+ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1923 Builder froml | Childhood to Old Age| { DELCO-LIGHT | The complete Electric Light and || Power plant for every country home, || W.C.CANNON' | 164 BARRIL dTPtueT Phone 1158. pr---------- ONEY TO | LOAN $3,000 for investment in first mort | gage on approved security. | FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET Central location. For terms, etc, | apply at office, General Insurance. Bonds Bought and Sold. | R. H. Waddell | Phones 3404-506, B4 Brock St. 1 WP ra ar rr THOMAS COPLEY | Carpenter. Phone 987. | ness, See us for all work. Estimates given on new floors | jaid. Have your hardwood flovas clean. ed with our mew floor cleaning Rnd chine, | --- { PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGRON. Corner of Johnsou and Wellingtun Streets Phone 863 Fer ovine of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE or EVERY DESCRIPTION | Kingston 'Transfer Co. gone 377. Kven » 2231. 158 WELLINGTON EET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM Constant Headaches | I cannot kinds "of Carpentry | L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Breck Streets, | fw Yantrance, 1580 Wellington Se, | Bveaing by appointment. PHONE #79. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Planta dally. runeral designs, bouquets to order, Residence, 1187. Prem tn Sold by WR HRe&O GOLDIN LOR BLO, -- There's only one other way in which any one could get as good coal as we sell for less money, and that wouldn't be a safe way. ve Jeli &00d, sound, clean, sat- isfactary ooal. We give full weight, charge the lowest possible ce, and de- liver promptly a: carefully. If you buy your next ton of us, you'll be sorry but for one thing--that you didn't begin to patronize us long agv. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188 Grove Inn Yards Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters tor sale. L Cohen & Co. BOT-275 LITAIMO BTREgy PHONES 83¢ and 837, ------ A -- and Dizziness It is hard to struggle along with a head that aches and pains all the time, and in nine cases out of ten the ersistent headaches are due to some KINGSTON anp VICINITY Pp derangement of the stomach, liver or bowels. Undoubtedly the cause must be re- moved before permanent relief may be had. Burdock Blood Bitters removes the cause of the headaches, as it acts on every organ of the body and streng- thens, purifies and regulates the whole system Mre. Peter Curran, 27 Morrison St., Sydney, N.S." writes: -- *'I hav been troubled for the last five years with constant headaches and dizzi- After trying several remedies, which I found to be of no avail, Bur- dock Blood Bitters was recommend- ed to me. B.B.B. did me a world of good, and praise this remedy en- ough." _THE DAILY BRITISH WH 1G James Halliday 111, James Halliday has been confined to his bed for the past few days with | ! bronchitis and he is not expected to | Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. rn Dr. Vince DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. | Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. HONE 2494J. Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to § p.m, DR. H. A. STEWART announces that he has moved his Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, . Opposite Livingston's Clothing House \ Winter Coats made to order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON LADIES' TAILOR Phone 998. 07 Wellington Street. ms Hemstitching Picot Edging and Laying fond du. ciel side of MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets Ann Read "Business Chances" More Holiday Goods arriving every day. Colgate's Compacts, single and double, are J delighting the young ladies. The new double compact is in a black watch case. The neatest box on the market. Also combination sets (Lipstick, Rouge and Com- pact). Perfume, Toilet Waters Travelling sets, small and large. our window! Do your Christmas shopping early. Open till 10 p.m. every night. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, (Opp. 8t. Andrew's Church) Phone 82 FOR SALE $4700--Brick, 7 rooms, 4 W. H. Godwin & Son FIRE INSURANCE First class companies repre. sented. Lowest possible rates. 890 BROCK STREET Phono 424. : Ford has mo more chance the politicians than a nude In a hick community, (a -------------- Removal N otice | sent at least. be out before. the first of next week. | Reduced to Fixty. The number of men on roll of the Board of Works depart- ment, which during the summer months was aver two hundred, is now about sixty. the pay | Great Clearing Sale, Having a large stoek of Boys' and | Men's Winter Overcoats, wa have de- | cided to pul on sale our entire stock at a great reduction in price. See our range before buying elsewhere. | Prevost, Brock street. Owners Make Sottlement. The steamer .Phalen, "which was | to have been sold by Sheriff Vair on A. Martin] { have made a settlement, and for sale. | owners the boat will not be sold for the pre- was not offered that the Tuesday, It is understood Case at Sharbot Lake, County Magistrate Jj. W. Brad | shaw wil] preside at a sitting of th | court which will be held at Sharbot | | Lake on December 5th, when a nan will be charged with violating the O.T.A. . | seventy-nine years of age. nnn Mary's cathearal that will be at- Remains Buried Here, Mrs. Mary E. McDonald, widow of | George McDonald. for many years a resident of Cape Vincent, N.Y,, died at the bome of her nep,>w, Fred A. | Dunn, at Governor's Island, follow- She was Her re- mains were buried at Kingston, Ont. ing quite a long illness. Many Black Squirrels. Black equirrels are very numerous in the city just now. They come in to find food as nuts are scarce. A few days ago a lady go- ing into her kitchen found a squir- rel enjoying an apple. It walked in like a professional. erm ue erm Electric Car Leaves, As the result of difficulty experi- enced in the course of its operation on the Westport subdivision of the | { Canadian National Railways, t'«> alectric storage battery car shipped to Toronto to be thoroughly over-hauled preparatory to being re- stored to service. A steam train is carrying on the schedule Benefit to Drivers. renumbering of the will be of great benefit city to The Streets | the men who drive delivery wagons. Tobacco Sign Torn Down. The large score board, which was placed in the fair grounds by the Imperial Tobacco company for the convenience of the baseball fans, was torn down by some unknown | person or persons. The posts were | sawn off close to the ground. | | { | Ave., To Celebrate Anniversary. His Grace Archbishop. Spratt will on. Friday celebrate the twelfth an- niversary of his consecration as Archbishop of Kingston and there will be a pontifical high mass in St. | SUFFERED TERRIBLY TILL DRECO CAME Kingston Lady Finds Wonderful Re- | lief From Stomach and Jidney Trouble and Praises Dreco to the Skies. One Bottle of this Grand Remedy Gave Splendid Results, | "For years I have suffered with stomach and kidney trouble," says| Mrs. J. Halliwell, of 208 University | when she fell and fractured one of | Kingston, Ont. "Gas would form on my stomach like a lump of lead and cause terrible belching. I had dull pains in my stomach and | across my back and my kidneys were | badly out of order. [I continually had a dull, tired feeling and didn't seem to have energy to do my work. Everything was an effort. Constipa- tion was chronic with me too, and I| had to take a laxative every night. 1] took many kinds of medicines, but nothing did me any good. Instead, I kept getting worse until I was at my wit's end: I didn't know what | to do and was continually worrying IH | | i about my condition, until one day | my husband read about Dreco and | suggested that I try it. | "I have only taken one bottle, but the improvement in my condition is | wonderful. My stomach hardly ever gives me any trouble now. The | pains have disappeared altogether | and my "dneys are in much better | shape. MN, constipation is greatly re- | lleved and 1° feel much better in| every way. | "I am going to keep right on tak-! ing Dreco, as one bottle, from the] immense amount of good it did me, | has convinced me that here indeed is & good, reliable remedy. This one! bottle did me more good than all the | rest put together." Run-down systems improve rapid-) ly under the corrective influence of Dreco's pure herb, root, bark and leat juices. This splendid, natural remedy soothes an irritated stom- | ach, 'arouses the liver, strengthens the kidneys and relieves constipa- tion. It purifies the blood and tones and regulates the whole system. Dre- co contains nu mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. Dreco Is being specially In- troduced in Kingston by Ma- 's Drug Store. It is also by Wallace & Co., in ue by W. E.| Austin, and by a good | ruggist { | ond concession of Thurlow ship, Is the possessor of a goose that In some cases it is necessary to gO | from one end of the street to the | other to locate certain numbers. One street, which has been renum- bered, had two houses with the same number in the same block. A Prolific Goose. Clapp, residing in the sec- town- J.T. has an extraordinary record for this year. In the spring, the fowl laid thirteen eggs and hatched same. Last week the goose was 'found sett- ing upon fourteen eggs which she had laid in an obscure place about the farm To Winter at Brockville, James S. Coleman, Staten Island, N.Y., has arrived in Brockville, and will spend the winter there. He is a native of Lyn. His wife a patient at the Brockville hospital, is * im- proving nicely following an aceci- dent sustzined some weeks ago her hips. Blocks From Gananoque. Over 800,000 paving blocks have reached Toronto. from the Street & O'Brien quarries in the - neighbor- hood of Gananoque. The stone is of a brownish tint. The blocke are | principally for use in the rehabilita- tion of the Toronto Suburban Rail- have | On Monday | | one of the animals was found cros- | vsing Barri® street on a cable. was | | person of Bert Bullard. He had been | tended by the clergy of the diocese. i ill for a few days of pneumonia. The | late Bert Bullard was a son of the | late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullard, | pioneers of the county. He was born | at Plum Hollow and was in his | | sixty-first year. He conducted a large | farm in Bastard township. He leaves {3 mourn one son, Joseph Bullard, | Plum Hollow, and one daughter, Miss Lola Bullard, Ottawa. | Died at Moose Jaw. ! Mrs. James Finlayson, Appieton, | has received word of the death of her brother-in-law, Hugh Rorison, who passed away at Moose Jaw on Nov. 8th. Mr. Rorison was seventy- two years of age, was born ana brought upon the Allan Grant farm in Fitzroy. In his early life he ana his brother conducted a large dry goods business dm Renfrew. He leay- es besides his widow (Lizzie Ruttle | of Innisville), three sons and three | daughters, all in good circumstanc- | es. The Destruction of Marash. Marasli, Turkey, the home of Miss Poladian, who speaks here on Sun- | day, was occupied by British Indign | forces at the end of the World War. | | During their stay excellent order was | maintained, but when French forces | relieved them disturbances began. | The ill-advised French Commandant | tureatezed the Turks with bhom- | bardment if they hoisted their flag | privileged to do | They flew the | { lag and his guns opened up, but ! | heavy rifle fire soon drove his forces | to the shelter of the grounds of the | as they had been under the British. | Girls' College. Here they were prac- tically prisoners, and starvation was | at hand. Disguised runners were | sent out to the nearest French regi- | ments, a hundred miles away, but | | an aeroplane returned with the ans- | 'wer that neither forces nor provi- | | sions could be spared. Then --but | perhaps Miss Poladian will finish the tragic story in one of her appearanec- es here on Sunday. | | FIRST MEERSCHAUM PIPE. Made Its Initial Appearance Hundred Years Ago. Smokers will be interested to know that the bicentenary of the meer- schaum fall this year, as it was in | ance. | The honor of discovering it Is ascribed to a Hungarian shoemaker, who was also a clever carver wood and other material. His ex- cellence in this direction brought him under the notice of Count An- drassy, who gave him a piece of whitish clay, which he had brought from Turkey tto carve. Finding thal it was porous, it occurred to the shoemaker that it might be good for making pipes as it would absorb nicotine. x (7 I~Storm Sash and Outside Doors Made to your order. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. AEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. a Rayphones These are excellent values and are 8s good as some $8.00 Hoadsets Regularly sold at $4.50 and higher elsewhere-- as usual, our prices are lower Bakelite Earpieces, cloth headband: extra long tinsel cord, large tips, wounds cor rectly, We prepay all mail orders. Remeniber "Your money back if you are not entirely satisfied." Canada Radio Stores Eastern Ontario's Only Real Exclusively Radio House 000 OHM 11723 that it made its first appear- | in | the | way inside the city limits. High School Principal. Miss Daley, Port Hope, recently He made one merely as an experi- | {| ment, and found that it was all ne | had imagined. Thus the meer-| schaum came into being. This first | | had charge of the light on teacher at Moulton College, is €ak- ing the principalship of the Marmora high school as Mr. Payette, the form- er principal, left to take up his new duties as separate school inspector of northern Ontario. Miss Saley is no stranger to Marmores as she was one of the teachers when the high school was first established four years ago. Hero Medal Is Awarded. Melvin Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. obert Allen, at one time resident of Carleton Island, where Mr. Allen Three Mile Point, N.Y., has been awarded | a Carnegie Medel and $1,000 by the Carnegie Hero commisvion for his act in saving the life of a shipmate in Duluth harbor three years ago. Allen is a world war veteran having served in the navy during the years 1917 and 1918, To Build Dinghies. A fleet of sailing dinghies for members of the Crescent Yacht Club is ¢o be built in - Watertown, N.Y., this. winter by Frank Obey, well known shipbuilder. The 14-foot sailing dinghy has become immense- ly popular on Lake Ontario. It is a one-design craft and at Kingston | there are twenty-five of them. At THIS CHRISTMAS What would be appreciated more? What would give long- er pleasure to the wearer? It's an investment worth while. Let us show rou now when our stock Is complete. You need not feel under any ubll- gation to buy. All "faultless quality." Diamonds in Solitaire, Three Stone, Cluster and Fancy Rings. Priced from $25.00 up Toronto there are eighty. The cost, delivered, will be $225. Winter in Park. The Canadian National Railways hotel the "Highland Inn" at Algon- quin Park, Ontario. 280 miles north of Toronto and 2,000 feet above the sea level, will open for the winter season on JDecember 15th, 1923. As accommodation is limited applica- tion for rooms should be made early. Write N. T. Clarke, manager, Algon- quin Park Station, Ont., for booklet or consult any agent of the Canadian National Railways. New Orchestra Heard, Ottawa School of Music Sym- phony orchestra, under the con- ductorship of Jack Cavill, made its debut in the Glebe Collegiate Institute before a large audience. It is a young organization, for the parent body, the Ottawa School of Music is only a year old. Prof. A. H. Howell, formerly of Kiugston, is the founder. In addition to the orchestra Miss Dellerene Craig, Kingston, sang "Pale Moon" and "For You Alone." -------- B. Bullard Passed Away. On Sunday the death took place at Plum Hollow of one of the best known mean in Leeds county in the meerschaum, by the way, is preserved in the museum at Pesth, Swollen Joints, Quickly Limbered Up RubOnNerviline | You would be surprised at the won- derful action of "Nervilime" in just such cases. Being thin and not an oil preparation, it is able to quickly, and down It sinks into the tissues. carrying its healing, soothing action wherever it goes. For stopping muscular or nerve pain, for easing a stiff joint, Nervillne ig a complete success Pain, soreness, stiffness, vanish before the magic power of this wonderful liniment. Nearly fifty years of success proves the merit of Nervi- line, which is sold everywhere in large 85 cent bottles. ---- HELLO 2-0-1-8! Is That Princess Pharmacy? Save me two bricks of Wil- lowdale Ice Cream for 9 to- night. Yes! deliver them to MRS. GOODTASTE, 06 Friendly Street ACIDS IN STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How to Treat. ------ oc Medical authorities state that near- ly nine-tenths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc | | | | | | Your Cuoice-- CHASE & SANBORN'S ou size bottles by. oll So rQ Makers also of Mathieu's Novos Powders the beat remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia 'everish Colds. ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB GOURDIER'S Phone 700 EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT ¥25-°28-°30 *32 and*35 The season's latest models for Men and Young Men. See our extra Trousers Suits at $28.00 TWEDDELL"S CLOTHING SHOP