Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1923, p. 6

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TUESDAY, DECEMBEF 5, 193d. THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG EN Builder from Childhood to Old Age i A ELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C.CANNON 154 BARRIK STaket Phone 1158. oa ee Ae a ea a 'REALESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE Reliable English, Canadian and American Companies represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. addell 56 Brock St. Pn mm a, ae - THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. Carpentry See us for all kinds of work, Estimates glves on new floors nid. Have your hardwoud floors clenu- ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma- chine. em PIANO TUNING Plano Tuuipg, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman fi. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 184. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. wruer of "Johnson and Wellingtun Mrocts For REIGHT, V PIANOS, CARTAGE asd STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Lmupe 377. Kvemngs 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM LDS, DDS. Wellington and Brock Streets. 1590 Wellington St, | NO MORE WEAK 'and DIZZY SPELLS Since She Used MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills Miss Bertha Charrette, Regina, | Sask., writes:------"1 have had a lot of trouble lately, with what [ thought | was heart trouble, and after any un- usual exertion I always felt sick My doctor adyised a complete rest and change, but this 1 was unable to take I became interested in Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 50 started tak ing them. 1 have now taken three boxes and am so much improved I can go about my daily work without feel- ing any after ill effects, and have not had any wegk or dizzy spells for gome time. Your medicine has done me more good than anything [I have ever taken, and I will gladly recom- mend Milburn's Heart Pills to any woman who is weak and run down." Price 50c. per box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Am As mmm Removal Notice DR. H. A. STEWART | announces that he has moved his Dental Office to | 84 BROCK STREET, | Opposite Livingston's Clothing | House UGLY, ITCHING SKIN | The First Application Makes Skin | Cool and Comfortable. If you are suffering from eczema {or some other torturing, embarrass- ing skin trouble you may quickly be rid of it by using Mentho-Sulphur, | declares a noted skin specialist. | This sulphur preparation, because of its germ destroying properties, seldom fails to quickly subdue itch- | ing, even of fiery eczema. The first | Phone 368 | application makes the skin cool and | comfortable. Rash and blotches are UNIT nk, sarms, | healed right up. Rowles Mentho-Sul- | phur is applied like any pleasant cold cream and is perfectly harmless. You | can obtain a small jar from any good | druggist. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2043w. R----1 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. puneral designs, and wedding Louquets to order. Phone 1763. Hesidence, 1187. -- WR McRae & Go | GOLDEN LION BLOCK. NERA ru Samirmmprrbirut | ONLY HING There's only one other way in which any one could get as good coal as we sell for less money, and that wouldn't be a safe way. We sell good, sound, clean, sat- isfactory coal. We glve full weight, charge the lowest possible price, and do- liver promptly and carefully. If you buy your next ton of us, you'll be sorry but for one thing---that you didn't begin to putronize us long ago. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 1838 Grove Inn Yards DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE 2494J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to § p.m. | | Dr. W. O. Vrooman and Nerve | SULPHUR SOOTHES 1 H. To Winter at Perih. Charles KE. Britton spend, the winter of Rev. Dr. Bedford Jones. to in the Harold Sale of Boys' Overcoals, Most seasational value in bo The regular pric $15, 318 from 10 to 15 years street. Gd anoque Perth Mrs. | | guest ever of- at $10.50 of these overcoats $17.50; Prevost, Brock fered o'ercuat were and ages Checse Board Sales, Belleville, 232 at 17 7-8¢, Stirling, 2 at 17 15-16c¢. Cornwall, 358 at 17 1-4¢ b-8 St. 1-8c¢. Hyaciuthe, 100 at Que, i Postmaster Has Resigned. | station No. 1, Upper Prince:e street, has resigned. No appointment has been made as yet, but just as soon | as the vacancy has been filled, the office wil be opened again. Made Over $900. The Woman's Association of Syd- enham street Methodist church, af- ter summing up all the receipts from the various booths at their bazaar and tea, find they have con- | siderably .over $900 in the treasury. Judge Has Takem Residence. Mrs. R. J Wilson is movipg out | of her house on Barl street ghd will spent the winter at the Densmere. | The house, owned by D. G. Laidlaw, | will shortly be occupied by Judge A. Lavell and family. Long Time to Wait. A great deal of dissatisfaction was expressed on Monday over the location of some of the polling sub- divisions. In some cases it took about three-quarters of an hour for | the citizens to register their votes. | | The Rush Started, | There is evidence of the near ap- | | post Monday of proach of Christmas at the | office every day now. On { morning there was a big rush mall going long distances and from | now on the post office staff will be kept on the jump Jooking after the Yuletide: mall: To Speak Wednesday Night. Those who have heard Dr. Roberts conference at Elgin House or in { Convocation Hall, Toronto, will need | no urging to be present al tho Church Union meeting in Sydenham | Winter Coats made to {order from $12 up to $25 | L. WINSTON LADIES TAILOR | Phone 993. 97 Wellington Street. Hemstitching Picot Edging MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners ASPIRIN Say "Bayey" and Insist! { | Phone 2106. Bagot and William Streets | SEELY'S STAY-DREST The popular Hair Dressing everybody is using. It is not greasy and makes the hair stay as combed and gives it lustre. Make this Drug Store your convenience. Open till 10 p.m. every night. (Opp. St. Andrew's Church) Phone 82 $4700--Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B,, elec. and gas, furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors and garden. $4800--Double frame, each has 7 4 Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. 67-330 LHTARIV STR PHONES 83€¢ and 837, -- | y 3 p. B,, elec. and gas, cellar, porch and gar- den. $4600---Drick, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2) Pp. B,, sep. toilet, clec. and gas, hot water heating, veran. dah, good garden and garage. Easy terms, $3300--Brick, 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B, elec. and gas, furnace and fireplace, verandah, hard- wood floors, garage and garden. FARMS ' $4000--100 acres, 435 acres work- land, balance W. H. Godwin &Son FIRE INSURANCE Lowest possible ratos. 89 BROCK STREET Phose 424. " Statistiss show that) much to the cow's disgust, the poy are eating more beef, 1 | getting the genuine Bayer Unless you see the name "Bayer" ! on package or on tablets you are not product proved safe by millions and prescrib- ed by physicians over twenty-three years for : Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy box- es of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100, Aspirin is the {rade mark (reg- istered in Canada) of Bayer Maunu- facture of. Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufac- ture, to assist the public against imi- tations, the Tablets of Bayer Com- pany will be stamped with their gen- eral trade mark. the "Bayer Cross." rr ,,, Sterling Toilet Sets FOR CHRISTMAS. What would look more beautiful on her Boudoir Table than a pretty Three- Piece Toilet Set, Mirror, Brush and Comb in sterling Silver with engraved and engine turned designs, and since they are open stock patterns, other pieces may be added to them at any time. These sets are heavy and made for service. Priced from $35.00 to $150.00. PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON has left Gan- | and | 7 | meeting H. B. Wilson, postmaster at sub- | recent of Montreal speak at the students' | -- reet church, Wednesday, when is sure to bring an inspiring mes- | sage. si Death At Seele)'s Bay. Novemt 30th a gloom was cast over th of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Simson, Bay, when scarlet fever entered apd tock from their daughter, Iva Clark, aged five years. Sympathy | is extended to the who will miss a bright and face and cheerful disposition On ber wom Secley's midst their second loving Joining the Board of Trade. As result of the given by the Board Trade in the Hotel Frontenac when rural a he | | T. Heaslip bereaved parents, get-together | of | | provincial residents were the guests of | KINGSTON arp VICINITY | work, assisted by E. Chisamore and Napanee Farmer's Trouble. A farmer residing, near Napanee, reports to the provincial police that some time ago he endorsed a cheque received for the sale of milk, aud sent it to bank at Napa- nee. to be placed to his credit there A few days later he called at the bank and was informed that the cheque had neither been cashed nor credited to his account. About two weeks later he again called at the bank. and learned that the cheque had been cashed, but had not been entered to his credit. The police are investigating the the affair. { honor, three new members are re- | { ported in the persons of J. J. Wil- mot, Pittsburg, A. D. C. Rogers! More applications | are expected. | Late John Pepper. { John Pepper, contractor | builder of Belleville, icd on Thursday after a short ill- s. The late John Pepper born in Perth, eighty-two years agn. He followed penter and builder. ower and leaves one son, and four daughters the occupation ol car- William, Operation On Her Eye, Mrs. W, J recently went operation on the eve, is still in the Royal! Victoria Hospital there. The operation, which was most success- ful. was performed by Dr. Gordon Byers, a former Gananoque boy. Mrs. Reid expects to be able to re- turn home shortly. Veterinary Injured. Pinned for fiftcen minutes under his motor car before being rescued, Winchester, formerly of Gananoque, was found to have received several broken ribs and severe bruises when | he received medical attention. Dr. Bean's car left the road and turned turtle when was attempting to pass another motor. he Former Kingstonian Named. The McGill University states that | has been recommended for the am- bassadorship of the United States {In China. Dr. Thomson's mother, Elizabeth Ferris, was born Kingston, a daughter of John Fer- ris, and Mary Ryder. was one of the founders of King- ston and was the first crown sur- veyor, laying out much of the city. Part of the family estate was Cataraqui. Agnes A, Senney Dead, On Thursday Mrs. Agnes A. Sen- ney passed away at the Belleville Hospital. Deceased was a resident of Havelock and was brought here for treatment. Mrs. Senney was in her 61st year and had resided in Havelock for some time, Her hus: years ago. Four sons' are living namely, James, Belleville; Edward and Fred., Havelock, and James E., who is in a military hospital in Canada. Had Finger Amputated. afternoon, Arthur Worden, of Beach's Corners, Elizabethtown, had his right hand caught in the ma- chine, with the result that, it was found necessary to amputate the forefinger at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital The remaining fingers were badly lacerated. Mr. Worden was attended by Dr. W. Ernest Harding. Buying Homes in Picton. Mrs. C. N. Ruttan has bought the cozy home erected by Mr. Burns on Elizabeth street, Picton. Mrs. Rut- tan and her mother, Mrs. H. M. Johnson, will reside there. Many friends will be pleased to welcome them back to Picton. John Sinden has bought the Da- vid Gallagher property on Paul street, Picton, together with two lots from Mr. Clayton Morden. Mr. Sinden will move from his Mary street home to his newly purchased property. Engineer Retires. John Muir, Belleville, has retired under pe sion after fifty years of service with the Grand Trunk Rail- way. He started as an apprentice in the shops, and for the past forty- three years has been ap engineer, tor twenty-three years being im the passenger service. . For twenty-one veard he was on the International Limited, running from Belleville to Toronto and Belleville to Montreal. During the past couple of years he hag been running from Belleville to Kingston and Belleville to Toroato. snc A New Enterprise. The high point to which the price of furs has soared in recent years has resulted in the .establish- ment of ranches for the breeding of foxes, skunks (Alaska sable) and other fur-bearing amimals. And now comes one for the rearing of musk- rats. A Detroit party has pufchased several acres of marshland from _E. Chisamore, Halstead's Bay, and is E. Weller and | , and was | Reid, Gananoque, who | to 'Montreal for an | , sions at the door. Allen: Dr. J. S. Bean, veterinary surgeon, | | and Mrs. Copley: | table, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. The attractive tea table, with | Daily | Dr. J. Stuart Thomson | in | John Ryder! at band predeceased her some eight | While operating a circular saw | run by a gasoline engine yesterday | Convalescing Nicely. Nelson Giles, Centre, Prince Ed- ward county, is just recovering from a very serious accident. Mr. Giles, | on July 5th, was struck by a Cana- | dian National train and was hurled and | for sixty years, i seventy-five feet, with the result that his shoulder was dislocated head gashed so that stitches were necessary the wound. Although he passed his | eighty-ninth birthday on Nov. 2nd. He was a wid- | i he is now recovering rapidly and | feels with the advent of spring that he will be as well as ever. Frontenac Chapter OES. Sales, In spite of the inclement weather on Friday, the tea and sale held by [ the ladies of Frontenac Chpter, No | 90, O.E.S., ws most successful. Mrs. Jordan, worthy matron was conven- Mrs. Woodrow took the admis- Fish pond: Mrs. J. Marshal and Mrs. Bearance; par- cel post, Mrs. F. Hamilton and Mrs. 'home cooking, Mrs. Horne Mrs. T. Marshal; baby's table. or. and | Mrs. Dart and Mrs. Campbell; apron Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. Fitton, fancy-work table, Mrs. G. Rothwell and Mrs. W. Vince; candy table, Miss Mabel Ken- nedy and Mrs. S. Wright; chance M. Hamil- table, ton. its pre:ty red carnations, was pre- sided over by Mrs. Hazelton and Mrs. C, Creer, assisted by Mrs. God- win, Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Ni- cholson, who poured tea. | young ladies served the visitors at | quartette tables . | was realized. i | Kepler News Budget. Iepler, Dec. 1 {.augmented by Kepderites, drove to i the home of W. and gave them a happy surprise in | the form of a miscellaneous shower. Mr." and Mrs. Wolsey | great numberof very useful presents | and everyone reports a very pleas- | ant evening. | home. Miss Grace Garrett and Mrs. | E. Lawson are training the children | for a Christmas tree. Mrs. B. C | Freeman . left last twelve | to sew up | A bevy of | A goodly sum | --On Tuesday even- | ing a Jarge crowd of Forest people, ! Welsey and bride | received a |! W. H. Horning is hav- | ing a new furndce installed in his | Monday for her | PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, - acid, "Pape's Diapepsin."" The moment. it reaches the stomach all sourness, tion and pain disappear. gestion at once. trouble for few cents. gassy | stomach, after you eat a tablet of| flatulence, heartburn, gases, paipita- | Druggists | End your stomach | KINGSTON has an uptown Drug Store-- active, bright, convenient, de- pendable--and all the side lines PRINCESS PHARMACY "Where Princess and Division Cross" Just Phone 2-0-1-8. We deliver. AEW PHONE NUMBER--1571 Storm Sash And Outside Doors Made to your order. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards.® Bay and Wellington Strecis, hingston, Unt. Nemo CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" | Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages ! Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has { been in use for over 30 years as a | pleasant, harmless substitute for | Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops {and Soothing Syrups. Contains no i narcotics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians everywhere | ON home in Cranbrook, B.C." after spending several months with her mother. Mrs. K. Lawson has return- ed home after visiting friends ".« the city. Visitors: Miss Lillie Guess, Sydenham, at Arthur Smith's; Mrs, Duncan at E. Donnell"s; Mrs. N. | Orser and Miss Helen Orser, Harrow- { smith, at Newton Orser's; Miss Ina | Caverly, Cataraqui, at E. Lawson's; | Mrs. Alice Freeman, Wilmur, at A. | Orser's. A Glenvale Entertainment. | Glenvale, Dec, 1.--The Young People's Society met in Orange hall 'on Friday evening when they enter- tained the Young People of Catar laqui. Another interditing event lof the same occasion was the pre- sentation to Rev. A. L. Blacklock, of a token of appreciation to him lof the Society The address was |read by Mildred Orser and the pres- |entation made 'by Briden Clark, af- | ~ "recommend it. The kind you have | always bought bears signature of | ter which Mr. Blacklock thanked the Society in a few but very ap- | preciative' words. | Mrs. G. A. B. Clark has returned from visiting friends at Lansdowne. [Miss Marjorie Ellerbeck spent the week-end in Kingston, the guest of her uncle, MN Watts. Mr. and Mrs. IR. Van Order are rejoicing over u {birth of a daughter. Mw. R. J. Kllerbeck spent the week-end in Kingston. Miss M. Orser and a party of friends motored. to Smith's Falls and spent the week-end with {her g'ster, Mrs, Percy Butterill, Mr. {and Mrs. H. Burke, Oso, at J. Cooper's, In Los Angeles, a plumber ool. lected a bill nine ycars old, proving they don't forget everything. Europe i8 so noisy now France doesn't even hear her franc drop. Allies have Germany's goat .and are taking. it to the glue factory. of This his ly I Eczema Covered Arms Sprucedale, Ont., writes:>-- "When my 7litle son was three months old he broke out in sores on could to heal those terrible sores, but nothing did him much good. Final Ointment and kept on using it. At DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT 60 cents a box, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., I4d., Toronto. Healthy Child chest and arms. We did all we ventured on a box of Dr. Chase's last we were rewarded by the steady healing of the sores, and finally he was completely reliey- ed of them. He is now three years old, and has had no re- turn of the trouble since." ALASKA SEAL | HUDSON. SEAL PERSIAN LAMB | guarantee each package to correct di- | -GOUR DIER'S r Phone 700 Young Men. OVERCOATS EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT *32 and *35 The season's latest models for Men and 4

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