THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1928 - 3 THE NEWEST CREATIONS IN LADIES' Wrist Watches ' White Gold, square These are in Oval, Tonneau shapes, with plain, engraved or and fitted with The move- and diamond set, the ribbon banda. ments are the finest and very reliable. In solid White Gold they range from In White Gold Filled, $22.50 and $25.00 All guaranteed, of course. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Caok's Regulating Compound and hot pores of gentle and follow with a of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for the toflet, as is dey Brridny Talcum for pow- Sims MRS. ANDERSON TELLS WOMEN Sask. --'* F' I Leslie, red Rot about a year SOMET The International Sunday School Lesson for December 2nd Is: | " The Power of the Early Churoh."--Acts 2:1--8:1. By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. when the "Once upon a time," and world had come to a crisis; great empires were falling to pieces | 'of their own wicked weight; and greed and ambition and jealousy and fear and oppressions were rampant. Something New happened This Something sweetened and set it to flowing again. All the visible power of earth soon dipped its flags to this Something that had come to 'make the old world new. That ancient Something was, of course, the birth of the Christian Church, and the spread of the Gos- pel of Jesus. It is a timely topic to consider; because our own era hag many striking resemblances to that in which Christ was born. - We 'are in the midst of clashing imper- | ialiems; of disintegrating social sys- { tems; of universal discontent, and of a general consciousness of crisis. Even the ecracker-box philosophers to-day know that the world is sick, dangerously sick. Within ten years, [every conceivable remedy has been | tried by the "statesmen," who are now seriously suffering in their pro- fessional reputations. Perhaps the hour has struck for a genuine effort to apply the same healing that made over the ancient world; and wrote a new day of beginnings upon the | calendars. -------- ! "Jazzing" History. { It 1s well that the twenty mil- | lion members of the Sunday schools {of North America are to give this | woe to an earnest facing of the | outstanding facts of the beginning | of Christian history such as is en- tailed by the present Lesson upon | "the Power of the Early Church." [We are badly in need, at the pres- ent time of this corrective. For of | Tuto it has been the fashion to "jazz | up' history, as well as everything | else. H. G. Wells started it, with [his brilliant "Outlines," which con- | taln overmuch of the author's spec- | ulations and too MNttle of definite data. Trailing along after the "Out- | lingstcame Van Loon's pernicious | *Btory of Mankind," with its glar- ing inaccuracies and inadequacies, | which made real students of history | gnash thelr teeth. Just now, so fin- | ancially successful was Van Loon's "jazzing'" of history, there appears | his sacreligions '"'jazzing" of the | Bible which is earning the condem- ! nation of every reverent person, as well as of case-hardened book re- viewers and, needless to add, of all real scholars. It fs time that all persons concerned for the intellee- tual integrity and the spiritual rev- erence of the new generation call a halt on this sort of thing. As Tom Masson, the former editor of "Life," whom nobody would call a squeam- ish conventionalist, wrote the other day, it is better for anybody to read the Bible itself than to read such a book as Van Loonm's "Story of the Bible." Nobody can read and ac- cept both, Y Mr. Masson's point is & word for the hour. There are too many men and women airing theories about the Bible who have not read the Bible itself. In the present vogue of "liberal" opiniom and theories, a calm observer is struck by the glar- ing sbsence of knowledge of what the Bible really says. I once heard a preacher give a "modern" inter- pretation of the Resurrection that simply ignored the clear and ex- plicit and unanimous testimony of all the New Testiment records. That men like Van Loon should disregard the statements of the Book about which they write is not remarkable; but, that Christian teachers and preachers should do so Is one of the amassing phases of present religious discussion. So the first and best commentary upon the present Leeson is a care- ful reading, at one sitting, of the first eight chapters of the Book of the Acts. If this week sees a gen- eral reading of the story, which is more intrinsically readable and fin- teresting than anything that ever came from the pens of the reckless "jazz" historians, it will have done all that the Sunday school need de- sire. And it will surely start clear thinking about the state of the world; which is the Lesson applica- tion most needed. The Book of Boldness. What were the factors in this Something New which came into the world with the Child of Bethlehem; and has since spread ia world-wide influence? In other words, what was the secret of the power of the Early Church? Every newspaper man pricks up his attention when he notes that it was the narration of a set of facts that seemed to work the wonders. Facts first and always. Both the i i kil i } !ed record prayer Peter and John knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus." The first concert- of the infant | Church was a prayer for boldness; that | the petition. changed the face of the centuries. | word "boldness" throughout The stream of civilization had be- [book; and the examples that come sluggish, stale and stinking. | more frequent than the word. { , | troubles, to destroy a nasty cold, to and the answer was as explicit as Note the use of the this are How terrifically the apostles arraigned to their face the murderers of Christ! The Early Church had conquest be- cause it had courage. Spineless, un- certain Christian simply cannot have power. Romance of Religion. Stale and stupid are the imagin- ings of the novelists alongside of | the romance of religion, as that best | of journalists and historians, Dr. Luke, recorded it in the Book of the Acts. He opens with a climax, the ascension of the Risen Christ; and then rises higher by the story of | Christ's return, in the person of the | mysterious Holy Spirit, on the Day of Pentecost. The touch of cosmo- politanism and {internationalism in that bewildering baptism of fire is not without meaning to-day. The marvel of the gift of tongues is like- ly to obscure the other up-to-date record that to-day the Gospel is be- ing preached In twenty times the number of languages heard at Pen- tecost, Our modern theories of socialism are mild and impractical alongside of the experiment in Christian fel- lowship undertaken by the zealous Early Church. While that simple form of community of interest and property was manifestly not intend- ed to be universal, yet it is worthy of note that to-day in the City of Jerusalem, the American Colony fis in the third generation of an exper- iment in- Christian socialism. The "family" numbers nearly a hundred persons, all busy, all happy and all | seeking to work out Christ's teach- ings. It was also a healing Church that conquered the world. It had ne goods, but it had limitless goodness. As 1 have recently inspected the priceless treasures of certain histor- fc monasteries of the Greek Ortho- dox Church, I have recalled the fa- miliar story of the proud ecclesiastic who sald, when displayfng the rich- es of his organization. 'No longer can the Church say, like Peter and John to the lame man at the Beauti- ful Gate, 'silver and gold have I none." "No," came the cynical re- ply; "neither can she say, 'In the name of Jesus of Nasareth, walk' " The power of the Barly Church was spiritual power. She richly en- joyed the presence and enabling of Christ's Other Self, the Holy Spirit. And the stupendous conclusion of | the Lesson--a word for the world and a word for the Church--is that, if she will, the Church of to-day may exercive the same power in the world that she did in the first century. Now, as then, she may be the Some- thing New to save our imperiled world. A ------------ YOUR HEALTH. Ay Raymond 8. Copeland. M.D. Comissfoner of Health New York City.) Sate a There 18 a popular idea that out- of-doors is the one thing necessary to give you good health. Of course this is not the fact. Fresh afr and out-of-door life are essential to health, but in and of themselves they are mot sufficient to keép you well. The other day I spoke to an audl- ence of tem or fifteen hundred per- sons, almost all of them mountain- eers who-#pend most of their time in the open. I think I never spoke 1847 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NG NEW IN THE OLD WORLD| jul For Life's Happiest Moments Abundant is the joy of giving when the gift kself inspires genuine pleasure. 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate has ever been associated with life's happiest mo- ments--Christmases, weddings and an- niversaries. Its beauty is unsurpassed and its durability an accepted fact. Furthermore, it may be had in a variety of appropriate gift assortments. The Ambassador pattern illustrated is now much in favor. For further illustrations of this and other patterns see your dealer, or write for folder to MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Limited Hamilton, Ont. TB IR ROG RS BROS. SILVERPLATE to a group, even in the slums of a great city, where there were so many showing evidence of under-nourish- ment and {ll-health. There are many factors contribut- ing to poor health, but one of the chief o® them is found in had teeth, In the rich cities where publie health education has become almost an obsession--a good one--there is #0 much emphasis placed on the {m- portance of good teeth and dental care that the young folks, certainly, and most of the older ones have well-cared-for-teeth. In the country snd smaller towns this is not the case. ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE FOR SALE BY COMPARE OUR VALUES. Smith Bros. Jewelers Limited KING STREET Pe - Mahood Bros. All patterns 1847 Rogers Silverware In certain foreign lands I have observed the all too common neglect of the teeth. It has become so bad in many cases as to ruin the beauty of the face. Uncared-for teeth mar the appearance simost more than Throat Is -- ce has brought new treatment that removes Bron- chial troubles without taking medi- cine. This wonderful treatment is carried by the air you breathe to the Jory Toot of the trouble. So simple to the through a Catarrhosone Inhaler, and instantly get ease and relief. Every spot that is is Dathod With s soothing baimasmie a eo vapor. For quick action on throat all the other acquired deformities. I am not telling you about the evils of bad teeth because they im- pair your good looks. I am doing so because I want you to know that by neglect of your teeth you are laying the foundation for indigestion, kid- ney disease, heart disease and short- ened life. A famous doctor out in Minnesota got interested in this subject. For two years he carefully studied every patient entering a great hospital. You will be surprised to learn that the result of this study convinced him that ten or twelve per cent. of all the hospital admissions were due to mouth infections. Lats of peopie have what they eall "rheumatism." Pains in the joints, pains in the muscles, pains worse in damp weather--these are the symp- toms popularly known as rheumatic pains. The victims think they have "Raken cold," or that they got wet, or sat in a draft. Perhaps they did all these things, but except for the tact that ugly germs are floating prevent grippe, you'll get wonderful Catarrhozone. Com- plete outfit, Joe, and lasts two | around in their blood they wouldn't have rheumatism. Decayed teeth, pockety and pussy gums and abscessed roots are dan- gerous things. They are capable of generating conditions which make you feel uncomfortable--that is ad- mitted. But that does not begin to tell the story. The poisons generat- ed in the -mouth are capable of set- ting up serious diseases of the heart. They attack the kidney and speedily impair its functions. It is only a How Fat Actress Was Made Slim now depend en- Marm ption Tab. lets for reducing and controlling fat $3 steadily Sud easily by using his paw new form he us) Ia Pr tp ng scription Tablets several times a year, keeps her weight just right. All gi druggists se Marmola Prescription Tablets at one dollar for a box, or You prefer you can secure them direct from the Marmols Co. 4612 Woodward Ave, Detroit. Mich. If you have not They are harmless t them 'do #0. ad' eflective. Many stage tirely upon MAKE heart or kidney will carry the victim to an untimely death. \ YOUR WORK EA Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc,' Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. | question of time when a diseased - about these things, but T hope have become convinced that ty welfare depends on having clean 4 Another He I will tell you more | good teeth. 3. ' " :