Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1923, p. 14

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NN. » \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19:6 GRAND To-night, Friday, Sat. The [)UMBELLS | Company LIMITED ROSS HAMILTON Presen ts s AL PLUNKETT EVENINGS . B50c. to $1.50. NOTICE I wish to thank many old custom- ors for again patronizing me. It seems like old times to work for them once more. I hope to welcome many more, and new ones, too. Satis- faction guaranteed. nt R. MILLER, 346 Brock Sereet CANADIAN PERMANENT FORCE RECRUITS are required for The biloants must be British Subjects, phy- fit, between 18 and 21 years, pos- . leted not less than three years at At School or Collegiate Recruits Physical Training, Horsemanshlp, Vis- and Line Teh raphy and Tele- a ony, Gasoline Engines, Accumulat- Ors, Alternating and Direct Current . _AppMtants are required for employ- Ment as Wireless Operators or In- 202 in writing to the undersigned ul particulars. Acting Deputy Minister. | Department of National Defence, Pte 2 20-11-28. -102-4. El aadet: in "Many people weaken their pray- No one is so detestable as he who lacks honesty. 25¢. to $1.00 Grand Mon. & Tues. Direct from a Record-Breaking En- sagement at the Princess Theatre, Toronto o FARCE vo OCorEDY SPECIAL PRICES for this engage- ment: 50c., 7Sc., $1.00, $1.50. Seat Sale starts Friday, Nev. 30th, Joyal Canadian Corps of Signals. Ap- triculation Certificate, or have 'eom receive training in Infantry and ony, Wireless Telegraphy and Tele- Motors and Generators, Mechanics. ctors upon completion of Training. . J. DESBARATS, Ottawa, Canada. E re A stipulations, ALLEN NO Matinee ONLY. "SUZANNA" WITH MABEL NORMAND Owing to the Theatre being remted to the Queen's Drama- tic Club Friday Evening, Suzanna will be shown at the * NOW PLAYING =: T:R:A:N: The Racing Drama of the Season D TO-DAY JOHNNY HINES "Little Johnny Jones" From GEORGE M, COHMANS Stage ) THEATRE Friday Nigh, Nov. 30th UEEN'S DRAMATIC CLUB IN ay DELIGHTFUL 30th » Man Who Married A Dumb Wife" BY ANATOLE FRANCE ~=A PLAY, NOT A MOTION PICTURE-- 50c., 75¢c., $1.00. ovember Now om sale at Uslow' I University Post Lecture Committee, TAX INCLUDED en Theatre $2100, $1.50, $1.00. Office. Queen's University. AT 100 STEPHEN STREET The Sign of the Dollar You get value for every in your dollar. cent Give us a trial. 3 We will be pleased to call daily for your order or phone go evenings for the stile of Ice C Candy, Tobacco, Pat- Medicines, ete. R. WALLACE If inclined to find fault, com- mence with yourself. e AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions Tonight "The Dumbells."" "Cheerto" is the aptly descriptive title yf Captain Plunkett's latest "Dumbells" overseas revue, which bpens LLmited engagement at the Grand Opera House tonight for {three nignts with a matinee on Sat- urday. 'Cheerio" is an even better entertainment than was 'Carry 4 !All of the favorites of the la tek show are stil] included in the t iwhnile several new artists have been {added to the personnel of the com- pany, the most nigable of whom be- {ing the famous comedian of the sec- end division; or "See Too's," name. {ly John Hagan. Mr, Hagan was a | well-known professional before the | war, having appeared here with sev- eral New York companies, He was jengaged by the George Edwardes | Company immediately the war was over,.and for the past four years he I'has been the featured comedian of ithe Daly's and Lyric Theatres pro- |ductions. His phenomenal success las Suitangi in "The Lady of the Rose" (called "The Lady in Ermine" in New York), is known to many {Canadians who keep in touch with {the English stage through the var- lous stage and illustrated publica- | t.onse. His most recent and prob- |ably most pronounced success was |in the big revue, 'Whirled into Hap- |piness," which was produced by the | George Edwardes Company at the {Lyric Theatre. Mr, Hagan was star- red in this revue, and was acclaimed ithe pier of the younger generatiou |of comedians. One his most amus- {ing skits, "The Disorderly Room," has been obtained for "Cheerio," land will be a feature of the new {show. Al. Plunkett has a budget of {new songs which are destined to {prove the most popular musical hits lof the coming season. He doesn't Ising anything about mother this time, but he has a 'Granny' sony [that is going to get you. "Oh Gee, Oh Gosh, Oh Golly" promises uv make you laugh while he smiles. Ross Hamilton makes his first ap- {pearance as "Marjorie" from a cute little bungalow, and tells you all {about it. Another of his wonderful is the Canadian {Beauty in '"The Life of a Rose." Stan Bennett has a oouple of new |"Vere de Vere" songs and plays an important part in the various sketch- jes. Pat Rafferty has been, cest to | advantage, while T. J. Lilly and [the other comedians, including the { black face team of Ben Allen and {Jack Grace, have a wealth of new !material. Captain Plunkett and his [OY eee Orchestra are a feature. a | "Just Married" Coming The New York farce comedy suc- cess, "Just Married" has been we- jcured by Manager Branigan ter Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 3rd and 4th at the Grand Opera House through an arrangement with Jules |Hurtig, the celebrated theatrical ! manager who has given the Amer- ican stage many clean plays. "Just Married" is now on a tour around the world, after completing long and successful runs in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston. The play is the work of Adelaide Matthews and Anne Nichols, - au- thors = of "Scrambled Wives," '"Nightie Night," and Rose." The action of "Just Mar- ried" covers seven days, the time required for a French liner to raf! from Bordeaux to New York. There are many couples aboard, including twe young people, who are celebrat- ing their honeymoon and who are desperately trying secret. The cast will include George Snyder, Wallace Ray, Will Chase, George Paige, Yates Price, John Reily, Robert Barclay, Walter Baker, Fred Atkins, Joseph Atwood, Ruth Thomas, Constance Cameron, Therese Quadri, Lillian Paige. Jane May and Marie Ainsworth. Clifford Stark staged lhe entire production. "SUZANNA," STARRING MABEL in a semi-serious way thé adventures, the loves and ro- mances of the hardy pioneers who first peopled southern California, the aristocratic old Dons of Cas- tillan lineage, "Suzanna," now show- ing at the Allen Theatre, is a comedy drama, typical of a Mack Sennett production. With the climax centred in a beautiful' old fashioned chapel, an exact replica of one of the old Mis- sion chapels, the plot is developed through the introduction of a tor- eador, as the male vamp who con- tinually schemes to win the affec- tions of the beautiful senorita, then casts her off when he learns that a little peon girl who has been brought up as the daughter of one of the servants is the rightful heir of the wealthy Spanish family, Through almost tragic knavery on the part of this servant, who steals the daughter of a wealthy Spanish Don, replacing' it with his own ' daughter, the two children grow to voung womanhood ignorant of the transition, until the conscience- stricken parent divulges his secret. Mabel Normand plays the role of the girl who had been robbed of - her rights, but who finally rises ma- jestically to a position rightfully her's. Winifred Bryson is the other girl. Walter McGrail is the . handsome, dashing hero with whom Mabel is in love. George Nichols, as usual, is cast as the stern parent, while Bric Mayne is the father whose baby was taken and replaced by another. Carl Stockdale was the servant whose trickery made the story possible. Romantic comedy Treating which savors of the real thing, adds ' "Abie's Irish | to keep it a NORMAND, A COMEDY DRAMA. | This scene in ** of the most laughable seen on GETTING LAUGHS Just Married " has been declared to be one the stage in years. Coming to the Grand Monday and. Tuesday nights, Dec. 3rd and 4th. variety to 'the picture and the love element is not lacking. A feature of the production is the realistic at- mosphere and the costuming which will please and entertain. ALLEN THEATRE, The Queen's Dramatic Club To Ap- peari. There, Friday night, Nov. 30th, Queen's Dramatic Club, will present Anatole France's delightful comedy, "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife." The play deals with the troubles of a judge whose wife is dumb and | consequently cannot help her hus- | bana social®. An operation by a {famous surgeou restores her speech and then the fun begins. Charles A. Gates is producing the play with a most capable cast of | Queen's students. Reserve your be large. Prices, 50c-756c-$1, tax Séats on sale Wednesday, Nov. at the Allen. This is a play, motion picthre. included. 28th, not a "LATTLE JOHNNY JONES" * AT STRAND TO-MORROW. The turf, its fascinating intrigues the thousand and one desperate stra- | tegies of gamblers and turfmen to wingby hook or, crook, form part of the plot of the exceptional picture, "Little Johnny Jones," which opens at the Strand Theatre today. This 1s the most entertaining of | cinema entertainments seen in a blue moon. The reason lies in the fine story itself, but particularly in the comedy acting of Johnny Hines, who, in the starring role, carries off | | honors by brilliant work, making | 'the wholesome, peppy story even | peppler in its screen clothes. This { young comedian has been dubbed the George M. Cohan of screendom. Those who witness his superb per- formance know why. | enjoyable, easily e¢lipsing | comedy entertainers. DAME CLARA BUTT OOMING FRIDAY NEXT. In deference to insistent public demand Dame Clara Butt, the fa- mous English contralto, accompa- nied by her husband, Kennerley Rumford, the popular English bari- tone, are making a comcert tour of Canada, this fall, that will extend from Halifax to Victoria and return. Assisting the famous contralto and her husband are- W. H. Squire, the distinguished English 'cellist and composer, and Ivor Newton, the well-known pianist. The tour will begin in Halifax and will extend ower three months. In that time forty-five appearances {in thirty-five cities will be made. | The tour is the most extensive that | has ever been attempted in the Do- minion and is the direct result of the spectacular success that attend- ed the tour of this celebrated con- tralto two years ago. On that occa- sion, Dame Clara, through the rare beauty of her voice, the charm of her personality and the conviction of her interpretive facility establish- ed herself in high popular favor throughout the Dominion and it is due to the artistic success of the former tour that the manv admirers of this great contralto insisted upon her return. The trip will Include many cities impossible for the celebraWyd com- tralto to appear on previous occa- sions. In many instances two ap- pearances have been scheduled. This is the case in Montreal, Ottawa, To- "ronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmon- ton, Vancouver, Halifax and St. John. Dame Clara Butt's Kingston ap- pearance will be in Grant Hall, Fri- day, Dec. Tth. i At Queen's University i - -d The buildings of Queen's present- ed quite a placarded appearance to- day, the Alma Mater elections be- ing on this coming week. This af- ternoon the candidates will speak fn Grant Hall to the student body, explaining their platforms, which the students hear once but never The Intercollegiate debate be- tween Queen's and McGill girls is expected to be held on Friday. Seeking Re-Election. John E. Johnston is seeking re- election as ap alderman in Ontario ward. During his term of office he has given much attention to the needs of his ward, and also to ques- tions of general interest, and his many friends look for bim to be re- | seats early as the advance sale will | His work is | other | throughout Canada in which it was STOCK MARKETS (Reported by 'Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). Montreal. Nov. 29th, 2 p.m. 631% 28% 14% 12415 38% 42% b7 147% 80 863% 103 6 23% | 12% 43 631% 56 61 | Abitibl Power | Asbestos Che ae wea a TAtlantic Sugar ... . .. ... | Bell Telephone ... ... ... IBIAS sas see wae £3 { Brompton. . . ois | British Empire Steel, "1s pfd. British Empire Steel, 2nd pi Can. Converters ... .. .... {Can. Cement, com. ... ... Can. Cement, pfd. ... Cuban Can. Sugar, com. _.. Cuban Can. Sugar, pfd. ... Can. Steamship, com. | Can. Steamship, pfd. | Dom. Textile ... | Dom. Bridge Detroit United Gen. Electric Laurentide | Montreal Power ... | Mackay | National Breweries, com. | National Breweries, ptd. | Ogilvie "« ses 3s {Ottawa Power ... .. {Ont Steel Products Penmans aes | Price Bros. ... . [ Quetec Power Spanish River, com. Spanish Rive, | { Shawinigan ¥e Steel of Canada ... | Toronto Rails Twin City {Wabasso ... .. ves Wayagamack ... .. Dominion War Bonds, War Loan 1925, 6 per cent... | War Loan 1931, 5 | war Loan 1937, | Victory Loan 1924, | Victory Loan 1927, 6% . | Viatory Loan 1934, 6% Victory Loan 1934, 51% Victory Loan 1937, 5% Renewal 1927 1st Nov. Renewal 1932 1st Nov., Refunding 1928, 5 ... Refunding 1943, 6 ... 50 hb... 55 5% .00 25 48 49 5% bl% 101. 99.15 98.15 | Toronto. City Dalry ... . ue British-American oil 'ee Mutual Oil 160% Mines, Hollinger ... Dome. . .. Ww. Goldale Vipond , Crown "or Porc. Crown . .. New Ray ... . Teck Hughes ve Wright Hargraves .. Argo ... + xs Indian Mines +i GRAIN QUOTATIONS Winnipeg. Wheat-- May July Oats-- Dec. «oo cov ns. 98% 99% | 92% | 37 Social Hygiene. A meeting was held in the Board ot Trade rooms of those interested In forming a local branch of the | Council of Social Hygiene. The mat- ter was fully discussed and the reve- lations of some of the medical men and social workers present showed | that Kingston was as much in need of a. crusade against the forces that are leading young men and women to destruction as any city in the province. The Council of Social Hy- glene is a provincial government at- by preventive and educational me- thods. A meeting will be called later to elect officers for a local organiza- tion. -------------- Vesper Services. Mrs. R. O. Joliffe, of this city, gave a most impressive address last Sanday afternoon at Odessa Metho- dist church to a large audience. Mis- ses Woodman, Shaw, Saunders and Home and Nation" and Wilton la- dies gave the musical programme. | The Vesper services will be resumed at these churches next spring. Declines Rectorship, Rev. A. W. Cooke, rector Mark's, Barriefield, has been offered and has declined the rectorship »a, | to his hearers. : | leadership, 05 | ly lost its pastor, & A. F. Brown, | by death,iand Ms Sanders has been | 00 20 tempt to eradicate evils in our midst | Pollard rendered a first class musi- | cul programme. On the Sunday pre- | . Yious Rev. G. A. Bisco, Cataraqul, spoke eloquently at Wilton on "The | MAYORALTY MEETINGS Ward Meetings in the interest of CHAS. S. The People's Magoraity Candidate, will be held as follows i= At 26 Plum Street. CATARAQUI WARD---S. Anglin & Co's Office. RIDEAU WARD---R. G. 'Armstrong's office, 5568 Princess Street. VICTORIA WARD---H. Stover's Grocery, SYDENHAM WARD--H. D. Wightm an's insurance office, FRONTENAC WARD ton Street. bove meetings will be held on [ eomiem an workers are respectfully AT FIRST OF NEW YEAR Rev. Frank Sanders, New Min- ister of Calvary Church, Has Splendid Record. The Guelph Mercury has the foll- owing regarding Rev. Frank Sand- ers, pastor of the Congregational church at Guelph, who has accepted a call to Calvary Congregational church, Kingston: "Rev. Mr. Sanders began his work in this city on the first Sunday in August, 1919, after a term of war work under the Y.M.C.A. with headquarters at Ottawa. The rever- end gentleman had previously held successful pastorates at Burfora and Middleville, Ont. "Since coming to Guelph, Mr. { Sanders has made a host of friends, who will regret his decision and miss TIES OIER PSION! ANGLIN ' 109 Alfred Street. . 151 Welling~ ST. LAWRENCE WARD---Charles W ebater's office, Market Square. ONT R10 WARD--British-American Hotel. Friday at 8 pm. ' Both lady and invited to attend. INENENEENEENRREE Mayoralty Election A public meeting of friends, supporters and workers for Mayor An. grove will be held in the Labor Hall, Princess St., on Friday Eve, Nov. 30th at 8 o'clock. Mayor Angrove and others will address the meeting on the various his cheery smile and encouraging word. He has thrown himself un. stintingly into the upbuilding of his Christian especially of activity, | ized in young people's work, he was | ready to lend a helping hand, and his genial face and cheerily told mes- | sage is well known to the young | people of most of the sister church- | es. A clear and capable speaker, his | sincere and practical messages ever | carried earnestness and conviction Under his pastoral go | Well has gone forward in every de- * | partment of its work. Mr. Sanders' | worth and ability have also received recognition from his brethren in the ministry, and he has successfully filled the position of Sec.-Treasurer and President of the Guelph Minis- terial Association. During the past vear he has been President of the | Association, which 'office he still | holds, and stands high in the es- teem of all his fellows. "From the larger al viewpoint, the Guelph pastor key-man for the | District; President of the Western Ontario Congregational Association, and is at present the Home Mission- ary Representative on the General Home Missionary Committee, "The Calvary Congregational | Church, Kingston, to which Mr, Sanders has been called, has recent- | revompiénden by i of- ficlalg' for the position. In Mr. Sand- ers' going, Guelph loses an all round man and worthy citizen, and our loss | will be a distine® gain to the Lime- stone City. Mr. Sanders expects to begin his duties ir Kingston on first Sunday in January, and many friends will wish him .every success in his new field of labor. The Congregational Church here will meet on Wednesday next, to take ac- tion upon the resignation of pastor." Tdves in the Ward. R. Baldwin, who is seeking elec- tion as a school trustee in Fronte- nac ward, is a resident of that ward, and for some time has taken an ac- tive interest in the matter of educa- tion. He is a member of the Fron- | tenac Home and School Club, and | has taken a prominent part in all | matters of interest to the schools. | For nine years he was manager of the Home for the Aged, but is now living retired, and has ample time to serve the city on the Board of Edu- cation. Beeking: Re-Election. Ald. Howard Kelly is seeking re- election in Frontenac ward. He has given strict attention to city busi-, ness. He has been looking after the needs of his ward, aid has a [ wide circle of friends who hope to | see him re-elected as representative | of that ward. "Jack" Elder will take part in | the musical programme at the com- | mencement exercises of the Morris- burg Collegiate Institute on Dec. 14th. DR. A. 8 LAMB, BPE Director of 'he Department of Physica! Educatidn of McGill Univer sity, who is to one of the staff in charge of athletes an Frances next own church, and also into all forms | among young people. Having special- | the church he served so | denomination- | has been a busy man, having been | Guelph-Stratford | the | his the | | civic questions. ! MEER RR St. Lawrence Ward | TO THE ELECTORS: | Your vote and influence is solicited to re-elect me as an Alderman for St. Lawrence Ward. ~~ W. P. PETERS | City of Kingston: ---- At the request of a number of alti- zens, 1 have decided to offer myself as a candidate for Utilities Commission, and respectfully solicit your votes and | | | | | | influence. | | JAMES HARRIS Frontenac Ward | Board of Education Io Public School Supporters: If you value the services of one who has had sixtéeen years' experi- ence on the Board, vote for F. R. ANGLIN QUEENS HOTEL Iias been taken over by M, J. BER. RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotel Service Is assured. Good yard and stables in connection, Your patronage is solicited. J 19 BROCK ST. FHONE oa THE FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL BALLET, CLASSIC AND MODERN DANCING Classes and individua: instruction for Adults and Children. For further Information apply 39 UNION STREET WEST 116 W.H. HALL & SON High Class Groceries and Provisions. | | | Dominion Taxi Service DAY AND NIGHT NEW FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS New Peel. New: Raisins. New Currants. New Table Raisins. Christmas Spices. Prompt delivery. Phone 648. The answer will be Tobia among * today's wall ads, x To the Electors of the {

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