. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1023 Ee ------------------------------ QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. HICKEY'S TREATMENT Dr. Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses.. Dr. Hickey's Cold Capsules dry up the head cold over nignt. Dr. Hickey's Chest Rub quickly removes the congestion and draws out the pain. This combination is the best obtainable. . 25c¢ each L.T. Best Druggist : | reo ----) FOR SAL $1650--~Frame Bungalow, § rooms, tol. let, electric lights. Lot 33x113. $1500--Frame, Portsmouth, electric lights. 7 rooms, $2000--4 rooms, toflet and electricity. Several to choose from. $3500--Frame, 7 rooms, 3 p. bath, fur- mace; mice location; stable and sarage; electricity. $3700--For 8 stone Cottages. A Snap for quick buyer. $0000--Stone, 10 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, h.w, floors through- out; a beautiful home. Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. | 18 a machine surpassed by | We are offering at a discount of | 33Y3% from the regular | price-- Three Beautiful Cabinet Models STARR Phonogr aphs | THE STARR | | | | | | | no other in tone, work- | manship ahd finish all | through. At the above discount, | | a splendid opportunity is | presented to obtain, very | reasonably, a beautiful Christmas gift for the home. pe STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS BOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. - PA Sm, mm "The Supreme Electric Range McClary's two exclusive features, the TOR-RED PROTECTED PORCE- LAIN ELEMENT AND THE PER. FECTLY INSULATED ROUND CORNERED SEAMLESS ENAMEL. LED OVEN, place McClary's Elec- tric Ranges at the peak of Electric "=. Ranges. On sale at McKelvey & Birch, Limited our floors a | assorted stock of Chesterfield Suites, in d Plain Mobairs and Velours, in all the grades, shades arriving each "week. WILTONS, all sizes, from the and medium cheaper +qualities up to the very fine French Wiltons. iHE Carriages in Frankland, In the time of Charles the Great, | {there were several kinds of families {in Frankland, There were Gauls, native to the country." Others were Romans, who had conquered the Gauls, Still others were Franks who had won |power over both. A two-wheeled carriage in Frank | old. ] |tamilies---Gauls married to Romans, {Franks to 'Gauls, Romans to | Franks. | I am speaking of this now to ex- {plain a difference of opinion about |carriages. The Romans and Gauls were in the habit of using carriages very often before the Franks came. The INSULIN LABORATORY AL TORONTO UNIVERSITY Description of Manufacture and Distribution of Dr. Banting's Diabetes Cure. Toronto, Nov. 21.--Tucked away in an obscure corner of the Univer- sity of Toronto grounds, overshad- owed by the new Blectrical Engin- eering Building and flanked by a row of venerable elms, stands "a two- storey, red brick building formerly occupied by the University Y.M.C.A. {A year or two ago it was planned to remove the building as it was not suitable for any university purpose. To-day, housing, as it does, the only "Insulin Laboratory" in Canada, the building, together with the re- cently installed equipment, is worth upwards of $35,000. The Insulin Laboratory is one of the latest chapters in the romance of insulin. It stands as a confirmation of the success of the research of Dr. F. G. Banting and his fellow-inves- tigator, Charles H. Best, M.A. Its management and operation are in the hands of Mr. Best, who has from the beginning been in charge of the large-scale production of insulin. The laboratory is operated as a di- vision of the Connaught Anti-Toxin Laboratories, of which Dr. J. G. Fitz- gerald is director and Dr. R. D. De- fries associate director. The busi- ness administration is in charge of Dr. Fitzgerald and Dr. Defries. Mr. Best is assisted in the new labora- tories by D. A. Beott, M.A, as as- sistant director, and a staff of 26 persons working day and night shifts. The erection of such a completely equipped plant was made possible through the Ontario government's grant of $25,000, the remaining $10,000 to $15,000 being secured from funds of the laboratory and from private donations. The plant is now producing in the neighbor- hood of 250,000 units a week for distribution throughout Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Central and South America, New Zealand, Aus- tralia, amy other countries where plants have not been established. The average dosage for the diabetic patients for whom such a large quantity of insulin is being prepar- ed varies from 15 to 20 units a day. The price for which insulin is distributed Is, as with other pro- ducts of the Connaught Labora- tories, governed entirely by costs of material and of production. The Connaught Laboratories are not en- gaged in commercial business but constitute a department of the Uni- ' versity of Toronto. Mr. Best has called attention to the gradual fall in the price of insulin. In May, 1923, the material was s6ld at § cents per unit, in June at 3 cents and now at 2 cents per unit. The distribution of insulin is ef- fected through two channels. The first is hospitals which have organiz- od departments for the administra- tion of insulin. The second 1s through physicians trained in the use of insulin. Por these latter a special short course of instruction was provided at the University of Toronto last July under the diree- tion of Professor Duncan Graham, 'The preliminary stages in the pre- paration of the health-giving extract a | Frahks were Germans, hard and rough from thelr life in the wilds. They liked to ride on horseback, but thought it a disgrace for a man to | ride in a "pleasure-carriage." | So it was that disputes arose as to whether carriages should be us- led. In the end carriages went out | | of fashion for men, Women, on Then of course there were mixedthe other hand, kept up their use. land more than a thousand years | | 'Our picture shows a woman be- !ing driven in a two-wheeled carr- iage. This picture was made more | than a thousand years ago. The woman was probably the wife o1 | some noble. The driver holds an odd-looking whip, { Some carriages were four-wheel- | ed, Mules and oxen were driven | ae well as horses. | tion through paper in glass funnels. | -| This liquid, containing the soluble constituents of the pancreas, is re- | duced to a small volume Avapora- tion of the alcohol and"water con- | tent in a large vacuum still. The residue contains the insulin. The solution is purified fn two_chemical laboratories, one on the main floor and one on the second floor, by | chemical processes known as "frac- tional precipitations." The purified | product is then sterilized, standard- ized, and filled into vials for distri- bution by the Connaught Labora- tories. But the equipment of the Insulin Laboratory embraces more than the mere processes necessary to produce the serum. A distilling room on the | main floor contains a large rectify- | ing still, vacuum pumps and con- densers by which the used alcohol is reclaimed. An oil burning furnace in the basement supplies steam for the vacuum still and a refrigeration machine cools the alcohol condenser and manufactures cakes of ice for small refrigerators. A large electric | fan is kept running coni~uously to | ventilate the laboratories and clear | the air of alcohol fumes. On the second floor, in addition to the purification laboratory there is a laboratory in which two chemists are employed on research work in connection with insulin. Clean, well- ventilated rooms are provided for | the animals used and a small operat- ing room is near at hand The preparation of insulin is con- trolled by, ts applied for in var- ious countyies §f the world by the original investigators. These pat- ents have been assigned to the Uni- { versity of Toronto and a committee, appointed by the Board of Govern- ors, is responsible for the adminis- tration of patent and other rights and for the promotion of efficient production and distribution of in- sulin in all countries of the world. The original investigators, Drs. Banting and Best, receive no finan- cial benefit from the patent but de- sired to prevent the filing of other patents which might restrict the pre- paration of insulin. In Great Brit- ain complete patent rights have been assigned to the British Medical Re- search Council and in the United States an Indianapolis company has been licensed by the University of Toronto to manufacture insulin. The licensing of other firms in the Unit- . DAILY BRIIISH WHIG PROBS: Friday, easterly winds, partly cloudy "and cool. ed States is at present under con- sideration. Rights in all countries except Great Britain have been re- tained by the University of Toronto. The patents for the insulin have | been obtainéd largely through the | efforts of C. H. Riches, a patent law- yer of Toronto, who has given his services to the university Jrithout charge. The British Fascist] Explains Its Objects London, Nov, 21--The British Fascist] organization, which fs now said to be well established, has chos- en 4 uniform differing from that of the Italian Black Shirts. Members on ceremonial occasions will wear a Steacy's Great Weekly Bargain Day To-morrow is one of the most important sale days of the year--a day of phenomenal value-giving. Herein are enu- merated a list of special attractions that should crowd this great shopping centre from 9 until 5.30 o'clock. \ FROM 9 TO '1 O'CLOCK Triple Discount Stamps You Save 15% Shop early and take full advantage of this special of- fer. 85c. has the purchasing power of $1.00 on all regu- lar cash purchases--by shopping early in the day. J ful bargain opportunities. of this store. Dress Goods Suitings Silks Linings Cottons Prints Ginghams Linens Laces GRAND OPENING / of our GROTTO 'TOYLAND 1 To-morrow marks the formal opening of Toyville--and we take this opportunity of invit- ing our many friends--big and small, to pay us a visit and see the wonderful collection of Toys, Dolls, Books, Games, etc., that Santa Claus has for- warded by aeroplane for our -opening day--Friday--in our Basement Toyland. A STORE-WIDE REMNANT SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY This great Semi-annual Sale offers a host of wonder- You Save From .33 1-3 to 509, ! On all remnants in all the different piece goods sections Flannelettes Pillow Cottons Sheetings Wash Goods Trimmings Ribbons Cretonne Chintz Net Madras Art Sateen Etc., etc. MID-SEASON CLEARANCE MILLINERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 50 only, imported French and New York model Hats -- in Panne Velvet, Duvetyn, Felt and Suedine. The shapes are Turbans, Tri- corne, Pokes and Cloches. The colors are Black, Brown, Oakwood, Nu-Blue, Navy, Grey and Fuschia -- marth embroidered and trimmed with Braid, Soutache and Che- nille. Priced from $7.50 to $30.00 each--re-priced to half of regular -- : $3.75 to $15.00 each BEE NN