rel sw tas oc botn s snsls Baby Peggy Montgomery, going on five years of age, and the rival star of Jackie Coogan, gives her first speech over the radio. She kept her mother waiting while she told her children listeners how she liked the mdyvie work 7 On leaving England, retiring Ambassador Col. George Harvey was accorded the greatest farewell demonstration given a diplomat for many years. Col. Harvey is shown on his arrival in America After many years of experimenting, a stick- less rocket has been invented by a London fireworks expert. It is ignited at the bottom instead of at the top and is free of danger. Photograph shows the old rocket with the stick and the new one with the metal base A French surgeon has discovered a process, called vinegar treatment, which he says will reduce double chins. It is claimed that only three treatments are required before the fat begins to dissolve, This London beauty doc- tor is trying out the discovery Here is a graphic reason for all the discontent in Berlin and other German cities which threat- ens to flare up in bloody riots. The photograph Shows a typical bread line_in the German cap re Part of the beautiful Island Highway, about to be ruined by logging Bperations. Vancouver Island, is The ruthless cut- "ting of this cathedral of immense timbers has been characterized .as "an absolute disgrace" by Lieut.-Governor Nichol Above is a new portrait of the Countess of Athlone, whose hus- band, the Earl of Athlone, has just been a) . governor of South Africa ppointed the new William G. McAdoo with Mrs. McAdoo and their children were snapped in' Washington recently, where Mr. McAdoo has been preparing for the coming democratic conference. It has been announced that he will run for prsident which, so far, has not been denied In the recent brain test given to the students at Dartmouth College at Hanover, N.H., ingram was the highest rated man, and declared the winner by the professors who conducted the competition This impressive monument o! erected to Pauline Johnson, the be- longs the distinction of being known as the only woman stage manager in the world. She hagacted in that capacity for two years, staging many successes for George Arliss f uncut boulders was recently Park, Vancouver Canadian poetess, in Stanley Stittenham in Ross-Shire, Scotland, has gone into fur breeding as a home industry by estab- Jishing the first fox ranch in the British Isles. is fine specimen of a silver fox cub, bom year, is one of the eighty now on the farm