us Mobilolls, for winter use. all grades, white with bluish spots in the white! Co. Queen and O Garag | p.m. Bunday and other hours by ap-| pointment. ltation free. imited, 121 Princess St. about ae er eta aa 4 We handle! -- Eastern Canada Maxotire| rio Streets. ~~ tal | SPARKS & SPARKS --- Dentists, 150 Wellington street, corner of Broek. ____Rooms For Rent | Rooms Without Board i BEDROOM Furnished, 'with electric | { live Wal- POULTRY--We want your poultry, or dressed. Write for price lists. ler's, spadina Ave., Toronto. Merchandise. NeoutlaANzLISE ------ es--Autos for Hire--Taxl 1a | | GARAGE---For rent, distric Business Serv Business Services Offered ie | close to bisiness| KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 288 Articles For Sale 51 Woy M-6, Whig Office.| Princess Street. Phune $53IW. Open | ¢lephone 176M. | evenings by appointment. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, | Peterborvugh Cances, Life Saving ices Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. ¥. W.| TY Cooke, 319 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | BABY CARRIAGE--Fur robe, child's] Cook Stove With and without tanks. Algo Square Heaters. Real cheap, At J. Turk's light, on bathroom flat. All conveni- ences. Apply 313 University Avenue or phone 553w. BEDROOM--Comfortable, on bath room| flat, in new house. Apply 345 Al-| fred Street, or phone 2292w. RENT FRBE--? rooms, unfurnished, electric lights. Would let to young { | Phone $48. | t. Apply Lega 280. 4 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers 1s AUCTIONEER--For courtes. - est dealing, W. A, Twigg 3rd hon Street. and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. Cunningham, 'K.C,; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barrister solicitors, 89 Clarence Street, PHONE 105. -------- WE HAVE FOR SALE sleigh. also 'two large easy chairs; all} in good condition. Apply 60 Welling-| ton Street. Phone 17%3J. ! BABY CARRIAGE Dark blue, Eng- married couple In return for the wo-| man rendering slight services. Apply Box F-30, Whig Office. | 374 Kin Fhone 820J or 1786w. and WELL wells, sanitary well arilters and Lennox y most modern gqQuipment For full information writs Garrisen Co. Colebrook, Ont. Ladics' Hair Parior., A few odd pleces of office furni- ture. 1 ! Liberty ofl burners for hot afr or 74 | hot water furnaces. These are the kind of burners that heat. The cost i} of operation, about the same as i] | coal, with NI the dirt and drudgery -| | eliminated, Gasoline engine, general repairs, lish; nearly new; cheap for quick sale. Apply Bryan, 17 Bartlett Street, city. BEDROOM SUITE--Oak, In dition. 25 King Street West. 1677m. BRICK-Hala and soft, any quantity. ing- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian L Revelle. Money to loan. Phone 305. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money Osteopathy 28g. = ___ Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flas APARTMENT--Unfurnished, large ready for occupation Ist December hol location; electric Jight, hot wa ter and hot water beating; gas. for! cooking. Apply H<21, Whig Office. | DRILLING -- Sanitary water the oldest, Whe largest, the only in Frontenac and ° Addington. The in America. te F. J. a good econ- Phone automobile and LADIES: TRANSFORMATIONS-- Bob- bed curls, switches, gentleman's wigs, shampooin ard Childr ningham, Apply KE. Walthem, corner Birch Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204] nd Collingwood Streeds. Phone 618 or King Street. Phone 441 for appoint-| 1391 Jhant, CHESTERFIELD SUITE--Three pieces, | Repairing 20 walnut dining room suite, walnut bed- | OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. d B APARTMENT --Four rooms, 'all con- veniences; hot water heating. Apply Ww. J. B. Rite, DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. East End, Wellington Street. ingeing, curling, Ladies' hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- Bay Street, Kingston. 56 UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni- | To-Days Blunder _ Corrected (See A hotel should always see to it that its guests are met by some em- ployee gage. The guest, ma service by not IF bustheg BRINGING UP FATHER YOU are going to ship by truck, gou will find reliable firms che Classified Ads, CLASSIFIED a "ARTICLES FOR SALE" in the versity Avenue, near Johnson. Five! and s/® roomed apartments. Well| for . thrifty buyers equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. ' Section. 'WHY NOT USE COKE? Domestic Nut Coke. Good, clean fuel; no impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far. $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater. James Swift & Co., Limited " * Foot of Johnson Street room suite with low-end bed; must FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. sell. Apply 5 Jenkin Street, between Call and see W. Driscoll, ' 33 John Alfred and Frontenac. street. Phone 206F. COME IN---And see Sur stock before | | TPHOLSTERING--New or used furhl-| coats ® Pea Jackets Armes Over: | "ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a ta; Pea Jackets, Army. ]sather card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. Vests, Sheepskin Coats, ete. Special line for hunters. Bedford Cord 'Riding UPHOLSTERING--AnNd general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card Breeches. Bargains in every line. A. to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Shapiro, 45 Princess, Street. COLUMBIA B. PHONOGRAPH---And 50 SHOE REPAIRING--Al hand wo Rubber heels a specialty; efficient - records (100 selections), your own choice, $60. terms arranged. C. vice. dolf Kaminski, cgyner Mont Ww real and Queen §treets. vr oa fed i fo Illustration on Page 14.) Eas who, will look after their bag- .. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. especially a wo- as a right to expect such and will only. lower herself getting it. COKE--#$10 ton. 1-4 and % ton lots, 26¢c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, cubic cord or sawed in one foot kK. single cords at cord $2.25, or if and delivered. 90 Wellington, corner W. C. Bruton. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered made same day as ordered. Upho! ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Go ridge, 244 University Avenue. I 2043F. ittons aan i t. listed in WHEN YOU write a classified ad, put ds gets right down to} gn it all the facts you would tell t( s and ma business come sny one Who made inquiry about you to your expectations. sroposition. CLASSIFIED JiSPrAY Javestising 1s always printed just following the clas- J sified adver Liaihg. If you want your t the 1 rates. 32 3 8 3: 2 | PF Row CARE You TAL Line THAT 2 HAVEN'T YOU SOT AMY WHY JERRY 1'™M SEO + 2 OOMT YOU SINC TS our