Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1923, p. 16

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i Founded 1847. SUITS MADE TO 'ORDER You get fine custom woolens, ex- '4d pert designing, hand tailoring, master fitting, first class trim- mings -- all these things have a value which cannot be disregarded ~--if you don't get them you don't get genuine custom - made gar- ments. FINE MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS At reasonable prices for first class work. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 Brock St. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" = | Weese's. ANDERSON'S Quality--Larger Market--Service Retail Marr Phones 458-450. Business Office 365. Wholesale Department 1767. CHRISTMAS 22 DAYS OFF Every day marking some feature or features of preparation for Christmas and New Year festivities. A word about Display, Supply and Service. Special con- sideration is given department display. By this we mean goods placed for inspection and marked in plain figures. Much thought has been given to Quality by our buyers of the several departments. RESULT: the finest supply of Christmas Groceries ever offered. Prompt service, courtesy, coupled with careful consideration to the personal fancy or requirement of the patron to our store bespeaks the objective with our staff. Now to hand California Navel Oranges and Northern Spy Apples. This week 1,000 pecks Cooking Apples, per peck . : A ..4 | Pure Fruit = 1923 make. Raspberry. Strawberry, Black Currant, Red Currant--4 Ib. tins Gooseberry 90c. Orange Marmalade, 4 1b. tin . .. .75¢. Perfection Brand Eggs --put up in | dozen cartons . SrA Flour---Superior brand--best for Christ- mas baking--24 Ib.sack .......$1.10 BAKING POWDER--our own brand, 16 oz. tin BUTTER--Fresh Dairy Prints and Rolls, 1b. JPURE LARD--vitr oa kettle rendered, ib. Beef Kidney Suet, chopped or whole, 1b 20c. Crisco, a favorite for fine pastry, Ib. . . 28c. ooking Eden thio week 1,800 dozen, 39¢. meaty fruit-- sites assess Bibs 35ei milled . . . . . .6 Ibs. 25c. Hn) LYRA. DECIDES 10 Hol = 11S REGATTA AT SODUS | The Annual Meeting of the As=- sociation Held in Kings= ton Saturday. The annual meeting of the Lake Yacht Racing Association, represent- ! ill the clubs on Lake Ontario, held in Kingston on Saturday, which representatives were pre- ent from the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Queen City Yacht Club and National Yacht Club, all of Toronto; | Rochester Yacht Club, Crescent |} | Yacht Club, Watertown, N.Y.; Bay |} { of Quinte Yacht Club, Belleville; |} Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, Hamil- | ton. The meeting covered the rou- | Ji | t Ine business of the association, and |} was preceded by a dinner at which | the delegates from the various clubs | were the guests of the Kingston i} Yacht Club, and together with the |{| | sailing members of the yacht club, | were dined.at the Frontenac Club. | Some amendments were made to | the rating rules covering classes be- | tween 31 and 38-foot rating. | 'Rochester Yacht Club presented a | request for the 1924 regatta, to be |}! held at Sodus, and this was enthu- | | siastically received and decided up- {« The regatta at Sodus will be | | held on August 6th, 7th and Sth, | { and will be preceded by the race for the Freeman long distance cup. The |} ing a as wi at | race has now hecomé a national | event, the race being from Toronto | i | to Rochester. and "will be held on | {| August 2nd. 1 It is many years since a regatta | { was held at Sodus, but old yachts- | men who have attended regattas in | | the past are enthusiastic over the | §i | selection, as an excellent harbor and ih | vey facility for a successful re- | | gatta will be provided. Commodore C. H. Pook, of the | Royal Hamilton Yacht Club was | elected president; J. Barrows, of the | Rochester Yacht Club, vice-presi- ant, and A. B. Bowes, Toronto, | secretary. Late Mrs. Catharine Parks. © Mrs. Catharine Parks, wife of | Marshall Parks, Napanee , passed away in Kingston on Monday morn- ing. The deceased was born in Lennox county and was sixty-three years of age The remains were sent to Napance by James Reid, undertaker. Christmas photos,. reduced prices, PA A AA AA SA DAILY MEMORANDUM. Euchre and dance in Labor hall to- night Opening of Macdonald Sehoo! As- sembly Hay, Tuesday evening. Decem- ber ith, 30 pn Speeche by Rev. | 4 Mr. Fe crus iT members «f the] Beard of Education Tuan al pro- fi gramme. Adis Adr mission free. fre J CHRISTMAS | CARDS BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS NEATLY PRINTED HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAX | riavanny MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON BORN, { CAMERON--In Los Angeles, on Nov, | 25th, 1925, to Mr. wd Mrs Ke n- nevh cameron, (ne Hy 1d Cotman), | | | | | | | : | { | a son | GRAHAM--1In He te 1 Dieu, on Sunday,| bec. to Mr and Mrs G ranam, 286 Division Si, | wn ningston, on Dece embes 2nd, 1923, to Mi. and wre, A, i. tung, | 7 Krontenac tL, & son. COYLE--In Kingston, at the Hotel Dieu Hos & ov December 2nd, 1423, Joh aged 59 years, be- loved husband ot mary Hammon d, | { and third son ot tne late Mi ana Mrs. Henry C le. { r'uneral will ta ke piace from the fam- § ence, 66 Bay street, oni} ay morning at $30 to St 8 cathe drai, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung at 9 o'clock for tne happy repose ol his soul. Automobile cortege { Friends and acqueintances are kindly inyited to attend. | Hamiiwn, toronto and Montreal papers ¥ please copy. | JAMIESON--In Montreal, on November | 0th, 1923, Ralpn KE. Jamieson, aged! 24 years, alilitary 1uneral from his mother's resi- | deuce, 50 Quebec Strect, on Tues- day afternoon at 2 v'cloek to Cat-| araqui cemetery. | Friends and acyuainiances are respect. fully invited to attend. ORR---At Simcoe Island, on Nov. 30th,| 1923, Sterking urr, aged 53 years. | Funeral took place from nis late resi- dence to 'trandty. church, Wolfe is- { land, Dec. 5rd. Interment at Wolle | Island. JAMES REID The Olu rirm 01 undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923. OLD DAY CHRISTMA IS ALL EARS, LISTENING TO HEAR YOUR WISHES. HE IS SLY AND HIS MAIN IDEA IS TO SURPRISE YOU. WE LIST A FEW AP. PROPRIATE GIFT SUGGESTIONS HERE, AND WE ADVISE YOU TO SHOP NOW WHILE THE ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS A most unusual and attrac- tive assortment of Boxed Handkerchiefs. Pretty gift boxes and Handkerchiefs that are unequalled. Come I, 2 or 3 in box. Prices, per box-- 25¢. to $2.50 PLAIN LINEN Handkerchiefs make very acceptable gifts. Fine qual- ity, nicely made. 124c¢. to 50c. each MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS All pure Linen Handker- kerchiefs--nicely finished. 25¢.-75¢c. eaclh INITIAL HDKFS Make very acceptable gifts for Men. All pure linen. Any initial. 35¢. and 50c. each LINENS Also are welcome gifts. Run- ners, Tray Cloths, Linen: Towels, Centres, Linen Table Sets and Maderia Napkins. DOLLS Bring the children to see our big range of Dolls. Wonder- ful values. Sleeping Dolls with real hair-- 12 inch 14 inch 20 inch MAMA DOLLS Very popular with the Kid- dies. These are well made | Dolls and are quite satisfac- tory. LADIES' HANDBAGS Very serviceable Handbags, various designs -- some are solid leather. $1.50 to $5.95 SCARFS These make most delightful gifts. Assorted colors and stripes. All Silk. $1.50 to $5.95 Silk and Wool, $4.50 NECKLETS artistic and splendid values. ; $1.00 to $2.00 FOR MEN We-have gifts that will de- light and are also quite use- ful. Sets consisting of Sus- penders, Armbands and Garters. $1.25 to $1.5C BRACES In gift boxes .........50ec. TIES In fancy boxes .... ...75¢. KNITTED TIES New designs .50c. and 75c¢. ~ SCARFS For Men we have Silk and All Silk at $2.00 to $3.50 All wool at . ...$1.00 each SHIRTS Here is a real gift. A splen- did range of Shirts in Per- cale, Madras and English Shirtings. Assorted colors and designs. All sizes. $1.50-$3.00 | BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Fancy Necklets, decidedly | In White, Grey, Natural or White with-Satin Stripe. : $4.75 L IDL W & SON ~ LIMITED Sp--

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