Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1923, p. 5

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» al Builder from] | Childhood to Old Age] | mi em i | The complete Electric Light and | | Power plant for every country home, | W.C.CANNON, | "MONEY TO | LOAN | $5,000 for investment in first mort- | gage on approved security. General Insurance, | Bonds Bought and Sold. | R. H. Waddell THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. | or nll kinds of Carpentry | war ater given om mew floors Iald. Have your hardwood floors mas ~ | ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma- chine, | PIANO TUNING | | Plano Tuning, Repairing and Norman Street, Player Piano Adjusting. H.. Butcher, 27 PHONE DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGRON. Corner of Johmsou and Wellingtun Streets Phone S68 Pine 134. For Movin of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. 'nome 377. Kvenings 2231. 163 WELLINGTON VTREET. 'Dental Surgeon | DR. J. C, W. BROOM : L.D.S., D.D.S, | Wellington and Brock Streets. i Entrance, 150 Wellington St. Evening by appointment, 0. | PHONE «7 "ny | | WAITS | People's Florist Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. runeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1187. . A SCUTTLE FULL of our coal will do as much to- ward heating your home as two scuttles of any other coal. That Is because our coal is all coal-- it is not slate--#t Is not dirt-- it is pure. clean coal of the very best quality. rices here are no more than other places, but coal quality is higher charged at. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards Hot Water F urnates, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Coys ¥67-470 UNTARIO STREKY PHONES 836 ang sd7. W. H. Godwin & Sn : INSURANCE : First class companies repre. | Pills they will receive COULDN'T SLEEP HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr. H. A. Reid, Upper Musquodo- boit, N.S., writes: --*I am very thankful for the benefit I have re- ceived by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. [ When [ came home trom overseas, | DELCO- LIGH 1 { in 1920. my heart was very badly Tia . - | affected by concussion, and my nerves | Yaults at C raqui cemetery. ' were a dreadful wreck I was very short winded, and could not possibly sleep at night, in fact, I was in such a condition I felt as if I did not wish anyone to speak to thought I would try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and before I had taken two boxes I could enjoy good night's rest as yell as anyone, There are lots of returned mien | Who are suffering the same as I did, and 1 feel sure that If they would only try Milburn's Heart and Nerve the same re- lief that I have." Price 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. Removal N otice DR. H. A. STEWART announces that he has moved his Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Clothing House SS ---- et Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Darrle Streets, Entrance: 314 Barrie Street, PHONE 2494J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. mn, Dr. Vincent A. Martin ppointment. Phone 2045w. Evenings by 272 [Princess Stree LTR RTT eT, . . . . Hemstitching Picot Edging and Laying Cord on each side of MRS. H. J. ¢ National Cleaners | Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets | Winter Coats made to order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON LADIES' TAILOR 97 Wellington Street. Dry Mixed Slab Wood "Best qu.lity Summer fuel. Also Dry Body Hard Maple; cat to sult your stove. Prompt attention given to all orders. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. Japanese Novelties i iiday vetson. Fick Joy the selection and service we 'can now give you, Gift boxes (for filling), Night » Incense and Burners, String Beads, etc., etc. SEE OUR WINDOW! 'M. R. McColl ption Prescri Druggist, (Opp. St. Andrew's Charch) Phone 82 2 TO LET $15.00--6 rooms, over store om Princess Street, elec., gas and toilet. $82.00--Good store on Princess Street, heated, elec. and gas, lease if desired. $45.00--10 room brick house, 6 bedrooms, 8 p. B., elec. and gas, hot water heating and garage, good rooming house on University Ave, FOR SALE 4600--7 roomed brick bungalow, 8 bedrooms, 3 p. B., elec. and Sas, hot air furnace, verandah and sun porch, hardwood floors. Garden. $1000 will handle for quick sale. me I} a + H. J. SHALES THE DAILY BRITISH all WHIG Te -------------------------- -- § ---- | | KINGSTON anp VICINITY -- An Addition to the Vault. | and two children, Kingston, were in 1 A number of masons are employed | Campbeliford attending the funeral { building an addition to one of the of the late Mrs. Holmes. They used to be close neighbors. Master.Har- | old Lebrash, Kingston, went up fo: | | his grandmother's funeral. His vincle, George Lebrash, accompaniali vim. | Lots of Deer. A number of the mentbers of the | county counell, who live in the back | | part of 'the county, report that the | | for Prof. McArthur, of Queen's Uni- | hunters who have visited 'that sec- | versity, to address the members of | tion have been successful in gett- | | the Kingston Rotary Club on D=- | ing their allottment. | cember 14th. { + em Militia Training. The training of the local militia | Sold Bathurst Farm. The farm of the James Noonan | estate on the 4th con. of Bathurst | comprising 175 acres has been sold | { to R. L. Blair, Perth. i | § To Deliver an Address. Arrangements have been mada | New Express Shed. | "The management of the Canadian | National Express company is buiid- | | ing an additional room to the express | shed at the Grand Trunk outer sta- { tion. { units has been progressing most | favorably during the past two weeks | and the armouries is the scene of strenuous activities almost every | | night of the week. Coal Vessels Laying Up. { The majority of the vessels of the | local coal-carrying fleet have been laid up for the winter. The To Manage the Mill, | The mill at Consecon is | managed by its new owner, Clayton | French. Mr. and Mrs. French {nave | { removed from Melville to their'new | exception is the steamer Brantford { { which may make one or two more home in Consecon. | trips across the lake yet. being | 7 ! To Address Hotel Dieu Staff. { Rev. C. B. Moulinier, S.J. pra- | sident. of the Catholic Hospitals' | Association of Canada and the Unit- | ed States, will be in Kingston on | Saturday and will address the Hotel Dieu staff. Work Is Progressing. The work on the new Bank of Montreal buflding, opposite the | Whig office, is being pushed along! very rapidly. The best part of the | plastering work in the basement has | been completed and the tile work-| | | ers will arrive in the city the first ot |{ week | ------------ the | | Will Change Color. | Citizens have 'remarked recently | concerning the contrast between the | new library and the other buildings | at Queen's Univegsity. It is under- stood, however, that the limestone will gradually assume the. same Great Clearing Sale, ' | shade of coloring as the other build- . Having a large stock of Boys' and ! buildings on the campus. Men's Winter Overcoats, we have de- cided to put on sale our entire stock | | at 2 great reduction in urice. See our range before buying elsewhere,' Prevost, Brock street. has been hunting in the wilds for ei the past ten davs or so, will pro- Attended Funeral. {vide a venison dinner for the mem- and Mrs. Edward Waterman | pers of the Kingston Rotary Club .) wi at their noon-day meeting on Fri Harmless Means day. "Clff" no doubt will also : | have some interesting stories to tell Of Reducing Fat members about his trip, which Many fat people fear ordinary means Ifor. reducing their weight. Here is an extraordinary method Extraordinary | because while perfectly harmless To Speak at Napanee, Dr. Bell of Sydenham street | next | Rev. | Methodist church is to attend | Methodist district meeting in Nap- [ anee on Tuegday and will speak on | | old Testament Interpretation and { Prophesy." He will also speak in the evening. | Venison Dinner. Cliff Nash, To Have Rotarian (Dr). who | Mr. | | was a great success" no I or rCise are essary. Mar- et ati T ayy: Mav. Storm Signs Observed. | | exactly in accordance with the famous | The strong wind on Tuesday night Bteadity ana easiir wiih neil Jaouce| sent several. vessels pi¥ing. betwoen Procure them from your drageist at) the Bay of Quinte 'Ports and Oswego hc Ee M3 roi Company, 4812 and Sodus. to seek shelter at tha Woodward Avesus, Detroit. Mich. | Ducks. On Tuesday morning lccal | seamen 'expected to see the Arst | winter storm that never fails to | take its toll of shipping when dar- | | ing navigators remain out too late [on the lakes. | | | < Has Formed a Branch. {| Napanee has formed a branch of | | the Victorian Order of Nurses and | { hopes to be able to engage a public | health nurse. The officers are: | President--Mrs. F. F. Miller. | First vice-president-- Mrs. i H. Milsap. | Secretary--Mrs. George Thomp- | son. < | Treasurer--P. Gleeson { 9 These days before Christ. w, mas bring so many things to do: 50 much shopping to think about. Money seems fairly to fly away. Fish for Breeding Uses Glenora fish hatchery has Become | an interesting place again. There are 1,370 jars of whitefish eggs in pro- cess of hatching--something like two hundred million eggs. Millions of salmon eggs are also being piae- } ed. Thousands of speckled trout are sporting in the troughs. These trout will be kept at the hatchery for breeding. It is expected they \ But what a difference in the time it takes if before you £0 to the stores, jammed and crowded with Christmas shop- pers, you know exactly what you want to buy for each ber of your family and fofevery friend. gq Why not sit by your own fireside," visit with the stores in "advance, and determine just how much you are going to spend? Y It is the unprepared shops per who wastes time and money. Your list can be pre- red to the very fast item ore your leave your house. Take the help that is offered 30 generously. 1 Through the advertisements in your daily newspaper the merchants of this city greet you with suggestions--each day something different--from which to choose your gifts. Y Any day in every way it will save you time to -- READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Make Every Cent Count a AGENCY FOR ALL Special attention given your fe Son Le Fo returning from Country, rts arranged For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. CN. Ry. Ont. . Oftice: Nationa] Raflway, corner Johnson and Ontari: do streets, Ontario. ~ Open and Night. HON 99 or 1433. re only | | Friday's meeting of the Rotary Club | | to be held at 12.30 | British-American hotel. Jules Trem. | | Authors' Association, and will produce the spawn required for this class of fish. Eye Removed Following Injury, Master Douglas Lavery, .'Brock- ville, met with a painful injury. | While playing with a wheel-barrow, he fell, and struck against the han- dle of the barrow. A bad gash was | inflicted in the eye-lidNand subse- | quent examination revealed that the eye-ball had been crushed and it was necessary to remove the optic* To Have Cold Storage Plant. T. G. McWain, fish dealer, Deser- onto, together with outside interests, | have concluded to build a freezing | and cold storage plant on the Bay | of Quinte at either Deseronto or | Belleville. The plant will have a | capacity of 1,000,000 pounds of fish | together with space for the storage | of eggs, dairy products, apples, ete. | The cost of construction will be near $100,000, Father and Son Banquet. The members of the Kingston Ro- tary Club have arranged to hold a "Father and Son Banquet" on the | evening of December 7th. J. A. | Edmison, boy mayor of Toronto, wil 'be the speaker. On this occasion :! every member of the club will be «called upon to bring his boy or some | other Boy, as his guest. Failure | on the part of a member to bring | {a boy to the hanquet will cost him the sum of one dollar. * It is ex- pected that - Rotarian Rex Snell- grove will pay the club a visit on this date. French Canadian Speaks. 7 STOVES At bargain prices: -- 12 Boss Heaters. 2 Quebec Heaters. 5 large Hotel Ranges. I Hot Air Furnace. Used, but in good order. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. In order to boost the attendance | : for the contest with the Brockville club, it is hoped that there will be a hundred per cent. attendance at | in the | (sharp) blay, French Canadian author and journalist, secretary of the Canadian clerk of the proceedings of the House of Commons, will be the speaker. His subject will be, "The Point of Con- tact---A superficial Study of Means by which Ontario and Que- b-c can work concertedly for the at- tainment of the ide¥l--Canadian unity." , ------------ pe CORNS PISSOT VE IN HOT WATER Go Quickly, Without Pain = ® It's: a wonderful combination--, the 8pecial hot foot bath and Putnam's Corn Extractor You get quick relief. The sting disappear Yoyr sore toe feels better at once, another applica- tion or two and the corn Bots away | Any corn that grows in the foot of man removed by Putnam's Painless Refuse a substitute. can be Corn Extractor. 25c. all dealers Millions Know Pyramid for Piles Send for Free Trial and Let Pyramid Pile Suppositories Relieve You, Ease the Pain and Strain and Bring Comfort. It is more than likely that some of your neighbors have used Pyramid Pile Suppositor- ies, This won- derful method of relieving the tor- ture of itching, bleeding or pro- truding piles or hemorrhoids has been used by millions d is the na «Fda 1 treatment. nd it is a comfort to know you can call or send to the nearest drug store and get a 60 cent box anywhere in the U, §. or Canada. Take no substitute. A single box is_often sufficient. You can have a free trial ackage by filling out the coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, - Kings 60 Tyramia Bug. Marsha, Mich. y send me a Free sample of id uppositories, Pile Si in pi wrapper. -- Y OF HEALTH | WOMAN'S RIGHT CCORMICKS REC NA SPLENDID DISPLAY CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. PHONE 243. 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, > -------- a a RR ----------- Tui Coats To Order ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB GOURDIER"S Phone 700 er AA rer ---- - OVERCOATS| EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT $25-*28-*30 *32 and *35 The season's latest modals for Men and Young Men. : See our extra Trousers Suits at TWEDDELL'S CLOTHING SHOP | ccess consists in good fortune. fed to good design--if the latter wanting, success is altogether Many men seek fortums In to be independent -- they sho rather seek character, the only of independence,

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