THE DAILY BRI1115SH WHIG , TUESDAY, DECEMBER . 1023, » er me THE APPRECIATED | | THE THREE BY- LAWS ARE CARRIED OPT Weoainre meni oie, Soni CRBlSTNAS au Chemica Company Measure Received Necessary Twe- "= with local showers or snow flurries. A i | Thirds Vote-=-Purchase of Fire Motor Pump Endorsed. V. ame The three money by-laws submitted to the ratepayers on Monday 10) WA I ( | | ical 1-1 in view of it granting exemp- all carried. The chemical company bi-law, | tion from taxation, pr svi a two-thirds majority vote, and the measure We have never been so well equipped with | ! secured this. The by-law to purchase harbor front property for the Just 17 More Shopping Days Then Christmas f WATCHES ™ for "Christ- | { chemical company also « arridd by a wide margin. The fire motor by-law, 8 about 'which there was a good deéal of doubt, was given a favorable vote | | mas as this year, and re- | liability has always been The two latter measures required | the outstanding feature. . Christmas | Suggestions Toilet and Manicure Sets. Bhaving Sets. Perfumery in cases. Perfume Atomizers. © Fancy Stationery. Fountain Pens. Powder Compacts. Sefety Razors. Canieras. Chocolates. A big display of beautiful and useful gifts. . ' OPEN EVENINGS. a majority of 72. | and carried by ouly a majority vote. The votes, were as follows Chemical i Company. | oie PLEASE SHOP EARLY ingidloedli Sydenham, No 21.40 28 3% v6 | Do your Christmas shopping this year leisurely and No. ED 23 with greater care. This can be accomplished by shopping There are many .de- Cataraqui RT a ~ L.T. Best] |: Fog 712 . . cs LADIES' R |Ouarle. No. 3, 37 3% 26 ez early--early in the day and early in the'month. As an | in the newest shapes and $1650--Frame Bungalow, 5 rooms, tol. { | Shop early and save 10%. . NO. BB iuneiiissenensi 9 3 30 2 66 28 . . . x Druggist RIBBON RB | No. 6 3 6 6 2 35 incentive we are offering for early Wednesday shoppers hone 39. , : ' ? | colors of Gold at | | $ | 2.00 to $200. | | Frontenac let, electric lights. Lot 33x115, GENTLEMEN'S | i =. rame, Fortamouth, WATCHE $1800--F tsmou ATCHES From 9 to 1 O'clock. OR SALE Sr] Double Discount Stamps 7 rooms, G3 BO pS OF RO = = 1D = od < Wo ES ro 00 C1 e Rideau in both Pocket and Wrist | styles at $6.00 to $150. "THE YOUNG PEQPLE'S STORE" 135 51 139 95 90 1079 1007 1489 626 1510 596 School Arustee Results on Page 13. $2000--4 rooms, tollet and electricity. Several to chouse from. Victoria -- p22 $3500---Frame, 7 rooms, 3 p. bath, fur- mace; mice location) stable and ' sarage; electricity. te Totals . Mayoralty, "Alor amie, $3700--For i stone Cottages. A Snap for quick bujer. Christmas Suggestions Here are a few practical gift sugges- tions from a store-full of beautiful gifts for every member of the family. Utiiities and #$0000--Stone, 10 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, h.w. floors through- out; a beautiful home. Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. SOWARDS STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 1565. «By linclc Ray Frosti Win; King Snow's Daughter, ) King Snow answered: "No, never shall you marry my Get away from here!" | sent | -- Most Norse stories raid were bad, but now and then we find | a story which speaks a good word for the big fellows. "Frosti has lost hig heart to Frosti was a giant who lived In [thee, and wishas to take thee to the the far north, He was bright and |north." ' giants {daughter, Frosti did not go far He this message to his love: The Doors of Toyland are open - wide and it's a glorious sight to see Well, Santa Claus has certainly left a wonderful assort- UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR SIURE. PHONE 311. ment of Dolls, Toys and everything at Steacy's. They present a wonderful array of all the things that good little Boys and e up reme Girls may expect to receive on Christmas morning. We invite you to come in and see the many attractions of our Grotto Toy- Electric Range McClary's two exclusive features, the TOR-RED PROTECTED PORCE- LAIN ELEMENT AND THE PER- FECTLY INSULATED ROUND CORNERED SEAMLESS ENAMEL. LED OVEN, place McClary's Elec- tric Ranges at the peak of Electric Ranges. On sale at o McKelvey & Birch, Limited General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plum Jobbare of Plumbere' and Gas-Fittery Supplies, Stoves, rium House Furnishing Re TR I eraakt Patstin and Paper Hanging, all kinds undertaken. PIANOS--VICTROLAS--SEWING MACHINES. F.tanisn G, Lind ie 0 This picture Thows a scene on a mountain near which many Norse. 'men lived. The huge rock must have suggested glants to the Norse |story-tellers, Shining Snow replied: "Tell him I love him, too, Ij letint ing--fair to look upon. One {day he made a trip to the land of | Finns. shall wait for him at the seashore." | | That day was the greatest of They met at the seashore ana | n Finland he met [started to flee from the country. | Shining | King Snow gave chase, His coldiers | {fired shower after shower of arrows | at the couple but the arrows were [like blunt white needles. They did uo harm. Frosti and Shining Snow escaped and began a happy married life in their bright northern land. | Prosti's life, for ia beautiful woman called |Snow, Shining Snow was the daughter of a gruff old giant, King Snow. She fell in love with the handsome Frosti, and he went to ask her father for her hand The Ciows Prints of Sermany "on his ; atvival at his home at Oels, photographed with the ex-Crown Princess, with whom he has become recondiled, itis reported, because of the ex-Kaiser's wife's secret ambitions to plage her own son on the throne of Germany. He defied his exiled father's com- mands in regard fo his return to Germany, and it now 2 oom that his trip across Germany included consullationis with many prominent royalist leaders. He declared that 20,000 men of ! selection would wipe out the republic. - land, SELECTING THE RIGHT TIE for the right man. Christmas stocks are now complete and | early inspection will disclose a | wealth of Neckwear for mas- culine members of your fam- ily. Priced from 50c¢. to $1.50 each. BED COMFORTERS Down-filled Comforters from England, covered with prettily patterned Silkaline, Silk and Satin. Priced from $12.50 to $35.00. A MAN AND HIS SHIRTS have a peculiar bond between them. We are proud of this collection of Forsythe Shirts and would suggest choose early while stocks are at their best. Priced from $1.50 to $4.50 each. LINEN TOWELS Towels of Irish Linen Huck, daintily hemstitched -- make charming, practical gifts ap- preciated by all housekeepers. Priced from 50c. up. HOSIERY Women always wish for Christmas Hosiery. Give her who likes the out-of-doors a pair of Silk and Wool Sport Hose. And for Home and Evening Wear fine Silken Hose. Priced from $1.00 to $3.50 pair. HAND-MADE RUGS From Murray Bay come novel- ty, hand-made, Homespun Bed Rugs, in colors Rose and Blue. Here is a unique gift for the practical gift giver--one that will be greatly appreciated. Priced from $9.75 up. PLEASE SHOP EARLY! TEACY'S - "The Store With The Cliristmas Spirit' tT