THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1028 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CHRISTMAS Engraved Greeting Cards The holidays are just around the Have you ordered your en- corner, graved Greeting Cards as yet? wait until the last minute. ment of beautiful and artistic Christ- mas and New Year's cards is now com- plete, and there is ample time for us to give you our most. careful attention and service. R. Uglow & Co. i | I'they paid for thém. Also it is Pn -------- | Do You See Things As They Actually Are? So many thousands of peo- ple are viewing the world through abnormal eyes there is a possibility that YOU might by simply looking through a pair of made-for-you glasses {im- prove your sight wonderfully. If you aren't sure about this matter, you could do worse than interview us. W. D. GRAHAM, RO. Successor to @s locus cu Uplometrist Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS A Don't Our assort- ---- A arr et aN nt FINE FRENCH PEARL STRINGS = = The {indestructible French Pearls are acknowledged to be the finest. Their lustre and color most beautiful. These all have White Gold Safety Clasps, set with a dia- mond, or other precious stones, and range in price from $12.50 up to $125.00. Other strings with plain, White Gold Clasps from $5.00 up to $10.00 . 9 : Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, "Kingston's Gift Shop" J Ea ---- \ rr ---------- CHATEAU Phone. S00 WE NEVER Live or Dead Storage 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. A gh You oan never convince the dude that 'perfection on earth has never yet been attained." | LOWER POULTRY PRICES | Buyers Paid 26 to 32 Cents for Turkey on Wednes= | day Up There. 29 was ~~Napanee's suee Napanee, Nov two-day poultry fair | fully inaugurated yesterday and will | automobiles, be continued to-day. At an early hour in the morning ! streams of vehicles, motor trucks, twd-horse wagols, ona horse rigs, buggies, etc, wended | their way into town by every avenue | of approach and throughout the day | | year, but that the stream continued to pour in, each car and wagon being loaded witn | poultry of good quaHty, turkeys, | chickens, geese and ducks and thers | y were many specimens of extra fine, { The prices were not so good as last | was to be expected, | for many of the qommission houses last year had to dispose of poultry! purchased here at less money than said | | that large quantities of turkeys are being shipped to New York from the | western states at 25 cents a pouna. | There are also large stocks in cold | storage. s The prices here yesterday rang-| ed from 18 to 30 cents for chick- | ens; 25 to 32 cents for turkeys; 18] | to 20 cents for geese; 18 to 20 cents | | for ducks. The market square was filled 10) overflowing with.poultry, and in | | fact the whole central part of" the | town became a market place, A large | | number of representatives of com- | | tablished: in different | ping. dealers | other made extensive | depots were es-| parts of the | town for handling packing and ship- | It is conservatively estimated | that not less than a hundred tons| mission houses and were present and purchases. Seven of poultry was purchased yesterday. | Million to Wipe Out | to. | | and decided . workers. | i New Jersey Mosquito | | Atlantic City, N.J., Nov. 29. --It | will cost one million dollars to end | the career of the New Jersey mosqui- This was revealed last night when Mosquito Extermination Com- missions of nine counties met here to ask the next legis- lature for the money. It is estimated the state had 296,- 000 acres of breeding land when war on the mosquito started ten years Half of it has been drained sented spent $280,000 last year, while the state gave only $18,000. A mew heraldic Order of Crusad- ers held a gorgeous ceremony in Westminster with, an unknown as their head. The Ontario government has open- ed an immigration office in Glasgow. It aims to secure domestic and farm FIVE TONS OF New York State for Thanksgiving. Wolfe Island, Nov. 27.--Nomina- | tions passed off very quietly on Mon- day. Dr. Spankie was elected reeve by acclamation. Candidates for councilmen are: John O'Shea, John Weir, Stewart Armstrong, Samuel Taggart, William Gillespie and John Flynn. In returning Dr. Spankie by accla- mation, the ratepayers acted very wisely, as he makes a very efficient reeve, his watchword being always economy. About five tons of turkeys were shipped to the United States mar- ket for Thanksgiving. It is stated that the buyers lost money on their shipments. As high as forty-three cents was paid, the average price being forty cents. A few disposed of their entire flock, while others { were inclined to hold for Christmas trade. A number lost the greater part of their turkeys, due to some new disease and as yet no cure has been found. The funeral took place on Mon- day morning of Freeman, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Greenwood, to the Sacred Heart church and was largely attehded. Sympathy is extended to the bereav- ed parents. Colin Marlow was removed to the hospital - on Monday. Mrs. James Brown, who has been confined the Hotel Dieu for some time is convalescijpg. Winston Barron, Tor- onto, spent Sunday on the island. Miss Mabel McKenna, Watertown, is the guest of her sister, Miss Frances, for the week. Mrs. Prin- ger spent last week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Conly, Watertown, and the latter accompanied her home. Henry Larkin, Atlantic City, is renewing old acquaintances on the island. Miss Iona Fitzgerald, Wat- ertown, holidaying among rela- tives. Lizzie Keys and her daurtter, Arthur Day, Bath Road, week. A couple of boat loads of coal were unloaded at the island whart at sixteen dollars and fifty cents a ton. is Mrs. Mrs. sr ------ Trustee McLean Retiring. A. W. McLean, who has represent- ed Ontario ward for the past eigh- teen years has retired from the Board of Education on account of ill-health. term he decided to retire. Mr. Mc- Lean is the second oldest member of the Board of Education in the num- ber of years of service. J. G. Elliott, who enters upon his thirty-second year is the dean of the board. Mr. McLean has filled all the important positions on the board including the | chairmanship. HINTS FOR THE TURKEYS Al THE NAPANEE FAR shipped From Wolfe Island to] | { | { | GANANOQUE ' Nov. 29.--Harold Williams, who | was taken to the General Hospital, | Kingston, on Monday night last and { operated on for appendicitis, is re- | ported as progressing very favorably. Mrs. M. B. Stack, Brockville, is in town for a few days visit with her | parents. { W. J. Wilson is being showeren | with congratulations as a result op | his appointment by acclamation to | the office of mayor for the coming | year. Mr. Wilson has served man) times as our mayor and his past | fine record makes us quite confi- | dent that under 'his guidance the | town will continue to forge ahead. ! The scarcity of sunshine these aays should be a big help towards | piling up a big majority for day- | light saving for the months speci- fied. The opportunity will be giv- en the voters next Monday. . Mrs. George Little, Pine street, | entertained at a large tea yesterday | afternoon, | Much sympathy is expressed to! to | spent a few days here last | Although he was nomi- | nated for the position for another | Mr. and Mrs, John Gillespie, Willat- {sholme, whose daughter, Viola, pas- |sed away on Monday last. The funeral took place yesterday after- noon. ing Dr, and Mrs. Oshawa, have returned to town. | Mrs. Harry Keyworth and laughter are visiting friends :ugston. Marcella McDonald, Miss {Mrs. Antonio Vincent. Miss Violet Lee has returned af- | ter visiting Mr. and Mrs.' C. Lee, Oshawa, | Mrs. William Chapman has to visit friends in Buffalo. | Mrs. Nelson Amo is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Amo in Belle- { ville. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph jand Mrs. James Root motored to | Kingston yesterday and spent tha afternoon at the General Hospital Iwher Mrs. Root's little grandchild |--Dorothy Hutchison--4s a patient, | having recently undergone an oper- ation for appendiictis. Her condi- tion is reported as very favorable. Little Leonore and Bobby Leth- waite, Mitchell, are the guests of itheir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. | David Gordon, Princess street. MAKES HIS HENS LAY, Kingston Fancier Has Success With Electric Lights. "If you don't believe that electric | lights will make the hens lay during the winter months, then try it," was the statement of a poultry fancier to | a representative of the Whig on | Wednesday. The man stated that when he built his hen-houge a few years ago he was advised to install electric lights | and he was certain the egg produc- {tion was increased. On Monday | evening about eight o'clock he found two eggs in the nest and the next | evening he was surprised to find an- other egg which had been laid be- tween six and eight o'clock. ed to go to roost when the sun goes about six o'clock and the hens are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gould and | little daughter, who have been visit- | Fred Donevan, | little | in | Lans- | downe, is the guest of her sister left | Courtney | In most cases the hens are allow- { down, and the lights are turned on | BE CAREFUL OF YOUR HEALTH Wear Good Rubbers! Keep your feet warm and dry, at all times--keep your ankles warm-- then you need not worry. Have your Shoes properly fitted with our Rubbers. ¢ Keep your ankles warm with our Spats. Overshoes are popular for Ladies, Girls and Children. Bring your Shoes to us if they need repairing. Abernethy's Shoe Store ESTABLISHED 1854. JUST 25 MORE SHOPPING DAYS FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Till Christmas and by the way our regular cus- tomers and many new ones are having their gifts stored till Christ- mas, speaks highly of our service, Get mother's and father's gift now, as we have a large selection to choose from, at-- TEL. 147 FOR SERVIOR Not Too Early to seléct your gifts. Our stock of SILVERWARE, CHINA, DINNER SETS, CASSEROLES, etc. Grounding The Electrical System Perfect Ground Contacts Are As Important As Those 0f Wires THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS OF nearly all cars are of the single wire |type, that is, there is a wire leading from one terminal of the bat. to each lamp, the distributor, the horn, the starter-motor and the generator, but no wire leading back from each of these devices to the er terminal of the battery to carry the return current. Instead, each device is electrically connected, directly or indirectly to the car frame and the.current returns through it to the battery, one terminal of which is connected to the frame. The continuity of each circuit is thus dependent upon the good conductivity of the contact between its elec trical device and the car frame and when this fails the deyice will either not operate at all or will do so only at low efficiency, because of the energy lost at the defective contact. In assembling cars extreme care is taken to make these frame or "ground" comtacts as perfect as possible and they usually remain O. K. until they are disturbed. When, for any reason they have been broken by removing the device th which they are e, there is always a possibility that they may not properly re-established. Ground connections for the lamps are made through their brackets and unless they are tight and the metal surfaces clean, the lumps will burn dim. Upon the battery ground comnection depends the working of the entire electrical systems, and this and all other ground contacts must be kept clean and tight. A BRAND NEW DECARBONIZER given their evening meal. It is very | advisable to have lots of straw In | the hen house and make the hens | work for all the grain they get, If | they are allowed to get fat, the egg production soon drops off. SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. WE THE VICTORIA CAFE 854 King Street. Sing Lee and Gan Lée, Props. Telephone 762. HEARTLESSLY DUPED, Finds Supposed Father-in-Law Had | No Son. i Charlottetown, P.E.I, Nov. 29.--! Calling upon a physician in a neigh- boring village whom she believed to be her father-in-law, a young wo- man who, with a two-year-old child, arrived here a few days ago from the west, discovered that the man she had travelled across the con. tinent to visit had no married son, and had never heard of her. In her story to the local authorities, the woman sald that she was the wife of a school teacher in the west, who had lost his position, and had, with the help of the school trustees, sent his wife to the home of his father in Prince Edward Island, for shelt- er, while he sought employment in the United States. She had left the west with her ticket and $15 in cash. As far as can be ascertained the woman has been heartlessly duped, and the situation is rendered more pathetic by the fact that Immediate admissioon to a maternity hospital was necessary. /She has been taken care of in a local hospital, and her child sent to an orphanage. Young British Harvester i May Lose Both His Poot Brandon, Man., Nov. 39.--Without friends or money, "Willie" Jones, 19-year-old British harvester, grew tired of life two weeks ago and de- cided to die. He crawled into a straw stack on a farm near Rapid Clty, Man., and was found Monday with both feet so badiy frozen that they will probably have to be amputat- ed. Jones is now in the hospital at Brandon. The boy maintains he was in the stack for two weeks, ---------------------- Unconquered. : Within the past year fhe British sttempt to clifb' Mt. Everest has failed. It is possible that the snow- clad peak, rising 29,002 feet, wil still challenge men's daring and en- durance when the world has. been encircled © by Wepublican, is complete .and reasonably priced. Dinner Sets purchased now, held till Christmas. Get yours early, "Come in and look around" ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. On several of these mornings I have been unable to start the en- gine, although in the afternoon it has started readily. It is ne colder out of doors than in the garage, but I had no starting trouble, while the car was kept inside. Can you explain this? Answer: You may be wrong in thinking t is no colder outside than inside your garage at night, at this season of the year, and your failure to start your engine may simply be due to its lower tem- perature, when left In the open, | but quite likely the difffculty is that, standing out in the heavy avtumn dews the high tension imni- tron circuit becomes shortcircuited, by the dampening of its insula- tion, and nc spark occurs at the plugs. Late in the day, the insula- tion dries off and the plugs get cur- rent all right. Try wiping dry the spark-plug insulation and all parts of the distributor unit as well as the outside of the coils before at- tempting to start the engine. Shar Label, Sir, s your Health Insurance Policy *"True,--it may sound far-fetched. Neverthe- in the case of "CEETEE" it is your assurance of pure wool, and wool is the only sure protection against winter's chills and sudden in temperature with conse- lent doctors' bills. . TEE" label also insures a fine wool underclothing That will not shrink That will not * irritate the The only Canadian-made That is reinforced at wear- ing parts. That is knit to fit the natural lines of the body. Made only by E. P. writes: I have the follow- ing recipe for removing carbon: Take one pound borax and dissolve it In a pint of gasoline. When tank is run down to one gallon, pour this in and run engine until all is used 'What do you think of it? Answer: We fear that some mis- chievous person is trying to joke you or else you have been reading the 'Twenty Mule-team'" propa- ganda. We can't make any borax dissolve in the gasoline we are us- ing and utterly despair of making a pound of th& former go into solu- tion with one pint or less than a pound of the latter. Perhaps this recipe is like the famous one for catching birds by putting palit on their tails. We advise you against putting solrd, insoluble material into your car's fuel tank, for if it ever gets into the piping, vacuum tank or carburetor, it, is almost sure to clog them. There is no reason to suspect that borax would have any effect upon carbon depos- its, if it came in contact with them. Solvent liquids, such as benzol, acetone, alcohol and even kerosene, if injected into an engine's combus- tion spaces and allowed to remain there a while, do have some effect in 'softening carbon and will not clog the fuel system. -------- 'BE PREPARED For Stormy Weather OVERGAITERS, RUBBERS, GOLOSHES A complete, well chosen stock, ready to meet your requirements. "" or PREVENTS START- ING ENGINE 8. 8 asks: For the last few nights I have been leaving my car outside, in my driveway, as I am having my garage repaired.