a MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1023, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A # Builder from Childhood to Olid Age A AA AP Pl DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C.CAN.A.ON 164 BARMIE Sine! v'hone 1130J. | THE WHOLE FAMILY - | WAS LAID UP WITH SEVERE COLDS On the first appearance of a cough lor cold our advice to you is to get rid of it before it has a chance to | grow worse: gets settled on the lungs and causes bronchitis, pneumonia or i other serious lung troubles. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will immediately relieve the cold or cough on its inception. Mrs. David*Ayres, Kearney, writes: --"'Our whole family was laid up with severe colds, and we didn't | | | { ttt "MONEY TO LOAN $5,000 for investment in first mort- | gage on approved security. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET Central location... For terms, etc, apply at office, ueneral Insurance. Bonus Bought and Sold. ix. H. Waddell Phavues oau-Ddb. »4 Breck St. nm BP THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See us for nerk. Estimates gives oun Rew floors Jald., Have your hardwood floors cicau- vd with our mew fHoer ciceaniug .ma- chine, -------- PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjustiug. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. a aed DR.A.W. WINNETT VENTAL BURGAON, ot Juhnson and Wellington | Lurnes Phonpa 36: blreets ps For Moving of TT, FURNITURE, SAFES, FRE MANUS, he ARTAGE sod STORAGE oF! ERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. Lvemings 2231. "Wk . Hingren STREET, a 153 Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM LDS, DDS, Wellington d Brock Streets Entrauce, job Wellington Sg Evening by appointment. PHONE $70. -- WATTS Peopie's riorist 177 Wenugton Street. Flowers and Plants dally. designs, and wedding to vrder. Phone 1763. 1137. ruesh « uneral hougact, Reside vo, all kinds of Garpenny) a? ONLY ONE © SR THING There's only one other way in which. any one could get as good coal as we sell for less money, and that wouldn't be a safe way. We sell gs0d, sound, clean, sat- isfactory We give oil weight, charge the lowest posite pr ce, and de- | liver promptly an carefully. If you buy your next ton of us, you'll be sorry but for one thing--that you didn't begin to patronize us long ago. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 138 Grove Inn Yards Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters tor sale. ). Cohen & Co, 867-50 wi TA UO STRee, PHONES 836 and 837, W. H. Godwin Son FIRE INSUKANCE sented. Lowest possible rates. 89 BROCK STREET seem to be able to get any relief from anything we used until, one day a friend came in and told me we would be sure to get rid of our colds if we used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 1 decided to take her advice, ,and in no time our colds were all gone Now, | remedy, hand so as to have | emergency. " 3 Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is | 35¢c. a bottle; large family size 60c.; | put up only by The T. Milburn Co., {L | Bg knowing the value of your we will always keep it it in case of imited, Toronto, Ont. GET II REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, d. cdge tools around. paired. Keys fitted 10 ull Kinds of lo AL makes of Lawn sower rpeucd and re- putred, ropalr a871aing that is repairable, J. M. PATRICK 49 Sydentsm Street, Kingston hone 2058J. W.H. HALL & SON High Class Groceries and Provisions. NEW FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS New Peel.' New Raisins. New Currants. New Table Raisins. Christinas Spices, Prompt delivery, Phone 645. To Stop A Cold in One Day BROMO QUININE Tablets immediately to counteract the activity of Cold, Grip and Te enza Germs and bring to a sud- den stop the angers work of these dreaded disease germs in the human body. BROMO QUININE Tablets quick- ly render these germs powerless and completely destroy their organic ence. The Tonic and Laxative Effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets is very beneficial to the system at all times. The box bears this signature GC. Bpove Price 30c. Made in Canada Ont., | on | { | | | { { Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY ~--Als0-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON PHONE 637. 137-141 CLERGY STREET . an Dominion Meat Store Op. YMCA. Phones 1876-1877 SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Red Salmon (large) | fleid. son' of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore | was solemnized -at the Methodist ' young men, Ralpl 1 { gm KINGSTON AND VICINITY 11 in Hospital, 2 The many friends of G. A. Miller, Arden, will be sorry to learn he is laid up in the General Hospital, as a result of {liness. that Picton Cheese Board. There were 475 boxes colored cheese boarded at Picton, on Friday; 242 sold at 17 9-16¢, balance unsold. Board adjoyrned for this season Pembroke Bonds "Sold. Beil, Gouinlock Co., Toronto, purchased an issue of $45,000 town of Pembroke 5'c% thirty annual alment debentures on a bid of | 99.83. bave After a Memorial. { A movement has again been | launched in Belleville to insure the | erection of a suitable memorial for | the Belleville soldiers who fought | | in the Great War. Appointed Principal. Guy E. ate, received the position of princi- pal at the Welland High School at | a salary $3,000 per year, with | an increase each year until $3,600 has been reached. Johnson, a Queen's gradu- | of Sale of Boys' Overcoats, Most sensational value ever fered in boys" overcoats at The regular prices of these overcoats were $15, $16 and $17.50; ages |from 10 to 15 years. Prevost, Brock street. ol- Equipment Ready. Lloyd Mott, Toledo, Ont., ing outfit burned in the disastrous fire at Alfred Ireland's. where it | was stored for the summer, { outfit_all repaired again. Preaching in Toronto, Rev. R. J. Wilson, D.D., preached lin two important churches in To- ronto on Sunday, at Timothy Memorial Methodist church in the { morning and Old St. Andrew's in the | evening. Closed Their Engagement. With another capacity Saturday night, | Dumbells Company Ltd., closed their | engagement at the Grand | House. | big"audiences during their | the city. stay in 1 Named Valuator. D. L. Fleming, Ivanhoe, has been | appointed provincial valuator for | farm loans for his district under the | Department of Agriculture. The | appointment took effect this week. Mr. Fleming will make. his home in Belleville. Moving to Carleton Place, Stewart Crossen, who has been | in the employment of the Trent Val- Woollen Mill, Campbeliford, for a number of years, as overseer | of the carding department at nights, has gone to Carleton Place to fill a | similar position. | ------ ---- | on Wednesdays. { here? | ill the | of the ratepayers interested in the | scheme will vote on the by-law' ask- $10.50. who was | | s0 unfortunate as to have his saw- | has the | Eaton | | months, amd charges United States cit- | 1zens house on | the members of the | Opera | The company played to four | Sale of a Fine Team. | Ald. W. H. Patterson, | sold a team of black Percherons for | $550 to the Trenton Cooperage Co. | This team was doubtless the finest | pair in lleville; they "Were five and six years old and weighed 1,- 590 and 1,620 pounds each, or a Belleville, | | total of 3,110. Veteran Councillor Ill. Charlies McGregor, Myers Cace, a | veteran member of the Frontenac | county council, is confined to the | General Hospital, with quite a | severe illness. His many friends in | the city and throughout the country | will be very sorry to learn that he | is laid up. | Bagpipes Annoyed Boo-Hoo. It was the bagpipes at St. drew's ball in the King hotel, Toronto, that put Boo-Hoo, { the Queen's bear mascot to flight, Friday night. After being chased from the streets, Boo-Hoo landed in the hall room and put the dance "on the blink" for a few minutes. An- Secured a New Home. James Wales, Newburgh, has se- cured another home for himself, having bought the old Finkle place | from G. A. Aylesworth. Although Mr. Wales has come out of his real estate deals well, financially, he will J likely regard any desire to buy his home from him again, as an un- friendly act. Marisett-Clark Wedding. The wedding took place on Wed- i nesday of Miss Olive Ethel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ; Clark, Bloémfield, formerly of Flin- | ton, and Ase! Erle Murisett, Bloom- Flinton. The | Marisett, ceremony parsonage, Bloomfield. Edward | Car Burned. { A. J. Neal, Marmora, had his Me- | Laughlin car destrgged by fire. Two | nd Stanley Me- | Mechan, had driven it back hunting | and during their absence it caught fire from a short circuit or some | | other way, and the body, including the top and cushions, was complete- ly destroyed. The loss is partly joovered by insurance. Spoke on ---- | . Between the acts at the Grand Opera House on Saturday night, at J | the reduction of "Cheerio," Ald, Laturney gave a ten-minute on behalf of the chemical by. put the matter before the n an able manner. He a very strong appeal for the | to vote for the chemical George address law and audience i made rate by-law payers Closing. of the Banks, Complaint is being constantly made about the Kingston banks closing on Saturdays = at twelve o'clock Many think it would be a great advantage to have them open up te 3 p.m. as was the case years ago. Beileville banks are open to 3.p.m. and the half holiday is taken Could this be tried Vote on $73,000 Dridge Plan. By the failure of all the thirty- eightnominecs for municipal offices to qualify, save those necessary to vacancies, Pembroke had no municipal election to-day. But those ing for the loan of $75,000 for a ANDRE TARDIEU A famous Frenchman, who says that Germany has been preparing men and armaments undisturbed for, fourteen with financing the imports of cot*sn and copper, which amounted to twice the amounts imposed by France. mn 72a acl) Can Get Str Nl and Well Justas1 Di Dr CHASE'S NERVE FOOD er A A A Aa sat DONT FUSS WITH MUSTARD PLASTERS! Musterole Works Without the Blister-- Easier, Quicker 'There's no sense in mixing a mess of hatter, fois a Wakes Wiens Jud in easily relieve pain, or stiffness with a little rhily Wp Mausterole. Musterole is made of oil of present white ointment. It takes the place of mustard plasters, and will not blister. Musterole usually gives prompt relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma- tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises chilbfaras, Hosted feet, colds of chest (it may preven pneumonia). . 0c and 75¢, at all druggists. The Musterole Co. of Canada, Ltd.. The Gift | Supreme To Her A DIAMOND RING--whe- ther it be one at a price of" $350 or the less expensive at $100, $75, $50 or $25, you can feel assured that the quality of Diamond is the very finest and the mounting the very latest. Every Ring carries our guarantoe of satisfaction or money refunded. All mall orders receive our personal attention. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON | in Brockville today. i December Methodist church,. besides the chief { man, Judge Lavell, rr A delegation representing a num- new bridge over the Muskrat river, so that the congestion due to the traffic over the one bridge may be relieved. . ------------ Church Union Rally Meeting. At the Church Union meeting, on 5th, in Sydenham street Richard Roberts and Principal Smythe, Montreal, the fol lowing gentlemen are expected to take part: Prof. J. Matheson, chair- Prof. MacClem- | ent, Elmer. Davis and D. A. Shaw. | The devotional service will be con- ducted by the local clergy. Repre- sentatives of the different uniting churches will preside at the organ | and assist in the praise service. speakers, Dr. Canadian Pacific. | City Tickgt Office, 180 Wellington street, Te the following arrivals | of their steamships: l Montlaurier, from Quebec, Liverpool, Dec. 5th. Montclare; from Liverpool, due St. John, Dec. 1st. Montrose, from Liverpoo!, Dee. 1st. Minnedosa, from Montreal, arrive ed Cherbourg, Nov. 30th and due | Southampton and Antwerp, Dec. 1st. | Metagama, from Montreal, arrived | Belfast, Nov. 30th and due Glasgow, | Dec. 1st. Empress of Canada, from Hong ! Kong, due Vancouver, Dec. 3rd. due Montreal, _ due | Blakely-Young Wedding. A quiet wedding took place at | Grace Methodist parsonage, Nap- | anee, on Nov. 23rd, Rev. Mr. Ter- rill officiating, when Laura Pearl, oldest daughter of Mv. and Mrs. Christie Young, Sillsville, was unit- ed in marriage to Harry W. Blakely, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Blakely, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bush attended them. The bride looked charming in baby blue georgette over baby blue satin, while Mrs. Bush was very becomingly at- tired in navy radium lace and satin, Mr. and Mrs. Blakely on their re- turn will reside in Oshawa. Opposed to Withdrawal. ber of ratepayers in Athens waited on the Counties Council at Brock- ville with reference to the proposed withdrawal by the township of the Rear of Yonge and Escott from what is known as the Athens high school district. Some weeks ago an agree- ment was reached whereby the Rear of Yonge and Escott is to pay Ath- ens the sum of $15,000 for the erection of the new school, and all further obligations on the township to be relieved. provided that the counties council passes a resolution separating the township of the Rear of Yonge and Escott from the said high school district. The delega- | tion urged that the agreement be not ratified. -- Spoke at Hotel Dieu. The Hotel Dieu Hospital was a week ago honored by a visit from the president of the Catholic Hospi- tal Association of the United States and Canada, Rev. Fr. Moulinier, a distinguished educationalist for years associated with Marquette Uni- versity. For the last nine years Fr. Moulinier has devoted his entire time to the betterment of Catholic hospitals and at the same time to hospitals of all kinds on this con- tinent. Fr. Moulinier related the history leading up to the formation of the Catholic Hospital Association; of its need, of its aims, and of its development, of its membership to- day of over 700 hospitals, and 20,- 000 Religious Hospitallers supervis- ing over half the bed capacity of American hospitals. -------- A Kindly Appreciation. J. Browne, Cataraqui, writes to the "Whig: '""So Rechab Tandy has gone. A link with the past has been broken--something connecting by- gone days has snapped. Back in the sixties when the American civil war was raging, when the belles wore Storm Sash and Outside Doors Made to your order. .S« ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. AEW PHONE NUMBER--1371. NS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A CRS RADIO SET YOU HAVENT HEARD THE BEST Ir Customer port hears ing Mexico City Port 0), Havan points 3 (Cuba), and other And wy these statements have letters prove --we not be. The C.R.S don't want your sets are guaranteed muaey if you are satisfied, but we know you will P'rice $85.00 and up for complete sets, Others $30.00 up, (bulb type). informa- all mail further prepay for we Ww or call tion Remember, orders, ete stock St Jars west pric CANADA RADIO STORES OWNED AND MANAGED BY MEN WHO KNOW RADIO. Com crinolipes and the beaus sported ! sideburns, the Tandy brothers were , singing their way into the hearts of the people of Kingston and its vicinity. Those who used to attend tea-meetings at Scott's Corners and Waterloo, (now Cataraqui) have kept these sweet singers warm in | their memories. Some of the lst- | eners preferred the voice of Rechab ' and others that of William, but both were good and each had a person- ality that made many friends. How- ever all that is mortal must past, and Rechab Tandy has now put om immortal beauty. In his quiet rest | he will lie close to the spot he knew | s0 well, and will lie where many, | very many, 6f his old-time friends ! and hearers have gathered before him. "May his memory last. . Rockfield | Rockfield, Nov. 29.---Beautiful mild weather for this time of year coutinues. The cheese factory is closing down today for the season. | Miss Vada Louch spent last week- end with her sister, Mrs. R. Heaslip, Fairfax. J. H. Earle's family _are Miss Leita Chick, Mallorytown, is the guest of Mrs. Stanley Green. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Birtch spent dars last week with friends Rozk- | port. Nr. and Mrs. Harold Warren ! and son, Donald are spending the day at Yonge's Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ray White and daughter, Caintown, were recent guests at J. H. Barle's. Sealed for You Wrigley's is made of pure chicle and other + ingredients of highest "quality obtainable. But it is no use to make WRIGLEY'S 100% in quality and then reach you in poor condition. So we put it in the wax- Seaceo It TiGaT to keep it good --for you. Aids digestion --keers teeth white -- helps OVERCOATS EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT 325-328-*30 $32 and *35 The season's latest mod-ls for Men and ' Young Men. See our extra Trousers Suits at $28.00 TWEDDELL'S CLOTHING SHOP = The work of attending the { west of the Franklin bridge under : charge of D. Dowsley and gang, was interrupted by the storm on Friday. and owing to the muddy condition of the road, operations have mot yet been resumed. Miss Mabel has returned home after sp the past few weeks in Escott, Warren, Brockville, called on sister, Miss Eleanor Warren, recent Iy. 5