Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1923, p. 11

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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1928S. po. . | ish golf eritics failed to note a single | | SHOULD ONTARIO | mistake on her part for the first nin« | | : | Sise 2 the Sibiag mack on be When you require anything in ¢ ASSOCIATION THIS? only miscue during the entire round | ) * 4 of was a topped drive on one of the ir. : . i . \ coming holés. Miss Leitch and her | . . . Lumber Shingles, or rm Seems as If Toronto Comes in | rartner, however, failed to win the | ) / 5 ai { v ' - . { event. The winners were Miss Joye ' J 2? } PD Fl A ' 3 for Everything That mWethered, present British champion y 3 - IR oA that Ss our business. 8 ing. { and her partner, Mrs. Olaf Hambro. | * Tos ; => ¢ " : For Miss Wethered, the : victory | \ ; Xi S * We make a Specialty of Dressed Spruce, p There is a proposal in Ontario { marked the third big victory of the | | 8 is ---- = A = ll : ; White Pine, and Seaman-Kent Hardw 1 Hockey Association circles "to es- | year for in, addition to the British y " : N\ % / FI 4 tablish a scholarship at the provin- | women's championship, she also au- | # , & 3 _ P 5 3 ooring. i k- | nes Sngiish ch ionship for | ; y § | # . v . cial unlversity as an Ontario Hock- | nexed the Engiish championship fo J g Servic Quality---Reasonable Price. { ey Association Great War Memorial | the 'fourth successive year. N to be open to Canadian soldiers who -------------------- | ; = = FCF : ; served overseas or thc sons and |New York Clubs Seek | Z | tse OF IT ] i! was ii daughters of same." I ~ 5 9 : J - Al n erles Rules Z | The proposal itself is a very good | To Change 8 { ; = TH Ha 4 ong AY * i : * Wa aud 1 would ha hg} oaly bene. The New York Giants will ask the | VICTORIA STREET. Phone 1042 t p- . : ficial to some returned man or re joint major league parley at Chi- : " : : = : iid, b , turned man's. child, but also to | cago next month to change world's the great, winter sport and what is | 3 ; he 3 = . 1 Hi i, Tr Ee series regulations whereby expenses D : I y the Jstuntant. hockey body in, the | ynelagnusl classic wilt be deduct, : = El Al AT hb of 3a . ; woz d, 4 .. | ed from the gross receipts and be- | 5 a RE ; 4 HF I : ; But what we cannot swallow is | fore any division among players. ad- | ) rd oA 4d : ] I that "provincial university" stuff. visory council, or clubs is made. x NIH : ; , he It a scholarship is jo be establish- "This announcement was made to- 4 3 = . « MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE- ed by the O.H.A., which is support- day by 1. 1. Tierney, club secre- ? . SE, : pr. 4 3 MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE .COURSE, . ky and Maiutamed by towns and tary, who said the Giants had tha | : ' : i } PIER CAPS, ETC. ) y houteey. the province, then | olor of the |New York Yankees | = - : DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING. AND PLASTERING why should any person winning that in the plan. | . ; ; a ce BAND, AN] GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. Scholarship be forced to attend The suggestion is an outgrowth of FoR WEE : GIR Untvaraiy. of Joronts? Whe! hap- the situation in 1922 when the two 2 3 i RE : } R. J McCLELLAND pong to Suess Tsivershy or. bo Gotham clubs lost money in condue- - : : 7 é . higher learning in the province? | UE the five-game series won by CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS the Giants. This was due chiefly to Whea the delegates from the dif. | 0 gioinurion to charity by Com forent clubs assemble at the annual missioner Landis of about $120,000 meeting of the O.H.A., they want the receipts of the tie game. to watch for this matter. Let them Competing clubs now pay the ser- 3 [ see that a fair and square deal is fes expenses out of their respective . plus experience and ability are rea- iven out of this proposed scholar- | oy fr Sr proposed method, 2 \ sonable for the work that we are ship. Toronto naturally pulls for | expenses would be taken out first | NS able to accomplish in this shop. Drop Toronto and if some O.H.A. player | and the remainder of the money div- | | A 87 in some day and take a look around frins such a scholarship he will Itke- |; 0 "0 00 of gross basis. . 3 : our plant. There's ample evidence dy be a worth while hockey artist. The Yankees and Giants. also here to reveal the kind of shop that Therefore he is wanted in Toronto came to an agreement today not to : , bid Watutain, Wor on te job all and by forcing him to attend Uni- play conflicting exhibition games in " or repair what you want Bia, > versity of Toronto if he wants his New York prior to the opening of prize, they land him. the season. bcm . : That's laying it on a little too . / " B M | Si thick. That scholarship should be DIOS Book Dine Roo open for any university or dropped SNOW AT HARROWSMITH. ne. me : KING AND QUEEN STREE1> Eacousther 3: wanugt bo run Ju | Quite a Heavy Fall, but It Soon - - Re Ramees | {FFT R IRE Harrowsmith, Nov. 22.--There : | j AGENCY FOR ALL was quite a fall of snow Monday . | night but soon disappeared Tuesday. ] TURF NOTES | James Forsythe, who suffered : OCEAN STEAMSHIP SAILINGS a very severe stroke of paralysis last week, 1s not improving well as : $ LINES Nox Prom Sucked | Tia Jusng will undoubtedly be the | \. ;, merous triends would like to . x Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from CHRISTMAS SAILINGS mecca for most of the horsemen. | see him. Room Commander Ross Is Sending almost A number of the young people : the Old Country. Passports arranged From St. John all of his string there this year and | village assembled at the for. has designs on many of the rich [ homes of Archie McLean, Wednes- " FP PLAY SECOND FLDOR. PLAN w For information and rates *pply to Durses that are going to be hung up. | 4, evening, of last week, and a gen- . : La 3 J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N R. T. Wilson and Willis Sharpe Kil- | , good time was enjoyed, - H. P. The building of a two-family house is somewhat different than singlé dwellings. Two-family houses Ry., Kingston, Ont . i¥ mer, the Swamp Root king, are | Pyzier, agent, sypent Sunday at his |#re erected as a home and investment of purely an investment. It is therefore very important that they be oni Canad N s ' . . ce: Ca fan National Railway, To Belfast, G well designed and well constructed so that they will hold their own and need few repairs for years to come. corner Johnson and Ontario rn Dee. 15 am, a pointing some of their stars for the |, oy Toronto. Coffroth Handicap. "Old Slim, | A number of our local sports at- [This type of house always brings the better tenants and higher rents for the longest period, consequently the Kingston, Ontario. better known , as Exterminator, is | yondeq the raffle and dance at Yar- better inv estment. Open Day and Ni tho Lower Chiitomia ee Hie Roe Monday iene 2nd an peport al As a home and investment it has very often been possible to meet all carrying charges on the emtire Lim ht 1433. (FROM ST. JOHN) ' | go! me. §. Hagle, who has been underpinning is sound again, He 'is spending the Summer in B.C. was Seuss with os received from one apartment. While this cannot be done in all cases, it greatly reduces the after no mark ifi particular now, and |; the village Monday, calling on ers real. . : The plans of the house pictured above show two apartments of six rooms each and run room. All the ovidently Is not going to earn that | srjends. W. A. Reid, M.P., has re. honorable retirement which his feats turned from his homeflvfIETAOIN [rooms are compactly and conveniently arranged. There is a separate service stair to each aparement leading in'the past have entitled him to. turned from his honeymoon trip and _ to the cellar, with a door at the ground level. : ; Jan. 10---Marburs : ---- is receiving congratulations. The The living rooms are of good size and each have an Open fireplace. The enclosed sun porch with three Elasgew. Bvidently" hnit-mile- tracks in, the { Hunters who went north-desr hunt. exposed sides, makes a very cheerful rotroal. ig " Mn: Terlontitusior . Stites make ho better impression | ine nave returned, each bringing The Kitchens, ae oe oy t. double ai i Suit : " i FIVE MAGNIFICENT CRUISES there than they do in Canada. The | pome his limited number of deer. s are complete in every respect, double sinks, Bu 0 space for refrigerator, plenty of cup- NEXT YEAR Mariboro meeting is sald to have | (George Trousdale, F. Babeook, | O&M space, and they are well lighted. | " Apply Local Agents. While the exterior of the house is simple and straightforward, there is just enough detail about the sun i H. B. BEAUMONT, Gen. Agent, assenger Dept. repked with trickery and apparently" Wesley Babcock and W. Babcock, the regulars were all 'soundly trim- ; w. p. Woodcock, and R. BE. Deline, | Porch bay to give character and dignity that will hold #0r some time to come. 1 King Street E., Toreafe. | or | That 18 as it should be as | gttended the shrine meeting af Ha- The house has a frontage of twenty-six feet six inches and would fit well on a lot having a frontage | those who persist in patronising the | milton. Bert Hicks left Monday for (of fifty feet. If a garage is wanted, the drive should be on the left side. | bull rings den't deserve a better | Watertown, where he expects to Cost about $12,800, . fate. | te Jecsive on. J 2 Yah 1m Complete working plans and specifications of this house may be obtained for a nominal sum from he) tingling glow. ©O Henry, » horse that was some- | tew holidays and has gone on a Building Editor. er to House A-101. 2 { - Hard W ood i a I | what of a \semsation at Vancouver, hunting trip. J. D, Shibley shipped . Reno, and on the western bush cir- | 3 few cars of hogs today at $7.75. [home in Watertown, N. Y. After | Mrs. John Herbison left Monday for Mrs. A. E, Bummers, Mallorytown, cuit, is expected to be something of a pleasant social hour they were | Watertown, N, Y. Mr. and 'Mrs. (and Miss Laura Ferguson; Youngs' your druggist 8 §ensation at New Orleans. He has | GAVE THEM A FAREWELL. presented with a clock and a purse | Newton Scott have rented Mr. Her- Mills, spent last week at J. A. Her- 9 . --Alg0---- one vietory over the good horse of money, as a remembrance of thei |bison's farm for the coming year. |bison's. Sloan's Liniment--kills pain! : Planet to his credit. Underground (Mr, and Mrs. John Herbison, June. | many friends here. Later a deinty| Mr. and Mrs. Ab6l Cughen and | Mr. and Mrs. George Green and SOFT WOOD AND SLABS laformation save thet O Henry fs town, Are Moving Away. luncheon was served. family attended the funeral of her [family visited their daughter, Mrs. | ~ * ll sticked up for a Killing. Jugetown, Nov. 21.--About @fty| Miss Marie Purvis, Brockville,|méther, Mrs. B, Kavanaugh, at |Gardiner, at Hard Island, on Sun- |were in Athens on Friday last. D. 9 ----- friends and neighbors of Mr. and|was a recent guest at her home Athens, on Monday last. Several {day last. The many friends of |Morris made cheese in Caintown fac. KENNY - FALLON Frank Menke, an astute and ob- Mrs. John Herbison met at their |here. Mrs. Eliza Franklin has re- [from here attended the chicken sup- |Master Avery are sorry to hear he tory on Tuesday, owing to the injur- 4 hervant writer, who scribbles for an (home on Friday evening to bid them [turned after a week's visit with (per at Eseott on Monday evening. [is confined to his home with scarle! |ed ankle of his brother, C. Morris, PHONE 887, American _iyudieate, says Bande, |tarowell before they left for their |friends in Brockvitle. Mr. and |Mre. M. Summers, Lansdowne, end |fever. Mr, and Mrs, R. Mulvaugh, |maker at Caintown 187-141 CLERGY STREST while a good rider, is not in the "-- x a ---- : : same class as Ted Sloan. Menke ; - " points out that since Sande started he has had the cream of the thor- Ba bas dod the cream of he thor ee from: Usually he says Sands has an i animal above the average under | g : ; him. Sloan, he states, could make | ¥ » V4 # selling platers fly, bring home 60 to one shots, and handled bad horses . y with the same skill as good ones. Bande, he says; tops the field be- ; 4 : > cause jockeys in the main to-day are A : not in the sme class as those who . ; flourished when Isaac Murphy, Win- . im py OWe, nia O'Connor, McLaughlin, Snapper Garrison, Mahar and the old timers it d were booting them in. f 0. ' Buddy Enson, ofe of the best " 7 - : : - riders that ever dropped a leg over ; F -- - . " vie 4 Mor a horse, was noticed at the Marlboro f ; half-mile track last week. Buddy ' . - A : was' just noticed. Three years ago he a : . / Have one in your he would have beem given an ova- bathroom. tion. Fondness for. the foaming goblet made a tramp out of a bay who should have topped the Amerl- ean riding world. tt ABSOLUTELY DRY Billy Burtschell, who has dropped Away below his usual winnings, is expected to come to life at Bowie. Burtschell has had bad luck all year with his horses but it is stated that he bas some that are likely to slip over at box car figures at the Bowie track, fli, ------------------ MISS LEITCH'S PLAYING © IMPRESSES THE CRITICS | The British golf world has recent- 1y made much of the return of Miss il Leitch, up to a year ago regard- ed as I's most. woman golfer, to playing form after an cu- forced the Maks due to ago. Miss Lalteh 'made the Ladies' The | | o Stackhouse's advice is authoritative, as men enormonly. Men are abandoning slow harsh rasors. Foursomes at Ranelagh the occasior es Reed SBaZ everywhere are agave The world's fastest Until you adopt a Valet AutoStrop Resor you'll ; : shave--78 : lather to towel -- is fast never appreciate how comfort and speed have been Cal Dat

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